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Blastocystia - Discography

Studio (3)
EP (1)
Single (1)
Split (2)

Murder Circus [EP]
01. Bonesaw
02. Face Renewal
03. Murder Circus
04. Bloodsucker
05. Her Disposal

01. Airmax Gegen Kopf
02. A$$eater
03. Unhinged Cranial Pounding

04. Bloodsucker
05. Her Disposal
06. Dendrocnide Moroides

01. .50 Cal Brainsmasher
02. Jackhammer Skullfuck
03. Estrogenocide
04. Harg Is God
05. Dendrocnide Moroides
06. Swarmed By Locusts
07. The Story Of Butterfly Vs Stomach
08. A Guy Named Mike Cupper
09. Get a Fucking Driver License

01. No One Protests Against Bowel Movements
02. Gay Jokes Are Not Funny, Cum On Guys
03. My Split Mates Said I Have Too Many Songs So I Deleted Two Songs Hihi

04. Desecration Of A Wench
05. Gingivectomous Oral Defloration
06. Throwing Pipe Bombs On Valentines Day

07. Fuck Your Own Face
08. Pocket Pussy Protector
09. Rotisserie Children

10. Edonistic Bipolar Disheartenment
11. Misopedophilistic Crushing Of Cranial Content
12. Porcamadonna Instinct Of Spappolation

Texas Murder Crew
13. Deadly Force
14. Enemies To Ashes
15. Destroy The Witness

01. Revenge Of The Giant Gut Man
02. Fully Automatic Saiga 12 Body Penetration
03. Axe Murderer Of Old Dire Valley
04. Decomposing Deadbeat Ogrefuck
05. Oozing Hog March
06. Jane McAssface
07. Pulsarian Torturechamber
08. Hypercytotoxic Predatorphiliacs
09. Interstellar Murder Machine

01. Regurgitating Putridity [Vile Impregnation cover]

01. Prehistoric Downtown Deathmatch
02. Horrendous Headbutt Tyranny
03. Jurassic Natural Selectors
04. Planetary Devastation
05. Apocalyptic Shotgun Dropkick
06. 257 Million Years of Human Oppression
07. Primeval Obliterator
08. Arcaic Human Torment
09. Sauromania CCXXXVI
10. Upper Triassic Slamcataclysm
11. Aftermath
12. Chaotic Tremor [bonus]