Featured albums
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No one yes his name is Jack and Jim.
03:31 - Vellichor
Yeah I agree it would be nice to put more filters on the album charts
03:23 - M C Vice
Deleting shouts to avoid santa's naughty list
03:10 - Bluemobius
I wish you could filter the top albums list by year and style at the same time. Like "what are the top death metal albums of X year"
02:32 - no one
Love surprising the family with black metal
02:13 - tintinb
Is a sight to behold. I personally like my Christmas with loads of meat and mead and black metal. 😁
02:11 - tintinb
Partake in this celebration in a more accepting fashion. All the corporates allow Christmas holiday and Christmas festivities in offices. I am originally from Kolkata and there the lights in Parkstreet during this time of the year