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Shows In Asia Confirmed
Shows In Asia Confirmed
Jan 06
Page: 1
These liberties we enjoy were fought for by generations before us. They are not guaranteed, not perpetual, but fragile, and have to be defended. Once lost, liberty is extremely hard to get back.
00:51 - corrupt
Where I see parallels to the 1920s is that people start looking to the right as soon as they're affected by a bad economy. But no one's point about shying away from the responsibilities of a democracy is probably just as valid.
21:48 - Shmelevod
@X-Ray Rod Yeah, it's crazy expensive. When I was in Chile, I met three Finns who came specifically for the festival. In the end it got canceled, lol. Imagine how blown away they were
21:34 - no one
-- shout deleted --
21:12 - Ch'ti
People want to stay in a time that is familiar to them and above all more favorable and voting conservative seems to them to be the most appropriate solution.
21:12 - X-Ray Rod
@Shmelevod: Wish you the best of luck, then! I try to visit Chile as often as I can but that ends up being 4 times since 2005. It's such an expensive trip. :(
21:10 - Ch'ti
@corrupt you were talking about the 1920s and the rise of fascism but I think that this time it's more about the mentality. The world is getting craquer and Europe is deteriorating.
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