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Rotgod - Discography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.

Studio (2)
EP (1)

01. Ouverture
02. Passion
03. Death (By Orgasm)
04. Mourning (Necrophiliac Kleptonymphomania)
05. Resurrection (By Orgasm)
06. Jesus Christ Pornostar
07. Outro

01. Denial Of Nature
02. I Don't Believe
03. Sybaritic Metal
04. Without Dogmas
05. P.S.S.
06. Organic Machine
07. Teleological Nonsense [noise version]
08. The Serpent's Speech
09. Social Media Misanthrope
10. Italy Is Doomed
11. Anti-Hippie Anthem
12. Demagogy
13. Legalized Corruption
14. Cult Of Fornication
15. Apology Of The Modern World (Kali Yuga Official Endorsement)
16. Idealism, The Fatal Bug (Linguistic Biases)
17. Inner Crisis (Massive Negation)
18. Hellish Heaven
19. T.W.H.
20. Bipolar Christianity
21. Salomé
22. Fake News Apocalypse
23. Persecution Mania [Sodom cover]
24. Jesus Christ Pornostar
25. I Am The Ka$ta

01. Uncertain Future
02. Kill Your Hipster Neighbor
03. New Age Mumbo-Jumbo
04. I'm So Offended / Triggered!
05. Terrorists
06. MeTaL iS dUmB (aNd I'm So SmArT)
07. Empty Idealism
08. Englishish (Shock Reaction)
09. Slaughtered (By Ms. Privilege Checker)
10. Hell From Within
11. Torn Between Two Sides
12. Surrogate
13. Law Against Christianity (Antichristian Psychotic Outburst)
14. How To Be "Deep" (pt. 1)
15. Betrayed Generation
16. Hipster Holocaust
17. And Evil Smiled At Me
18. Hey Mr. Schulz
19. Sardonic Face
20. Obsessed By Cruelty c: Sodom]
21. Wandering Moon (Silent Sabbath)
22. This State Sucks
23. After The Impact (Day 5)
24. Reawakened Too Late
25. Jump Into The Void (Nihilistic Leap Of Anti-Faith)