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Learning Songs: Selective Or Whole?

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Are you a selective learner or whole learner

I select parts that suit me
I learn the entire song

Total votes: 53
03.11.2007 - 23:44
Lord TJ
Anyone here choose to learn parts of a song that sounds cool? Or do you have to learn the entire song?

Im more of a selective learner, I like playing things that sound cool or things that can increase my skill.
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03.11.2007 - 23:54
If you're gonna actually play them in future, it's much better to learn the whole thing. On the other hand, sometimes I just can't be fucked figuring out the whole song when there's just one or two riffs that immediately blow the mind, like Anthrax - Armed and Dangerous at the moment... it's just annoying when you go to play it around one or more other people and can't move any further than one section. Depends.
death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon!

he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
04.11.2007 - 05:26
Foetal Butchery
i select parts that suit me, for example, some songs, ill just learn the solo to practise certaitn techniques and generally increase skills, or i might learn riffs that sound awesome and are fun to play
Dark death metal from Sydney:
04.11.2007 - 16:49
It also depends for me, though most of the time if I want to work on learning a new song, I choose to learn the whole thing. Even though learning some parts of the song is redundant, it still helps me work on my rythm and timing by choosing to go through a repertoire of songs. Also it helps keep stamina for my picking fingers on par with the level I want to be at. So, Im also selective, but selective on what songs I want to learn whole way through.
05.11.2007 - 03:24
I went for both although I tend to more find certain pars of songs and learn them, alot of Emperor songs have really nice, interesting riffs that I try to nail and later on find myself learning the whole song. And I also find it annoying when you're playing with someone and either they or you don't know more then one or two verse's of a song. Selective is fine for when it's just you playing but it doesn't really cut it when you're in a band.

Written by [user id=22888] on 18.01.2008 at 09:05

People are always at their very best when they're dead.

05.11.2007 - 05:43
Account deleted
I almost entirely a selective player, mostly because there's always parts to almost any song I want to learn that are beyond my playing ability.
06.11.2007 - 09:10
Account deleted
useally entire songs. but there are a couple songs where I can play just a few riffs of. but thats because i remember those riffs of watching the tab at powertab
07.11.2007 - 05:48
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
For me its definitly selective. Usually when I learn a song on drums I just learn the basic rythm/beat aswell as time changes and such but the rest I sort of improvise, like fills and such I usually make up my own that would fit in the song just as well.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
07.11.2007 - 21:50
Lord TJ
I keep wanting to learn the rest of a song that I know but I never get around to it.
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07.11.2007 - 22:50
Lone wanderer
I prefer learnng whole song, but I rarely do, mostly because solo is hard for me, and I get tired of trying to remember 100 different notes, and repeating 100 times... And currently Im not playing in a band, so, I learn whatever I like, different styles of music, random parts of songs that I find interesting, and so on..... I have very small list of complete songs, and that Is also because I stop playing them eventualy, and forget them....
10.11.2007 - 10:00
Torture Killer
Account deleted
I like to learn just parts of songs but a lot of times i end up just learning th whole thing, i dont learn the solos i'm not sure why it just doesnt appeal to me, i love playing rythams.
29.11.2007 - 18:27
Weeping Heart
I'm totally selective coz playing the whole song sometimes kinda sucks!! especially if you dont like the band but you found a riff that caught your ear, so this is my choice
The older I get.........The faster I was

Smurfilator -- back when Smurf Metal existed :'(
29.11.2007 - 22:14
I'm mostly selective. I choose fun riffs, or solos in a song, if there is a part which is too easy, and doesn't sound very interesting, i don't play it, same goes for the parts that are too hard
If I am going to cover a certain song with my band, of course I'm going to learn it whole.
Having a signature is an absolute must.
29.11.2007 - 23:38
Heaven Knight
i am quite lazy, so i usually learn only significant (but easy to play) instrumental solos
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

06.12.2007 - 03:22
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
I chose the "Both" option. I usually DO bother learning the whole song, but sometimes I just learn whatever part I feel like learning.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
06.12.2007 - 04:19
Account deleted
I learn riffs from songs that I think are fun to play, or that help me work on certain techniques, but generally I don't learn full songs because I don't see the purpose of learning other people's songs. I'd rather just write my own.

EDIT: Wow I didn't realize my post was identical to everyone else's
06.12.2007 - 12:23
Valentin B
i'm a bit of a scatterbrain when it comes to guitar, i learn mostly intro riffs, easy lead fills, and when the song is just dead-brain simple, i learn it all in one take(like i did with "you've got another thing coming" by Priest, i just put my guitar pro on play and kept up with the computer while i tried the song about once or twice before). i have a very small list of full songs that i can play just out of my head, but i do have a huge list of intro and main riffs so i voted "selective"
06.12.2007 - 18:22
Account deleted
Some songs i'll try and learn whole...because the whole song is awesome. but sometimes only the odd riff really stands out...or certian riffs are to hard.
11.12.2007 - 01:26
if i really really like a song, i'll learn the whole thing, if there's just an awesome solo or something i'll google it for the tabs to that part.
The past defines the future, but sometimes you must leave something behind to be able to grow.

11.12.2007 - 01:27
Written by slowdeathchick on 11.12.2007 at 01:26

I'm a both. if i really really like a song, i'll learn the whole thing, if there's just an awesome solo or something i'll google it for the tabs to that part.

The past defines the future, but sometimes you must leave something behind to be able to grow.

27.08.2008 - 05:32
Account deleted
i prefer to learn an entire songs, just creates more feeling of accomplishment for me.
27.09.2008 - 04:35
LeChron James
who the hell only learns parts of songs? that doesnt make sense.
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
27.09.2008 - 11:38
The entire song, of course, although I do it in pieces, from start to finish.
28.09.2008 - 00:10
When on my own as I am now, I try to pick songs I intend to invest heavy time in, so I pick the ones I judge has plenty of challenge throughout. In a band setting it is different. One band I joined dumped about thirty-two songs on me for perfomance in about a month. In that case I learned the bare minimum to get by and moved to the next.

who the hell only learns parts of songs? that doesnt make sense.

Well, I only know the opening bass line to Pink Floyd's "Money" because that is enough to satisfy your average intoxicated bar patron who screams for it.


Drunk Bar Patron: "Play Seinfeld theme!"

Me: [randomly slaps five notes]

Drunk Bar Patron: "Yeaaaahh!"

Whenever a musician is interested in self-expression you know it's gonna suck--Robert Fripp
28.09.2008 - 00:15
Written by thesabbathfan on 27.09.2008 at 11:38

The entire song, of course, although I do it in pieces, from start to finish.

Best way to learn songs imo.
03.10.2008 - 16:58
Valentin B
Written by Scottgun on 28.09.2008 at 00:10

Drunk Bar Patron: "Play Seinfeld theme!"

Me: [randomly slaps five notes]

Drunk Bar Patron: "Yeaaaahh!"

for my amusement though, i also learn only parts of songs sometimes.
03.10.2008 - 18:29
Actually, I also learn pieces of songs separately just because I like a riff that much. Like, I can tap the beginning of a bach fugue and the main melody to the Tarantella, theme song from The Rock and that song they play in tetris.
03.10.2008 - 20:40
If there is a particular passage that I find especially cool, I'll take some time to try and pick out that part and learn it...That way I can change up the notes a bit, noodle around with it, and take it as my own when I play with other people

I usually don't take the time to learn entire songs, mainly because I'd rather be writing my own. But on occasion I'll try to figure a whole one out, usually if we are going to do a cover of it. Doesn't have to be dead on, just the same particular tune. Especially the tuning, I rarely go lower than a whole step down, so all my Obituary stuff I just play a step down on the frets or just don't worry about it.
In Grind We Crust
04.10.2008 - 14:56
Valentin B
Written by Branzig on 03.10.2008 at 20:40

I usually don't take the time to learn entire songs, mainly because I'd rather be writing my own. But on occasion I'll try to figure a whole one out, usually if we are going to do a cover of it. Doesn't have to be dead on, just the same particular tune. Especially the tuning, I rarely go lower than a whole step down, so all my Obituary stuff I just play a step down on the frets or just don't worry about it.

i once played Made In Hell by Halford on Guitar Rig 2, and i found a little gimmick with which you can change the tuning of the song to whatever suits you! though i admit the vocals sounded kinda ridiculous a whole step up, like he was on helium or something, the instruments sounded perfect.
24.10.2008 - 05:39
Advice Troll
It depends on the songs... I do learn whole songs but mostly I'm into parts I like, but it's nice to know the whole song
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