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1988-2023  James Christian - guitars, keyboards, vocals
› 2024-  -//- vocals, bass
2005-  Jimi Bell - guitars
2024-  Johan Peter Kullberg - drums
2024-  Mark Mangold - keyboards
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1988-1990  Chuck Wright - bass
› 2000-2005  -//-
1988-1990  Lanny Cordola - guitars
› 2000-2005  -//-
1988-1990  Ken Mary - drums
› 2000-2005  -//-
1988-1993  Gregg Giuffria - keyboards
1990-1991  Michael Guy - guitars
1991-1993  Sean McNabb - bass
1991-1993  Dennis Chick - guitars
1991-1993  Tommy Aldridge - drums
2005-2008  Jeff Kent - bass, keyboards, backing vocals
2005-2023  B.J. Zampa - drums
2007-2008  Chris McCarvill - bass
› 2009-2023  -//-
2008-2009  Matt McKenna - bass
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1990  Chris Impellitteri - guitars
2004  Derek Sherinian - keyboards
2006  Gregg Giuffria - keyboards

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House Of Lords never really made it out of the '80s. While we all wish that we could say the same of certain bands, House Of Lords are not so much experiencing a perennial case of the glory days as spinning their wheels in a creative wasteland.
Review by ScreamingSteelUS ››
I was pretty sure this was a Power Metal album, I mean, the House Of Lords logo with the same font from Lord Of The Rings, a album entitled "The Power And The Myth" , swords and griffons in the cover art? Come on! This smells of Power Metal...
Review by Undercraft ››

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