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King Diamond - Update On King Diamond's Health Status

King Diamond backing vocalist Livia Zita (who is also King Diamong's wife) has issued the following update on King's (real name: Kim Bendix Petersen) health status:

"Let me catch you all up on the past couple of weeks' happenings, because it affects many things.

On Monday the 29th of November, King had to be transported to the nearby hospital by ambulance. After several different tests were done and the EKG machine showing abnormalities, the doctors recommended that he get a cardiac catheterization.

Cardiac catheterization is a procedure where the doctors lead a very thin tube up from the leg and into the heart, where it injects dye into the bloodstream. Then a camera at the end of the tube takes many pictures of the heart's arteries, looking for blockages. After this was done, they determined that King had several heart attacks, and three of his heart's arteries were the cause: one was completely blocked, the second was 90% blocked, and the third was 65% blocked.

The only solution to this was an open heart triple bypass surgery.

If you are interested in the details of how this surgery is performed, please look it up online. I will only touch on the basics. The sternum (breastbone) is cut in half and pulled apart, to expose the heart. Veins are harvested from other places of the body, in King's case it was his left leg and chest wall. The person is then hooked up to a machine that practically does the job of the heart, circulating and oxygenating the blood. The heart is then stopped, and the lungs collapse (the lungs stop working since the blood is being oxygenated by the machine). The surgeon then sews the harvested veins in place, bypassing the found blockages. Once the surgery is done, the surgeon moves the ribs and breastbone back into place and wires it together. The chest is closed as well. They use an electric pulse to start the heart and a breathing machine is lead into the lungs to restart breathing.

King's surgery took approximately 7 hours.

Everything went well, and King was taken to ICU for recovery. He was walking and eating solid food already 2 days after the operation, and he was the first one in the history of the hospital who walked on his own power from the ICU to normal care. 10 days after the ambulance took him to the emergency room, he is at home and is recovering well. It will be a few months before he feels completely normal and is without pain.

He would like to mention here that he's eternally grateful for the wonderful staff at Centennial Medical Center who took care of him. Dr. Kourlis, Dr. Kamili, Dr. Alang, Nurse Christie and Nurse Thomas among many others made sure that he got the best care and attention he could ever have hoped for. They were always very nice to me too, letting me stay overnight in the ICU after visiting hours were over.

In light of this, he will be taking a break from music and the music business altogether until further notice. He very much wants to write new music, finish the DVD's, and go on tour, but for now, all those things are in the distant future and he's not thinking about them.

Please understand that the King Diamond band is not stopping, disbanding or anything of the sort. King's health is first priority, and when everything is going good with him, the music will resume."

Band profile: King Diamond
Posted: 12.12.2010 by Daggon


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Comments: 23   Visited by: 369 users
12.12.2010 - 03:13
Lit. Metalhead
Account deleted
So glad to hear that we didn't lose another one.
Best wishes to KD.
12.12.2010 - 03:28
Angelic Storm
I was really fearing the worst when I seen that headline. Here's hoping he makes a full recovery, and can return to doing what he and so many of us love so much eventually. <3
12.12.2010 - 03:37
Written by [user id=101272] on 12.12.2010 at 03:13

So glad to hear that we didn't lose another one.

Indeed. King beat the Reaper this time.
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
12.12.2010 - 03:43
X-Ray Rod
Like the others... I'm glad we didn't loose another legend
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

12.12.2010 - 03:44
Holy fuck, that was a really fucked up operation... so good he is ok now...
12.12.2010 - 03:45
Written by X-Ray Rod on 12.12.2010 at 03:43

Like the others... I'm glad we didn't loose another legend

same here... too many have already gone this year
12.12.2010 - 03:46
Valentin B
Shit, when i saw that he had bypass heart surgery i feared the worst too. anyway good that he's fighting, and even though it will be a lot of time before he tours again (PLEASE do a Mercyful Fate tour!!) i still hope the best for him.
12.12.2010 - 04:13
I know King had other health problems in recent years, too, but he's hopefully getting over the worst of everything now and will be back to full strength in the near future. He's one of the few artists who's consistently released interesting albums over the years and it'd be great to hear more - though of course his health and well being is infinitely more important.
12.12.2010 - 05:08
Totemic Lust
My Dad just had bypass surgery, real scary stuff. Best wishes to KD and family...
12.12.2010 - 05:27
Im glad to hear the operation was a success but i am also extremely bummed that their will not be another KD or Mercyful Fate album any time soon... nonetheless all hail the king
12.12.2010 - 05:50
What the fucking fuck already.. not King Diamond. Thankfully, he did not pass on though.
12.12.2010 - 06:42
Jason W.
Reading the details of the operation really intensified the personal side of this for me. Great to see he is well on the road to recovery!
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
12.12.2010 - 06:51
Ag Fox
Angel No More
Good luck!
loves 小巫
12.12.2010 - 07:55
The last thing we want is another Metal artist leaving us. So glad King is better. Hope U make a speedy recovery and get back to doing what U do best !!!
12.12.2010 - 08:42
Diamond lives on...
12.12.2010 - 16:08
Glad to know he's not dead. Not sure if he will really be able to resume his musical career, as when you undergo bypass surgery, it leaves you kinda permanently weakened.

Best wishes to him. Good luck in those hard times.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
12.12.2010 - 16:25
What a shitty year for metal musicians. Hold on King Diamond! Only three weeks left! And have a nice recovery.
12.12.2010 - 16:31
Written by Bocata Calamares on 12.12.2010 at 16:25

What a shitty year for metal musicians. Hold on King Diamond! Only three weeks left! And have a nice recovery.

Don't blame the year. It's not a matter of year but of age.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
12.12.2010 - 16:57
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Rest up, feel better and when you're ready and feeling up to it, come on out for all us KD heads! So glad to hear you're ok! :grin:
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

12.12.2010 - 17:15
I am a cardiothoracic surgeon myself so I know exactly what Livia described. This is the most common procedure performed in the heart and the risk of a CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting) is abuout 1%. Cogratulations to Kim and his family, we wish long live to the king!!!
13.12.2010 - 04:38
Witch Hunter Gen
Shit 2 arteries almost completely blocked...
Glad to hear the King wont be meeting his beloved satan anytime soon.
Written by Dangerboner on 02.11.2009 at 08:11

Everything he doesn't like is metalcore. Britney Spears, Elton John, Michael Moore, and green beans are also metalcore, in case you guys didn't know.

13.12.2010 - 08:23
It is nice to know that King Diamond seems to be doing well after that surgery. Those doctors look like they're doing their job well. Cheers.
16.12.2010 - 02:13
Speed Metal God
I'm very happy that the king survived this tough moments. Best wishes for a fast recovery, and to get back to the usual business as soon as possible.
Hail the king.
Thanks for the update.
Wintermoon Calls you, Follow It And You Will Be Proud Forever.

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