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Horizons Edge - Biography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.




If you're a fan of melodic power metal, with that 80's sound of big choruses, high screams and shredding solos with Killer Female vocals up front, then this band is definitely worth a listen!

Horizons Edge have been performing on the Melbourne Metal scene consistently for the last 2 years. In that time they have drawn a solid fan base with their memorable high energy live show. Horizons Edge are always pushing the boundaries with their writing so you can expect some new big sounds from these guys in the future \m/

'Horizons Edge hit the stage and no lack of energy from all six members. Right from the first song they don’t leave you wondering what they’re about. Power riffs aplenty. Each member seemed to have the opportunity in each song to showcase their skill' Dilini Fredrick- Metal Obsession

Horizons Edge supported power metal legends Helloween, on their recent Australian tour and played to a packed house in Melbourne at 170 Russell. And also have completed their Australian tour January/February 2016.

Source: ReverbNation