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Beherit - Drawing Down The Moon

7.9 | 124 votes |
Release date: 13 November 1993
Style: Black metal


128 have it
19 want it

01. Intro (Tireheb)
02. Solomon's Gate
03. Nocturnal Evil
04. Sodomatic Rites
05. Black Arts
06. The Gate Of Nanna
07. Nuclear Girl
08. Unholy Pagan Fire
09. Down There...
10. Summerlands
11. Werewolf, Semen And Blood
12. Thou Angels Of The Gods
13. Lord Of Shadows And Goldenwood

Guest review by
Zombie, M.D.
1993 was a big year for black metal, seeing such releases as Det Som en Gang Var by Burzum, Pure Holocaust by Immortal, and Dark Midievil Times by Satryicon. However, among these more popular releases there is a very odd and amazingly original album, that album is Drawing Down the Moon by Beherit. This album was so far ahead of its time, little did these three men from Finland know it would later attain legendary status.

published 12.07.2005 | Comments (5)

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Comments: 17   Visited by: 321 users
04.02.2013 - 03:07
Rating: 4
Alex F
I don't like this album, at all. Hideous production, shit vocals, simplistic boring songs. Also Joe likes it, so that's a minus
04.02.2013 - 11:51
Account deleted
Written by Alex F on 04.02.2013 at 03:07

I don't like this album, at all. Hideous production, shit vocals, simplistic boring songs. Also Joe likes it, so that's a minus

But despite these things there is no other album in existence (that I know of) that sounds anything like this For me this remains the ultimate example of occult and ritualistic black metal.

Also, that description could easily apply to, say, Transylvanian Hunger and the majority of raw black metal (though in reality I'd describe VON as just that).
04.02.2013 - 14:30
Rating: 4
Alex F
Written by [user id=4365] on 04.02.2013 at 11:51

But despite these things there is no other album in existence (that I know of) that sounds anything like this For me this remains the ultimate example of occult and ritualistic black metal.

Also, that description could easily apply to, say, Transylvanian Hunger and the majority of raw black metal (though in reality I'd describe VON as just that).

I guess my point was that even within black metal, this is far too simple and boring. I don't find most raw black metal boring, so that kind of says something. You may be right that there is no other album that sounds like this, which is a good thing for me.
04.02.2013 - 14:35
Account deleted
Written by Alex F on 04.02.2013 at 14:30

I guess my point was that even within black metal, this is far too simple and boring. I don't find most raw black metal boring, so that kind of says something. You may be right that there is no other album that sounds like this, which is a good thing for me.

I don't really find it that simplistic though. As Zombie's review says this one of first black metal album to properly experiment with ambient and electronics, not to mention messing with the vocals electronically. This is a slice of the time its from, and it reeks of it in a genuine fashion.

For me Beherit became over simplified on their last album, which to me is a truly awful record that panders to mindless Norwegian black metal. This one had a lot of character compared to that.
04.02.2013 - 14:41
Rating: 4
Alex F
Written by [user id=4365] on 04.02.2013 at 14:35

I don't really find it that simplistic though. As Zombie's review says this one of, if not the first, black metal album to properly experiment with ambient and electronics, not to mention messing with the vocals electronically. This is a slice of the time its from, and it reeks of it in a genuine fashion.

For me Beherit became over simplified on their last album, which to me is a truly awful record that panders to mindless Norwegian black metal. This one had a lot of character compared to that.

I'm listening to it again trying to hear what you're raving about, but it's just not there for me. I still hear bad black metal with bad vocals
I hardly hear any ambient or electronic experimentation (except for some on the vocals). Beherit may be revolutionary, but I hate them
04.02.2013 - 14:43
Account deleted
Written by Alex F on 04.02.2013 at 14:41

I'm listening to it again trying to hear what you're raving about, but it's just not there for me. I still hear bad black metal with bad vocals
I hardly hear any ambient or electronic experimentation (except for some on the vocals). Beherit may be revolutionary, but I hate them

If you haven't yet, you should try out the Electric Doom Synthesis album. It's fully experimenting with ambient and electronic soundscapes, and the metal parts are shunted to the background. It's a totally different album to this, but just as good to me.
04.02.2013 - 14:45
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by [user id=4365] on 04.02.2013 at 11:51

though in reality I'd describe VON as just that.

talk about a simplistic, boring, total useless, way too much revered band. My God even for the time it was all that. Beherit on this one were the thing, especially at the time it was released. Whereas VON were always wannabees.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

04.02.2013 - 14:46
Rating: 4
Alex F
Written by [user id=4365] on 04.02.2013 at 14:43

If you haven't yet, you should try out the Electric Doom Synthesis album. It's fully experimenting with ambient and electronic soundscapes, and the metal parts are shunted to the background. It's a totally different album to this, but just as good to me.

Really? I'll have to listen to it.
10.04.2013 - 22:00
Black Knight
This album is absolutely fantastic! I've been indulging in the Norwegian black metal scene for a long time, but hell, Beherit with this album was, at that time, some classes over many black metal pioneers (from the second wave though). Also, I agree with Jooe on the EDS album, pretty good one, even though it ain't black metal.

Also, I did not have a problem with Engram either, it ain't as spectaculous as DDTM, but it is a good performance of raw black metal. I think this band has way too many haters, and despite that, this album is really a black metal gem that is highly underrated.
25.08.2016 - 22:46
Account deleted
I don't even know why I love this album but I do.
28.08.2016 - 17:45
Rating: 8
X-Ray Rod
Written by [user id=4365] on 25.08.2016 at 22:46
I don't even know why I love this album but I do.

My feelings towards this album are not quite as strong as yours but I can relate with the "I have no idea why I like it". In theory I should have a hard time with the production and the songwriting as stuff, just like Alex on his first comments here but... Yeah, somehow I ended up buying it and if a song comes on the shuffle list, I end up listening to the whole album for some reason. xD
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

28.08.2016 - 17:47
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 28.08.2016 at 17:45

My feelings towards this album are not quite as strong as yours but I can relate with the "I have no idea why I like it". In theory I should have a hard time with the production and the songwriting as stuff, just like Alex on his first comments here but... Yeah, somehow I ended up buying it and if a song comes on the shuffle list, I end up listening to the whole album for some reason. xD

I think getting into the spirit of the era it came out in probably helps me appreciate it. It is a pretty distinctive sounding record at the end of the day, and one I think has a great atmosphere that pretty much can't be found in anything else.
07.08.2017 - 19:26
Rating: 7
Historic album. You cannot find good melodies but the atmosphere is intense and original. Especially back then. Liked the synth tracks like Nuclear girl and Summerlands.
25.08.2017 - 09:07
Pvt Funderground
Written by [user id=4365] on 04.02.2013 at 11:51

But despite these things there is no other album in existence (that I know of) that sounds anything like this

Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
04.04.2018 - 16:52
Rating: 7
It's good but overrated album in my opinion. DDTM seems to benefit from being one of the first of its kind in terms of sound but I find there's only a two or three cool songs that really pull of the occult/ritualistic theme Beherit were going for.

Biggest negative of this album is the vocals being soooooo fucking loud in the mix.
31.07.2018 - 04:40
Pvt Funderground
Nothing overrated about this.

Also if you like this check Void Meditation Cult. AWESOME BLACK METAL.
Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
08.01.2023 - 00:45
Rating: 10
One of the best of Finnish black metal. Delightfully weird.

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