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2007-  Carolyn Hamilton-Giles - drums, organ
2007-  Peter Giles (I) - guitars, vocals
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2007  Reverend Al - guitars
2007  Adam Richardson - bass
2007-2008  Donny Hopkins - bass
2008-2009  Mark (VI) - bass
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2013  Chris Fielding - bass
2013  Jamie Elton - organ

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Pombagira have been around now for some years and released several albums yet. While they always showed a preference for long albums with very few and very long songs, it seems they couldn't contain themselves this time. Flesh Throne Press does feature many songs, 13 to be precise, however they didn't go down in song length much and that's why they now ended up with an 87 minute album. And the best part is... it doesn't get boring! Well, at least if you are into that type of music.
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