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Demons & Wizards - Hansi Kürsch Leaves

After the well known recent events, including Jon Schaffer in "first battle lines", expected response has followed from his long-time Demons & Wizards companion Hansi Kürsch. Hansi revealed a brief statement that he has officially decided to leave Demons & Wizards project.

In a statement released via Rock Hard, Kürsch says: "I told Jon and Century Media on Monday that I was leaving the Demons & Wizards project with immediate effect. My collaboration with Jon in Demons & Wizards is over."

Band profile: Demons & Wizards
Posted: 03.02.2021 by Bad English

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07.02.2021 - 20:36
no one
Written by Metal Spartan on 07.02.2021 at 19:52

Written by RaduP on 07.02.2021 at 19:29

Every day I wake up and I am grateful that I'm not an American.

At its core, America is a great country, which is why so many people from other countries want to live here. Land of freedom and opportunity as they call it...unless leftists start taking over...which they have.

Haha, no one wants to live in that joke of a country
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07.02.2021 - 21:19
i c deaf people
Written by Aries Rising on 07.02.2021 at 14:02

I don't understand why Hansi, a man who has called Jon a friend for almost 30 years, is just throwing said friend under the bus. I mean he's had to have known Jon's beliefs before all of this, so why not just bail on the "crazy political nutjob" years ago?

Your question implies that people cannot gradually change (or, as far as Schaffer is concerned, regress and slowly radicalize), that Hansi knew already years ago that Schaffer would one day be part of a violent mob breaching the Capitol, and that loyalty is a one-way street.
All three assumptions are wrong.
signatures = SPAM
07.02.2021 - 22:04
Aries Rising
Written by no one on 07.02.2021 at 20:36

Written by Metal Spartan on 07.02.2021 at 19:52

Written by RaduP on 07.02.2021 at 19:29

Every day I wake up and I am grateful that I'm not an American.

At its core, America is a great country, which is why so many people from other countries want to live here. Land of freedom and opportunity as they call it...unless leftists start taking over...which they have.

Haha, no one wants to live in that joke of a country

Can you show us on the doll where America touched you?
07.02.2021 - 22:58
There is nothing wrong with the USA or any country for that matter. Wankers from the left, the right, and the centre exist everywhere. It is good that we can choose who we want to associate with regardless of where they come from.
07.02.2021 - 23:41
Written by nikarg on 07.02.2021 at 22:58

There is nothing wrong with the USA

I'm gonna stop you right there.
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
07.02.2021 - 23:46
Metal Spartan
Written by The Norseman on 07.02.2021 at 20:30

Will I stop admiring both Hansi and Schaffer's work ? individually or as a group ? No. Music and Politics have their own places and people shouldn't mix both. Hansi decided to mix both, which I think it's a mistake.

I agree with this to an extent. Although I'm on the same wavelength as Schaffer when it comes to issues and politics, I was actually pissed off when he came out with The Glorious Burden. To me, that wasn't Iced Earth...a band who usually delved into dark subject matters and not politics.

If a band, or a movie for that matter, states beforehand that it is politicial, then that is the only time I believe entertainment and politics can go hand-in-hand. These days, however, it seems that every Hollywood movie and tv show, no matter the category, has to incorporate some kind of political or "woke" bullshit, which is why I basically stopped watching anything new coming out of that liberal shithole of an area.
07.02.2021 - 23:59
Metal Spartan
Written by Aries Rising on 07.02.2021 at 22:04

Can you show us on the doll where America touched you?

Hahaha, yeah. Although I do agree that our government has become the laughing stock of the world (although in reality, most of these countries have no room to talk), I'm sure millions around the world and the thousands upon thousands of illegals in the U.S. would disagree with No One's sentiment.
08.02.2021 - 04:02
no one
Americans are loud and obnoxious, just like on tv and forums. You always know when an american is in NZ, you can here them from miles away, usually complaining or talking about how it is back home.
Then again I'm talking about those white illegal immigrants, I've never actually meet a native american.
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08.02.2021 - 04:49
Aries Rising
Written by no one on 08.02.2021 at 04:02

Americans are loud and obnoxious, just like on tv and forums. You always know when an american is in NZ, you can here them from miles away, usually complaining or talking about how it is back home.
Then again I'm talking about those white illegal immigrants, I've never actually meet a native american.

And which are you? A native New Zealander or one of those obnoxious white illegal immigrants?

Here's the truth, there are assholes EVERYWHERE. This isn't a problem exclusive to the US, we have loud, obnoxious morons and so do the rest of the world. You guys usually call them football hooligans.

Bashing one country just makes a person look like a douchebag.
08.02.2021 - 05:35
no one
Written by Aries Rising on 08.02.2021 at 04:49

Written by no one on 08.02.2021 at 04:02

Americans are loud and obnoxious, just like on tv and forums. You always know when an american is in NZ, you can here them from miles away, usually complaining or talking about how it is back home.
Then again I'm talking about those white illegal immigrants, I've never actually meet a native american.

And which are you? A native New Zealander or one of those obnoxious white illegal immigrants?

Here's the truth, there are assholes EVERYWHERE. This isn't a problem exclusive to the US, we have loud, obnoxious morons and so do the rest of the world. You guys usually call them football hooligans.

Bashing one country just makes a person look like a douchebag.

I'm a white immigrant.
We don't have football hoolagins, I think your referring to the uk.
Of course im generalising, I'm just going by my experience. They seem to be very proud and patriotic of their country, when they probably shouldn't be. They are also very ignorant other countries.

.....oh no I think I'm racist.
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08.02.2021 - 11:16
Written by Metal Spartan on 07.02.2021 at 23:46

If a band, or a movie for that matter, states beforehand that it is politicial, then that is the only time I believe entertainment and politics can go hand-in-hand.

Oh yeah, give music and movies a "may contain political content" label so it doesn't invade anyone's safe space.
08.02.2021 - 20:33
Metal Spartan
Written by Zap on 08.02.2021 at 11:16

Oh yeah, give music and movies a "may contain political content" label so it doesn't invade anyone's safe space.

It's all about what my hard-earned money is going toward and what I'm supporting. With a Michael Moore film, for example, I know what his politics are about, so I avoid it like the plague. In a fantasy film, for example, I expect to see very little if anything at all in terms of politics and "wokeness." These days, however, they throw that shit in your face with almost every movie/show. Hollywood and pop culture is complicit in the brainwashing.
09.02.2021 - 10:51
Written by Metal Spartan on 08.02.2021 at 20:33

It's all about what my hard-earned money is going toward and what I'm supporting. With a Michael Moore film, for example, I know what his politics are about, so I avoid it like the plague. In a fantasy film, for example, I expect to see very little if anything at all in terms of politics and "wokeness." These days, however, they throw that shit in your face with almost every movie/show. Hollywood and pop culture is complicit in the brainwashing.

We are going off topic here but you might want to have a look at films from the '80s when the Cold War was still at its peak to see what real propaganda and brainwashing looks like. "Rambo IV" and "Iron Eagle" are the most ridiculous that come to mind right now. A whole generation of people was brought up with films that presented the USA as the guardian angel, full of purity and good will. USA's enemies (former Soviet Union, the Arab world, etc.) were portrayed as being the evil incarnate. And there was no internet then, mind you, people had to eat whatever they were served. Of course, the same thing took place on the other side of the Iron Curtain, but let's not pretend that both sides did not employ the tactics of Goebbels in the exact same way.

Hollywood has always had an agenda to push both to the locals as well as to the rest of us in other parts of the world about how great America is, how fantastically they do everything, how they save the world (regardless if the world needs saving), etc. It's just that in the last few years the agenda has changed a bit; we now need to be politically correct, we have to have 167 different ways to categorise people according to what type of sex they want to have as if anyone cares what the person next to them likes to do in bed, we try to find different and appropriate names for people to address their racial origin as if anyone should give a flying fuck about what someone's racial origin is, etc. I don't know if that change in themes is so bad though, since I guess that even the Americans themselves had grown sick and tired of watching all the American heroic stuff time and time again.

What we often fail to see is that people having a different opinion are not our enemies. Also people can have an opinion on a certain topic but that does not necessarily put them in a box (right, left, whatever) that predetermines what their stance would be on every topic. It would be a good idea to stop and think how and why the "divide and conquer" dogma is getting stronger every day and who is benefitting from it. And, Metal Spartan, if you don't mind a suggestion: try and get your information from different sources, not just the ones that seem to agree with what you believe already.

*edit: I am not anti-USA, quite the opposite. I believe people living there are really fucking lucky for a number of reasons.

Addressed to everyone: I do not want and do not intend to lock this thread. I don't like the idea of everyone being deprived of the opportunity to have a discussion because two or three users do not want to comply with the rules and policies of the website. Those who have insulted other people have received warnings. From now on there will be no more warnings, I will start deleting comments and applying bans from posting. Play by the rules or don't play at all. Thank you.
09.02.2021 - 11:18
Politics and motives aside, Jon thought it was a good idea to storm a building with pepper spray to somehow overthrow a corrupt government. Among protesters who killed a cop.

We don't know the full story of course, but if one of my friends was part of that I'd at the very least be questioning whether I want to keep making music with them, regardless of their political opinions. We don't know what was said between Hansi and Jon, if anything, but from what we do know it is definitely understandable that Hansi would ditch this project.

Edit: apparently they didn't kill a cop. No wonder people start believing some extreme stuff when major news outlets mess up this bad. My point still stands though: it's perfectly reasonable for Hansi to ditch this project.
09.02.2021 - 21:30
Metal Spartan
Nikarg, I understand you're trying to be neutral in this situation. Trust me, I used to be like that too and to an extent, still am. I understand that movies with propaganda have always existed. With movies like Rambo, however, people knew what they were getting into. The trailers and synopsis made it no secret that it was going to be pro-America and anti-whoever the enemy was at the time. That's the difference between today's shows and movies where pro-liberalism is thrown into almost every movie/show.

As for your suggestion...appreciate it, but been there, done that. I make my own judgments from watching how these media pundits and politicians speak, what they say, their mannerisms and what their body language says. I don't need a radio talk show host, for example, telling me how to think based on the evidence presented. I also base things on my own experience and what I see around me, the experiences of my friends/family and others I converse with.

A lot of people are ignorant on how bad things really are which is why I can't fault Schaffer too much for what he did. For now, I'll just assume that Hansi and Jon came to an understanding about the fate of Demons and Wizards
10.02.2021 - 13:39
Written by Metal Spartan on 09.02.2021 at 21:30

A lot of people are ignorant on how bad things really are which is why I can't fault Schaffer too much for what he did.

Please elaborate on how bad things are that something like the storming of the capitol is justified? do you really believe that bullshitter of an EX-president won the election? That clown has lied or deviated from the truth more than 30.000 times while in office
10.02.2021 - 21:11
Metal Spartan
Written by Dinruth on 10.02.2021 at 13:39


Please elaborate on how bad things are that something like the storming of the capitol is justified? do you really believe that bullshitter of an EX-president won the election? That clown has lied or deviated from the truth more than 30.000 times while in office

I've already elaborated quite a bit. To add, Schaffer was right when he said people don't understand how many rights and freedoms regular citizens have in the U.S. The federal government's one and only real responsibility was national defense. Look at all the powers it has now, including the recent unconstitutional mask mandate, and I challenge anyone to say with a straight face that our rights haven't been stripped away from us. We've either become ignorant or have just learned to live with how things are..which goes back to the "how happy people really are" poll I mentioned.

Not sure where you got that 30,000 number. Lying Left-wing media fact-checkers, perhaps? Yeah, because they are very reliable haha. Most of the time the fact-checkers had to be fact-checked.

That "clown" that you mentioned was responsible for the lowest unemployment rate (including for minorities) and least government intrusion in the past 60 years. What did he do to you for you to spout such angry vitriol toward him?
11.02.2021 - 08:06
no one
Written by Metal Spartan on 10.02.2021 at 21:11

I've already elaborated quite a bit. To add, Schaffer was right when he said people don't understand how many rights and freedoms regular citizens have in the U.S. The federal government's one and only real responsibility was national defense. Look at all the powers it has now, including the recent unconstitutional mask mandate, and I challenge anyone to say with a straight face that our rights haven't been stripped away from us. We've either become ignorant or have just learned to live with how things are..which goes back to the "how happy people really are" poll I mentioned.

Oh no! they didn't want you to get that disease that's spreading!!! They're striping you from your rights!!! And hey look, trump actually got the most votes and they're lying to us, he himself said it, so it must be fact!! Let's tear down the government!!!! All those white people are loosing there privileges because people of color want to be treated equal!!! Oh what the hells the world coming to!!!!
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11.02.2021 - 08:45
Written by Metal Spartan on 10.02.2021 at 21:11

Written by Dinruth on 10.02.2021 at 13:39


Please elaborate on how bad things are that something like the storming of the capitol is justified? do you really believe that bullshitter of an EX-president won the election? That clown has lied or deviated from the truth more than 30.000 times while in office

I've already elaborated quite a bit. To add, Schaffer was right when he said people don't understand how many rights and freedoms regular citizens have in the U.S. The federal government's one and only real responsibility was national defense. Look at all the powers it has now, including the recent unconstitutional mask mandate, and I challenge anyone to say with a straight face that our rights haven't been stripped away from us. We've either become ignorant or have just learned to live with how things are..which goes back to the "how happy people really are" poll I mentioned.

Not sure where you got that 30,000 number. Lying Left-wing media fact-checkers, perhaps? Yeah, because they are very reliable haha. Most of the time the fact-checkers had to be fact-checked.

That "clown" that you mentioned was responsible for the lowest unemployment rate (including for minorities) and least government intrusion in the past 60 years. What did he do to you for you to spout such angry vitriol toward him?

Oh my you poor fellow! You feel like your rights are stripped away because you have to wear a mask?? Why do you think there are speed limits? For the same reason. To protect people. Look at your stats .. the US is doing worse than most other countries when it comes to deaths or infections per 100.000 ppl .. and why? number one, you've had a dipshit president who desperately needs himself to look good which put the whole country in a desperate situation. First he said there is no virus .. then he said there is a virus but we don't have it.. then we have it but we have it under control .. and finally we have it but there is nothing you can do...

and of course it's always the lying left .. that makes it so convenient .. just ignore the facts and say whatever you don't like is just fake news .. when Trump was the king of fake news .. starting with him having the biggest inauguration crowd and maaany more ...

In addition to his compulsive lying, he has spread racism on multiple accounts, immigrant children were separated from families, severed ties with multiple long term allies, wooed dictators, insulted or fired people who disagree with him, implemented a tavel ban which lacked all countries that actually had ties to 911, failed to condemn the extreme right, and the list goes on and on
11.02.2021 - 09:58
Metal Spartan
I'm sorry this has been completely getting off topic, so I'm just going to finish by saying that those who disagree are free to go ahead and focus on all the superficial bs...I for one am grateful that the policies of the last four years have been a step toward prosperity for the U.S.

Wish Schaffer the best in his future endeavors and that Hansi can be forgiven.🤘
11.02.2021 - 12:06
Written by Metal Spartan on 11.02.2021 at 09:58

I'm sorry this has been completely getting off topic, so I'm just going to finish by saying that those who disagree are free to go ahead and focus on all the superficial bs...I for one am grateful that the policies of the last four years have been a step toward prosperity for the U.S.

Wish Schaffer the best in his future endeavors and that Hansi can be forgiven.🤘

Prosperity for the rich .. and every court has turned down any voter fraud allegations...

To stay on topic: hansi should have known what he's signing up for, but that doesn't stop me from listening to his music
12.02.2021 - 16:33
Enemy of Reality
Account deleted
I don't think Jon is a lunatic. He's fighting for something he believes in despite the harsh consequences. It takes guts to do that. Do i agree with him? No, i don't. And Hansi probably doesn't agree with him either, and in his place i too wouldn't want to prolong a business partnership with someone i don't have an understanding with or at least not a fair connection with.
Hansi is also looking out for his other projects and people relying on him. I imagine if Hansi stood with D&W, people with put BG in the same pot and that would be detrimental for everyone on BG, not just Hansi. He's looking out for his friends too. It was a good call.
12.02.2021 - 18:27
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=104220] on 12.02.2021 at 16:33

I don't think Jon is a lunatic. He's fighting for something he believes in despite the harsh consequences. It takes guts to do that. Do i agree with him? No, i don't. And Hansi probably doesn't agree with him either, and in his place i too wouldn't want to prolong a business partnership with someone i don't have an understanding with or at least not a fair connection with.
Hansi is also looking out for his other projects and people relying on him. I imagine if Hansi stood with D&W, people with put BG in the same pot and that would be detrimental for everyone on BG, not just Hansi. He's looking out for his friends too. It was a good call.

Consequences, he still is in a jail, and they try start impeachment to Donald even he is gone, consequences might be hard...he might never play life gig, well maybe in the jail.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
13.02.2021 - 03:09
Written by Zap on 09.02.2021 at 11:18

Politics and motives aside, Jon thought it was a good idea to storm a building with pepper spray to somehow overthrow a corrupt government. Among protesters who killed a cop.

We don't know the full story of course, but if one of my friends was part of that I'd at the very least be questioning whether I want to keep making music with them, regardless of their political opinions. We don't know what was said between Hansi and Jon, if anything, but from what we do know it is definitely understandable that Hansi would ditch this project.

Not like they were making much of music any way. But on Jon's side, it is kind of really dumb of him. I mean his forced contract with Century Media was finally over in 2020. He bought all rights to his music, even with D&W and his solo band. Starting to enjoy the total control of his career, self record label, everything. And then do this (I am American), his Iced Earth members are going to leave him & probably nobody else will ever want to collaborate with him again. So there's goes his entire career as a musician. Doing something stupid as f**k. And I can understand Hansi's decision.
13.02.2021 - 03:15
Pvt Funderground
Written by Novas on 13.02.2021 at 03:09

probably nobody else will ever want to collaborate with him again.

I'm sure a lot of people would want to collaborate with him if they got the chance.
Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
13.02.2021 - 05:23
Written by Maco on 13.02.2021 at 03:15

Written by Novas on 13.02.2021 at 03:09

probably nobody else will ever want to collaborate with him again.

I'm sure a lot of people would want to collaborate with him if they got the chance.

Yeah, even before all this shitstorm, for the past 2 decades at least he's been bringin down the songwriting ceiling of every album he has anything to do with
13.02.2021 - 18:30
Don't care about presidents or protesters, but have lost some respect for Kürsch.To ditch a friend or a partner is a cowardly move.
17.02.2021 - 00:24
Roman Doez
This is a fun thread to read
17.02.2021 - 08:05
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Roman Doez on 17.02.2021 at 00:24

This is a fun thread to read

Like all do called shitstorm threads
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
18.02.2021 - 11:56
I don't talk about politics. This is music...and no matter the political ideas of Napalm Death, Kreator, Iced Earth, Taake, Satanic Warmaster, Graveland, I buy their records for their music, Heavy Metal, which is my only faith. What I say is that Hansi, after 25 years of friendship with Mr. Schaffer and 3 records together, could have been a little less pussy and say something like "I'm sorry for him, I wish him good luck, he will remain my friend no matter what...." In the hard times, you see real friends. At least now Jon knows that he has no friends around, only opportunists. But you have fans all around the world. Jon is not a monster that has to be abandoned like that! Come on! Iced Earth is a great band, Jon Schaffer a great composer. Why this politically correct is so important nowadays, more than humanity, friendship, loyalty? I'll never give up on a friend, not for money, not for success. I don't say that Hansi has to agree with choices of Jon (he is going to pay more that he deserves for it), but show that he is sad for a partner with whom he toured, got drunk, slept, shared so many things... In my opinion Hansi's statement is absolutely shameful.

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