For a number of years now, Metal Storm has been without a Database Manager - that is, one person who is chiefly responsible for promulgating database policies, overseeing edits, and keeping the rest of the staff apprised about issues that come up or changes we could implement. We've had a lot of very diligent contributors from among both the staff and the users alike who have in some capacity covered that role, but not since psykometal and J.N. had to give up the position years ago have we had someone formally installed. We are now proud to announce that we once again have a Database Manager at last:
Yaniv has been on the site for over 10 years now, and he has been extremely active during the last few; we recently determined that roughly one-sixth of all the 18,000+ bands currently in our database were personally added by Yaniv. As a small fun fact, we also discovered that the very first band that Yaniv added back in 2020,
Cross Examination, was the very first band that I suggested back when I joined the site in 2010. [Could I have added the band on my own at any point in the years after I made staff? Of course, but for whatever reason I didn't.] If you've ever submitted a database edit around here, chances are you've encountered Yaniv, so you should know that he's our trusted minister of database minutia.
We hope you'll all continue to work together with us to keep Metal Storm's archival functions up to date and running smoothly; we're a website with many features, and although the database isn't always as visible as the publications or the forums, it's an equally valuable part of what makes up Metal Storm. It's all thanks to the tireless efforts of users like Yaniv, so here's to one more great improvement on MS.
"Earth is small and I hate it" - Lum Invader
I'm the Agent of Steel.