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Best Metal Guitarist Ever?

Posts: 186   [ 2 ignored ]   Visited by: 242 users

Original post

Posted by Metalguaska, 17.05.2006 - 03:23
Well... best metal guitarist thread, i've listened to a lot of guitarists, many hours of listening make me create this short 6 guitarists list... i'm letting out some names (like randy rhoads, alexi laiho, luca turilli), i know it... but here are my 6, maybe all of you metalstormers out there have many more guys to put in this list... but... well, criteria used was versatility, skills, technique, discipline and creativity... with all that said, i give my vote to Yngwie because, he has built all his career around his guitar, and he's for sure a guitar god..


Which of these guitarist it's the best ever?

John Petrucci
Yngwie Malmsteen
Steve Vai
Marty Friedman
Timo Tolkki
Paul Gilbert

Total votes: 222
27.07.2010 - 15:57
Account deleted
Petrucci is superior to Yngwie because he plays more diverse stuff. Yngwie's stuff, can be a bit annoying at times. But Petrucci, amazing <3
27.07.2010 - 16:39
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
...i dont like thiis topic because there are so many good guitarists in the world. six is a little low...
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

28.07.2010 - 04:10
You should have put an other option on there. I personally dislike Steve Vai, as he uses the same lick in EVERY BLOODY SONG and quite frankly its getting annoying. Also, He always has to be technical! Come on! Music is about feeling, not about how far you can bend a note or how many pinch harmonics you can do in a second.

My personal vote (out of these) goes to Petrucci, just because i like some of the ideas he incorporates.

My faves would be Kelly Shaefer Chris Baker from atheist, again because of the awesome ideas and rythms they put into their songs.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
07.08.2010 - 14:06
Account deleted
This is a hard vote, but out of the ones listed above id go with Petrucci.
11.08.2010 - 00:25
I'd go for Yngwie Malmsteen, but if Buckethead was on the list I would vote for him.
For there is a purpose and reason
Beyond all human apprehension
The shrieking silence in the blackness of space
11.08.2010 - 00:39
Angelic Storm
My fave guitarist is Glenn Tipton. xD

Out of the guitarists listed, my choice is Marty Friedman. <3
11.08.2010 - 00:55
Easy, Marty Friedman.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
18.08.2010 - 12:08
Account deleted
It's impossible for me to choose the best guitarist in the world but if we want to discuss about the fastest guitarist, my choice is Yngwie Malmsteen but I only like a few songs from him.
06.09.2010 - 22:48
Who are these ? are they guitarists ? do they live in the earth ?
Think about it . Every generation gets some new frontier to tackle . Einstein got relativity , The Nasa cowboys got the moon . All the easy stuff is taken , Artificial consciousness is the next frontier !
14.05.2011 - 02:50
Written by akvan on 06.09.2010 at 22:48

Who are these ? are they guitarists ? do they live in the earth ?

Oh come on, you have to have at least heard of one of them. How do you not know who Yngwie Malmsteen is?
14.05.2011 - 04:49
Account deleted
Not any of these; Jason Becker.

Absolute god.
14.05.2011 - 05:01
Written by whatsacow on 28.07.2010 at 04:10

You should have put an other option on there. I personally dislike Steve Vai, as he uses the same lick in EVERY BLOODY SONG and quite frankly its getting annoying. Also, He always has to be technical! Come on! Music is about feeling, not about how far you can bend a note or how many pinch harmonics you can do in a second.

My personal vote (out of these) goes to Petrucci, just because i like some of the ideas he incorporates.

My faves would be Kelly Shaefer Chris Baker from atheist, again because of the awesome ideas and rythms they put into their songs.

Yeah technical musicians must go to hell, they are so arrogant. And they use licks, a lot of licks, who uses licks? only stupids use licks over and over... tell this to Joe Pass

Written by akvan on 06.09.2010 at 22:48

Who are these ? are they guitarists ? do they live in the earth ?

I am with you, this poll is unfair, where is Michael Angelo Batio? hahahaha

Naah I think I like Vai a little bit, a couple of songs, but I can not say wich one is the better, this time is serious, why no Chuck Schuldiner?
14.05.2011 - 05:09
On the list, MAlmsteen. Off it Broderick, he easily surprasses Becker too.
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
14.05.2011 - 05:33
Account deleted
Written by Yasmine on 14.05.2011 at 05:09

On the list, MAlmsteen. Off it Broderick, he easily surprasses Becker too.

Talking about techical skill or songwriting?
14.05.2011 - 05:49
Written by [user id=111774] on 14.05.2011 at 05:33

Written by Yasmine on 14.05.2011 at 05:09

On the list, MAlmsteen. Off it Broderick, he easily surprasses Becker too.

Talking about techical skill or songwriting?

Technical skill, I don't comment on songwriting that way because it's subjective. I prefer Chris' songs with Jag Panzer more than anything Jason ever did, but that's just an opinion, I know more than a couple that like Jason's writing better.
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
14.05.2011 - 06:06
Account deleted
Fair enough. I'm not skilled enough on guitar to comment on technical skill, so I'll assume your right.
14.05.2011 - 06:15
Written by [user id=111774] on 14.05.2011 at 06:06

Fair enough. I'm not skilled enough on guitar to comment on technical skill, so I'll assume your right.

Ah don't worry you'll see, as you learn songs, I do recommend for technical skill learning some songs that are "wank" and Becker is a good one to go on, I learned Malmsteen and Gilbert myself.
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
08.06.2012 - 17:57
I don't have a favorite guitarist as I'm a drummer, but I think this topic is kinda silly. The topic creator should put the "other" option as the guitarists he included aren't considered the best widely.
{}::::::[]:::::::::::::::::> ONLY DEATH IS REAL <:::::::::::::::::[]::::::{}
Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter
13.06.2012 - 04:26
WTF? No Dimebag Darrel?
14.07.2012 - 15:49
Vasil de Shumen
Absolutely - Steve Vai isn't metal guitarist.
14.07.2012 - 15:51
Vasil de Shumen
Criss Oliva from SAVATAGE was the best metal guitarist ... R.I.P.
15.07.2012 - 06:25
My favorites are Scott Hull and Daniel Gildenlow. I just like their style. For super fancy playing I enjoy Jeff Loomis and Michael Romeo. I'm way more into guitarists with feeling over who can play the most perfectly technical insanity. It's really hard for a solo to grab my attention.
22.07.2012 - 23:05

Dimebag Darrell.

He may not be a musical virtuoso like others listed but the OP asks for best METAL guitarist. That is clearly Dimebag, in my view.

[URL=,aat,ts,al,o,g,v,r0.0-5.0,n100,oowun]My Music on RYM[/url]
23.07.2012 - 12:02
Void Eater
Account deleted
Feel a need to mention Mike from Destruction as one of the most underrated guitarists in metal. He just pumps out riff after riff for years, has excellent solos, yet only devoted thrash fans really notice him.
23.07.2012 - 21:41
Written by [user id=111774] on 23.07.2012 at 12:02

Feel a need to mention Mike from Destruction as one of the most underrated guitarists in metal. He just pumps out riff after riff for years, has excellent solos, yet only devoted thrash fans really notice him.

I almost did the same thing myself. Mike was brilliant on Infernal Overkill and for decades since. One of my favorite and most highly regarded guitarists ever.

[URL=,aat,ts,al,o,g,v,r0.0-5.0,n100,oowun]My Music on RYM[/url]
23.07.2012 - 22:26
Erotic Stains
Written by Warman on 29.09.2006 at 18:53

Out of these I vote for Marty Friedman, he is a brilliant guitarist and I love his work in Megadeth

Laughing my ass off. From '06, so probably one of my first posts ever considering it took some time before I started posting in the forum. I mean... seriously, there's John Petrucci on the list and I'm like one of the most narrow-minded Dream Theater fanboys here.

Nothing against Friedman, but today I probably wouldn't even put him on my top 20 list.
23.07.2012 - 22:31
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Warman on 23.07.2012 at 22:26

Written by Warman on 29.09.2006 at 18:53

Out of these I vote for Marty Friedman, he is a brilliant guitarist and I love his work in Megadeth

Laughing my ass off. From '06, so probably one of my first posts ever considering it took some time before I started posting in the forum. I mean... seriously, there's John Petrucci on the list and I'm like one of the most narrow-minded Dream Theater fanboys here.

Nothing against Friedman, but today I probably wouldn't even put him on my top 20 list.

Friedman runs rings around Petrucci both technically and songwriting wise and also when it comes to versatality
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

23.07.2012 - 22:33
Erotic Stains
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 23.07.2012 at 22:31

Friedman runs rings around Petrucci both technically and songwriting wise and also when it comes to versatality

Shut up, Marcel!
23.07.2012 - 22:39
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Warman on 23.07.2012 at 22:33

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 23.07.2012 at 22:31

Friedman runs rings around Petrucci both technically and songwriting wise and also when it comes to versatality

Shut up, Marcel!

Nope, but personally I rate Jason Becker even higher.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

23.07.2012 - 22:47
Account deleted
Written by Vasil de Shumen on 14.07.2012 at 15:51

Criss Oliva from SAVATAGE was the best metal guitarist ... R.I.P.

This, x10.