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This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.



2019-  Laura Fella - vocals, mandolin
2019-  Fiona Rüggeberg - vocals, flute, fujara
2019-  Fieke van den Hurk - synthesizers, accordion
2019-  Rafael Salzmann - guitars, bass
2019-  Jasper Barendregt - drums
2021  Fabienne Erni - vocals
› 2024  -//-
2021  Eivør Pálsdóttir - vocals
2021  Jessey-Joy Spronk - vocals

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Every now and again I stumble across an album that I cannot quite pinpoint for myself. Often it can be the oddest minuscule detail about it or something to that effect that turns out to be the key. In general, the album will keep nagging at me and I'll keep returning to it until I figure it out. Tvinna's second album is one of those puzzles that I've found hard to let go even if I don't turn to it all that often.
Review by Ivor ››

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