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Discuss the worst movie you have seen

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Posted by Damnated, 04.06.2006 - 15:34
So, what is it? I just saw a horrible one last noght, I almost throw up, it was that bad. The actress in the lead role was ugly as hell, and the whole thing was like a big puddle of mud. BTW the title was Call Girl
23.12.2006 - 12:27
Ok, I've changed the title, adding "Discuss". Therefore, please don't forget to give detailed opinions about those movies
La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir
Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate

Txus, Mägo De Oz
24.12.2006 - 23:10
Dark Cornatus
Probably 'Saw'

Ive only seen the first one, and it totally disappointed me despite the good raves. It is so fucking lame, like here is a clue... and it points to....another clue... and so on and so on... and whats with the concept? Oh look here we are randomly in a room together. Fucking stupid movie. Cant be fucked seeing the next two.
24.12.2006 - 23:42
Written by Dark Cornatus on 24.12.2006 at 23:10

Oh look here we are randomly in a room together.

You didn't pay much attention then.
26.12.2006 - 03:06
Dark Cornatus
Probably not lol, it was so shit i couldnt focus.
26.12.2006 - 04:39
Eternal Flames
Written by Dark Cornatus on 24.12.2006 at 23:10

Probably 'Saw'

Ive only seen the first one, and it totally disappointed me despite the good raves. It is so fucking lame, like here is a clue... and it points to....another clue... and so on and so on... and whats with the concept? Oh look here we are randomly in a room together. Fucking stupid movie. Cant be fucked seeing the next two.

I'll agree with you that the first Saw wasn't very good, though it's low budget explains that. The fact that 3/4 scenes were all recorded in the room bored me. I don't think the movie was really bad, but I don't think it's the best. I think it was quite over-hyped because people take it's low budget into regard when giving it a rating, and pretty much everyone I've spoke to about the movie has said it was great for it's budget.
26.12.2006 - 09:37
Opium Magnet
Account deleted
A movie titled something like "Plan 9 from outer space" would have to be the most terrible film I've ever seen. Granted, it was a low budget film, but everything in it was handled so poorly, the actors did a job that a decapitated, deformed person could do better at.

The storyline was also very jumpy and this only made the film appear much worse than it should have been.
28.12.2006 - 10:56
Account deleted
Worst movies I have seen are anything with Leonardo Di Capiro in is pretty fucken awful I have to say
28.12.2006 - 13:05
Erotic Stains
Written by [user id=18846] on 28.12.2006 at 10:56

Worst movies I have seen are anything with Leonardo Di Capiro in is pretty fucken awful I have to say

Have you seen Gilbert Grape? If not, I suggest that you do and after that make an opinion about di Caprio.
28.12.2006 - 23:20
Account deleted
Ive seen so many stupid/boring/pointless movies that i cant even remember their names, or even remember ive seen em. But there is one movie, among all the shit ive seen, which i will never forget, as ive been disappointed, REALLY disappointed, and because i paid to see it at the cinema -_- :

Match Point, by Woody Allen.

I just dont understand, if the whole movie was... built on irony or something, but it was boring, the story had nothing original, the characters were stupid, the actors were playing as if they were just there to ... i donno.. as if they werent doing that seriously... and bleh, this is just annoying! I cant even believe it was made by Woody himself. Bleh, i gotta stop here, cause im gonna start crying...:cry:Woody... what was that???:cry:
But ive been relieved when i saw Scoop, that one was great. Woody is not dead yet.
30.12.2006 - 14:01
Written by Warman on 28.12.2006 at 13:05

Written by [user id=18846] on 28.12.2006 at 10:56

Worst movies I have seen are anything with Leonardo Di Capiro in is pretty fucken awful I have to say

Have you seen Gilbert Grape? If not, I suggest that you do and after that make an opinion about di Caprio.

It's What's Eating Gilbert Grape.

De Caprio was good in that movie, but it's not really a performance that would change someone's opinion on him.....but that's just me.
30.12.2006 - 14:08
Erotic Stains
Written by Stigmatized on 30.12.2006 at 14:01

Written by Warman on 28.12.2006 at 13:05

Written by [user id=18846] on 28.12.2006 at 10:56

Worst movies I have seen are anything with Leonardo Di Capiro in is pretty fucken awful I have to say

Have you seen Gilbert Grape? If not, I suggest that you do and after that make an opinion about di Caprio.

It's What's Eating Gilbert Grape.

De Caprio was good in that movie, but it's not really a performance that would change someone's opinion on him.....but that's just me.

Oh sorry, Gilbert Grape is the swedish title for the movie (forgot to that I should've written the orginal title). But still, Di Caprio was awesome in that movie IMO, he even got nominated for an Oscar.
01.01.2007 - 01:24
Basically the worst TWO movies that I have ever seen have been Napoleon Dynamite and Stay Alive

Napoleon Dynamite - This movie just wanted me to kill myself...I know it. I hated it from the intro until the about ten minutes from the end when I shut it off. I just wanted to scream in frustration at the stupidity of the movie and the lack of plot/character substance/humor. Everyone said that this movie was the funniest thing they've ever seen well they can just die for thinking something so retarded and bringing the human race down yet another step in teh gene pool.

Stay Alive - Granted this was an extremely low budget film...its terrible. I did go to the theatre to see it although didnt pay and am happy with that at least. The story of the movie is relatively simple to comprehend in the very beginning of the movie but the story doesnt actually tell you whats going on until about halfway through so until then its put you to sleep boring. The only thing I liked about the whole movie was the concept of dying in a game and therefore dying in life. Not exactly an wholly original concept but entertaining nontheless.

Knowledge is Power. Guard it well!
02.01.2007 - 10:20
Written by Cheevo on 01.01.2007 at 01:24

Basically the worst TWO movies that I have ever seen have been Napoleon Dynamite and Stay Alive

How can you say that, Napoleon Dynamite rules! It's a very strange comedy, and well, sometimes annoying, but it's defenetely not the worst, thats for sure.
Book: "I am a Shepherd. Folks like a man of God."

Mal: "No, they don't. Men of God make everyone feel guilty and judged."
03.01.2007 - 19:17
Account deleted
Written by Cheevo on 01.01.2007 at 01:24

Basically the worst TWO movies that I have ever seen have been Napoleon Dynamite and Stay Alive

Napoleon Dynamite - This movie just wanted me to kill myself...I know it. I hated it from the intro until the about ten minutes from the end when I shut it off. I just wanted to scream in frustration at the stupidity of the movie and the lack of plot/character substance/humor. Everyone said that this movie was the funniest thing they've ever seen well they can just die for thinking something so retarded and bringing the human race down yet another step in teh gene pool.

I found Napoleon Dynamite hillarious. all the characters in the story is just so fucking amazingly funny. I loved ND bigtime. I really cant understand that you havent seen any other comedy worse than that O_O almost makes me jelouse of all the awesome movies you must have seen before ND.
09.01.2007 - 11:52
Dark Stalker
B movies can be good , or bad . Sometimes they are horrible .
In luck we trust!
16.01.2007 - 22:17
Account deleted
If you want to watch horrible movies, just watch the channel Hallmark.

The worst movie I have seen, as I can think of now, is the movie about Hans Nielsen Hauge from 1961. Which we had to watch at school some years ago. Hans Nielsen Hauge was a revivalist Norwegian lay preacher who spoke up against the Church establishment in Norway. He and his followers were persecuted in their time, though their teachings were in keeping with Lutheran doctrine. I only thing I can say about this movie, was that it bored my to death.

Just to mention other bad movies. All those teen horror movies like "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and the Scream movies. Jaws 2-4 , the first one was just ok, but the rest is just horrible.
17.01.2007 - 03:13
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
I just saw that 'Date Movie' I feel ripped off, and I didnt pay anything to see it, I dont think I need to explain anything to people who have seen the previews, the jokes are unclever, the toilet humour is in no way funny and the characters who are trying to be funny are now just irritating.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
17.01.2007 - 17:24
Account deleted
Written by Doc G. on 17.01.2007 at 03:13

I just saw that 'Date Movie' I feel ripped off, and I didnt pay anything to see it, I dont think I need to explain anything to people who have seen the previews, the jokes are unclever, the toilet humour is in no way funny and the characters who are trying to be funny are now just irritating.

Gosh man, the fact that you even had the courage to watch a movie called "Date Movie" is just incredible!
19.01.2007 - 10:24
One day I was about to watch this movie. It had a cool name! So, why not watch it. The title is "Army of Darkness" from 1992 if I don't remember wrong. The worst about this movie is the fact it is set with the genre of horror. But fuck! It's a lousy comedy crap shit fuck movie.
Oh, well. Any movie that is a comedy is shit. The second worse movie must be Borat. I couldn't even get myself laugh one time, not even by trying. I smiled once when my friend got his leg stuck in the seat in front of us in the movie theater. But that's it. xD
I have seen other crap movies but.. Just can't frigging remember them. Not that they are worth remembering either.
I månens sken vi dem tar, vi så renar vår skog tills ingen kristen finns kvar

In the shimmering moonlight we hunt them, and flee into our forest until there are no Christians left.
26.01.2007 - 11:22
Account deleted
Written by Warman on 28.12.2006 at 13:05

Written by [user id=18846] on 28.12.2006 at 10:56

Worst movies I have seen are anything with Leonardo Di Capiro in is pretty fucken awful I have to say

Have you seen Gilbert Grape? If not, I suggest that you do and after that make an opinion about di Caprio.

Cant say I have to be honest.. But what movies I have seen with him in are crap, but Ill check that one out. Cheers man
26.01.2007 - 18:50
Nathan Lurker
Written by Cato9021 on 19.01.2007 at 10:24

One day I was about to watch this movie. It had a cool name! So, why not watch it. The title is "Army of Darkness" from 1992 if I don't remember wrong. The worst about this movie is the fact it is set with the genre of horror. But fuck! It's a lousy comedy crap shit fuck movie.

WHAAAT ! Dude, Army of Darkness ? Evil Dead part 3 ?? BAD ? You're delirious. This movie has the greatest black humor ever, the greatest amount of one liners (that would later be ripped off by many). It has incredible Bruce Campbell's famous character "Ash". It has influenced everyone. You may not have liked it but please let's keep this untouchable Cult classic out of a thread talking about bad movies.

Let's give it all the credits and respect it deserves.

I came up from below when the she-wolf howled
and the night gave birth to her only child !Black Thunder!
I never knew no mercy I never knew no shame
I am hell in the storm clouds, the devil calls my name !Black Thunder!
26.01.2007 - 19:11
Account deleted
Written by Nathan Lurker on 26.01.2007 at 18:50

Written by Cato9021 on 19.01.2007 at 10:24

One day I was about to watch this movie. It had a cool name! So, why not watch it. The title is "Army of Darkness" from 1992 if I don't remember wrong. The worst about this movie is the fact it is set with the genre of horror. But fuck! It's a lousy comedy crap shit fuck movie.

WHAAAT ! Dude, Army of Darkness ? Evil Dead part 3 ?? BAD ? You're delirious. This movie has the greatest black humor ever, the greatest amount of one liners (that would later be ripped off by many). It has incredible Bruce Campbell's famous character "Ash". It has influenced everyone. You may not have liked it but please let's keep this untouchable Cult classic out of a thread talking about bad movies.

Let's give it all the credits and respect it deserves.

I agree, not liking Army of Darkness, is just not going to happen.
26.01.2007 - 19:24
Erotic Stains
Army of Darkness? Fucking masterpiece! Damn, how I laughed watching it with my friend and eating discusting foam-santas. The best part is in the end, throwing his shotgun up in the air while sliding on a table, then grabbing the shotgun and shoots the monster!!! So cool, hahaha!!!
26.01.2007 - 22:23
Account deleted
Written by Warman on 26.01.2007 at 19:24

Army of Darkness? Fucking masterpiece! Damn, how I laughed watching it with my friend and eating discusting foam-santas. The best part is in the end, throwing his shotgun up in the air while sliding on a table, then grabbing the shotgun and shoots the monster!!! So cool, hahaha!!!

You do realise telling the end is rather inappropriate, especially when its one of thoose movies that value the "first time comical value"
In case you did not know there are 2 existing endings for Army of darkness. Do yourself a favour and search for them on youtube.
The above mentioned ending is however the best one.
26.01.2007 - 22:38
Nathan Lurker
I don't know...I kind of like the original ending's strange apocalyptic feel. But the current ending is a bit more, hmmm ... funny and similar to a Ash oneliner...It has some sort of Fun punch

I came up from below when the she-wolf howled
and the night gave birth to her only child !Black Thunder!
I never knew no mercy I never knew no shame
I am hell in the storm clouds, the devil calls my name !Black Thunder!
31.01.2007 - 14:42
I've seen both of them, i pretty much like the first one better, anyhow, the movie is great, it was the first movie that i considered my first favourite. Anyone who says that it sucks, deserves the punch in the nuts.
Book: "I am a Shepherd. Folks like a man of God."

Mal: "No, they don't. Men of God make everyone feel guilty and judged."
31.01.2007 - 15:05
The Bard
Listen to this and you will forget all the movies you watched, I watch some movie on TV1000, and since I didn't caught from the begining I don't know its name, four girls are going to explore some cave, they are all looking like porn stars and they are real intelligent to, they step in that cave and they start exploring, then 45 minutes they are exploring that cave, and nothing is happening, only they, their tits and lamps. Sudenly some Troll came and eat one girl, the rest of the girls killed Troll on incredible way, they killed him with wooden stick, after that a thousands of Trolls came and eat the rest of the girls. The End
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
31.01.2007 - 15:15
I think i have see this movie, tho can't remember the name of it, something starts with an 'F..' But the one ive seen wasn't that bad, it was quite interesting.
Book: "I am a Shepherd. Folks like a man of God."

Mal: "No, they don't. Men of God make everyone feel guilty and judged."
31.01.2007 - 16:35
The Bard
Yes it is funny, but horrible, if you find the name of that movie please let me know, I would watch it again...
I don't know why... one knows...
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
31.01.2007 - 20:28
Nathan Lurker
The Descent ? it's not exactly Troll, more like underground people. this wasn't really bad. Wasn't mindblowing but interesting .

I came up from below when the she-wolf howled
and the night gave birth to her only child !Black Thunder!
I never knew no mercy I never knew no shame
I am hell in the storm clouds, the devil calls my name !Black Thunder!