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Tunisia, Tunis - Dark Tranquillity

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Comments: 3   Visited by: 12 users
13.12.2009 - 10:32
Black Winter
Yesterday's show was even bigger than I thought it would be,Mikael said :"We had no idea of you gusys,we never been even close to the african continent,sorry for the late".
I think the audience made a good impression,luckily dark tranquillity didn't witness the first half hour where the local band "Carthagods"(who I salute by the way) had to play,well there was intense pushing,everyone wanted to get to the front,the police intervened and made the law! I personally preferred to head to the back . Man that was a hell of a show!
Once the people decides to live, destiny will definetly obey..

T u n i s i a F r e e !
14.12.2009 - 01:41
Dark Shark
Good news

i regret that i didn't attend this big show
16.12.2009 - 15:02
Black Winter
Written by Dark Shark on 14.12.2009 at 01:41

Good news

i regret that i didn't attend this big show

Don't miss the upcoming shows then,hoping this event will be followed by others of the same "importance",although for me,Dark Tranquillity is the most important band in the whole world
Once the people decides to live, destiny will definetly obey..

T u n i s i a F r e e !

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