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Beyon-D-Lusion interview (07/2004)

With: Alexandra [Vocals] , Mehdi [Guitars]
Conducted by: Jeff
Published: 28.07.2004

- Can you introduce " Beyon D Lusion "? Why did you decide to create this side-project ?

Mehdi: I decided to form this project for several reasons. First, I wanted to play guitars in a band and that's the case in Beyon-d-Lusion. Secondly, I wanted to compose differently, and above all, i wanted the lyrics to deal with themes that I hold dear and compose a music which would fit with them and this required a female and not a male vocalist.

- What can you say about this first MCD? Do you plan to, release a full-length ?

Mehdi: I used to go round in circles while composing songs that I didn't really like and tones which didn't suit me. The MCD is an assessment to me, assessment which has its positive and its negative sides. We intend to record the album next year, and I am sure there will be a difference in the quality, at every level.
Alexandra: recording an album is one of our main goals, that's the reason why i entitled the MCD "first step to the source" in order to suggest that there is an album to come and that the MCD was a sort of introduction of who we are and of the music we do.

- Have you already worked on some more tracks, or are only these four ones ready ?

Alexandra: "Out of my Grasp" was first a "piano-and-vocals" song, then Mehdi arranged it and turned it into the song which you can listen to on the MCD. Since we really like the intimist piano version, the song will be downloadable on our website ] (which is under construction at the moment...). Mehdi: in terms of music, 6 songs are "finished" (including those of "first step to the source"...). Alexandra has 2 songs to work on. These songs are also different from those of "first step to the source", and that's why I appreciate them.

- Do you think Beyon D Lusion could be a real band more than a side-project ? [that's what I wish but please don't drop Furia ]

Mehdi: beyon-d-lusion IS a band with the difference that the drummer is a session musician and the reason why I wanted him as a session musician is that he has his own personality which doesn't always fit with what I expect from him and since I am fussy about several things, I want to have no scruples about giving my opinion or about imposing my ideas. I know it's a bit like a dictatorship but playing with session musicians save us some troubles. As for Furia, to give the band up is out of the question even if I think I don't really bring much to the band, artistically speaking.

- Alexandra, we know Mehdi because of Furia, but we discover you in this act... Did you sing in a band before Beyon-D-Lusion, or is this your first musical experience?

Alexandra: I've been in a black metal band for two years, I was a backup vocalist and I had a few passages as lead singer. This experience made me meet lots of interesting people, some of them have even become friends, as we've played as support for bands like Furia, Gurkkhas, Boost, Black Bomb A, Tripod etc. Unfortunately my voice was not really compatible with this kind of music, I was more under the impression that I had to scream to be heard than to express myself as I wanted to. I wanted to be free to compose, but I had only a few singing parts on the songs... Then I left the band for personal reasons in November 2002, and in May 2003 Mehdi phoned me...

- How was your first encounter with Mehdi? How did you decide to found Beyon-D-Lusion? Given that Mehdi is in another band, did it come from you?

Alexandra: I was in Mâcon at the time when Furia was working on the preproduction of their second album 'Un lac de larmes et de sang' towards the end of December 2002, and I eventually had to do a few vocal lines on what is now the intro of this album. Mehdi came and heard what we had been working on with Damien and Mika and he told us that he liked the vocals, that it was 'good singing', but that he really disliked some passages because he didn't want vocals here and there. In other words our first encounter has been a bit tense... (laughs)... For this reason, when he phoned me in May 2003 to ask me if I was interested in working with him, I first thought he was trying to piss me off... I knew he was in Furia, but as he asked me personally, I thought that he probably had spent some time thinking about it and that he would find time working for BDL and Furia. And up to now, there's never been any major problem...

- As a female singer, don't you think that nowadays it's probably harder for female-fronted bands to impose their music in the market, as in my opinion it's starting to be a bit saturated? [Even if there is still very good stuff, for example your MCD]

Alexandra: Well honestly, I don't know many French bands with female singer (except Akin) but maybe I'm a bit ignorant?! If it's the case I apologize.... In my opinion unfortunately only foreign bands have been able to establish themselves. If you take a look towards black and death metal, I think in France the market is a bit saturated as well, but it doesn't prevent us, as you said, to find some very good bands that are able to be different from the rest. Anyway, everytime you release something, everybody compares you to this and that, which is in my opinion the hardest thing to bear... So, no, I don't think it's harder for female-fronted bands to gain some recognition. Though if none likes your music and you can't get out of the masses, it's another problem...

- Will we see you on stage somewhere, sometime?

Mehdi: there is no doubt that we intend to play live, but you'll have to wait. I hope we'll have enough songs ready to be played in September 2005, so you'll have to be patient. Moreover, I don't see our future concerts as mere concerts. There will be a little something in visual terms. I work towards it at the moment, slowly but surely...

- Where did you find your inspiration when you wrote Beyon D Lusion ?

Alexandra: the fact is that Mehdi first suggested me some ideas and themes for the lyrics but since the same themes are dear to both of us, he trusted me and gave me free hand. I don't talk about ONE theme in particular, I don't talk about love even if my lyrics seem to deal with breaking and the suffering that it entails. They are about the various circumstances in life when you feel powerless, humiliated, full of hatred, disappointed, and when everything seems to collapse around you. To my opinion, that particular state of mind is THE best starting point and the best moment to make a fresh start, to understand that you are the only one you can rely on, and that every solution, every key to enlightenment, every answer you need to go ahead is inside you and not around, even if you have to wait long before finding them. Through our band name BEYON-D-LUSION (which stands for beyond delusion) I wanted to say that one must carry his thoughts further preconceived ideas, that if you scratch the surface, you will see that appearances are deceptive. I am not the Messiah but i think it's important to be honest with our own self and true.
Mehdi: as for the music, the inspiration comes to me when I go for a walk. Songs in their entirety come to my mind but unfortunately I am used to just remembering some passages and not the whole of it and when I come back home, I record them on my computer as soon as i can before forgetting them. When a song is finished, Sammy listens to it, gives me his opinion, then we rearrange it together. Today, I changed my perspective concerning the composition. The inspiration comes in the same way but this time I think the new songs up while imagining the effect they'll have live.

- Are you influenced by some bands that play the same genre ? Which ones ?

Alexandra: I like many bands, but I honestly don't have specific influences since I listen to various 'styles'. Among metal bands with female vocalists I like The Gathering, Lacuna Coil, Madder Mortem, and even if I like these vocalists' voice, I have MY voice and MY way of singing and I really work for it so that my voice will sort of be my "trademark".
Mehdi: I am not what one can call "influenced" by other bands either. Musically, I like the "piano-and-violin" arrangements in Evanescence. I am not a good musician, I just know how to play rhythmic guitars and thanks to my competence as a keyboard player, I manage to get something out of my mind. Alexandra composes when she receives a new song at home (we live 1000 kms from each other). She always has very good and surprising ideas in the sense that I never expect to what she composes. In a general way, the final version is quickly found except the "details" we change and arrange in the end.
What do you expect from this album ? Is that just a way to have fun, or a kind of test to see if the fans and the press will like it, so you can release something else without too many risks ?
Mehdi: we recorded this MCD for the simple reason that we wanted to record it. Even if the reviews were bad, it wouldn't have changed our plans which are to rehearse, to play live, and above all, to record an album!
I believe in my music even if i know i am not a precursor, I'm just a guy who believes in what he does, that's the whole point.

- Isn't it too hard to be in such a band as Furia and to have a side-project ?

Mehdi: No that's not that hard, there's a time for everything. When I have to work for FURIA, I am concentrated on FURIA, and on nothing else but FURIA.

- A question that has nothing to do with Beyon D Lusion. What are you up to with Furia ? Will you soon release a new album ?

Mehdi: we recorded a pre-production of 4 songs and recorded 6 others. We have enough songs to record an album but we still hesitate because the DVD was released in April 2004 and we'd better let some time slip by. The studio session is planned for the end of November 2004 and that's for sure! A new album will come out in the beginning of 2005. As for saying what the album will sound like, that's another question. But i don't worry, I think it will please those who wait for it

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