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Megadeth vs Metallica

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Original post

Posted by -Valhalla-, 07.06.2006 - 03:18
Megadeth and Metallica have been trying to out do eachother for years. Dave Mustaine was an Ex-Metallica guitarist, and made Megadeth to show that he doesn't need metallica. Metallica the more popular of the two, cut thier hair, and sold out, touring with bands like Linkin Park, Limp Bizcuit. Meanwhile, Megadeth's still going strong. Who's better? Would you rather go to see live?

In my opinion Megadeth is the better of the two. Metallica is a bunch of fatheads who have sucked balls since Ride The Lightning. Megadeth still sounds great, and has the Gigantour going, while Metallica is busy filming their next documentary about, whiney disagreements, and how the band is falling apart.


Megadeth vs. Metallica


Total votes: 971
27.03.2010 - 03:14
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Ooh dead heat 308 to 308 now i already voted but i would vote metallica again if i could i think even though i like megadeth metallica is just more to me!!!!
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

05.04.2010 - 00:27
Err megadeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they're just awesome
05.04.2010 - 23:27
Megadeth, just because the masterpieces they created.
09.04.2010 - 14:13

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
10.04.2010 - 06:36
I love both almost equally but I chose Metallica simply on the base of Master of Puppets, Ride The Lightning, Kill 'Em All and And Justice For All.
To me those are some of my favourtie albums of all time (inside top 50) whereas, no matter how much I love Dave, Megadeth's albums just seem to be a bit boring after repeat lisens (just my opinion).
12.04.2010 - 02:53
I like Megadeth like 1% more than Metallica but voted for Metallica because thats the first Thrash band I got into and without them I wouldnt have found out about Megadeth.
As the thrash pounds through your head
Pound your drinks
Tonight we shred
- Municipal Waste -
21.04.2010 - 13:28


24.04.2010 - 03:53
Both are great but I prefer Megadeth. Dave's voice is just too awesome!:metal:
24.04.2010 - 04:16
Metallica aren't a valid comparison for Megadeth. Megadeth have talent, Metallica do not. Metallica NEVER have. People act like Metallica sold out, but they've NEVER been unpopular. They've always been shitty pop. They can't write songs half as good as Dave Mustaine can. And they can't even play the songs that he writes in studio. It's embarrassing how SLOPPY Ride The Lighting was in the studio. And they haven't wrote anything near as good as Dave since that album. Master Of Puppets was the most blatantly retarded album in existence. James Hetfield sounds like an absolute moron. "Master! Master!" Fucking retarded...
Testament are a valid comparison for Megadeth. Compare Practice What You Preach to Rust In Peace. But Metallica need to develop some talent before they can be compared to Megadeth, which they have not done. Joe Satriani had quite a few students in the 1980s. Alex Skolnick(Testament, Alex Skolnick Trio), Steve Vai, John Petrucci(Dream Theater, Liquid Tension Experiment, G3, etc.), etc. Why is it that Kirk Hammett is the only complete failure? All of the other Satch students could play in the 1980s. Krik Hammett is almost 50-years-old now, I think it's about time he learned to play. But still, from Kill Em All to Death Magnetic, he just overloads his guitar with wah to cover up his pissy skills that a monkey could easily best. The first time the monkey picks up the guitar too. The most obvious reason why Metallica are talentless and are not a worthy comparison for Megadeth, is because people compare Avenged Sevenfold to Metallica. Syn to Kirk Hammett, The Rev to Lars Ulrich, etc. You can't compare a metal band to Avenged Sevenfold! XD Those talentless little emo faggots were obsolete before they even formed as a band. Because of of 80s progressive/technical thrash metal like Watchtower and guys like Ron Jarzombek. It's not like Lars is even a drummer. There is absolutely no drumming in Metallica's songs. I would say that Lars sucks and should have stuck to Tennis, but the non-existent drumming in Metallica's albums is probably just Lars playing Tennis anyway. Megadeth should be compared to Testament, Overkill, Watchtower, etc. Metallica should be compared to the other pop liek themselves. Pop chicks like Orianthi. Because Orianthi can actually correctly play her guitar. Tapped arpeggios correctly and whatnot. 24-year-old pop chick that could effortlessly outplay Kirk Hammett and Synyster Gates, the talentless emo with a hat at the same time. Metallica aren't even worth my spit. Just get me a custom Metallica flyswatter some one. So people who appreciate music and actual talent can listen to that again in peace. Without having to suffer through the annoying flies known as Metallica.
24.04.2010 - 04:19
Written by Jared_Scirocco on 24.04.2010 at 04:16

Metallica aren't a valid comparison for Megadeth. Megadeth have talent, Metallica do not. Metallica NEVER have. People act like Metallica sold out, but they've NEVER been unpopular. They've always been shitty pop. They can't write songs half as good as Dave Mustaine can. And they can't even play the songs that he writes in studio. It's embarrassing how SLOPPY Ride The Lighting was in the studio. And they haven't wrote anything near as good as Dave since that album. Master Of Puppets was the most blatantly retarded album in existence. James Hetfield sounds like an absolute moron. "Master! Master!" Fucking retarded...
Testament are a valid comparison for Megadeth. Compare Practice What You Preach to Rust In Peace. But Metallica need to develop some talent before they can be compared to Megadeth, which they have not done. Joe Satriani had quite a few students in the 1980s. Alex Skolnick(Testament, Alex Skolnick Trio), Steve Vai, John Petrucci(Dream Theater, Liquid Tension Experiment, G3, etc.), etc. Why is it that Kirk Hammett is the only complete failure? All of the other Satch students could play in the 1980s. Krik Hammett is almost 50-years-old now, I think it's about time he learned to play. But still, from Kill Em All to Death Magnetic, he just overloads his guitar with wah to cover up his pissy skills that a monkey could easily best. The first time the monkey picks up the guitar too. The most obvious reason why Metallica are talentless and are not a worthy comparison for Megadeth, is because people compare Avenged Sevenfold to Metallica. Syn to Kirk Hammett, The Rev to Lars Ulrich, etc. You can't compare a metal band to Avenged Sevenfold! XD Those talentless little emo faggots were obsolete before they even formed as a band. Because of of 80s progressive/technical thrash metal like Watchtower and guys like Ron Jarzombek. It's not like Lars is even a drummer. There is absolutely no drumming in Metallica's songs. I would say that Lars sucks and should have stuck to Tennis, but the non-existent drumming in Metallica's albums is probably just Lars playing Tennis anyway. Megadeth should be compared to Testament, Overkill, Watchtower, etc. Metallica should be compared to the other pop liek themselves. Pop chicks like Orianthi. Because Orianthi can actually correctly play her guitar. Tapped arpeggios correctly and whatnot. 24-year-old pop chick that could effortlessly outplay Kirk Hammett and Synyster Gates, the talentless emo with a hat at the same time. Metallica aren't even worth my spit. Just get me a custom Metallica flyswatter some one. So people who appreciate music and actual talent can listen to that again in peace. Without having to suffer through the annoying flies known as Metallica.

Not to mention that the years have been much kinder to Dave than the fucks in Metallica. This is completely irrelevant to the topic and my original post. But I just wanted to point it out. Maybe it's Karma. You suck and play talentless music for so long while gaining fame for it and become a soulless little group of dicks, you get really fucking ugly when you grow old.
29.04.2010 - 06:39
Wow... they were even like a week ago.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
29.04.2010 - 08:27
AY CARUMBA! It seems as if there is a random internet folllowing of Megadeth that does not show up anywhere else. The general public prefers Metallica, critics prefer Metallica, when "That Metal Show" was asked who the best thrash metal band was, they were split 3 to 2 in favor of Metallica. The band with 2 votes was Slayer, Megadeth was hardly mentioned, and yet, if the question is on the internet, Megadeth seems to win! I dont get it, maybe Megadeth appeals to misfits, who than rage on the internet all day, I am not sure!

Yes, Megadeth has some decent albums (Killing is my Business, and Rust in Peace being my favories), but it can't stand up to Metallica's. Megadeth may play slightly faster, and more precise, but nothing can stand up to Metallica's monster albums. Kill 'Em All is a great album, and as intense as anything Megadeth created. It features cooler riffs, and better replay value. Ride the Lightning is incredibly superior to anything Megadeth made. Fight Fire with Fire is brutal thrash at its best, and For Whom the Bell tolls shows a very intense, yet mid-tempo side to metal. Fade to Black shows how flexible Metallica is as a band, and regardless of what Megadeth fanboys say, A Tout Le Monde does not compare. Master of Puppets shows yet another change. This album features great thrash such as Battery, Master of Puppets, Disposable Heroes, and Damage Inc. However, it also includes great heavy metal/thrash songs like The Thing That Should Not Be, Welcome Home (Sanitarium), and Leper Messiah. They show more sides than Megadeth shows. ...And Justice For All is a guitar masterpiece. The lyrics are as good as anything Megadeth has made, and the vocals are far better! And as far as their 90's albums go, sure Metallica, Load, and ReLoad weren't that great, but I would rather listen to them than Youthenasia or Risk! Endgame is a pretty solid album, but I far prefer Death Magnetic. Death Magnetic had great thrashers, and really reminded me of a Master of Puppets, ...And Justic for all, Metallica mix.

Kirk Hammet may not have the complete shredding power of Dave/Chris/Marty/whoever else has played for the band, but he makes up fo rit in other ways. His solos have much more feeling, and intimacy. He can slow it down like the solos in One, Master of Puppets, and Ain't My Bitch, but also release some fucking havoc with solos in Welcome Home, the 2nd Master of Puppets solo, and Ride the Lightning. Also, because he has the ability to slow it down, it gives his riffs more size. Megadeth plays them too fast and staccato. Kirk has more of a stadium feel to it, which is what you want in rock(Angus Young's riffs with AC/DC are a perfect example of this. His riffs feel like they are blasting out of a stadium speaker, regardless how loud you play them).

Although Mustaine has had some better lyrics for the most part, lyrics in albums such as ...And Justice For All, Metallica, and Load equal to or surpass Megadeth's lyrics for the most part.

Metallica is the superior band, face it
This is my sig, respect it. Please.

29.04.2010 - 09:58
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Making your post longer does not make it more intelligent.

A) "That Metal Show" is on VH1, I tend to take anything such a mainstream source says with a grain of salt. Yeah, I'm aware how juvenile & elitist that sounds, but I've seen enough completely moronic shit printed by publications such as Hit Parader and Metal Hammer I tend to not take any "official metal panels" seriously. Especially ones that are swayed by big name acts.

B) You're comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst. It's like me saying Megadeth is better hands down - compare Tornado of Souls & Peace Sells to St.Anger.

C) As for your Kirk Hammet paragraph, that's 100% objective, and does not really put any power behind your final sentence there.

D) Lyric wise, once again, objective. I've never found anything all that great about Metallica's lyrics, but I've always enjoyed Mustaine's lyrics even on the shit albums (music wise).

Trying to present a fact and basing it on opinion doesn't really work, good try though.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
29.04.2010 - 14:54
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Jared_Scirocco on 24.04.2010 at 04:16

Metallica aren't a valid comparison for Megadeth. Megadeth have talent, Metallica do not. Metallica NEVER have. People act like Metallica sold out, but they've NEVER been unpopular. They've always been shitty pop.

First of all it is clear you are a blind and deaf Mustaine fanboy.

And I find it hilarious you say stuff about Metallica you know nothing about looking at your age.
The snippet I quote proves it. So according to you Metallica were pupolar when they released their demos and the first three albums? Please crawl back under your rock. The popularity only started to grow a bit after Master Of Puppets was released.
Kill 'em All pop, Ride The Lightning pop? Master Of Puppets pop? mwahahahaha. And then you dare laud Practice What You Preach by Testament. My God THAT album is just a second rate Metallica wannabee. And the first of the endless list of mediocre to crap Testament albums (actually hald of New Order is already mediocre) Testament only released one truly great and relevant album and that was The Legacy.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

29.04.2010 - 15:18
To Arms!
On the 80's theyre equal awesome, 90's megadeth totally owned and 2000 - Megadeth still reigning
Stay Metal !!!
03.05.2010 - 02:38
Written by Doc G. on 29.04.2010 at 09:58

Making your post longer does not make it more intelligent.

A) "That Metal Show" is on VH1, I tend to take anything such a mainstream source says with a grain of salt. Yeah, I'm aware how juvenile & elitist that sounds, but I've seen enough completely moronic shit printed by publications such as Hit Parader and Metal Hammer I tend to not take any "official metal panels" seriously. Especially ones that are swayed by big name acts.

B) You're comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst. It's like me saying Megadeth is better hands down - compare Tornado of Souls & Peace Sells to St.Anger.

C) As for your Kirk Hammet paragraph, that's 100% objective, and does not really put any power behind your final sentence there.

D) Lyric wise, once again, objective. I've never found anything all that great about Metallica's lyrics, but I've always enjoyed Mustaine's lyrics even on the shit albums (music wise).

Trying to present a fact and basing it on opinion doesn't really work, good try though.

Ok, wow, I mean WOW. You put forth absolutely no argument, and your attempts at smashing my arguments are horrible.

A) When you say VH1, lets be clear hear. it is VH1 classic, a much smaller show. They do not support bigger acts, as they are constantly pushing for bands such as UFO, Kreator, Hatebreed, etc. Those three guys know more about metal than anyone else I have ever met. If they were swayed by big name acts, why would they choose Slayer? Megadeth is just as big as them. I truly believe that the three hosts a nd the two guests were being honest, and not just trying to support the big name act.

B) How in ANY way was i comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst? I first compared 80's Metallica to anything Megadeth made, then i compared 90's Metallica (worst) to 90' Megadeth (worst), and than i compared their latest albums. I made sure to compare fairly, if you can't see that, i don't even know.

C) I realize this is subjective, everything on this post, and on this website is completely subjective. There opinions, and I am expressing mine!

D) You go on to say that when I claim Metallica's lyrics to be around equal to Megadeth, you say that is subjective. But you go on to state your own belief about Megadeth's being better, completely contradicting yourself.

None of your arguments make sense
This is my sig, respect it. Please.

03.05.2010 - 05:15
Written by JCJen7 on 03.05.2010 at 02:38

Written by Doc G. on 29.04.2010 at 09:58

Making your post longer does not make it more intelligent.

A) "That Metal Show" is on VH1, I tend to take anything such a mainstream source says with a grain of salt. Yeah, I'm aware how juvenile & elitist that sounds, but I've seen enough completely moronic shit printed by publications such as Hit Parader and Metal Hammer I tend to not take any "official metal panels" seriously. Especially ones that are swayed by big name acts.

B) You're comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst. It's like me saying Megadeth is better hands down - compare Tornado of Souls & Peace Sells to St.Anger.

C) As for your Kirk Hammet paragraph, that's 100% objective, and does not really put any power behind your final sentence there.

D) Lyric wise, once again, objective. I've never found anything all that great about Metallica's lyrics, but I've always enjoyed Mustaine's lyrics even on the shit albums (music wise).

Trying to present a fact and basing it on opinion doesn't really work, good try though.

Ok, wow, I mean WOW. You put forth absolutely no argument, and your attempts at smashing my arguments are horrible.

A) When you say VH1, lets be clear hear. it is VH1 classic, a much smaller show. They do not support bigger acts, as they are constantly pushing for bands such as UFO, Kreator, Hatebreed, etc. Those three guys know more about metal than anyone else I have ever met. If they were swayed by big name acts, why would they choose Slayer? Megadeth is just as big as them. I truly believe that the three hosts a nd the two guests were being honest, and not just trying to support the big name act.

B) How in ANY way was i comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst? I first compared 80's Metallica to anything Megadeth made, then i compared 90's Metallica (worst) to 90' Megadeth (worst), and than i compared their latest albums. I made sure to compare fairly, if you can't see that, i don't even know.

C) I realize this is subjective, everything on this post, and on this website is completely subjective. There opinions, and I am expressing mine!

D) You go on to say that when I claim Metallica's lyrics to be around equal to Megadeth, you say that is subjective. But you go on to state your own belief about Megadeth's being better, completely contradicting yourself.

None of your arguments make sense

I know, coz slayer is totally not a big name in metal. Never heard of them. Are they new?
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
04.05.2010 - 02:41
Written by whatsacow on 03.05.2010 at 05:15

Written by JCJen7 on 03.05.2010 at 02:38

Written by Doc G. on 29.04.2010 at 09:58

Making your post longer does not make it more intelligent.

A) "That Metal Show" is on VH1, I tend to take anything such a mainstream source says with a grain of salt. Yeah, I'm aware how juvenile & elitist that sounds, but I've seen enough completely moronic shit printed by publications such as Hit Parader and Metal Hammer I tend to not take any "official metal panels" seriously. Especially ones that are swayed by big name acts.

B) You're comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst. It's like me saying Megadeth is better hands down - compare Tornado of Souls & Peace Sells to St.Anger.

C) As for your Kirk Hammet paragraph, that's 100% objective, and does not really put any power behind your final sentence there.

D) Lyric wise, once again, objective. I've never found anything all that great about Metallica's lyrics, but I've always enjoyed Mustaine's lyrics even on the shit albums (music wise).

Trying to present a fact and basing it on opinion doesn't really work, good try though.

Ok, wow, I mean WOW. You put forth absolutely no argument, and your attempts at smashing my arguments are horrible.

A) When you say VH1, lets be clear hear. it is VH1 classic, a much smaller show. They do not support bigger acts, as they are constantly pushing for bands such as UFO, Kreator, Hatebreed, etc. Those three guys know more about metal than anyone else I have ever met. If they were swayed by big name acts, why would they choose Slayer? Megadeth is just as big as them. I truly believe that the three hosts a nd the two guests were being honest, and not just trying to support the big name act.

B) How in ANY way was i comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst? I first compared 80's Metallica to anything Megadeth made, then i compared 90's Metallica (worst) to 90' Megadeth (worst), and than i compared their latest albums. I made sure to compare fairly, if you can't see that, i don't even know.

C) I realize this is subjective, everything on this post, and on this website is completely subjective. There opinions, and I am expressing mine!

D) You go on to say that when I claim Metallica's lyrics to be around equal to Megadeth, you say that is subjective. But you go on to state your own belief about Megadeth's being better, completely contradicting yourself.

None of your arguments make sense

I know, coz slayer is totally not a big name in metal. Never heard of them. Are they new?

Did i say they weren't a big name? no. However, are they any bigger than Megadeth? or Anthrax? Why would they be biased towards Slayer if Megadeth is just as big?
This is my sig, respect it. Please.

04.05.2010 - 03:28
Written by JCJen7 on 04.05.2010 at 02:41

Written by whatsacow on 03.05.2010 at 05:15

Written by JCJen7 on 03.05.2010 at 02:38

Written by Doc G. on 29.04.2010 at 09:58

Making your post longer does not make it more intelligent.

A) "That Metal Show" is on VH1, I tend to take anything such a mainstream source says with a grain of salt. Yeah, I'm aware how juvenile & elitist that sounds, but I've seen enough completely moronic shit printed by publications such as Hit Parader and Metal Hammer I tend to not take any "official metal panels" seriously. Especially ones that are swayed by big name acts.

B) You're comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst. It's like me saying Megadeth is better hands down - compare Tornado of Souls & Peace Sells to St.Anger.

C) As for your Kirk Hammet paragraph, that's 100% objective, and does not really put any power behind your final sentence there.

D) Lyric wise, once again, objective. I've never found anything all that great about Metallica's lyrics, but I've always enjoyed Mustaine's lyrics even on the shit albums (music wise).

Trying to present a fact and basing it on opinion doesn't really work, good try though.

Ok, wow, I mean WOW. You put forth absolutely no argument, and your attempts at smashing my arguments are horrible.

A) When you say VH1, lets be clear hear. it is VH1 classic, a much smaller show. They do not support bigger acts, as they are constantly pushing for bands such as UFO, Kreator, Hatebreed, etc. Those three guys know more about metal than anyone else I have ever met. If they were swayed by big name acts, why would they choose Slayer? Megadeth is just as big as them. I truly believe that the three hosts a nd the two guests were being honest, and not just trying to support the big name act.

B) How in ANY way was i comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst? I first compared 80's Metallica to anything Megadeth made, then i compared 90's Metallica (worst) to 90' Megadeth (worst), and than i compared their latest albums. I made sure to compare fairly, if you can't see that, i don't even know.

C) I realize this is subjective, everything on this post, and on this website is completely subjective. There opinions, and I am expressing mine!

D) You go on to say that when I claim Metallica's lyrics to be around equal to Megadeth, you say that is subjective. But you go on to state your own belief about Megadeth's being better, completely contradicting yourself.

None of your arguments make sense

I know, coz slayer is totally not a big name in metal. Never heard of them. Are they new?

Did i say they weren't a big name? no. However, are they any bigger than Megadeth? or Anthrax? Why would they be biased towards Slayer if Megadeth is just as big?

Maybe because Reign in Blood is one of the biggest and most influential albums in metal. And also maybe because all those retards who watch mtv religiously saw that episode of viva la bam where he gets slayer to play in his backyard.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
04.05.2010 - 05:49
Got Mayhem?
If someone says it on must be true.

I went for the 'deth. I'm not going to go into some quasi-scientific BS answer as to why Dave Mustaine has 32% more awesome-ites than Hammet, or how studies have shown that by listening to Megadeth you become more metal than if you actually ingested molten steel. Nope. I just voted. Fuck yea.:metal:
04.05.2010 - 05:58
Written by whatsacow on 04.05.2010 at 03:28

Written by JCJen7 on 04.05.2010 at 02:41

Written by whatsacow on 03.05.2010 at 05:15

Written by JCJen7 on 03.05.2010 at 02:38

Written by Doc G. on 29.04.2010 at 09:58

Making your post longer does not make it more intelligent.

A) "That Metal Show" is on VH1, I tend to take anything such a mainstream source says with a grain of salt. Yeah, I'm aware how juvenile & elitist that sounds, but I've seen enough completely moronic shit printed by publications such as Hit Parader and Metal Hammer I tend to not take any "official metal panels" seriously. Especially ones that are swayed by big name acts.

B) You're comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst. It's like me saying Megadeth is better hands down - compare Tornado of Souls & Peace Sells to St.Anger.

C) As for your Kirk Hammet paragraph, that's 100% objective, and does not really put any power behind your final sentence there.

D) Lyric wise, once again, objective. I've never found anything all that great about Metallica's lyrics, but I've always enjoyed Mustaine's lyrics even on the shit albums (music wise).

Trying to present a fact and basing it on opinion doesn't really work, good try though.

Ok, wow, I mean WOW. You put forth absolutely no argument, and your attempts at smashing my arguments are horrible.

A) When you say VH1, lets be clear hear. it is VH1 classic, a much smaller show. They do not support bigger acts, as they are constantly pushing for bands such as UFO, Kreator, Hatebreed, etc. Those three guys know more about metal than anyone else I have ever met. If they were swayed by big name acts, why would they choose Slayer? Megadeth is just as big as them. I truly believe that the three hosts a nd the two guests were being honest, and not just trying to support the big name act.

B) How in ANY way was i comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst? I first compared 80's Metallica to anything Megadeth made, then i compared 90's Metallica (worst) to 90' Megadeth (worst), and than i compared their latest albums. I made sure to compare fairly, if you can't see that, i don't even know.

C) I realize this is subjective, everything on this post, and on this website is completely subjective. There opinions, and I am expressing mine!

D) You go on to say that when I claim Metallica's lyrics to be around equal to Megadeth, you say that is subjective. But you go on to state your own belief about Megadeth's being better, completely contradicting yourself.

None of your arguments make sense

I know, coz slayer is totally not a big name in metal. Never heard of them. Are they new?

Did i say they weren't a big name? no. However, are they any bigger than Megadeth? or Anthrax? Why would they be biased towards Slayer if Megadeth is just as big?

Maybe because Reign in Blood is one of the biggest and most influential albums in metal. And also maybe because all those retards who watch mtv religiously saw that episode of viva la bam where he gets slayer to play in his backyard.

And Rust in Peace isn't? Now it just sounds like your insulting Megadeth, while trying to support them. You have no argument, and really? thats the best you can come up with for slayer. a stupid MTV show?
This is my sig, respect it. Please.

04.05.2010 - 06:09
Written by JCJen7 on 04.05.2010 at 05:58

Written by whatsacow on 04.05.2010 at 03:28

Written by JCJen7 on 04.05.2010 at 02:41

Written by whatsacow on 03.05.2010 at 05:15

Written by JCJen7 on 03.05.2010 at 02:38

Written by Doc G. on 29.04.2010 at 09:58

Making your post longer does not make it more intelligent.

A) "That Metal Show" is on VH1, I tend to take anything such a mainstream source says with a grain of salt. Yeah, I'm aware how juvenile & elitist that sounds, but I've seen enough completely moronic shit printed by publications such as Hit Parader and Metal Hammer I tend to not take any "official metal panels" seriously. Especially ones that are swayed by big name acts.

B) You're comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst. It's like me saying Megadeth is better hands down - compare Tornado of Souls & Peace Sells to St.Anger.

C) As for your Kirk Hammet paragraph, that's 100% objective, and does not really put any power behind your final sentence there.

D) Lyric wise, once again, objective. I've never found anything all that great about Metallica's lyrics, but I've always enjoyed Mustaine's lyrics even on the shit albums (music wise).

Trying to present a fact and basing it on opinion doesn't really work, good try though.

Ok, wow, I mean WOW. You put forth absolutely no argument, and your attempts at smashing my arguments are horrible.

A) When you say VH1, lets be clear hear. it is VH1 classic, a much smaller show. They do not support bigger acts, as they are constantly pushing for bands such as UFO, Kreator, Hatebreed, etc. Those three guys know more about metal than anyone else I have ever met. If they were swayed by big name acts, why would they choose Slayer? Megadeth is just as big as them. I truly believe that the three hosts a nd the two guests were being honest, and not just trying to support the big name act.

B) How in ANY way was i comparing Metallica's best to Megadeth's worst? I first compared 80's Metallica to anything Megadeth made, then i compared 90's Metallica (worst) to 90' Megadeth (worst), and than i compared their latest albums. I made sure to compare fairly, if you can't see that, i don't even know.

C) I realize this is subjective, everything on this post, and on this website is completely subjective. There opinions, and I am expressing mine!

D) You go on to say that when I claim Metallica's lyrics to be around equal to Megadeth, you say that is subjective. But you go on to state your own belief about Megadeth's being better, completely contradicting yourself.

None of your arguments make sense

I know, coz slayer is totally not a big name in metal. Never heard of them. Are they new?

Did i say they weren't a big name? no. However, are they any bigger than Megadeth? or Anthrax? Why would they be biased towards Slayer if Megadeth is just as big?

Maybe because Reign in Blood is one of the biggest and most influential albums in metal. And also maybe because all those retards who watch mtv religiously saw that episode of viva la bam where he gets slayer to play in his backyard.

And Rust in Peace isn't? Now it just sounds like your insulting Megadeth, while trying to support them. You have no argument, and really? thats the best you can come up with for slayer. a stupid MTV show?

Wow. Someone is a little touchy. All I'm saying is that thats how a lot of people find out about them. I've talked to people around here about slayer, and theyre like: "you mean that band that was on viva la bam?" thats all i was saying.
I never said anything about megadeth, i was just highlighting the stupidity of your comment about slayer not being a big name.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
04.05.2010 - 07:09
I never said they weren't a big name. But i was saying that someone who simply suppports big name acts would hav eno business choosing Slayr over Medgadeth purely on that subject
This is my sig, respect it. Please.

04.05.2010 - 07:16
Written by JCJen7 on 04.05.2010 at 07:09

I never said they weren't a big name. But i was saying that someone who simply suppports big name acts would hav eno business choosing Slayr over Medgadeth purely on that subject

Fair point, but you worded it stupidly. and if you word it stupidly, stupid people from the internet will mock you
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
07.05.2010 - 23:00
I went with Metallica because i think their masterpiece is over Megadeth's, to me Master Of Puppets has no comparisson with any album besides it was released on 1986 when Megadeth was still having good albums but with no the best production, Metallica was like an step forward.

But i also like Megadeth a lot, and i think that 'step forward' Metallica once had it was completely lost in the 90's Countdown to Extinction is better than the whole Metallica production of the 90's together (including the Black Album).

And finally one thing stills prevails Megadeth over Metallica is their pure genuine love for the music they do, the went always in the same line and people understand that as an act of pure rock thought while Metallica did all what they did (Load, Reload, Garage, St Anger).

But you can't avoid the sensations to listen to Kill'em All, Ride The Lightning and so... Metallica is over Megadeth for me, but they're very close
13.05.2010 - 05:28
Written by farshid on 25.03.2010 at 10:48

Written by Megallica on 09.01.2010 at 16:16

Written by [user id=39242] on 24.02.2009 at 10:54

Megadeth are aweosme though

80's Metallica > 80's Megadeth
90's Metalica < 90's Megadeth
00's Metallica = 00's Megadeth

you sayed just like me about 80's 90's 00's


80's Metallica = Megadeth
90's Metallica < Megadeth (By quite a bit too, RIP and CTE are just plain amazing)
00's Metallica < Megadeth (Mostly because St. Anger and Death Magnetic were awful, and United Abomination is their best album since CTE, and Endgame is pretty amazing too)

Don't get me wrong, I love Metallica, but only for their first 4 albums.
02.07.2010 - 23:58
I think Megadeth is the better overall band. Metallica is too inconsistent in their work (compare St. Anger and Death Magnetic to the Black Album and Master of Puppets. Notice a difference?), while Megadeth's always been good
06.07.2010 - 08:27
Account deleted
I think that Metallica is superior to Megadeth. Sure theyre both incredible, but Megadeth's Rust In Peace and Peace Sells... But Who's Buying? just arent equal to Ride The Lightning and Master Of Puppets. Look, they have both been inconsistent, with Metallica's St Anger, Death Magnetic, Load and ReLoad, and Megadeth's Hidden Treasures, Risk, The World Need's A Hero, Still Alive... and Well? and Youthanasia. Metallica is more influential, which is another reason i am giving it to Metallica. There's my vooooote.:banger2:
06.07.2010 - 08:38
The Ancient One
Written by Sulac on 02.07.2010 at 23:58

while Megadeth's always been good...

uh, "Risk" is currently sitting in our "Bottom 20 of All Time"... i wouldn't consider making one of the most abysmal metal albums of all-time "always good."

in fact, most of their post-"RIP" material as pretty much been about as bad as Metallica's, only their attempt to sell-out and cash-in wasn't quite as successful.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
06.07.2010 - 10:42
Written by BitterCOld on 06.07.2010 at 08:38

Written by Sulac on 02.07.2010 at 23:58

while Megadeth's always been good...

uh, "Risk" is currently sitting in our "Bottom 20 of All Time"... i wouldn't consider making one of the most abysmal metal albums of all-time "always good."

in fact, most of their post-"RIP" material as pretty much been about as bad as Metallica's, only their attempt to sell-out and cash-in wasn't quite as successful.

I beg to differ with you sir. Yes Risk was bad but Megadeth's last 3 albums have been outstanding. Especially the last one End Game, It is classic Megadeth. Every since Dave came back from his wrist injury Megadeth has been pumping out soild kick-ass music!! As for Metallica not so much, They are still struggling to find the form they had before the black album. My vote goes to Dave and Megadeth, IMO the better band by a long shot.