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Nile - The Underworld Awaits Us All lyrics


01. Stelae Of Vultures

I Eannatum of Lagash
Lord of Sumer and Akkad
Son of Akhurgal
Descended from the seed of Ningursu
Subjugator of foreign lands
Made war upon Umma
Sanctioned by the gods

I Eannatum
Like a fierce storm wind
I unleashed the tempest
I stretched forth my clenched fist
With spear and blades of copper
Advanced with chariot and phalanx
Like a fierce storm wind
I unleashed the tempest

I Eannatum
Lion of Lagash

I had been given strength by Enlil
To lay slaughter upon the soldiers of Umma
Though struck by arrow through the eye
I smote the Ummites slaying them by the thousands
When they fled the bloodied battlefield

We cut them down
We trampled the helpless beneath our feet
We crushed their skulls
We fed their corpses to the vultures
We cut them down
We fed their corpses to the vultures
Unleash the tempest!

I Eannatum
Lion of Lagash

Born of the seed of Ninngursu
And fed at the breast of Ninhursaga
Like a fierce storm wind
I unleashed the tempest

I did pile into heaps the corpses of the sons of Umma
And did rejoice in the suffering of my enemies
As vultures flew overhead
I Eannatum of Lagash
Like a fierce storm wind I unleashed the tempest
Like a fierce storm wind

02. Chapter For Not Being Hung Upside Down On A Stake In The Underworld And Made To Eat Feces By The Four Apes

I will not eat what I detest
What I detest is feces
I will not partake of it
I will not consume it
It shall not enter me
It shall not come near my hands
Nor my mouth
Nor shall it fall from my belly
I will not suffer neglect nor become subdued

I will not eat what I detest
What I detest is feces
It shall not come into my body
I will not tread upon it with my sandals
Nor will I submit to hanging face down

Thus speaketh the dog-faced ape
And what then shall you eat?
Will you live on another's flesh?
Who will guard you from torment?

Who shall save you from the servants of Babui
Who thirst for blood and live on the entrails of the damned?
The apes who dwelleth beside the lake of fire
Devouring the souls of the damned

Whose erect phallus is unyielding, ever relentless
And howls with hideous mockery
To pierce the wicked

Gods of the earth
Gods of the sky
Gods of the underworld

Monkeys claw your face, monkeys rend your limbs
Monkeys rape your flesh
Monkeys bite your throat, monkeys tear your skin
Monkeys fuck your skull

I will not be hung upside down
Nor made to eat feces by the four apes

The greatest of the gods in the sky
And the gods of the earth
Men will thresh for me as for the Apis Bull who presides over Sais
Men will reap for me as for Seth, lord of the northern sky

I will not be hung upside down
Nor made to eat feces by the four apes

03. To Strike With Secret Fang

Send forth our emissaries
To the cities of the eastern lands
To walk amongst their midst hidden in the sand
We shall be as an unseen withering plague
As silent as serpents in the night
To strike with secret fang

We shall ignite the flame of malignancy
Exploiting their corruption and disease
We shall rot them from the inside
They whisper lies and treason
With fang we wait to strike

As sinister insects breed swarming unknown in the sewers beneath
We will bathe them in an incessant stream of venomous sedition

We await the day
When in their hour of weakness
They become blind to the destruction that awaits them

Then shall our legions reign
Our armies descend
As swift as taloned birds of prey
Carried by the winds of blood
And certain death
Their piteous cries of anguish
Will seep from their last breath

To strike with secret fang

04. Naqada II Enter The Golden Age

We live in a desert of darkness and despair
But there is a promised land waiting for us
Of enlightenment

As long as there are any left who hold us back
The black earth must be purged
It must be wiped clean
That the elite among us
May enter the golden age

Ruthlessly and unrelenting
Slaughter subjugate and enslave
Wage a war of savage conquest
Unify the two lands

He who endures
Mandates our divine right
The golden age belongs to the elite
We who are willing to cleanse the black earth
Unite the two lands under our dominion
Horus hath made war upon the usurper set
They who emergeth from the swamp

He bindeth their heads with rope
He stampeth his foot upon the impotent
He smiteth the defeated with his mace
He smasheth the heads of the fallen

There is a promised land waiting for us
Of enlightenment
We've got to cleanse the black earth
The black earth must be purged

It must be wiped clean
That the elite among us
Can bring about the golden age

Purify! Two lands!
Bring about the golden age
Purged! Wiped clean!
Bring about the golden age

05. The Pentagrammathion Of Nephren-Ka


06. Overlords Of The Black Earth

Striking from beyond the tomb
Arisen from dust
We cast forth our seed
Across endless oceans of time

Wielding divine weapons
Of interstellar destruction
We utter the words of power
Unspoken in uncounted millennia

Overlords of the black earth
Possessors of the inextinguishable flame
At the darkened gates
Spirits of fire crossover

Virile and unrelenting
To thrust forward across the dark abyss
The imperishable black flame
Risen and renewed as Ra

Emergent from the netherworld
We shall not perish nor be denied
We are a deathless curse
Unleashed again upon this world

Overlords of the black earth
Possessors of the imperishable flame
Spirits of fire

07. Under The Curse Of The One God

A dread epoch of darkness and illiteracy
Has been thrust upon us
The written words of the god Thoth
Blighted, erased, burned
Consumed in flames of zealotry
Now forbidden
Under the curse of the One God

The ancients of our two lands
Whose wisdom was transcendent
Now lay mute, buried in sand
Lost forever to us
As we have turned from them
They have turned from us

They could not foresee the demise of reason
They knew nothing of the prophet yet to come
They knew nothing

Our minds have been poisoned by usurpers
The Great Company of the Gods cast aside
Their ancient knowledge has become profane
They knew nothing of the prophet yet to come
They knew nothing

They hear not our cries of anguish
As we submit to the One God
A plague is now upon us
A crippling affliction of the mind

Invisible chains bind us to an unbreakable state of ignorance
Lies and untruths enslave us
Under the curse of the One God
Under the curse
Under the curse of the One God
Under the curse

08. Doctrine Of Last Things

The unknowable
That which lies beyond the sight of humankind
A promise of the transmigration of souls
A chance to live again


We have always feared
The immutable cycles of birth and death
The dead never return to tell us
If we indeed live again


Yet sometimes the dead return
Appearing to us in dreams
But they never speak
Of what they have seen

All die
The dead do not return


It is a mercy
That we are ignorant of the horrors that await us all
All die
The dead do not return
In truth

We know not if our priests lie to us
We ourselves cannot read the texts
The words of truth are closed to us
The cults of Ra and Osiris are in opposition
Contradiction and confusion is what they sell us
All die the dead do not return

09. True Gods Of The Desert

The true gods of the desert are dark and bloody
Remember my words as they lurk unseen
Shunning the light of Ra

Before you die you'll know the real gods
They of unchecked power
Insidious, who drink of our souls yet remain unseen

Emboldened by dusk
Shunning the light of Ra
Shunning the light of Ra

We remain unaware
For they are ever murmuring
Lulling our minds
With insistent whispers
Which we do not hear
We do not see
As they slither amongst us
Taking from us that which do not understand

The true gods of the desert
Who hail from forgotten worlds
Across inhuman gulfs
Of the vast infinite depths of blackness

Who were born on frozen planets encircling cold black suns
Brooding beyond the light
Beyond the light of any stars
Before you die you'll come realize

The mind shattering truth
Of the unnameable ones to whose reality grants no earthly likeness
Whose blackness moves from shadow to shadow
Shifting shape and form in the absence of light

Emboldened by dusk
Shunning the light of Ra

10. The Underworld Awaits Us All

It is written
Amenti is a place of stupor and decay
Devoid of light
Wherein is collected every creature
Gods and men great and small
Escaped by neither the young nor the old

It is written
There was a time when there was no death
When the God Temu alone existed
Death became necessary to continue his existence
After breath had left his body

It is written
The fertile lands of the living
Are merely the antechamber to the netherworld
The earth only a temporary dwelling place
The true home is the underworld which awaits us

It is written
The god with the face of a dog
The eyes of a man
Who feedeth on the dead
Who watches at the lake of fire

He who waits to devour the newly arrived dead
The god which swalloweth hearts
And voideth filth
Who remains unseen
The true home is the underworld which awaits us
The true home is the underworld which awaits us all

11. Lament For The Destruction Of Time
