BitterCOld The Ancient One AdminPosts: 15307  |
Some great shots, Baz.
I didn't know Melechesh had a fuckin' ninja in their band!
Great pics of Enslaved, love the Ice Dale Rockstar pose.
Bill Kelliher of Mastodon, with that mullet and 'stache looks like Joe Dirt.
you have some fantastic snaps of RJ Dio as well. great work.
Haddonfield Chucky's Bride
Posts: 1993  |
Great photo work. Can't believe how old Dez is looking though especially when you see the likes of Robb Flynn who havn't aged that much. That isn't Sarah Jezebel Deva with Cradle is it?
"Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun and the rain (we can be like they are)."
tulkas el parcero
Posts: 4742  |
Wow, I'm so jealous. Melechesh must've been great. img 8694 is cool, though I guess he must've been sweating profusely  God Seed also looks really cool.
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
Baz Anderson StaffPosts: 13262  |
Thanks guys! No, apparently it is a girl called Ashley Jurgemeyer.
Yeh, my personal favourite set is the God Seed one. I took some awesome pictures of them. This one and 8766 & 8767 are my favourites of them. The Cradle Of Filth set is all really cool too. This is such a funny picture too I got from the audience of Eric from Manowar.
White Winter Sun Laboratory's Rat ElitePosts: 2198  |
Very nice shots, Barry.
I especially appreciated those from Melechesh and Deströyer 666.
And your funny picture is so hilarious. Maybe one of their future promo pictures for their "famous" " Warrior's Shield"
Posts: 819  |
Great pics!!! Congratulations. Vader rules!!!
Posts: 354  |
How come I did not see you at Moonsorrow? it seems like you were just infront of me, I was in the second row in the middle with my shirt tied around my head screaming my ass off
Thine truly,ancient evil overlord
Posts: 816  |
Nice Pics, thanks!!!
But I thought Epica has played in Hellfest...
Darkside Momo Retired ElitePosts: 9096  |
Written by Berfones on 24.06.2009 at 08:31
How come I did not see you at Moonsorrow? it seems like you were just infront of me, I was in the second row in the middle with my shirt tied around my head screaming my ass off
You were certainly looking at the stage, and not in the photographer's pit (which seems pretty normal anyway)... because if you did you would have seen Barry (and me, too)
Written by Enissa on 24.06.2009 at 11:43
Nice Pics, thanks!!!
But I thought Epica has played in Hellfest...
Epica did play, but one can't shoot everything!
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"
"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck ElitePosts: 40071  |
Why no St Vitus and Sacre dReich? crap crap crap
Btw love the pic of Melechesh in the press area
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal
Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Ivor StaffPosts: 5566  |
IvorStaffPosts: 5566 
There'll be more of HF photos. I just got home with over 1000 photos. Probably will end up putting about 300 online. There definitely are photos to come of bands that Barry didn't shoot.
Abattoir StaffPosts: 3708  |
Nice photos  Like it very much...
Valentin B Iconoclast
Posts: 10096  |
Who the hell is the guy playing guitar with Manowar? it sure as hell ain't Karl  did they pull him out of the audience? lol
Deadsoulman ElitePosts: 8004  |
Written by Valentin B on 27.06.2009 at 16:53
Who the hell is the guy playing guitar with Manowar? it sure as hell ain't Karl did they pull him out of the audience? lol
Yes they did. He won the guitar he's playing on
Valentin B Iconoclast
Posts: 10096  |
Written by Deadsoulman on 27.06.2009 at 19:31
Written by Valentin B on 27.06.2009 at 16:53
Who the hell is the guy playing guitar with Manowar? it sure as hell ain't Karl did they pull him out of the audience? lol
Yes they did. He won the guitar he's playing on 
shit that must have been a dream come true for him
they must have done it just before The Gods Made Heavy Metal, i'm gonna learn that song especially for this occasion lol, this must be the best thing that can happen to a Manowar fan.
it went down something like this huh?:
also, i know this is a silly question to ask, but was his guitar turned really low or something too?
routa Account deleted |
routa Account deleted
Written by Valentin B on 27.06.2009 at 20:32
Written by Deadsoulman on 27.06.2009 at 19:31
Written by Valentin B on 27.06.2009 at 16:53
Who the hell is the guy playing guitar with Manowar? it sure as hell ain't Karl did they pull him out of the audience? lol
Yes they did. He won the guitar he's playing on 
shit that must have been a dream come true for him
they must have done it just before The Gods Made Heavy Metal, i'm gonna learn that song especially for this occasion lol, this must be the best thing that can happen to a Manowar fan.
it went down something like this huh?:
also, i know this is a silly question to ask, but was his guitar turned really low or something too?
He did some decent shredding, at first I was almost sure that it was pre-arranged. The guy they picked in Finland had never touched a guitar before, the guitar itself was pretty cheap. "Special piece from Karl Logan's collection."
Deadsoulman ElitePosts: 8004  |
Written by Valentin B on 27.06.2009 at 20:32
also, i know this is a silly question to ask, but was his guitar turned really low or something too?
They cut the sound during the song. You could see the guy trying to go solo, but nothing came out of the amps 
They only let him shred before and after the song.
Valentin B Iconoclast
Posts: 10096  |
Written by [user id=8724] on 28.06.2009 at 00:00
Written by Valentin B on 27.06.2009 at 20:32
Written by Deadsoulman on 27.06.2009 at 19:31
Written by Valentin B on 27.06.2009 at 16:53
Who the hell is the guy playing guitar with Manowar? it sure as hell ain't Karl did they pull him out of the audience? lol
Yes they did. He won the guitar he's playing on 
shit that must have been a dream come true for him
they must have done it just before The Gods Made Heavy Metal, i'm gonna learn that song especially for this occasion lol, this must be the best thing that can happen to a Manowar fan.
it went down something like this huh?:
also, i know this is a silly question to ask, but was his guitar turned really low or something too?
He did some decent shredding, at first I was almost sure that it was pre-arranged. The guy they picked in Finland had never touched a guitar before, the guitar itself was pretty cheap. "Special piece from Karl Logan's collection."
heh, yeah now i see, i recognize the model, LOL, i guess he was right, it's an Epiphone Special SG, 150 euros or so
still, i don't think anyone would just give away such expensive guitars like Karl plays to random joes in the audience, before they used to just let him play Karl's guitar and get back in the audience(and presumably fix him up with the drunk groupie), but i think it's cool that they let him keep it as a souvenir too, like "so this is the guitar that i played on stage with Manowar"
what's not ok is that they cut him out during the song, they could have at least turn him down a bit, especially since as you say he was a decent shredder, it's not like he would have fucked up their sound.
i'm gonna bear all 5 supporting bands especially to sit in the front, i might just be the guy that Joey pulls on stage in Romania
Linak I Own You Bitch
Posts: 4173  |
LinakI Own You BitchPosts: 4173 
First time I browse through the galleries and I gotta say, some of these pics are really, really good.
Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
Zombie Thrash'tillDeath
Posts: 1627  |
ZombieThrash'tillDeathPosts: 1627 
What did that motherfucker from WASP do to that beautiful LTD AX ?? .. he's replced the EMG 81 with some shitty pickup... that guy should be put to death !!!!
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832