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Angra - Edu Falaschi Leaves The Band

Edu Falaschi is not a member of Brazilian power metallers Angra anymore. The vocalist has issued today the following official statement about his departure: "Dear friends, fans and partners, there comes a moment in a man's life when it is necessary to make a radical decision in order to move forward with dignity and renewed energy. I'm in a very happy moment, where now, at age 40, I'm fulfilled and incredibly satisfied to have succeeded in making almost all my personal and professional dreams come true."

"I have a beautiful family, many wonderful friends and fans who have followed me for over 20 years and a lasting career with more than 15 albums released, several world tours and thousands of copies sold worldwide. I am a lucky person to have made it this far, singing Heavy Metal and been around the planet playing the music I love the most. I've been thinking for some time now, about the path to follow and finally came to the conclusion that it is time to take the more natural road."

"It is with a mixture of relief, joy and sadness that I have to declare that from today on I am not the voice of Angra anymore, I'm leaving the band already missing a lot of what we built together, specially the happy times of Rebirth and Temple Of Shadows. I will never forget everything that we experienced from good to bad times, after all we must always look at the good side of things, even when things are most difficult. I am eternally grateful for those 10 years of many victories and for all the opportunities given to me, I wish them luck on their journeys."

"Whenever they want or need I will be around and ready to support them! I am and will always be very proud of our history! My life is music and music is the food to my soul. I have many plans and projects for the future! Some of them are already well established, strong and generating excellent results and so, they demand and deserve my full dedication, and of all the people involved in it. That's why I also want to announce that Felipe Andreoli is not the Almah's bass-player anymore! He will keep working only with Angra and his other projects! I will go on with my ideals and my career as a singer, songwriter and producer. Thank you all, with love... Edu Falaschi"

Band profile: Angra
Posted: 24.05.2012 by OpenMind


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Comments: 30   Visited by: 216 users
24.05.2012 - 21:18
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Haters of flower metal your day become today
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
24.05.2012 - 21:38
Sad news. I really enjoyed Rebirth and Temple of Shadows, great albums both, and the best sound of the "new" Angra in my opinion.
Sorry for the bad English writing :P
24.05.2012 - 22:30
Unasuming Madnes
Written by Bad English on 24.05.2012 at 21:18

Haters of flower metal your day become today

Angra to me never really fit into the flower metal label, as they seemed to definitively have their own style and refrained from the "glory of metal and light and dragons" mentality that the more generic Power Metal bands.

Now if Luca Turilli's exploded in a ball of glorious light, It proof that even divine forces don't like power metal.
24.05.2012 - 23:12
Matos will be back now
25.05.2012 - 01:16
Angelic Storm
This is sad news, but also very much expected. After Edu made that statement a few months ago about his voice, I just knew that it was highly likely that he would be exiting from Angra.

The only thing that will soften the blow of losing Edu, is for Angra to get back with Andre Matos! I really hope this happens.

And yep Paradox, Angra are not "flower metal". lol
25.05.2012 - 02:24
Wait he will keep making music right? or did he become a normal and boring part of society now?
It wasn't long until they left their cave and wondered outside once more, amazed they realized that the world had not ended as they had fearfully believed during the night. In fact, the grass was greener, the air fresher and the sun had risen again.
25.05.2012 - 02:39
Mountain King
K i K o
I wanted to see them with Edu eventhough he lost most of his good voice already. I don't want Andre back because he sucked in Symfonia. I don't know what Angra should do, but they should get someone who sounds like Edu and go back to the Rebirth & TOS era which is the best ever made by Angra. Sad news. I hope the band find someone appropriate and record another masterpiece.

About Flower Metal comments. Wtf is that?!! Power Metal is not flowery or soft and gay unless it's Power Quest (eventhough they have some good songs) or something like that. Angra, Helloween, Stratovarius, Lost Horizon to mention a few are fast, catchy & heavy. People who label these great bands as "Flower Metal" are seriously dumb. Poser death and black metal is not so cool too ...
25.05.2012 - 02:46
Baz Anderson
Unfortunate... "Rebirth" and "Temple Of Shadows" were brilliant albums, but the last two weren't so good...
25.05.2012 - 04:40
LeChron James
Damn, that's crazy. I'm not big into Angra, but still, big news. It'd be even crazier if Andre Matos came back haha.
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
25.05.2012 - 10:34
Account deleted
Not surprised... the last 2 albums wasn't too enjoyable. It's a good decision, he was too committed to his solo project and it was the matter of time. Anyway, i am glad!!! I look forward to the new singer!! Hopefully Matos
25.05.2012 - 11:27
Sad news ! Glad i had he chance to see them last year, must confess that he had some troubles on high pitched phases, hope the new will better fit, why not a come back of Andre Matos, still remember his remarkable performance "Wuthering Heights" *_*
25.05.2012 - 12:08
This, I did not see coming!
Freeze! Step away from the hubris.
25.05.2012 - 17:16
Dark Cornatus
Written by Mountain King on 25.05.2012 at 02:39

About Flower Metal comments. Wtf is that?!! Power Metal is not flowery or soft and gay unless it's Power Quest (eventhough they have some good songs) or something like that. Angra, Helloween, Stratovarius, Lost Horizon to mention a few are fast, catchy & heavy. People who label these great bands as "Flower Metal" are seriously dumb. Poser death and black metal is not so cool too ...

I used to be a huge Power Metal fan, and most stuff i liked was that genre. I feel i now have matured in my music tastes now, and have explored a lot of extreme metal too now. I can now see why the flower metal label comes out, because at times, it is like that. Some bands i used to listen to heaps i just find too poppy or lame. Most are still great mind you (look at my fav bands list for example). I think Doom metal may have changed my view a bit haha.
25.05.2012 - 18:33
Angelic Storm
Written by Dark Cornatus on 25.05.2012 at 17:16
I used to be a huge Power Metal fan, and most stuff i liked was that genre. I feel i now have matured in my music tastes now, and have explored a lot of extreme metal too now. I can now see why the flower metal label comes out, because at times, it is like that. Some bands i used to listen to heaps i just find too poppy or lame. Most are still great mind you (look at my fav bands list for example). I think Doom metal may have changed my view a bit haha.

I certainly wouldn't class that as a "maturing" of music tastes, as I don't see any correlation between a liking for extreme metal and "maturity". Just as suddenly finding some power metal "poppy and lame" isn't a measure of "musical maturity" either.

Although I never use the term "flower metal", and never would use it, in some instances I can kinda see why the term would be used. Calling Angra "flower metal" though, is just ignorant in the extreme. And shows not only a complete disregard for that style of music, but also a total lack of knowledge of that style of music. Music doesn't have to be ultra aggressive with indecipherable vocals in order for it to qualify as "metal" and "non-pop", but I get the feeling that is exactly the way a lot of extreme metal fans look at it.
25.05.2012 - 19:57
Mountain King
K i K o
Excuse me everyone but Power Metal is fast and very aggressive at times but the best music is not about aggressiveness anyway. It's definitely not singing about Satan and hell. Power and Progressive metal are the best to me because of the great melodies, harmonies, music theory and amazing voices involved. I'm talking about the leading bands. Of course there are cheesy poppy lame Power Metal bands but that's the case in every musical genre...
26.05.2012 - 18:14
Written by Jiri on 24.05.2012 at 23:12

Matos will be back now

It impossible colleague, Bittencourt said in his own page of Face, the band must go through a renewal Falashi was with his 40 years there will be a singer "new" soon.
26.05.2012 - 19:09
Written by Angelic Storm on 25.05.2012 at 18:33

I certainly wouldn't class that as a "maturing" of music tastes, as I don't see any correlation between a liking for extreme metal and "maturity". Just as suddenly finding some power metal "poppy and lame" isn't a measure of "musical maturity" either.

Listening to more extreme metal has nothing to do with maturity.
However, lots of Powermetal bands are poppy and lame nowadays. The genre moved quite a bit from its melodic Speed Metal roots. I would not call old Helloween or early Blind Guardian poppy and lame but I would apply this description to the Powermetal genre nowadays (or rather to what it became).

Written by Angelic Storm on 25.05.2012 at 18:33

Music doesn't have to be ultra aggressive with indecipherable vocals in order for it to qualify as "metal" and "non-pop", but I get the feeling that is exactly the way a lot of extreme metal fans look at it.

I think listening to lots of extreme stuff makes you think like that after a while because after listening regularly to more extreme music softer metal really starts to feel weak and poppy. I believe it's a side-effect.
In my case, I can tell that Powermetal feels biteless and very boring compared to Black Metal.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
26.05.2012 - 20:50
Back to topic, Edu will be missed. I agree his effort has lacked in the most recent two albums. Temple of Shadows will always be in top 10 metal albums. Hope he figures out what he wants. At the very least he would be a good mentor to up and coming bands.
27.05.2012 - 02:37
Dark Cornatus
Written by Angelic Storm on 25.05.2012 at 18:33

Written by Dark Cornatus on 25.05.2012 at 17:16
I used to be a huge Power Metal fan, and most stuff i liked was that genre. I feel i now have matured in my music tastes now, and have explored a lot of extreme metal too now. I can now see why the flower metal label comes out, because at times, it is like that. Some bands i used to listen to heaps i just find too poppy or lame. Most are still great mind you (look at my fav bands list for example). I think Doom metal may have changed my view a bit haha.

I certainly wouldn't class that as a "maturing" of music tastes, as I don't see any correlation between a liking for extreme metal and "maturity". Just as suddenly finding some power metal "poppy and lame" isn't a measure of "musical maturity" either.

Although I never use the term "flower metal", and never would use it, in some instances I can kinda see why the term would be used. Calling Angra "flower metal" though, is just ignorant in the extreme. And shows not only a complete disregard for that style of music, but also a total lack of knowledge of that style of music. Music doesn't have to be ultra aggressive with indecipherable vocals in order for it to qualify as "metal" and "non-pop", but I get the feeling that is exactly the way a lot of extreme metal fans look at it.

When i say maturing, i don't mean maturing into extreme metal or suddenly find power metal poppy. I almost exclusively used to listen to power metal or related genres, and disregarded most others. I hated death metal etc. I use the word maturing like broadening i guess, except maturing works better because it's something that takes time. After many years of listening to various metal genres, i'm finding many power metal bands pushing the borders of metal to the point where it's pop rock. For example, i love Rhapsody still, but they have held their metal roots. Sonata Arctica? Barely metal anymore. Sometimes bands change their style and it works for my tastes, sometimes it doesn't. I would never use the term flower metal either, and i still listen to power metal a lot of it, i was just describing why i think some people use the term.
27.05.2012 - 08:44
Angelic Storm
Written by RavenKing on 26.05.2012 at 19:09
Listening to more extreme metal has nothing to do with maturity.
However, lots of Powermetal bands are poppy and lame nowadays. The genre moved quite a bit from its melodic Speed Metal roots. I would not call old Helloween or early Blind Guardian poppy and lame but I would apply this description to the Powermetal genre nowadays (or rather to what it became).

I can see what you're saying, and can agree to a certain extent. However, I think that someone like you who pretty much only likes extreme metal, isn't going to be the most objective when it comes to judging not only power metal as a whole, but also individual power metal bands. Which brings me to the latter part of your post...

Written by RavenKing on 26.05.2012 at 19:09
I think listening to lots of extreme stuff makes you think like that after a while because after listening regularly to more extreme music softer metal really starts to feel weak and poppy. I believe it's a side-effect.
In my case, I can tell that Powermetal feels biteless and very boring compared to Black Metal.

As someone who both listens to and loves both extreme metal, and other forms of metal, I can't say I personally go along with the statement that finding metal other than extreme metal weak and poppy, is a side-effect of liking extreme metal. It is the case for you I'm sure, but it's certainly not an automatic side-effect of liking extreme metal, otherwise I too, would only really love extreme metal also.

Are there powermetal bands that I find poppy (and sometimes, also lame too)? Absolutely there are. However, I think your exclusive love for only extreme metal is very likely to make you place a lot of power metal bands in that category, who really aren't in that category at all. Angra being a case in point. I'm sure you would regard them as "flower metal", and in fact I think I actually recall you calling them that in a thread a long time ago. As I stated earlier, though I wouldn't use the term "flower metal" myself, I can see why some bands would get tagged as that. Angra however, are a band that I can't for the life of me see why anyone would call them that, unless they are exclusively a fan of extreme metal, and so see any metal other than extreme metal as being lightweight, and "poppy".

Written by Dark Cornatus on 27.05.2012 at 02:37
When i say maturing, i don't mean maturing into extreme metal or suddenly find power metal poppy. I almost exclusively used to listen to power metal or related genres, and disregarded most others. I hated death metal etc. I use the word maturing like broadening i guess, except maturing works better because it's something that takes time. After many years of listening to various metal genres, i'm finding many power metal bands pushing the borders of metal to the point where it's pop rock. For example, i love Rhapsody still, but they have held their metal roots. Sonata Arctica? Barely metal anymore. Sometimes bands change their style and it works for my tastes, sometimes it doesn't. I would never use the term flower metal either, and i still listen to power metal a lot of it, i was just describing why i think some people use the term.

Ah okay, I can see what you're saying now.

"Broadening" is the word I'd use for my own progression in discovering new metal genres, and also developing a love for them. I guess my case is quite unusual, as I progressed from lighter bands to more extreme bands quite quickly, and it also didn't take me very long to develop a love and appreciation for more extreme styles of metal. But I don't see my discovery of extreme metal as "changing" my musical tastes, rather that it merely expanded my tastes. It actually didn't take me very long from starting my love with metal music to discovering and embracing more extreme metal genres. Perhaps this is why I didn't suddenly abandon non-extreme metal like some do... then again, maybe that had absolutely nothing to do with it, who knows?

You seem to be like me, in that you wouldn't use the term "flower metal" yourself, but can see in some instances at least, why that term would be used. I think the difference is, someone who exclusively likes only extreme metal, is very likely to catgeorise far more bands as being "flower metal", than I myself personally would do. I think in the end, that's why I refuse to use the term myself. Far too many people use it in cases that I find very inappropriate, and I feel it is used by many in a far broader sense than it should be. It's kinda like how I'm also very reluctant to use the term "sold-out", due it's overuse, and misuse by a sizable portion of the metal community.

I understand you a bit better now, and actually agree with some of the points you made.
27.05.2012 - 20:03
The Summoner
Damn ... at least they could've done a DVD / Bluray together first .. I'm sad i'll never get to see him front Angra live ...
27.05.2012 - 20:19
Angelic Storm
Written by Shadowcross on 27.05.2012 at 20:03

Damn ... at least they could've done a DVD / Bluray together first .. I'm sad i'll never get to see him front Angra live ...

I have a DVD that came as a bonus with a limited edition version of "Temple Of Shadows". It's a full show recorded in Sao Paulo on the Rebirth world tour.
27.05.2012 - 21:32
Written by Angelic Storm on 27.05.2012 at 08:44

Written by RavenKing on 26.05.2012 at 19:09
Listening to more extreme metal has nothing to do with maturity.
However, lots of Powermetal bands are poppy and lame nowadays. The genre moved quite a bit from its melodic Speed Metal roots. I would not call old Helloween or early Blind Guardian poppy and lame but I would apply this description to the Powermetal genre nowadays (or rather to what it became).

I can see what you're saying, and can agree to a certain extent. However, I think that someone like you who pretty much only likes extreme metal, isn't going to be the most objective when it comes to judging not only power metal as a whole, but also individual power metal bands.

And I will be the first to admit that my opinion on Powermetal in general is most likely not objective, even if I try to remain objective. I think my judgement is probably a bit distorted by the fact that I like only extreme metal nowadays and that I'm so used to this kind of music that softer forms of metal pale in comparison to me, intensity-wise.
That's why I rarely post opinions on Powermetal bands and albums nowadays: because I'm afraid my opinions are not objective. At least I'm honest enough to admit it.

Lots of people would take your comment as an insult but surely not me. I know that there is some truth to it.

As for the second part of your post, I'm already aware that you listen to and enjoy both extreme and softer forms of metal music.
I believe that people like you have some sort of ability to sort of things and not let your appreciation for a kind of music tarnish your appreciation for another, that you can draw a line between both. Ability I obviously lack.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
27.05.2012 - 22:10
Angelic Storm
Written by RavenKing on 27.05.2012 at 21:32
And I will be the first to admit that my opinion on Powermetal in general is most likely not objective, even if I try to remain objective. I think my judgement is probably a bit distorted by the fact that I like only extreme metal nowadays and that I'm so used to this kind of music that softer forms of metal pale in comparison to me, intensity-wise.
That's why I rarely post opinions on Powermetal bands and albums nowadays: because I'm afraid my opinions are not objective. At least I'm honest enough to admit it.

Lots of people would take your comment as an insult but surely not me. I know that there is some truth to it.

As for the second part of your post, I'm already aware that you listen to and enjoy both extreme and softer forms of metal music.
I believe that people like you have some sort of ability to sort of things and not let your appreciation for a kind of music tarnish your appreciation for another, that you can draw a line between both. Ability I obviously lack.

I knew you would not take my comment as an insult, and it certainly was not meant as one. You are honest enough to admit that your opinion on power metal is now a bit distorted due to now exclusively liking only extreme metal. I truly respect your opinions, even though I may not always agree with them, and once again you have proven why your musical views are worthy of respect and to be taken seriously. On the flip-side, I know some power metal fans would be insulted by some of your comments about the genre, but not me, as I know the intent behind the comments, and they are never malicious.

You say you "obviously lack" that ability for not allowing an appreciation for one style of music to tarnish your opinion for another, which may have some basis in fact. However, as I have stated before, I do not correlate a narrow taste in metal (or music in general, for that matter) with "narrow mindedness". And in actual fact, you are far more open minded than many who listen more or less exclusively to one genre of metal only. You may lack the ability which you mentioned, but you do have qualities not often found in those whose tastes in metal are exclusive to the extreme metal genres.

There are some genres of metal I don't particularly enjoy, and I tend to stay away from threads about those genres, at least the majority of the time, as I feel I have too much personal bias to contribute anything meaningful to discussion of those genres. So I can see why you rarely post about power metal anymore.
28.05.2012 - 02:54
Troy Killjoy
You guys should continue your discussion in an appropriate thread... something to do with music taste or extreme vs melodic metal.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
28.05.2012 - 05:35
OMG!!!!!!! that's sad!

I hope that the next vocalist be equal, or, why not, better than him. It was a great loss, I wish for him (if he is reading it now) sucess in his career and projects

hail to brazilian metal
In this life you can choose what kind of ave to be: a chicken or a phoexix. I choosen be a phoenix, cuz' I'm rebirthing from ashes

Ps: my website it's:
28.05.2012 - 19:46
Written by Troy Killjoy on 28.05.2012 at 02:54

You guys should continue your discussion in an appropriate thread... something to do with music taste or extreme vs melodic metal.

Agree 100%
07.06.2012 - 03:40
Written by Hyperion on 25.05.2012 at 02:24

Wait he will keep making music right? or did he become a normal and boring part of society now?

He will stick with Almah, full-time now.
17.06.2012 - 21:49
Written by Radivoy on 24.05.2012 at 21:38

Sad news. I really enjoyed Rebirth and Temple of Shadows, great albums both, and the best sound of the "new" Angra in my opinion.

Temple of Shadows is the best!

It's a pity but if André Matos came back it would be fine
25.06.2012 - 15:52
The Summoner
Written by Angelic Storm on 27.05.2012 at 20:19

Written by Shadowcross on 27.05.2012 at 20:03

Damn ... at least they could've done a DVD / Bluray together first .. I'm sad i'll never get to see him front Angra live ...

I have a DVD that came as a bonus with a limited edition version of "Temple Of Shadows". It's a full show recorded in Sao Paulo on the Rebirth world tour.

Yes I have this too.. but I wanted something along the lines of Temple Of Shadows live, with a few tracks from the following and earlier albums mixed in for good measure.
They played a show in Sydney once and I chose not to fly down because I suddenly had work - big mistake.

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