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Spiritual Beggars - news on the forthcoming album

Here is a statement made by Michael Amott, from the official website of the band:

"Although there's been little to no activity here at over the last few weeks, interesting things ARE happening in the Beggars camp! First off, we mixed the new album with Fredrik Nordström (he was assisted by Patrik J. Sten), and the result is truly great! We had a lot of fun during the mix, and we did it all in 5 days! A very good mix with a cool atmosphere!
We have also mastered the album with Göran Finnberg, he has mastered the last couple of Spiritual Beggars albums, he really knows the Spiritual Beggars sound very well and he made this thing shine - it sounds wonderful now!
A special mention needs to go out to Rickard Bengtsson in Slaughterhouse Studio, who also put a lot into the making of this new Spiritual Beggars record - cheers mate!
The album artwork is also very close to being completed. We have Niklas Sundin from "Cabin Fever Media" working on this - and it's looking really?eh, RED! It all ties in with the overall feel of the album, the title, the music? We'll be posting artwork samples here within a few weeks I am sure.
Next week the band will be getting together for a photo shoot - promotional shots that will appear around the release of the record.
Licensing deals are being negotiated right now for this album and our future releases - I am hoping well have something to announce soon about that.
That's it for now, more news to follow?

Michael Amott"

Band profile: Spiritual Beggars
Posted: 19.10.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

Entombed - DVD scheduled

ENTOMBED guitarist Alex Hellid recently spoke to the U.K.'s Live 4 Metal webzine about the delayed U.S. release of the group's "Inferno" album and the band's Threeman Recordings label, among other topics. Several excerpts from the interview follow:

Live 4 Metal: For those unfamiliar the ENTOMBED label Threeman Recordings, here's your chance for a little promotion.

Alex Hellid: "We started Threeman Recordings in 1996 when we signed to Eastwest Records (for the shortest time) and have since licensed ENTOMBED under imprint. About two years ago we decided to make it more than a name and more into a real label. We want to get all the ENTOMBED releases and related projects under one roof instead of having everything spread out all over the place. But we also do a few 'outside' bands as well ? THE MIGHTY NIMBUS (U.S.), GOD AMONG INSECTS (Sweden), VICIOUS ART (Sweden) all release debut albums on Threeman very soon. We will put out the new ENTOMBED album next year and people always ask us about the old NIHILIST demos and so that's on the way too. We have MURDER SQUAD (half ENTOMBED, half DISMEMBER with Chris Reifert), THE PROJECT HATE (Epic Metal), DAMNATION (Black Metal), ALPHA SAFARI (alternative/punk rock) and more ENTOMBED stuff coming?the list goes on?"

Live 4 Metal: Bass player Jörgen Sandström left the band early this year. Your website says it was due to too much touring. How much is too much?

Alex Hellid: "For him, four months straight. I think he was a little tired of the whole thing and then it's not fun to be on the road. But he's still active in Threeman and is now part of VICIOUS ART (we just mastered the album and it's so fucking good it's unbelievable; great metal!). And THE PROJECT HATE."

Live 4 Metal: Any plans for a comprehensive ENTOMBED DVD in the foreseeable future? I know you've got the "Monkey Puss" DVD out there.

Alex Hellid: "'Monkey Puss' sucks! We have plans for two DVDs. One documenting 'Unreal Estate', which is us playing with the Swedish Royal Ballet (yes, it's as crazy as it sounds) and the other is planned to be a history of the band with everything we can dig out."

Live 4 Metal: How important is it to get that classic down-tuned guitar sound on an ENTOMBED album? It's a trademark sound. What's the secret?

Alex Hellid: "Very important, I'd say. We get lynched otherwise. No secret, just old shit turned up loud. Marshall amps and Boss Heavy Metal distortion. On the first three albums we used small peavey amps and Emg 85 guitar pick-ups. The trick is to not use too many pedals and sound-weakening effects between the amp and the guitar, I think."


Band profile: Entombed
Posted: 15.10.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Katatonia - new compilation & DVD

"Peaceville will be issuing a limited edition compilation entitled 'The Black Sessions' featuring selected material from the "new era" (defined 1998-2004) as opposed to the "old era" material covered in 'Brave Yester Days' at the end of January. The packaging will be a box set of two discs featuring all the single's b-sides, cover songs and selective songs off 'Discouraged Ones' up and til 'Viva Emptiness' (including one unreleased track from this recording session). There'll also be a third disc in the form of a live DVD with a Katatonia live show from April 2003 that was shot in Kracow, Poland. The layout of a 12 page booklet + poster will be handled by Travis Smith.

The official DVD release that has been in the works since over a year and a half has been postponed to a yet undecided future date, likely during the later part of 2005. Reason is we didn't feel entirely happy with the way it was shaping up and it wouldn't meet our own demands of what should be Katatonia's first offical DVD release. A new main show for this DVD will be planned and shot with more careful directing behind it during next year (tba). We're also pretty far on our way of gathering cool backstage and bootleg shots with our own handycam, that will in the end make up some great bonus footage for a well worthwhile killer release".

On the other hand, Anders posted a statement concerning the reissue of "Dance of December Souls", declaring the band doesn't support it.

"It has been known to us, that Black Lodge records are going to re-issue the old classic 'Dance of December Souls' album. Although the CD could just as well have been re-pressed with the original cover and old logo, it now ridicules both the past and present by showing up with a new pathetic cover trying to depict elements from our last album and the abuse of the "new era" logo on something that was released more than 10 year ago. Don't be fooled into confusing this is for a new Katatonia release. Consequently, we do not support this re-issue and take complete distance from its existance".

souce & more info:

Band profile: Katatonia
Posted: 15.10.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

October 31 - Mp3s from new album posted online

Check out the Mp3 page( for 2 mp3s from the new album "No Survivors". These are unmastered songs right from the final mix. There are also mp3s there from past OCTOBER 31 releases.

View the front cover here(

Also the band in previous report:

Recordings for the new album "No Survivors" will begin in late September. In OCTOBER 31 tradition, it will again be recorded at Oblivion Studios, Maryland with Mike Bossier at the board.

01. Powerhouse
02. Rivet Rat
03. Commit To Sin
04. No Survivors
05. What Waits Beyond
06. Back Alley Murders
07. Wrecking Crew (OVERKILL cover)
08. Misfortune
Posted: 14.10.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Serpent Rise - Coming back

HI !
After four years in silence... the brazilian Atmospheric/Gothic/Doom metal band called Serpent Rise is back!
Make download of Serpent Rise´s first album("Gathered by...") released in 1996.
The second album coming soon.
Thanks in advanced...
Agnaldo & Serpent Rise
Posted: 06.10.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

John Oliva - song clips from his album

John Oliva's Pain - "Tage Mahal" album
"We are happy to be able to offer you 4 new soundclips from the final mastering of the debut album 'Tage Mahal".
For listening the songs, visit Jon Oliva's webpage:

Band profile: Savatage
Posted: 05.10.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

Chroma Key - new album in November

Chroma Key: Graveyard Mountain Home
Release date: November 9, 2004
Running Time: 53min 23sec

Tracklist for this album:
01. YYY
02. Give Up
03. White Robe
04. Mother's Radio
05. Graveyard Mountain Home
06. Salvation
07. Before You Started
08. Human Love
09. Come In, Over
10. Pure Laughter
11. Andrew Was Drowning His Stepfather
12. Sad Sad Movie
13. True and Lost
14. Again Today

Produced and Mixed by Kevin Moore
Recorded in Istanbul, Turkey, September 2003 - September 2004

Kevin Moore - vocals, guitars, keyboards, programming
Utku Ünal - drums
Theron Patterson: programming #4 #8 #14, bass guitar
Bige Akdeniz - additional vocals and lyrics #9 and #13
Bob Nekrasov - monologue #8
Erdem Helvacioðlu - additional guitar on #3

Posted: 04.10.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

OMG - Last news of the label...

BATTLERAGE - "Steel Supremacy" (Highland Records - OMGHL002-2) is finally out and available in stores!

9 tunes of pure & raw heavy metal, including a killer cover from Manilla Road's classic "Necropolis"
Fans of Manowar,Running Wild, Omen, Cirith Ungol, Primal Fear will enjoy this album

To download samples of the album, please visit Battlerage's official site :

This album can be ordered at , , or directly to


UARAL - Sounds Of Pain (Lost Horizon Records - OMGLH001-2)

The wait is finally ending....."Sound Of Pain", the debut album from the agonic-doom-metal project Uaral will be released on october, 31th in digipack version.
That's right, one of the most expected and sought after albums in the doom scene will finally be available, for the joy of everyone who have already converted this album in a cult piece and a pure obsession!!!

Expect more news concerning this release very soon.

Uaral's official site :

This album can be pre-ordered at or directly to

Posted: 04.10.2004 by Jeff | Comments (0)

Bang Your Head - Some infos on the Line Up 2005...

Former SKID ROW-vocalist confirmed to play at BANG YOUR HEAD!!! 10th anniversary festival

The band-lineup of next year's installment of BANG YOUR HEAD!!! is gaining shape: former SKID ROW-vocalist Sebastian Bach was confirmed to play at the event set to take place in Germany at the Messegelände of Balingen on the 24th and 25th of June. Bach played this year's BANG YOUR HEAD as well: He was hired as substitute for WHITE LION as the reunion of the latter failed last minute. Bach turned out to the huge surprise act of the festival ans delivered an frenetically acclaimed live set with an high-energy performance of many SKID ROW-classics.

BANG YOUR HEAD!!! 2005 will be the 10th BANG YOUR HEAD!!! in a row and is therefore themed "The Best of ten Years". The celebrate this anniversary, the festival's organizers invited the most popular acts of all former events, among them prominent names like TWISTED SISTER and MOTÖRHEAD. Alongside 22 acts that have rocked the festival's stage before, another well-known very special guest will be invited.

The list of artists set to perform at the BANG YOUR HEAD!!!-festival 2005 at Balingen, Germany, 24th/25th of June:



+ 5 more huce acts
+ 1 very special guest

All further details about the BANG YOUR HEAD!!! may be found at the BYH!!!-homepage at

Tickets are availaible at ticket-hotline (+49-74 57-9 13 93) and via homepage . Prices are 59, - Euro (plus shipping) at presales. Tickets are limited to a number of 20000. By this it the organisators want to ensure that the special and relaxed atmosphere of the event won't suffer.
Posted: 04.10.2004 by Jeff | Comments (0)

Moonsorrow - new album completed

The recording and mixing of the new Moonsorrow album, VERISÄKEET, has now been completed. Read the studio diary for the actual info on the album.
The album will include the following tracks:
1. Karhunkynsi
2. Haaska
3. Pimeä
4. Jotunheim
5. Kaiku

For more info, visit the official page:

Band profile: Moonsorrow
Posted: 30.09.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

Freak Kitchen - The new album is coming...

We have it !!! The new tittle of the new album, which will be released in October, will be "Organic". You could find here the names of all the new songs... Enjoy

01. Chest Pain Waltz
02. Speak When Spoken To
03. Look Bored
04. Becky
05. Independent Way of Life
06. The Guilt Trip
07. Rights To You
08. Sob Story
09. Heal Me
10. Infidelity Ghost
11. Mussolini Mind
12. Breathe

An interview of Mattias will come on very soon, we could have some answers...

Band profile: Freak Kitchen
Posted: 26.09.2004 by Jeff | Comments (0)

Slayer's Dave Lombardo recording with Drums Of Dea

According to, Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo is in the studio with DJ Spooky recording under the name Drums Of Death. Meat Beat Manifesto's Jack Dangers is producing the project, due early next year, and guitarist Vernon Reid (Living Colour) will guest. No further information is currently available.

Band profile: Slayer
Posted: 22.09.2004 by Eddie | Comments (0)

Green Carnation completes new album

On September 15th, the band finished recording its 4th full length album, scheduled to be released through "Season of Mist" in February 2005. The band is very excited about the new material and song titles, album title and album cover details, will be released in a couple of weeks.

Band profile: Green Carnation
Posted: 21.09.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

Madder Mortem news on upcoming album

"The Madders have now completed mixing of the upcoming album, 10 songs done in Fredman studios in Göteborg, 2 songs in Space Valley studios. Right now we're mastering at Strype Audio in Oslo. It's been a long process, but the result will definitely be worth it!
The release date has not yet been set, but we promise to tell you all as soon as we know.

Next gig up is at Studentsamfunnet i Ås on Friday 5th November. Opening act will be Cynicon, a brilliant band from the Hamar area. Info on tickets will come later.

Inferno in London
The Inferno festival is coming to London, more specifically to Underworld on the 27th January.
Bands: Arcturus, Red Harvest, Madder Mortem and Grimfist.

We'd love to do some more gigs before Christmas, so promoters, please get in touch!"

Band profile: Madder Mortem
Posted: 21.09.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

OPETH's Mike Åkerfeldt becomes first time dad.

Congratulations are in order for Opeth frontman Mikael Åkerfeldt and his wife Anna, who became the parents of a baby daughter, Melinda, this past Monday (Sept. 13). It is the couple's first child.

As previously reported, Åkerfeldt has started writing material for the group's next album, tentatively scheduled to be recorded sometime in the early spring of 2005. Opeth are officially free agents as a result of having been dropped by BMG/Zomba after their previous label, Music For Nations, was folded into parent company Zomba Records Group (the world's largest independent music group). The band are looking through new label offers at the moment

Band profile: Opeth
Posted: 21.09.2004 by DreamWeaver | Comments (0)