This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.
1994- | Aerzengellus von Dunkelnacht - vocals, guitars |
2013- | Ghrellberick - bass |
2014- | N. Onfray - drums |
1994-2012 | Schattenriss - drums |
2013-2014 | Danny V. - drums |
2012- | Ha. - bass |
2011 | Im Schein Trüben Kerzenlichts | ||
2017 | Totendienst VI - Antiphonae Omnes Mortum Et Animas Infernalis |
1999 | Dominvs Umbraes [Demo] | ||
2008 | Adveniat Spiritvs Inmundus 1994-1998 [Compilation] |
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