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How often do you play?

Posts: 94   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 177 users

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Posted by Lord TJ, 12.11.2007 - 21:57
I play sometimes, I use to play majority of the time. Being with friends, girlfriend, and the computer all distracts me from playing.

But then again I can't put a band together her for anything! Nobody is good enough for metal! So its not like I have something to prove out here. Im not so bad of a player though. I am kinda getting back up to playing majority of the time. I need to change my strings first!


How often do you play your instrument?

Majority of the time
All the time

Total votes: 113
24.04.2009 - 23:27
About 8-10 hours a week
29.04.2009 - 12:08
I play about 6-8 hours a week....At least a hour per day...
"Cross is only an iron,hope is just an illusion,freedom is nothing but a name..."
"Build your walls of the dead stone...Build your roofs of a dead wood..Build your dreams of a dead thoughts"
14.06.2009 - 17:00
When i can play and i want to be in form i play drums about 2 hours per day...
Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
09.07.2009 - 22:07
At least 2 hours a day, but this is a minimum and when I'm all alone, practising in my bedroom. If I'm jamming with my friends it can last all night long! However, I'm on holidays right now so I have more time and I spend almsost the whole day playing! And then my fingers hurt but I don't care!
Can you hear the Tales from the Ocean
Submerged cities and haunted wrecks
Can you hear the Tales from Nowhere
The wind will tell you, if you listen

After the Rain..
10.10.2009 - 23:00
The pain is the pain of accomplishment - knowing that you have worked hard to achieve your ends... it is one of the greatest pains of all...

Anything from 4 to 10 hours per week. My time is often constrained by uni etc but if i get in the mood then i'll jam for hours on end... on my own.
VICTORY!!!!! (They love it in France)
11.10.2009 - 11:40
Bitter Dawn
Ave Sathanas!
It seems I hardly play any thing any more, it's really lame. When I lived in the US I usually had several hours to myself, but since I moved to Canada there is always some one in the house, so it makes it tricky to not get distracted, or have the right atmosphere.
12.10.2009 - 05:55
I used to play all the time but now that my studying as well as life itself is getting a little intense, I'm not playing as much as I should be.
26.10.2009 - 10:38
Angelic Storm
Couple of hours every day. Sometimes it's less, sometimes it's more. But generally, that's how often I play.
10.11.2009 - 22:13
I'm a guitarist. I don't really play while I'm at home, unless I'm struck with a great feeling or inspiration to record something.
Mostly I practice the songs which we play with the bands I'm in, and ofcourse band rehearsals are on top of that. So that would make some 3-4 days a week some random amount of time, I guess..

I usually just play through the songs. Sometimes I try to find out what doesn't sound good enough or so and then practice that particular part. Other times I turn on the click and try to nail something I find worth practising.

So it pretty much depends on the mood what I'll do. What a surprising answer!
11.11.2009 - 00:19
Zombie, M.D.
I try to play the drums for 30-60 minutes everyday and play the guitar probably about 5 -7 hours a week. I smoke cigarettes in my basement of my house, which is where my amp is. So usually when I go down for a cigarette I play for 5-10 minutes.
"I really screwed up this time." - Jeffery Dahmer
11.11.2009 - 02:04
Only about an hour a day unfortunately. Sometimes longer when I'm at work. Once a week my band practices, and that's a good 3-4 hours.
All we are is the passion that burns inside us
27.11.2009 - 01:43
I play most days for at least an hour. Just can't live without doing it
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
28.11.2009 - 11:07
Every day, at least one hour, but mostly between two or three.
I would die if I played less. And what else should I do? Watching tv? nah...

Only possible atm because I work nine-five...when I am back at Uni I won't be *cries*
- When I die, bury me in smoke.
- Defendress of the Faith.
29.11.2009 - 19:51
Written by Saitenhexerin on 28.11.2009 at 11:07

Every day, at least one hour, but mostly between two or three.
I would die if I played less. And what else should I do? Watching tv? nah...

Only possible atm because I work nine-five...when I am back at Uni I won't be *cries*

Yup, I'm getting to that point as well. It's like: spend what little free time (if any) I have with friends or my instrument? Damn.
29.11.2009 - 20:02
Account deleted
I do be in school monday to thursday and half of friday so I might only get an hour or two of practice mon - thur but at least 2 hours every other day. So I guess about 7 or 8 hours in total per week. Altough during a school holiday its more likk 12 - 15 hours a week.
02.12.2009 - 17:29
Angel Of Mercy
I practice mostly a few hours every day, something like Two to about three hours.
Your time will come.
15.12.2009 - 07:03
the stranger
It depends. I can spend half a day playing and another day just an hour.
10.03.2012 - 13:20
I play even when i study so i would say 10 hours a day and 15 hours at weekends.
{}::::::[]:::::::::::::::::> ONLY DEATH IS REAL <:::::::::::::::::[]::::::{}
Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter
11.03.2012 - 16:28
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
On weekends I play lots, 4 or 5 hours, after school though?

Sometimes I don't even play for 10 minutes :'(
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

10.04.2012 - 15:28
I try to play an hour a day, but that's been getting hard to accomplish lately due to school. Once I finish my exams, I know i'll be shredding all summer long =)
29.04.2012 - 15:23
I've only started playing and unfortunately I don't have much time as I have exams coming up. During the summer I plan on doing around 2-3 hours a day. I want to be pretty good in 2 years time.
29.04.2012 - 16:08
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Zombie94 on 29.04.2012 at 15:23

I've only started playing and unfortunately I don't have much time as I have exams coming up. During the summer I plan on doing around 2-3 hours a day. I want to be pretty good in 2 years time.

That's a good stratagy, I've been playing guitar for 4 months now, and I feel I have improved a lot (I played acoustic for awhile but kind of lost it)

I think in a bout 2 years I can be playing some pretty technical stuff
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

29.04.2012 - 20:07
Written by Boxcar Willy on 29.04.2012 at 16:08

Written by Zombie94 on 29.04.2012 at 15:23

I've only started playing and unfortunately I don't have much time as I have exams coming up. During the summer I plan on doing around 2-3 hours a day. I want to be pretty good in 2 years time.

That's a good stratagy, I've been playing guitar for 4 months now, and I feel I have improved a lot (I played acoustic for awhile but kind of lost it)

I think in a bout 2 years I can be playing some pretty technical stuff

Depends on how much time you're willing to put into it. I know a guy who started playing guitar seriously about 2 years ago. Over the summer he'd literally be practicing at around 10-12 hours a day because he had nothing better to do. Obviously he's now incredible and has to play the most technical death or very fast thrash to be really challenged. And the wanker won't even join a band.
29.04.2012 - 20:24
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Zombie94 on 29.04.2012 at 20:07

Written by Boxcar Willy on 29.04.2012 at 16:08

Written by Zombie94 on 29.04.2012 at 15:23

I've only started playing and unfortunately I don't have much time as I have exams coming up. During the summer I plan on doing around 2-3 hours a day. I want to be pretty good in 2 years time.

That's a good stratagy, I've been playing guitar for 4 months now, and I feel I have improved a lot (I played acoustic for awhile but kind of lost it)

I think in a bout 2 years I can be playing some pretty technical stuff

Depends on how much time you're willing to put into it. I know a guy who started playing guitar seriously about 2 years ago. Over the summer he'd literally be practicing at around 10-12 hours a day because he had nothing better to do. Obviously he's now incredible and has to play the most technical death or very fast thrash to be really challenged. And the wanker won't even join a band.

Bah, he's his own band.

I practice for 2 hours everyday (or at least i try to)
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

29.04.2012 - 22:46
Account deleted
Almost 4 hours a day
27.01.2013 - 08:03
I don't just play one instrument, so i spend almost all of my time devoted to practicing stuff. The only reason i even have time to do this is because I am a music tech major so i need to stay sharp on this stuff.
27.01.2013 - 11:40
Ace Frawley
The Spaceman
I practice for one hour each day. Half an hour in the morning and half an hour at night. I work and have a 16-month old at home so I can't find any more time than that. I do band practice for 2-hours each Sunday afternoon. The regular practice is starting to pay off and I'm improving with my drumming. I'd still describe myself as a beginner though, and can play simpler rock tunes. Would love to play some metal songs that are faster and have double bass, but that's beyond my skills at present.
The sun shines over The Fool...
03.09.2015 - 12:31
I play around 2-3h of guitar almost every day. For some reason (maybe I just need more practice), my left hand gets tired incredibly quickly though, so when practicing some of my more complex riffs, I may only last an hour. I also play about 30 minutes of keyboards/piano every day.
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
03.09.2015 - 22:32
I used to practice almost every day (keyboard) but after I began jamming with some friends I mostly lay it off until we can get together. So now I play a couple hours one or two days a week.
My "blackened synth metal" solo project:

Whenever I write something funny, weird, or pretentious... I learned English by playing Baldur's Gate, okay?
04.09.2015 - 14:12
I fill my free time with my guitar