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Angra interview (12/2004)

With: Kiko Loureiro [Guitars]
Conducted by: Dream Taster
Published: 22.12.2004

Band profile:


- Your latest album, "Temple Of Shadows", has received praises all around the world. Being a die-hard fan of Angra since the early 90s, I'm still amazed by your music and the new progressive direction the band took with the current line-up. How would you compare "Temple Of Shadows" with "Rebirth"?

Comparing to Rebirth I could say in this album we wanted to explore all of our knowledge in music, composition, and our skills on playing our instruments. Of course you can find very good stuff on Rebirth, but in Temple we wanted to go deeper, go more sophisticated, break the rules from Heavy Metal, go out of the traditional borders. In Rebirth we were just going back to the roots from Angra to restabilish the new and the new members.

- Who came up with the concept behind the album?

Rafael wrote the lyrics and the concept. He did it after all the musical concept and the songs were totally finished.

- With "Temple Of Shadows", we are blessed by 13 new songs. Following your extended live album, Angra seems to be extensively productive nowadays. How long was the songwriting process for the album?

We started in august composing and exchanging ideas between me Rafael and Edu.
Then in November we rehearsed with the whole band the new songs . December we did a pre production with Dennis Ward. Jan and Feb we recorded all backing tracks. April we did guests and voice, June mix and mastering.
So it took almost a year, with some breaks in between.

- Diversity is "on the menu" with "Temple Of Shadows". All tracks are unique in their own way. Can we know, are there any left over songs from the recording sessions that aren't present on the final album?

Yes. It was a very productive and inspired period for us. We still have lots of songs ( but not recorded). Even me, from the same period had time to prepare my instrumental solo album, that will be released in January 2005.

- Several well-known guest singers have participated on the album, among them, Kai Hansen and Hansi Kürsch. Were they planned from the beginning are they came along in the recording process?

We had the intention to bring these two icons to celebrate the influence and the friendship and respect we have for them . They were also very excited to record the songs, showing the unity we have since our debut when we were in Germany recording Angels Cry in Kai´s studio.

- Some [stupid] nostalgic fans from the early Angra era were harsh on Edu Falaschi when "Rebirth" hit the shelves. Now, "Temple Of Shadows" has seemed to silence those critics for good. Edu has pulled of incredible vocals for this album, as he did on "Rebirth". Does it feel good to watch those critics with a smile now?

It's always good to see the improvement from all of us, and even better when people recognize it.

"Temple Of Shadow", the new masterpiece made in Brazil...

- Let's go back for a minute to the 'Hunters And Prey' EP. How did it came to life? Who dig up the idea of the Genesis cover and the excellent Brazilian version of 'Hunters And Prey', 'Caça o Caçador'? Also, do you plan to record more songs in your native language in the future?

Felipe is a great fan of this song, so he suggested.
Yes we want to experiment more and more in our native language. In Temple we had Portuguese lyrics in Late redemption.

- Angra features the best duo of guitar players I've ever heard, Kiko Loureiro and Rafael Bittencourt. You've been composing and playing together for quite a long time now. Is it the main reason behind Angra's long lasting success?

Thank you very much!!
Yes think it is a great part of this success our friendship and respect.

- What is the extent of your touring prospects for 2005?

We just finished the first leg of the Brazilian tour. More then 30 concerts. February we are going to Europe and march to Japan and south Asia.

- Are you pondering the possibility of recording a live DVD for your upcoming tour?

Yes, but we hadn't decided yet?

- Looking back to your history, which moments are you most proud of?

Our albums of course.
I think the Temple of Shadows is really something to be proud of.

- Besides music, I guess you are all football fans and the Angra team is probably hard to beat! I'm curious, have you ever played against the guys of Iron Maiden??

No Never. Would be really cool!

- On a personal note, I know some of you used to be fans of the French football team of Paris Saint-Germain when fellow countrymen Ricardo, Rai and Valdo were playing for the team. Are you still supporters? If not, what are you favorite teams?

Yes I remember I went to the Paris training center to talk to Rai. Always supporter of Paris Saint- German. There was Leonardo also, remember? "Le coups de Boulogne?"

- Thanks for your time! I wish you all the best, hoping to see you on the road. Your last word?

I appreciate very much the support we are having for the Temple album. I just want to invite everybody for the tour in February to see the new (and old) songs live. No one will be disappointed.
Check the dates on
All the best.

Thanks again to the guys of Angra and to Roger Wessier [Replica Records] who made this interview possible.

Pictures: Angra Official Website:

Posted on 22.12.2004 by Bringing you reviews of quality music and interesting questions such as:

"A picture is worth a thousand words. How many words is a song worth?"

I have only got so much patience and skills, you do the math.

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