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Band headers

Posts: 16   Visited by: 53 users
26.12.2012 - 20:51
Retired Admin
It is now possible to add nice big headers to band profiles. See examples:

The process is the same as for regular band images - simply upload it on the 'edit band' screen. Dimensions should be 1200-1500px (width) and 250-380px (height). The image is resized depending on user's resolution.

Of course, I already foresee that some people would hate this feature - for them there's an option in Settings to hide the headers forever
26.12.2012 - 22:22
Retired Admin
Written by [user id=35732] on 26.12.2012 at 22:05

Written by Ivan on 26.12.2012 at 20:51

It is now possible to add nice big headers to band profiles. See examples:

The process is the same as for regular band images - simply upload it on the 'edit band' screen. Dimensions should be 1200-1500px (width) and 250-380px (height). The image is resized depending on user's resolution.

Of course, I already foresee that some people would hate this feature - for them there's an option in Settings to hide the headers forever

Should be a cool thing. Metallica (1200 x 380)

That hiding option doesn't work yet (or possibly hasn't been activated yet). It gives the "Couldn't change settings" error. I managed to change some other settings.

Fixed that now. Metallica header looks rather wide on my resolution (1680), perhaps it can be narrower.
26.12.2012 - 23:16
Retired Admin
Written by [user id=35732] on 26.12.2012 at 22:32

Written by Ivan on 26.12.2012 at 22:22

Fixed that now. Metallica header looks rather wide on my resolution (1680), perhaps it can be narrower.

Settings = Ok

Metallica 1200 x 330 uploaded.

Amaranthe 1200 x 250 (smallest possible) looks really good too. This all made me think that an XXXX x 380 might be too 'high'.

Not if it's 1500x380
29.12.2012 - 07:04
A staff guy...
Yea, every one I do is 1500x380 and they look good to me.
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

29.12.2012 - 23:45
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
What are the guidlines to these? Can it be the logo, or a live shot or does it have to be a "profile picture"?
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

31.12.2012 - 22:11
Nihil's Maw
Written by Boxcar Willy on 29.12.2012 at 23:45

What are the guidlines to these? Can it be the logo, or a live shot or does it have to be a "profile picture"?

That threw me off, too. I tried posting a logo once, but apparently it must be like the profile picture: Only pictures of the band members themselves, no logos or anything like that. I never saw that written down anywhere, I only read that in a message after my band edit was rejected.

Did I just miss it? Did it say that you can only have a picture of the band members, and I just didn't see it? Or are there no guidelines at all yet?
01.01.2013 - 01:36
A staff guy...
Ivan stated in the Staff forums he didn't see any reason to restrict the Headers at this time as long as the photo is relevant to the band. Myself and another Staff feel it should be reserved for large promo shots and tour banners but no official rules exist at this time.

My main concern that I will enforce regardless of the existence of rules is that any promo shots have to contain current line-up. I hadn't thought of the timeline idea that you have employed with some skaep but it looks pretty good and I would say as long as the timeline ends with a current line-up image then I personally won't oppose it.
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

01.01.2013 - 02:19
A staff guy...
Not much has been discussed regarding rules in the staff thread. Basically most Staff saying "The feature is cool/awesome/neat/lookin' good." The only "discussion" thus far was me saying it should only be large promo shots then one other staff saying we should allow tour banners, then I agreed to that and then Ivan said he doesn't see a reason to restrict beyond relevancy.

As for the Arcturus comment, I can't really bitch about that header cuz I know they haven't posted any new promo shots since they got back together; I'm a huge Arcturus fan myself.
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

01.01.2013 - 18:29
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by psykometal on 01.01.2013 at 01:36

Ivan stated in the Staff forums he didn't see any reason to restrict the Headers at this time as long as the photo is relevant to the band. Myself and another Staff feel it should be reserved for large promo shots and tour banners but no official rules exist at this time.

Cool, thanks for the info
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

02.01.2013 - 21:23
Nihil's Maw
Written by [user id=35732] on 31.12.2012 at 23:51



Add a picture, in which all the band members can be seen well; avoid distortion and pics with other people in them. If you can't find a promo picture, use a live one instead."

Section skaep asks:

What's the point of adding a logo when we already have a section called 'bio and logos'.
What's the point of adding some artwork when you in 98% cases can add something else.

That written part was always there, or so I thought, and I assumed that it only referred to the profile picture. There was nothing specifically referring to the headers, if I am correct.

But I guess skaep has a point. Why would you add a logo when you already have a section called 'bio and logos'? But then, why have headers or profile pictures at all if you can have it on a different page?

The thing is, if you want a band's main page to look nice, as looking nice is what I assume they are there for, you might as well allow anything relevant to be the header (as, it seems, people are already discussing). For instance, it would look really awesome if you went to Opeth's page and the first thing you saw was the bands' profile pic with all of the members in it, and a big header with their logo. It doesn't just have be a plain logo, as it is In the logo section.

For instance, Opeth's header could look a little something like this (with the right dimensions, of course):
Or this:

skaep asked, "What's the point of adding a logo when we already have a section called 'bio and logos'. Well, I ask, what's the point in having a header that's just like a profile picture if you already have a profile picture? There may not be much point in adding a logo if there's already a logo page, but it's even more redundant to have two profile pictures on the same page.

I personally like the headers, and I wouldn't mind a logo OR a profile picture as the header. I just don't see much point in restricting it. As long as the header for Iron Maiden isn't a random picture of a medieval torture device that doesn't even happen to be an actual iron maiden, then anything that looks good for the profile and is related to the band should be allowed.

Just my opinion, though. I'm not going to bug the staff to make it happen, I'm just presenting my thoughts on the matter.
03.01.2013 - 00:46
A staff guy...
And you're absolutely right Jaeryd, as I have already said there are no rules at this time as long as the image is relevant to the band than it's gravy. The only thing I will reject a header for outside of non-relevancy is if the header is of an old line-up for said band.

Those 2 Opeth header ideas you linked are really good, especially that second one with Akerfeldt in the O, tres gorgeous. I tried scaling it down but it's still too tall unfortunately or I'd love to have that for Opeth's header.
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

03.01.2013 - 04:20
A staff guy...
I think you're missing what I'm saying can add ANYTHING as long as it's RELEVANT to the band. I was just merely indicating that I liked that image. Remember the ONLY rule is RELEVANCY, and it doesn't even matter how often the header gets changed as long as it's RELEVANT to the band.

Is there something specific that you have in mind that you are confused as to whether you can add it or not?
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

03.01.2013 - 08:47
Nihil's Maw
You see, psykometal, I had previously attempted to upload a banner with a logo on it, but it was rejected. I got a PM saying "Band edit rejected. You can't have a logo. It needs to be a picture of dudes."

That's not word-for-word, but pretty damn close. The PM really did have the word "dudes" in it.

Anyway, I think it's cool that there's not any rules, I'm just saying that I've run into these "no rules" before and had my header submission turned down.

EDIT: I've tried again and it hasn't worked. This is the message I got for Storm Corrosion:
From: nicaZe
"Your band edit for Storm Corrosion has been rejected. Header must be with band members on it not the album cover...rejected"

psykometal, I think you might want to make sure that everyone got the memo, because we're clearly not on the same page...
04.01.2013 - 02:18
A staff guy...
I'll get onto nicaZe about this and alert him to this thread discussion, thanks for the info about him doing this.

Ok, just making sure you understood is all, you seemed to be confused because I indicated I like the "Mikael worshiping" header more than discussing it is all so I was just looking for clarity.
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

04.01.2013 - 06:42
Nihil's Maw
Written by [user id=35732] on 03.01.2013 at 16:02

* At the time I simply followed Ivan's two examples and the existing rules for pictures.

I'm not saying that it's your fault, or that I'm angry. I'm just saying that there was some miscommunication going on and I wasn't sure what I should be thinking/doing. It's all good.

Edit: Also, about that "Mikael worshipping header" that's not even the one I wanted to submit. I was only using that as an example. What I really wanted to submit was a cool picture of the logo as the header (the one that's up now). I didn't mind that much when I found out that it had to be pictures of dudes from the band, I just made a new header.

The thing is, I came to this thread and saw two conflicting sets of rules, and I was confused as to why it was like that. I offered my opinion and tried to figure out what was going on, that's all.
07.02.2013 - 17:23
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I have suggestion to user who do add headers
please dont use sourcve like such type of pic , because when I click I see simply pic what does not profe anyting simply band header and guys in pick are same
Its all ... doesnt profe band is what you try add, better use home page and any other facebook whatever or give link


because in such case we can see if band is what it supose to be

and also , dont use such big link because then there is no space write in why it was accepted,rejected
Huge link makes to vanish box where write in,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42080656,d.bGE&biw=1920&bih=895&ion=1&wrapid=tljp136025050854702&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&

also beter use http not https because http opens automaticly but https doesnt (etleat to me )
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing