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Nu Metal - A Controversial Subject

Written by: iaberis
Published: October 20, 2006

Every traditional metalhead seems to hate this new kind of metal? But why so much hate? Is it the use of turntables that reminds us of this lousy "Hip-Hop" music and the "Rap" life style? Is it the remembrance of Linkin Park and "the fucked-up childhood lyric concept" as a member of the Metal Storm on-line community once said?

Well, whatever the reason may be, let's have a look on the genre's definition in wikipedia:
Nu metal (also called new metal, aggro metal, man-rock or nü metal using the traditional heavy metal umlaut) is a musical genre that has origins in the mid 1990s. It typically fuses influences from the grunge and alternative metal of the early 1990s with hip hop, electronic music and other metal genres, most often thrash metal and groove metal.

If you look around, you'll see that every living organism is evolving. That's the difference between something living and something dead. A dead thing can't develop or show some progress. Same thing happens in metal; metal was born almost 40 years ago and has changed into many forms and sub-genres. Power, Gothic, Death, Thrash are all some forms of this wonderful thing called evolution. Same thing is Nu Metal, we couldn't expect that something as powerful as metal, would stay untouched by today's life style and way of living. So this new genre is an evidence that Metal is not dead, as many believe. Although many people deny it, Nu Metal is a part of Metal. But let's have a look on how this genre appeared.

Somewhere in the beginning of 1990, bands playing alternative rock/metal and other metal-influenced music started creating they're own kind of music that was not part of any particular metal sub-genre. Bands like Alice In Chains, Primus, Rage Against The Machine, Faith No More, Tool, Body Count (with the rapper Ice-T on vocals) or even Nirvana influenced this movement and gave the fuse to other bands to follow their steps and get in this new metal-influenced style. There's a whole list on wikipedia about the bands that play or influenced the nu-metal movement, at

So, it seems that Nu Metal is a mix of metal and rap/hip-hop, two unlike kinds of music with two different ways of life. Something like that naturally caused many reactions and controversies by both sides. Although it brought metal closer to rap fans, many hardcore fans didn't accept it, believing it's something that degrades metal and it's lower in quality of lyrics and music. I had the same opinion about bands like Slipknot or Korn till a friend of mine, showed me tablatures of what these bands play and I was amazed. Although it seemed to me that they play standard riffs with low quality lyrics and worthless screams, now I have a different idea about them and this kind of music in general. Although I hate rap and hip-hop, I'm beginning to get use to the idea of turntables in metal too. And in the end, the sound still remains metal and hardcore.

But is it really that bad to use instruments and borrow elements from other music styles? Music is evolving all the time and metal follows this evolution. We can't listen to the 80's style for ever and misjudge anything new. New artists with new ideas in the metal scene deserve a chance and some respect too. We can't stick with a particular metal style forever. If we chose this way, there will be a period in the future that old metalheads will be placed aside, listening to old, nearly ancient bands and to a few new bands trying to copy their music. Think for example Metallica and how they changed their music in their latest album, St. Anger, to access the young people and a wider audience.

Personally, I'm not a fan of new metal or any of the bands mentioned above and I don't judge music by the instruments or the vocals they use. I don't have preconceptions about any kind of music and I generally listen to everything that sounds good to my ears? I don't listen to rap of course, but that's another thing. But I do judge music with my own standards and I don't reject any band or kind of music, because some people just don't like it. That shows a lack of strong personality? Make your own choices and don't listen to every single-minded person that tells you what to listen to! Remember Rage Against The Machine and their "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!" lyric!

Closing this, I'm not saying to all of you to "stop listening to your favorite metal style," but just give a chance to the new bands and the new metal styles, called Nu Metal or whatever name they want to give it. Who knows what the future holds for the metal scene? RnB Metal? Beat/Dance Metal? Pop Metal? If so, what's your choice? Follow your times or stick to the old guys?

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26.11.2006 - 16:46
Written by iaberis on 26.11.2006 at 02:26

Written by Eight on 26.11.2006 at 02:15

Lol! Darths post is bigger than article it selfe
Never mind me, iaberis, great article, you allmost changed my mind

It doesn't matter the size of the article, but the quality of the info!!!
Why almost? You mean I failed?

Nothing can change my mind, im too stubborn and after my friend joined the dark side (NU), he actually became such an asshole, i hope i never knew him. ]
But you'r article is very great
Book: "I am a Shepherd. Folks like a man of God."

Mal: "No, they don't. Men of God make everyone feel guilty and judged."
27.11.2006 - 15:21
Lost To Apathy
Nu Metal is a bit dead nowadays anyway, but I always liked it (bite me), and it's a good platform into non-alternative Metal. In the end it should only come down to a matter of personal taste though.
You don't make up for your sins in church. You do it in the streets. You do it at home. The rest is bullshit and you know it ~ Mean Streets
29.11.2006 - 01:17
Account deleted
linkin park is really good mong music, really relaxing etc..
although obveously i gotta be stoned to like it
01.12.2006 - 12:36
A Kat Person
Account deleted
Hey, this is a pretty good article! I don't like nu metal but you have changed my point of view to the extent that I respect it's place in the metal realm a bit more now. I do love for metal to go forward, I am not one of those who thinks 'stick to the old guys!" This is probably because I grew up during the era of Iron Maiden, Megadeth, old Metallica et al. and while I greatly respect those bands, and they used to be my faves - well it's been many years and now they are a bit played out for me!

So, I LOVE new combinations... hey my favorite genres are folk metal, symphonic metal, stuff like that where metal is NOT pure but combined with some never-before-thought-of type of music! But now I finally understand why I don't like nu metal, and that is because I can't stand hip-hop! So obviously I would not like metal combined with a genre of music I hate... but, to each his/her own...

That being said, though, I'm kinda relieved to see that it's not represented here because it sure is over-represented on the radio and eveywhere else!!
01.12.2006 - 13:30
Advice Troll
Nice to know Katman! Indeed most metalheads hate it cause it's similar to rap...I'm glad I've changed the perspective you see it now Because after all, it is metal!
Bitch! Please
02.01.2007 - 18:44
Doom Raven
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I wonder if I should even get into this discussion.... Oh well, here goes. I'm not about to start pontificating about what is "true" metal and what isn't. That's a presumptuous statement to make and people who declare such things really piss me off. I do believe slipknot can be called metal and I think they're quite impressive instrumentally, but I'm not particularly fond of their sound. Slipknot and similar bands are basically awash in a sea of far superior talent and most fans of these acts are out of touch with metal's roots. There's a word for that type of fan and it starts with a 'P'. Most fans of so called "nu-metal" are shopping mall denizens who are only familiar with the most popular bands. But the sad thing is how many of these fans would have a liking for far superior genres such as death and doom if they would just take the time and effort to explore new things once in a while and think beyond which t-shirts they see most often. If this were the case, many of these trendy fans would gladly burn their Deftones CDs in favor of Grand Magus and Opeth. Case in point, I saw Trivium in my hometown last November and they ceased to amaze me for the second time. This time they were blown away by little-known Texas doom band The Sword who released the BEST album of 2006 in my glorious and not-so-humble opinion. Anyone who was there would tell you that Trivium's trendy wankings were no match for The Sword's earthshaking wall of sludge. But most trendy posers will never check out The Sword because it's uncool to like something none of their friends have heard of, so they'll miss hearing a killer band who's heavy enough to shake satellites out of orbit. It's sad. I would conclude this rant here but I have something else to say that's been bugging me... Dillinger Escape Plan. That band is instrumentally amazing. Their music is extremely well played, and it is complete crap. Any fool can hear it. That band is amazingly talented and completely sucks ass. My point is simple, it doesn't matter how well a band plays or how well they display such virtuousity in their sound. If what they write is poop then it's poop. I applaud their ability to play such odd arrangements and timings, but the reason no metal band has gone there before is that it's irritating to listen to. Then again, bands like Venom and Saint Vitus could barely play their instruments and those bands totally rule. As for those bands and fans who like turntables and the like in metal, you're entitled to your tastes and opinions and I hope you choke. Anyone is welcome to disagree with me but they'll be wrong. Why? Because I said so!
04.02.2007 - 09:33
Well, I can only say that all those that wrote "rocks' or "sucks" are complete morons.When will you grow up?This is not the correct attitude against music. If you realy love metal you must respect all it's subgenres.
23.02.2007 - 18:52
Nu Metal: i say STOP !!! i hate this kind of music. Thats good for 'kinder metal'.
The article is writing realy good, but i disagree with authors opinion.
04.03.2007 - 09:58
Account deleted
Well written article but my point of view differs from the authors. I really hate Nu metal and it's kind of sad how that awsome sounding 70's and 80's metal turned into the crap we all know as nu metal.
17.03.2007 - 04:50
Account deleted
no matter how good people make it sound, nu metal sucks. it is massmarketed, cookiecutter music. the thing that it is comparable to is "metalcore" which started out as a good idea until all the bands started to sound exactly the same
18.03.2007 - 14:43
The Aryaputra
a good article
the way you inserted pictures was
but do you mean to say we must accept every forms of evolution open-mindedly? If we do so, then...look at this example: it is believed that humans evolved from species similar to apes (not exactly apes) but are apes and humans same?
similar thing happens with metal. various genres are evolving in it, but a day might come when the evolved genre will be different from the original, and can no longer be called metal, just like we cannot say humans are apelike species just because humans evolved from them.

Nu 'metal' is more close to punk than to metal.
that which shines without names and forms...
18.03.2007 - 14:49
The Aryaputra
Written by [user id=22376] on 17.03.2007 at 04:50

no matter how good people make it sound, nu metal sucks. it is massmarketed, cookiecutter music. the thing that it is comparable to is "metalcore" which started out as a good idea until all the bands started to sound exactly the same

that's true, and nu metallers (suckers!) are sell-outs, commercializing music.
that which shines without names and forms...
18.03.2007 - 17:12
Nice article...some good points eventhough I don't agree on many of them. I like some Nu Metal stuff, but most of the bands sound a like and are just boring. And yes: one has to keep an open mind when exploring new bands or genres...otherwise you'll never find new stuff

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
06.04.2007 - 06:07
Curtis the Bum
Account deleted
Yeah with nu metal and metalcore: I think people are being lame to hate on these genres too quickly. True, alot of the forerunning bands set a bad name, but it doesnt mean the whole genre is bad...
07.10.2007 - 19:33
Lone wanderer
Well, my friend, I agree with you in some points, but I also disagree in few.

My opinion on whole stuff is that closest relation that "Nu Metal" has with Metal is its very name, given to it by the music industry, which IMO, if not created it, helped very much its creation.

I dont really think that this music has strong influences or roots in Metal, because, take this as example - many "Nu Metal" band members admit they never listened to Metal, or even Rock, and for me, it is impossible for such person to create Metal music. Fact that they have electric guitars, heavy distortions, and stuff like that doesnt mean anything.

For me, "Nu Metal" will always be sheep in wolf's clothing, just another variant of pop music, with music industries' 'metal make-up'.

Whoever likes this music - go for it. This is just my opinion.
07.10.2007 - 20:09
Heaven Knight
Nu-metal should be rather called is "a bit harder" alternative rock, nothing else...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

07.11.2007 - 17:01
The Sasquatch
Written by Paganblood on 18.03.2007 at 14:43

a good article
the way you inserted pictures was
but do you mean to say we must accept every forms of evolution open-mindedly? If we do so, then...look at this example: it is believed that humans evolved from species similar to apes (not exactly apes) but are apes and humans same?
similar thing happens with metal. various genres are evolving in it, but a day might come when the evolved genre will be different from the original, and can no longer be called metal, just like we cannot say humans are apelike species just because humans evolved from them.

Nu 'metal' is more close to punk than to metal.

You are right, this has happened to metal already. Metal is not rock or blues anymore, now metal is its on genre because now days it is so different from its origins.
19.11.2007 - 01:51
Great article!
Iaberis, I'm agree with many things you wrote here, but I DO like Nu metal and I do bands as wide as Darkthrone, Dark Moor, Shape of Despair and so....
I like a lot the open mind of people regardless of liking or not this but we must understant that these people makes what they want, and we must respect what people do.

Also who knows, maybe this "accesible" music brough people to harder and harder levels...
19.11.2007 - 02:34
Account deleted
Written by selken on 19.11.2007 at 01:51

Great article!
Iaberis, I'm agree with many things you wrote here, but I DO like Nu metal and I do bands as wide as Darkthrone, Dark Moor, Shape of Despair and so....
I like a lot the open mind of people regardless of liking or not this but we must understant that these people makes what they want, and we must respect what people do.

Also who knows, maybe this "accesible" music brough people to harder and harder levels...

There's nothing to say that we must respect what they do. However, we can tolerate people and their actions.
13.01.2008 - 12:13
Account deleted
It's not about being true, because most metalheads I know also listen to alot of non-metal music. Including me. It's not about not accepting evolution, because we DO accept new metal genres. Just look at the amount of metal genres that emerged the past couple of years, and the average metalhead accepted them. All this bullshit about metalheads not being able to accept new stuff and always sticking to the old music is nonsense.

The fact simply is that nu metal is not metal. Simple as that. It's hard rock with rap. Having distorted guitars does not make a band metal.

This is ridiculous, do you actually believe all people who reject mallcore only listen to 'old' metal?
13.01.2008 - 13:48
Written by [user id=28243] on 13.01.2008 at 12:13
It's not about being true, because most metalheads I know also listen to alot of non-metal music. Including me. It's not about not accepting evolution, because we DO accept new metal genres. Just look at the amount of metal genres that emerged the past couple of years, and the average metalhead accepted them. All this bullshit about metalheads not being able to accept new stuff and always sticking to the old music is nonsense.

The fact simply is that nu metal is not metal. Simple as that. It's hard rock with rap. Having distorted guitars does not make a band metal.

This is ridiculous, do you actually believe all people who reject mallcore only listen to 'old' metal?
Good fucking post. I completely agree¹, people seem to classify more things as metal these days just because [hard] rock has had a recent trend of getting louder and more distorted.

Footnote 1 - I don't agree that ALL nümetal has rap vocals, but it is definitely a common link.
death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon!

he's not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays
13.01.2008 - 18:04
Advice Troll
Narrow-mindedness is exceeding here...
Why the hell did I try to make you see with a wider eye than your brain can bear...?
Bitch! Please
13.01.2008 - 19:56
Totemic Lust
It totally depends, and I think labels just become counterintuitive sometimes (anything but simplifying.) I didn't like the first song on Pain of Salvation's "The Perfect Element Pt. 1" because of the rapping, so that style of vocals is definitely something I dislike. Little kids at the mall do not make good representatives for any band, but I think disliking something just because other people like it is conformist.
27.01.2008 - 17:47
Account deleted
Heh, nice. This thing's still going.

iaberis, how broad is your taste in music, exactly? Because I really fail to see how someone with extensive rock & metal knowledge could classify nu metal as subgenre of metal music.

Here, - Nu Metal - Hardcore Punk

There's not much difference between the two, save for the small detail that Rise Against are way better than LP
Nothing against Shinoda, of course. Fort Minor is one of the few hip-hop/rap acts I actually enjoy.

To add to comparison, some funky metal:
27.01.2008 - 18:01
Advice Troll
Written by [user id=1868] on 27.01.2008 at 17:47

iaberis, how broad is your taste in music, exactly? Because I really fail to see how someone with extensive rock & metal knowledge could classify nu metal as subgenre of metal music.

There's not much difference between the two, save for the small detail that Rise Against are way better than LP

Nu metal is not only Linkin Park you know... There are other heavier bands than them in the genre, like Korn and Slipknot.
And yes I have a really wide metal knowledge, probably wider than yours.
Bitch! Please
27.01.2008 - 18:13
Account deleted
I know. Asides Linkin Park I also checked out Korn, Slipknot, Disturbed, SOAD, Papa Roach, Coal Chamber, Ill Nino, Godsmack and P.O.D.

Ill Nino are okay, I guess. Disturbed have some cool tracks.

But that doesn't change the fact they're playing funk-influenced Hard Rock and Hardcore Punk.
And if funk-influenced alt rock (Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rage Against The Machine) isn't metal, then I don't see why this should be ;P

I believe Post-Thrash/Groove Metal (Pantera, The Defaced) is as far as metal can go, really. Past that point it becomes much more of metalcore or hardcore punk.
28.01.2008 - 00:23
My primary dislike for Nu is the fact most (not all) bands seem to keep trying to shout out that they are "metal" constantly. The whole thing has an inferiority complex about it.

And the stereotypical Nu fan........ Ughhh.
28.01.2008 - 13:50
Account deleted
Written by Inlé on 28.01.2008 at 00:23

And the stereotypical Nu fan........ Ughhh.
Uhm. And the stereotypical metalhead is any better? All my friends that listen to nu metal are damn cool people (no, they don't hang out at malls and they don't show off with how much they're badass because they listen to metal... actually, they refuse to classify nu metal as subgenre of metal) so I have no idea what's the point of bringing up the stereotypes.

And for those who still have doubts: The Dillinger Escape Plan (hardcore/mathcore) Sick of It All (hardcore) Rise Against (melodic hardcore) Killswitch Engage (metalcore) Korn (nu metal) Slipknot (nu metal) Disturbed (hard rock/nu metal) Pantera (heavy/groove metal) Kayser (groove metal) The Defaced (melodeath/groove metal) Chimaira (groove metal/metalcore)

There's much more similarities with the core bands, seriously.
Besides, look at the influences. Bands that will take influences from melodeath metal, thrash metal and hardcore punk will be considered metalcore... Metal/hardcore fusion - not metal, despite the strong influences from the straight-to-the-point metal subgenres. And Nu Metal? What is it influenced by? Alternative rock, punk rock, funk, groove metal. Well sorry, but groove metal isn't as "true" metal as melodeath or thrash. Even within groove metal you can find songs, which you'll doubt to be metal. And along with the other influences, I really don't see how you can come up with metal from such music genres.
And sorry for the amount of links, but arguing over music genres without actually knowing the neigbouring musical styles is just ridiculous.
28.01.2008 - 16:43
Advice Troll
I have to admit, Skald knows how to justify well his opinion... He got me for some minutes...
Bitch! Please
12.03.2008 - 06:45
Account deleted
This is a controversial subject indeed.. I despise Nu-Metal.. But It does deserve some respect amongst metalheads when compared to other so-called "heavy" genres like hardcore/emo/metalcore. I am completely against and would consider my self ANTI-hardcore/emo/metalcore. When you compare such Nu-Metal bands as Korn, Machine Head(some would consider), Slipknot, Soulfly and Sevendust to (I refuse to put their names in upper case letters as they are not worthy) as i lay dying, autumn to ashes, hatebreed....etc Nu-Metal is a hell of a lot better.

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