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Dionysiaque interview (04/2024)

With: N.C.
Conducted by: nikarg (phone)
Published: 06.04.2024

Band profile:


Following the review of the debut album by Dionysiaque, titled Diogonos, I got in touch with the vocalist, N.C., to talk about the band, their music and several other things, in a mammoth 70-minute interview.

Diogonos is available on Bandcamp, through I, Voidhanger Records.

Posted on 06.04.2024 by Only way to feel the noise is when it's good and loud!


Comments: 6   Visited by: 71 users
06.04.2024 - 21:36
Nocturnal Bro
Very nice conversation! Was nice to hear both of your thoughts on uniqueness in music. Also cool anecdotes about Manilla Road's singer. I checked out a bit of Diogonos because of this interview and find it pretty cool! Heavy doom riffs, but also proggy guitar-work, and intriguing dramatic vocals. Also, I've now been motivated to check out Zemial
07.04.2024 - 10:02
^ Glad you liked it! I was surprised that when I asked him about desert island records, the first one he brought up was Flower Travellin' Band's - Satori, which is indeed fantastic, but I did not know it until SSUS's review very recently. He is very knowledgable regarding music and is a very warm and gentle lad in general. We said a few things that were not recorded, some of it regarding the next album and its theme, but I do not want to give anything away. But it will be different and interesting.

From the other bands he mentioned, I strongly suggest Arpia, and especially the album Liberazione (Spotify | YouTube). From Zemial, you cannot go wrong with Nykta, but I also am very fond of For The Glory Of UR, which is very primitive.
07.04.2024 - 15:10
Nocturnal Bro
Written by nikarg on 07.04.2024 at 10:02

^ Glad you liked it! I was surprised that when I asked him about desert island records, the first one he brought up was Flower Travellin' Band's - Satori, which is indeed fantastic, but I did not know it until SSUS's review very recently. He is very knowledgable regarding music and is a very warm and gentle lad in general. We said a few things that were not recorded, some of it regarding the next album and its theme, but I do not want to give anything away. But it will be different and interesting.

From the other bands he mentioned, I strongly suggest Arpia, and especially the album Liberazione (Spotify | YouTube). From Zemial, you cannot go wrong with Nykta, but I also am very fond of For The Glory Of UR, which is very primitive.

Yeah he seemed like a cool guy. I was relieved when you guys were talking about Priest, Dio, and Kreator. Almost all the other bands I didn't know, but at least you seemed to be able to keep up with him!
07.04.2024 - 17:50
This was a really cool interview. First of all, it's nice to hear your voice for a change, and also you and NC seem to be on the very same wavelength when it comes to your philosophies on music (not to mention your tastes). That produces a comfortable discussion that's good to listen to.

What strikes me the most is how conversant he is in music. He can just drop names like they're falling out of his pockets, and you were right there with him. I love hearing somebody who clearly knows so much about music - not just metal, but music - and you guys really surprised me with some of the references. Rory Gallagher as his guitar inspiration and Satori as a desert-island pick? Those were some really unexpected mentions. And Dark Quarterer, Confessor, Riot City, Bell Witch, etc. There's a fantastic variety in the stuff you're discussing.

One of the best parts was when you were talking about Manilla Road. Mark Shelton always seemed to me like a genuinely nice guy, so it was great to hear NC's memories of him. Manilla Road was responsible for one of my favorite concert experiences and when it comes to bands with epic sounds, great songs, unique styles, and strange, divisive vocals, it's hard to beat them.

I haven't gotten around to listening to Dionysiaque yet (I did read your review), but this has convinced me to move them to the top of the list.
"Earth is small and I hate it" - Lum Invader

I'm the Agent of Steel.
08.04.2024 - 12:50
Hi everyone. Nathaniel here. First of all it was a pleasure to finally get to know Nikarg more than through his rave reviews about our music. This interview felt like home and I, on behalf of the band Dionysiaque, want to thank you all very warmly for being patient enough to go through 1+ hours of interview and for your enthusiastic comment about it.

We are very humbled by your support and interest in our archaic and twisted noises.

Some glasses of wine are going to be raised and swallowed in the honour of you all.

And yes we dig music in general, of course metal remains our main point of interest, but it would be senseless not to stay open to other styles, as they all have something to offer. It's good to learn all the time and if this interview raised your interest for the discover of new music, then we have done our homework the right way.

And yes, Mark Shelton was a remarkable human being. I miss him dearly and he taught me the world when it comes to be a good person.

Did I say thank you already? There I say it again. Thank you.
20.04.2024 - 13:48
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Good job nik , now we all know how your voice sounds
Great band and album.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing

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