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The very best of Folk Metal

Posts: 63   Visited by: 193 users

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Posted by MétalNoir, 22.12.2008 - 18:43
There is a similar topic for Black Metal, and I really love the formula, because it gives an opportunity to analyze deeply the subgenre. Best band or best song is ok, but it's kinda unfair for bands who are not very famous but have strong points. Just give a top 3 for these three categories and give short explanations if you want, but don't exaggerate, unless you want this topic to be overloaded with useless information...

1. Top three Folk Metal bands

2. Top three Folk Metal albums

3. Top three Folk Metal songs

My personnal top 3's are the following:

Best Bands
1- Equilibrium: To me, no band in the world masters better the epic feeling of Viking Metal.
2- Korpiklaani: One of the rare bands who are Folk with metal elements and not the inverse.
3- Orphaned Land: The Middle-Eastern melodies are just delightful.

Best albums
1- Sagas (Equilibrium): Certainly the album I listened the most to in my life.
2- The Varangian Way (Turisas): Too short, but the symphonies and vocals are masterful.
3- Mabool (Orphaned Land): About the only prog album I love from the beginning to the end.

Best Songs
1- Unbesiegt (Equilibrium): So epic, so beautiful, so fast, so brutal, so WOW!
2- To Holmgard And Beyond (Turisas): I'm ready to jump on a drakkar and conquer the world, my Lord!
3- Ocean Land (Orphaned Land): You could dance balladi on that METAL song. Isn't it weird? No, it's beautiful.
22.05.2009 - 14:38
Jan Destiny
Written by Janne on 21.05.2009 at 19:21

Written by Jan Destiny on 21.05.2009 at 14:29

1. Dalriada - Igaz hittel

-That's an interesting choice. Why did you choos that song?
My favourite one is definitely Szondi I.

I don't really know. When I first heard the song, It's "touched" me. I love the part starts with: "Ott az én hazám, hol a hívó szóra fel zeng a dal..." that's my ringtone for years now

...And only 7 days to see them!!

"Fiction is the truth inside the lie" (Stephen King)
22.05.2009 - 14:41
Jan Destiny
Written by chematss on 21.05.2009 at 18:50

1- Ensiferum(Jari-era) (their last album is not that good)
2- Turisas (poooooowerful)
3- Otyg (that Andreas guy is really amazing)

1- Ensiferum-Ensiferum (I like every single track, Maenpaa is an amazing musician I must add)
2- Turisas-The Varangian Way (I just love it)
3- Ensiferum-Iron ( )

1- Ensiferum-Tale Of Revenge (my all time favorite, love the clean part)
2- Turisas-Cursed Be Iron (interesting song)
3- Finntroll-Midnattens Widunder (its like joyful , I can't understand the words though)

"Fiction is the truth inside the lie" (Stephen King)
22.05.2009 - 19:38
1- Turisas
2- Kalmah
3- Ensiferum

1- Bathory - Hammerheart (Can't beat the original)
2- Turisas - The Varangian Way
3- Ensiferum - Iron

1- Kalmah - Heroes Are Us
2- Turisas - Rasputin (It's a fun song)
3- Finntroll - Trollhammeren
19.07.2009 - 00:39
Heaven Knight
- Moonsorrow
- Arkona
- Equilibrium
- Elvenking - The Winter Wake
- Equilibrium - Turis Fratyr
- Astaarth - Gloria Burgundia
- Equilibrium - Wingthor's Hammer
- Ensiferum - Battle Song
- Thronar - King Of The Eburones
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

19.07.2009 - 01:04
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by HarmonyCorruptio on 22.05.2009 at 19:38

1- Turisas
2- Kalmah
3- Ensiferum

1- Bathory - Hammerheart (Can't beat the original)
2- Turisas - The Varangian Way
3- Ensiferum - Iron

1- Kalmah - Heroes Are Us
2- Turisas - Rasputin (It's a fun song)
3- Finntroll - Trollhammeren

Kalmah is not fok metal, where you hear folk elements there?
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
22.07.2009 - 07:27
- Suidakra
- Eluveitie
- Ensiferum

- Suidakra: 13 Years Of Celtic Wartunes (kinda cheating because it's a 'best of' but I don't care)
- Eluveitie: Slania
- Ensiferum: Ensiferum

- Suidakra: Highland Hills, Dead Man's Reel... very hard to pick a favorite for me really
- Eluveitie: Tarvos or Bloodstained Ground
- Ensiferum: Treacherous Gods or Hero In A Dream
All we are is the passion that burns inside us
24.07.2009 - 21:35
Account deleted
- Ambehr
- Pagan Reign
- Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy

- Zobena Dziesma (Skyforger)
- Ways Of Relief (Diadema Tristis)
- Szelek (Dalriada)

- Lamentos (Uaral)
- Cult Tengri (Darkestrah)
- The Bogatyr's Gates (Tverd)
24.07.2009 - 22:31
Heaven Knight
Written by [user id=34558] on 24.07.2009 at 21:35

- Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy know this czech band far away in

we have just discussed on one of our czech forums, if there are any czech metal bands worth to listen...SSOGE is one of them definitely
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

24.07.2009 - 22:41
- Finntroll
- Ensiferum
- Moonsorrow

- Nattfodd (Finntroll)
- Hammerheart (Bathory)
- V: Havitetty (Moonsorrow)

- Mana (Equilibrium)
- Wanderer (Ensiferum)
- Vindfard/Manniskopesten (Finntroll)

That was so difficult...
25.07.2009 - 21:02
Sentenced Odiin

-Equilibrium - Sagas
-Equilibrium - Turis Fratyr
-Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja

-Equilibrium - Blut Im Auge
-Finntroll - Krigsmjöd
-Ensiferum - Treacherous Gods

Keep Metal! Horns up!
Life has given me much, maybe taken more...
25.07.2009 - 23:31
Hm, very hard to limit oneself here, especially when it comes to albums and songs...


Moonsorrow (These guys lay down so much effort in their music, the result is grand. If you find a breathtaking veiw in nature that you just can't describe, these guys surely have music for it.)
Silent Stream of Godless Elegy (Doom and Folk somehow seem to be a great combination, the czech melodies works extremly well with the doomy passages.)
Orphaned Land (Intresting concept,having death and doom metal refrences combined with folk music from Egypt , Yemen, Israel etc. The progressive elements in their latest album is also something that is worth listening to. Not to mention that the lyrics are intresting aswell.)


Moonsorrow - V: Hävitetty (A mighty album. With only two songs they manage to build an intense emotional atmosphere, It goes down to the very soul and refuse to let go.)
Orphaned land - Mabool (I guess it's getting tiresome for some, as people allways seem to mention this album, but they do have a reason for it. The middle eastern sound blend very well with the progressive melodies, resulting in a very good album.)
Midnattsol - Were Twillight Dwells (This album present a diffrent side of nordic folk metal, aside from the viking metal sound. Personaly, I find this side the better, it manage to go deeper into the nordic "soul", imo.)


Holy Blood - To Heaven (Great song, gets you hooked from the begining to the end. One of my top metal songs ever infact.)
Lumsk - Dunker (Intense nordic folk that manage to capture the norweigian folklore perfectly.)
Ashtar - Children of The Mist (Aucustic guitars, flute and violins...not as bad as it might sound. Combine it with some rain and thunder in the backgrund for best result.)

With that, I'm off.
25.07.2009 - 23:39
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Torelli on 25.07.2009 at 23:31

Hm, very hard to limit oneself here, especially when it comes to albums and songs...


With that, I'm off.

Good list like always thank's for putting SSOGL and Holy Blood
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
27.07.2009 - 15:21
Chucky's Bride

Finntroll (makes you want to dance up and down while drinking pints of beer)
Korpiklaani (same reaons as above)
Otyg (just really love the mood created by the band with it's clean vocals and violins)


Arkona - Vo Slavu Velikem (a really superbly made album with catchy and relaxing tunes)
Otyg - Alvefard (the better of the two Otyg albums with beautiful melodies)
Vintersorg - Odemarkens Son (to me the best Vintersorg album with excellent songs throughout)


Arkona - Gnew Wremjon (my favorite of Vo Slavu Velikem, just love the soft guitar intro to the song)
Finntroll - Trollhammeren (gets you in the mood to party)
Vintersorg - Svaltvinter (simply one of my all time favorite songs)

"Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun and the rain (we can be like they are)."
02.08.2009 - 04:12
I know there is some debate over whether Ensiferum should be considered folk metal or not, but I don't give a damn. It was Ensiferum that introduced me to the truly wonderful world of folk metal. That and Jari Maenpaa's genius is not to be questioned.




Verisakeet by Moonsorrow
Ensiferum by Ensiferum
Nattfodd by Finntroll


Pimea by Moonsorrow on Verisakeet
Det Iskalla Trollblod by Finntroll on Nattfodd
Tuulen Tytar/Soturin Tie by Moonsorrow on Kivenkantaja
02.08.2009 - 04:14
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by wormdrink414 on 02.08.2009 at 04:12

I know there is some debate over whether Ensiferum should be considered folk metal or not, but I don't give a damn. It was Ensiferum that introduced me to the truly wonderful world of folk metal. That and Jari Maenpaa's genius is not to be questioned.




Verisakeet by Moonsorrow
Ensiferum by Ensiferum
Nattfodd by Finntroll


Pimea by Moonsorrow on Verisakeet
Det Iskalla Trollblod by Finntroll on Nattfodd
Tuulen Tytar/Soturin Tie by Moonsorrow on Kivenkantaja

Okay I am not a fan of either folk metal and ensiferum but I don't see why they shouldn't be regarded as folk metal.
Primordial ar a band I also regard as folk metal and I know many people don't.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.08.2009 - 04:22
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.08.2009 at 04:14

Written by wormdrink414 on 02.08.2009 at 04:12

I know there is some debate over whether Ensiferum should be considered folk metal or not, but I don't give a damn. It was Ensiferum that introduced me to the truly wonderful world of folk metal. That and Jari Maenpaa's genius is not to be questioned.




Verisakeet by Moonsorrow
Ensiferum by Ensiferum
Nattfodd by Finntroll


Pimea by Moonsorrow on Verisakeet
Det Iskalla Trollblod by Finntroll on Nattfodd
Tuulen Tytar/Soturin Tie by Moonsorrow on Kivenkantaja

Okay I am not a fan of either folk metal and ensiferum but I don't see why they shouldn't be regarded as folk metal.
Primordial ar a band I also regard as folk metal and I know many people don't.

It could be that I am projecting the on going argument between my cousin and I over whether or not Ensiferum has enough folk elements to be considered folk metal. I think they do and I'm sure most agree.
Primordial is apparently folk-metal enough to play on the Paganfest tour. I saw them two months ago or so with Korpiklaani and Moonsorrow (two of the unquestionably premiere folk-metal bands) but failed to see the folk elements, but I have yet to actually listened to them. I know Seth from Behemoth likes them so maybe I'll have to give them a chance. Must say that the lead singer was a pretty big douche both on stage and backstage (he refused to talk with any of the fans, a disposition shared by that abomination of a lead singer from Dimmu Borgir, and the lead from Eluveitie).
02.08.2009 - 04:25
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by wormdrink414 on 02.08.2009 at 04:22

. Must say that the lead singer was a pretty big douche both on stage and backstage (he refused to talk with any of the fans,

Mmm, the couple of times I have encountered Alan he was a great guy both on and off stage and willing to talk to any fan. Maybe he had a bad day, like anyone of us has from time to time.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.08.2009 - 17:41
Heaven Knight
Unfortunately everyone will remember those bad days more than "ordinary" days...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

02.08.2009 - 18:38
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.08.2009 at 04:14

Okay I am not a fan of either folk metal and ensiferum but I don't see why they shouldn't be regarded as folk metal.
Primordial ar a band I also regard as folk metal and I know many people don't.

But its werry good band 100 times better how what he listed
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
02.07.2010 - 23:34
Ankh Amen
Account deleted
Top 3 bands: Eluveitie, Dalriada, Elvenking
Top 3 albums: Eluveitie - Spirit, Dalriada - Arany-Album (the best lyrics in the world), Tuatha De Danann - Trova Di Danú
Top 3 songs: Dalriada - Árpádházi Margit Balladája, Equilibrium - Die Weide Und Der Fluß (I don't like Equilibrium too much, but this song is epic as hell), Eluveitie - Slanias Song (+1: In Flames - Everlost Pt 2) (+2: Amon Amarth - Tattered Banners And Bloody Flags - I know this one isn't specifically folk, I mean the folkish lyrics and atmosphere.)
13.01.2011 - 17:50
First of all, I have to say that my folk metal knowledge is limitated, so please don't stone for my decisions

Top 3 bands:

- Mago de Öz: this is a spanish folk metal band that has got 3 very good albums. Their lyrics are incredible and the music too. Maybe some of you have heard about them.

- In Extremo: another band that I love. The instruments they play are original and interesting.

- Finntroll: the first time I heard them, I thought "what the hell is this? It's incredible!!".

Top 3 albums:

To be consecuent, I choose 3 albums of the bands mentioned early.

- Mago de Öz: La Leyenda de la Mancha. This album is inspired in the spanish book "El Quijote". Fabolous music and fabolous lyrics.

- In Extremo: Sünder Ohne Zügel. What can I say about this? Great folk in german...

- Finntroll: Nattfod. No need to mention it, it is all said about this album in this topic.

Favorite songs:

I choose one of the albums that I have selected:

- Mago de Öz: Molinos de Viento.

- In Extremo: Vollmond.

- Finntroll: Trollhammaren.
14.01.2011 - 00:48
Top 3 Bands:

Top 3 Albums:
Verisakeet - Moonsorrow
Ensiferum - Ensiferum
Equilibrium - Sagas

Top 3 Songs:
Pimea - Moonsorrow
Huuto - Moonsorrow ( of the songs from their latest album...its probably one of my favourites at the moment!)
Rauniolla or maybe Tulimyrsky - Moonsorrow

Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
14.01.2011 - 07:57
I'm so happy to see Silent Stream of Godless Elegy mentioned three times on page 2 alone. Nice to see so many fans out there! Excellent Czech folk/doom band that more people should be aware of.

Fun idea, here goes...

Top 3 Bands:
Tyr - So much more interesting than many of their counterparts, Tyr's music is thoughtful and intense with just enough progressive elements, and without ever being over the top. Crowd pleasers are here too, but overall the technical nature of Tyr seeps into your ear in such a way as to make the more upbeat bands seem superficial.
Turisas - Despite what I just said about Tyr, I love Turisas for completely opposite reasons. They're damn fun, but what sets them apart from other "fun" viking metal bands is their clear passion and musicality. Their debut album, Battle Metal, came out of nowhere and while the genre was already establishing itself nicely, Turisas set many of the trends that are being copied today by lesser bands. The follow-up album to Battle Metal was even more musically complete and stimulating while never interrupting the mythical vibe the band is known for presenting.
Primordial - Where to even begin with the way Primordial's honest and intense lyrics permeate the music. They have a message to get across and incredible musicianship is the way they do it. Not your typical fun dance viking band, Primordial's base is more or less in black metal musical conventions yet done in a way all their own. Mesmerizing.

Honorable Mentions: Silent Stream of Godless Elegy; Eluveitie

Top 3 Albums:
Eluveitie - Slania - This was on my top ten of the past decade. For a while Eluveitie added both strong Gothenburg metal elements and traditional folk instrumentation, not a typical combination. Not black-metal based, Eluveitie explored a different branch of folk metal than many bands of their day did.
Tyr - Ragnarok - Difficult to pick a favourite Tyr album at first, but Ragnarok is clearly the pivotal one. This is the moment they honed their atypical sound and presented the word with some of the most intense and technical melodic folk metal around. Close to perfection.
Equilibrium - Sagas - Their debut was epic and this sophomore album was highly anticipated. The band did not fail us. A pinnacle in the heyday of viking metal.

Honorable Mentions: Einherjer - Odin Owns Ye All; Wuthering Heights - Far From the Madding Crowd; Tuatha de Danann - Trova di Danú

I don't have favourite songs from most of these albums so I'll do a different list:

Best Live Folk Bands!
Turisas - Best metal show I've ever seen. These guys have an undying supply of energy and know how to instantly connect with an audience. They skillfully execute their music in a live setting, and of course delighted us with their epic cover of Rasputin. I could go on for days about this show. Fucking brilliant.
Primordial - Intensity. I can't believe I ever doubted that Primordial's music would translate to a live setting but damn, their performance quelled all doubt. Experiencing this group live really makes you feel that their music and lyrics come from deep in their hearts.
Eluvietie - Similar experience to the Turisas show, Eluveitite makes you want to dance. I almost put Finntroll in this third live spot, but Eluveitie had a much greater ability to connect with the audience from the front to the back row.

Honorable Mentions: Finntroll; Suidakra; Agalloch
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
15.01.2011 - 00:16
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Susan on 14.01.2011 at 07:57

I'm so happy to see Silent Stream of Godless Elegy mentioned three times on page 2 alone. Nice to see so many fans out there! Excellent Czech folk/doom band that more people should be aware of.

Well It was I who did it and now its been long ling time since I wrote it, but nwo, I have no clue if I could fill a list, I lost interests lil bit in posting but I like read your explanation about bands it was good one Try Lithuanian Angis amnd Antigone , hard to get I have 3 and 3 songs from each, werry epic mediegal folk feels like King Mindaugas rise again

Long time no read such good post, nostalgy for old good posters here
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
15.01.2011 - 12:55
Account deleted
1. Bands

2. Albums
-Cosmic Genesis
-By the Light of the North Star

3. Songs
-Astral and Arcane
-Hero in a Dream
-Into the Storm
25.01.2011 - 04:48
Written by MétalNoir on 16.01.2009 at 23:22

Eluveitie is boring, anyway... All songs are good, but that'S because they all sound exactly the same. Inis Mona is a great song, though.

I have to say that I'm happy that someone thinks the same way about Eluveitie as I do.
25.01.2011 - 05:23
1) Ensiferum - Listened to this band more than any other folk band and I love every album except Iron (yeah, thats right, iron)
2) Asmegin - Most variety of sounds I've ever heard come from a folk band
3) Blackguard - Is this technically folk? I can't remember.... meh sweet, sweet band.
4) Holy Blood if Blackguard doesn't count
1) Korven Kuningas (Korpiklaani) - My favorite Korpiklaani CD. Slower than most, but still sweet.
2) Mulmets Viser (Svartsot) - Awesome beer stuff
3) Villanden (Trollfest) - Hilarious band backed by awesome songs!
1) Aus Ferner Zeit (Equilibirum) - Every song is pretty much awesome...
2) Stone Cold Metal (Ensiferum) - Name another song where there is whistling done well
3) Under Bergets Rot (Finntroll) - One of Finntrolls best songs ever.
25.01.2011 - 06:36
Until the End
This is extremely difficult considering the amount of choice but I'll give it a shot. Infact, I'm going to have to make it 5 choices for the band and album categories and 10 for the song category;

1. Ensiferum (Jari-era) - Thee best viking/folk metal ever made. Shame it went down hill after Jari left.

2. Equilibrium - Great atmosphere, very consistent. I even like the new album, although I'd agree that it's not as good as the previous 2 albums.

3. Finntroll - They've become a little less humppa since the vocalist change but it hasn't detracted from the music. I like everything this band has produced.

4. Moonsorrow - I prefer the earlier albums to the later ones with even longer songs. Lost a little bit of their epicness I feel although I still like the newer stuff.

5. Forefather - Possibly the best metal to come out of England. They've matured like a good whisky and are now at their peak.

1. Ensiferum/Iron (Ensiferum) - Can't split them, they're both of equal greatness. Classics.

2. Kivenkantaja (Moonsorrow) - Perhaps the most epic sounding atmosphere on any album I've heard.

3. Turis Fratyr (Equilibrium) - A close battle with Sagas but I feel TF has a better atmosphere.

4. Nattfödd (Finntroll) - One of the most fun metal albums ever made. It even makes me get up and have a dance and I'm a rubbish dancer!

5. Steadfast (Forefather) - A beautifully crafted piece of music from beginning to end.

Songs (in no particular order):
01. Jumalten Kaupunki Incl. Tuhatvuotinen Perintö (Moonsorrow)
02. Into Battle (Ensiferum)
03. Die Weide und der Fluß (Equilbrium)
04. Korpens Saga (Finntroll)
05. Miri it Is (Forefather)
06. Rise (Korpiklaani)
07. Grim Omens (Kromlek)
08. Heathen Foray (Falkenbach)
09. Last Days of Aghrapur Part I - Ambush & Part II - Lost Empire (Runic)
10. Grey Sublime Archon (Eluveitie)
25.01.2011 - 23:22
Fils du Lys
Written by Architeuthis on 25.01.2011 at 05:23

3) Blackguard - Is this technically folk? I can't remember.... meh sweet, sweet band.

You can read the review I wrote about Profugus Mortis...
Notre destinée n'est pas encore tracée....
02.06.2012 - 09:35
Best bands:
1. Ensiferum
2. Finntroll
3. Equilibrium

Best albums:
1. Ensiferum-Iron
2. Ensiferum-Ensiferum
3. Equilibrium-Sagas

Best songs:
1. Ensiferum-Into Battle
2. Ensiferum-Vainamoinen (both parts)
3. Finntroll-Grottans Barn

REMEMBER: I's my damn opinion!
{}::::::[]:::::::::::::::::> ONLY DEATH IS REAL <:::::::::::::::::[]::::::{}
Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter