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Bad English's lists

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Thumbs up: +3
2009: Top 10 From Heavy Metal

This is my HM list, sorry maybe some bands missing, maybe some shood be sowhere alse, but its my choose, because I prefere edd Top 10 what Im heard how top 50 coppy past from net, make top 50 2009 its…

1.W.A.S.P. - Babylon
2.Grave Digger - Ballads Of A Hangman
3.Crystal Viper - Metal Nation
4.Halford - Halford III - Winter Songs
5.Alice In Chains - Black Gives Way To Blue

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Created by Bad English on 03.03.2010

Thumbs up: +13
2009: Top 15 Doom Albums

This is my Top 15 doom list from 2009, I include all albums what I have hear , I was planning top 20 but can fit 17, so I decide made top 15…

1.Candlemass - Death Magic Doom
2.My Dying Bride - For Lies I Sire
3.While Heaven Wept - Vast Oceans Lachrymose
4.The 11th Hour - Burden Of Grief
5.Poema Arcanus - Timeline Symmetry

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Created by Bad English on 02.03.2010