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Enabler - Frontman Accused Of Abuse (Update)

UPDATE: Enabler's Jeffery "Jeff" Lohrber has responded to the abuse accusations of former bassist Amanda Daniels by releasing a statement on the band's Facebook page. It was posted there but the Facebook page has since then apparently been deactivated. For now, Enabler are on a indefinite hiatus.

Here is Lohrber's full statement: "Let me start by saying, I do not condone physical violence of any kind to any living thing, period. I do not condone rape whatsoever. Anyone who is aware of anything of that nature going on, I urge you to remove yourself from the situation immediately and contact the authorities if need be.

"Secondly, to anyone who would deal with things by starting a witchhunt online rather than deal with them at the source or take it directly to the authorities - you are absolutely in the wrong. This isn't the first time something like this has happened, and in today's climate it's very easy to believe everything you read on the internet without knowing exactly what happened between two people.

"The last thing I want is to drag anyone's name through the dirt. I've read through Amanda's post many times, and it's pretty contradictory of itself. The thing I want to know is if I was truly abusing her and I truly did rape her in the manner that I'm accused of, why did she beg to stay in the band when she had been asked to leave multiple times? Why weren't the authorities involved? Why come out now when the new album is to be released in less than a month? And why the hell bring up songwriting credits in a post that is accusing someone of rape?

"I thought that both of us had moved on with our lives, me continuing my work with the band, and her starting a new life with someone she met while on the road with the band and moving onto future musical endeavors that are more fitting to her abilities. I guess not. This is a blatant attempt to ruin the band's name, a band that she played in for 3 years and played 200+ shows with. If this was really going on the whole time the way that she portrays it, why would a person put that kind of blood, sweat, and tears into a project with someone that is capable of these things?

"Relationships go bad all of the time. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I was in the right all of the time. I was wrong in a number of things I did, for which I have owned up and apologized directly to these people, but the things I am accused of here are not accurate. As far as Enabler goes, all shows are off as of now and the band is on an indefinite hiatus until this is cleared up. I cannot risk dragging anyone else that I have a close working relationship with into this mess. This is my problem and I am the one who has to deal with it."

Original news, published on 12.07.2015: Amanda Daniels, former bassist of hardcore/punk band Enabler, revealed in a lengthy statement how frontman Jeff Lohrber gave Amanda persistent physical, sexual and emotional abuse throughout their relationship and in the band.

An excerpt from Daniels says: "Why, because you had to remember all those other holes you put your dick into and know it finally closed off the opening to your favorite one? Because you had to remember what it was like to see the person giving you shelter and feeding you laid out from the concussion you just gave them from hitting them over the head with about twenty pounds of vinyl? Because you remember how awkward it was when our drummer started asking questions about where the giant bruises on my thighs came from during the summer time? Are some of those things painful to recall?"

An excerpt from Dustin Albright, bassist of Diskreet and whom previously worked with Enabler, states: "I implore you all to read her testimony, one of years of physical abuse by Jeff, one that I can tell you for a fact is not hearsay.

The first tour I went on with Enabler, I had to drag Jeff out of a club in Brooklyn because he slapped Amanda in the face over an argument they had over an incident they had the night before in Lowell, MA that ended in Jeff throwing a temper tantrum and punching out the windshield, throwing everyone personal bags (including mine) out of the van, kicking the tail light out of the van, and taking a huge shard of it and trying to cut his wrists in the venue parking lot.

One of the last moments I had with Enabler, we were on the highway coming back from Winnipeg, and a very heated argument ensued between her and Jeff over an argument that was on going from the night before. Enabler's then drummer, Ryan, was driving, with Jeff in the front, and Amanda and I in the backseat, and at some point, the argument set Jeff off in an explosive way. I had to pull him off of her after he flew into the back and started trying to choke her out, Ryan unable to pull the van over. As soon as I thought he calmed down, I let him go to head to the back seat, but he instead jumped him and started full on wailing her in the face and body, again having to pull him off of her. We were all in a horrible position where we could have died that day. We were all forced to have to act in a way where we made Jeff feel comfortable, because we were scared of ending up dead. Cooler heads hardly prevailed.

Everyone quit their jobs in Enabler after that tour."

Band profile: Enabler
Posted: 13.07.2015 by Unknown user


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Comments: 20   Visited by: 112 users
13.07.2015 - 01:49
Joe Zombie
What an absolute piece of shit. Degenerate. I'll not be buying his music. What a deplorable human being. Hardly a man.
13.07.2015 - 03:40
J. N.
Account deleted
Sucks to read this, as I've been enjoying their material since Year One and was really looking forward to Fail To Feel Safe. Thoroughly enjoy'd their performance at Temples Festivals, too.
13.07.2015 - 06:21
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
This is sick.

As it is been said, stop buying his music and if you get the guy anywhere, drag the cocksucker into corner and punched his abdominal part til it crushes down like a can of coke.
13.07.2015 - 11:10
It seems like this guy, Jeff Lohrber, released a statement now saying that the band is going on indefinite hiatus. Well, good. No-one was going to your shows anyway.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
13.07.2015 - 13:11
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by BloodTears on 13.07.2015 at 11:10

. Well, good. No-one was going to your shows anyway.

are you shore .... there might some who will go anyway ... and what a idiot , such idiots should have a beating, go to angel place and say move your ass fat biker or attack to bikers old lady ... then even Police would not want save him.

I saw something last Friday, husband was drunk (I saw rings) and he wanted go on yacht where someone invited him, wife was sober and didntw ant, he was so pissed and said why, why don't you want go in, one dick 5 dicks don't matter, free booze matters, I thought he will hit her or throw into water, but there was police, so both went separate, what if old bill wont eb there?

Dating is dangerous, girls would you date me? you never know what can happen any date
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
13.07.2015 - 17:20
Written by Bad English on 13.07.2015 at 13:11

Written by BloodTears on 13.07.2015 at 11:10

. Well, good. No-one was going to your shows anyway.

are you shore .... there might some who will go anyway ... and what a idiot , such idiots should have a beating, go to angel place and say move your ass fat biker or attack to bikers old lady ... then even Police would not want save him.

I saw something last Friday, husband was drunk (I saw rings) and he wanted go on yacht where someone invited him, wife was sober and didntw ant, he was so pissed and said why, why don't you want go in, one dick 5 dicks don't matter, free booze matters, I thought he will hit her or throw into water, but there was police, so both went separate, what if old bill wont eb there?

Dating is dangerous, girls would you date me? you never know what can happen any date

Well, if he will put the band on hiatus, it's probably due to the backlash he has been having from fans in general. So, yes I think people don't want to go to the shows.

As for dating being dangerous, that's a different topic but there are creepy people everywhere, that's for sure.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
13.07.2015 - 17:30
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by BloodTears on 13.07.2015 at 17:20

Written by Bad English on 13.07.2015 at 13:11

Jon from Dissection killed a man, and ppl still likes his music, Varg killed Euroynomus and people still worship Burzum ....
anyway abusing woman might turn away more people rom band, but I am not shore(how to spell it) about this

Date is risk, that's why I am in MS all the time
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
13.07.2015 - 18:17
D.T. Metal
There is probably tons of stuff which is not publicized by either side and if he did do what he is accused of - then he is a piece of shit - but he does have a point there:
Why come out now when the new album is to be released in less than a month? And why the hell bring up songwriting credits in a post that is accusing someone of rape?

13.07.2015 - 19:19
Account deleted
I really couldn't give anything less than a rat's ass about this. As long as it doesn't affect the new album's release date.
13.07.2015 - 19:34
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
This is gettin' interesting.

Now, guy shoots cannon from his entirety. He's gotta point of "making a hype when record has to drop". Now, let's see how band responds to this.
13.07.2015 - 19:36
Doge of Venice
What a cunt.

But some of the things said here are hardly better.

From the testimonies and what I've read, I'd much rather the went and got help rather than get punched up in a dark alley. It seems clear he'll get done for physical assault, but no-one but the parties involved mentioned anything regarding the alleged rape.

I hope it gets cleared up, and if he is to be sent to prison for the physical, and potential sexual, abuse then I hope he gets the help he so clearly needs while he is there. I mean, someone who not only attempts to hurt others but also themselves in a tantrum is clearly very unstable, and could do with the help.

And finally, I have never even heard of the band, and I don't really want to check them out either, after this.
13.07.2015 - 20:23
Black Knight
I think this is the typical rage done by another female to snatch some royalties and cash from a guy she broke up with. Though I could care less about this band (first time I heard of them anyway) demanding royalties in a statement about rape is kinda hilarious. This smells like 'gimme money or I'll accuse you of rape'. She has been out of the band since 2014... took you a year to finally say this? Instead of washing your laundry in the public eye, why don't you just call the police? And like the guy said, when a new album is supposed to be released? Come on... the timing couldn't have been better, but it really takes away the credibility of her statement.
13.07.2015 - 22:24
Wow, truly a special kind of asshole. However, I still love this band's music.

That said, this is oddly reminiscent of when similar allegations were levied against Tobias Sidegaard of Necrophobic right before the release of "Womb of Lilitu". Necrophobic was unfailing in their lack of hesitation to boot Sidegaard from the band, and I suspect that a similar situation will likely arise here. Also similar is the shameful (?) fact that I purchased "Womb of Lilitu" on release date, and will likely do the same with the new Enabler album. Good music is good music. "Womb of Lilitu", as well as Necrophobic's other albums, remain mainstays in my listening rotation.

Do I hope that Lohrber reaps the fitting consequences of his actions? Certainly! Will this affect my enjoyment of Enabler's music? Certainly not.
14.07.2015 - 06:45
Meat and Potatos
Well... Not only good people write music
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
14.07.2015 - 06:56
Pvt Funderground
We don't know who's right and wrong so I can't give an opinion about this.

Anyway, this is what really interests me... Is this band good?
Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
14.07.2015 - 11:03
Black Knight
Written by deadone on 14.07.2015 at 02:38


Look dude, I am all in for women to just report when they were raped indeed. But I find it odd that you have to wait around one fucking year, near the release of a new album to publish your story on social media in order to stir some havoc and instead of just going to the police and be done with it, you demand royalties? Now that's fucking hilarious.

I do not fucking think my statement is vile at all, because you have no idea how many men have had their lives ruined because of a whore that reported false allegations. I had friends that went to prison and lost important jobs because of such women that woke up months after breaking up that they ran out of cash and they need a quick buck.

A lot of women this, a lot of women that, nobody cares that men are virtually disposable today in more western liberal countries. Shame and ridicule? Ask those men that were raped by women who feels shame and ridicule when they report it. In most countries if a man goes to the authorites to report such a thing, they laugh loudly and do not even believe that such a thing could ever exist.

The police don't protect you either? In the US it is enough to make a false rape claim and you can visit the jail for a few days, enough to loose your job and your reputation. And this does not require women to actually prove that they were indeed raped. Have people forgotten the presumption of innocence? Seems like that, for men at least.

Children, housing? Women get between 85-90% child custodies, even if men are more capable of raising the children better. This is because the justice system has become thoroughly feminized. Housing? Raped women have bigger chances of getting free housing, they even have some sort of refugee centers, in some states they are state funded. Men? Nope. Even though men make most of the homeless people both in the US and in the entire world!

As for my country Romania, I've seen enough women sending men to jail for false allegation. The only reasonable situation here is that the system is not yet feminized entirely (though custodies are given to women in 90% of cases, without taking into consideration if the woman can actually raise a child in a good manner). In most cases, policemen actually do make a thorough investigation to see if the allegation is not false before sending the man to jail and quite possibly ruining his every day life because of it. Women do not care about the impact a false allegation has upon men (as individuals) and how they are viewed after even getting clear of charges. You have high chances of loosing your job (who would want to hire a potential rapist, or who would want to work with one?)

"People and especially young people live their lives publically on social media so it's to be expected they'll use social media for this kind of thing."

I see this as a case of washing your laundry in public. If you have no problems revealing it in public, then I'm sure you will have no problems revealing it in front of a police officer, not in the eyes of public (I at least would find the later more embarassing than the first!).

"And arguably if you want someone to be known for crimes, spreading their name on social media is far more effective than going to the police."

And far more effective to ruin the reputation of an innocent person too. After all, when you make a statement like this public, nobody cares about the truth, all people embrace one version which they like (lets be honest, most people will embrace the woman's side of things since men are viewed as potential rapists in western societies) or think it is more appropriate.

"In an ideal world she would've just dumped the guy at first sign of trouble. But humans are shtty, complicated and largely messed up creatures."

In an ideal world, someone would question the truth within her statements, because as the other guy said, there are some things that really contradicted her statements. Why make royalty claims in rape posts? Kinda silly, ain't it? Why wait a whole year to make this public when you could just not waste time and tell it in front of a couple of guys in uniforms without stirring havoc? And don't bring that bullshit with 'too ashamed to do it', because I do not see the shame in making in public. In fact, I find a lack of shame in these kinds of actions. You are free to take her side, but the fact that royalty claim follows the rape allegation actually tells me that there is more to this than the chick wants us to know. Like I said 'gimme money or I'll sue you for rape' - this was the first thing that came into my mind after reading her post.
14.07.2015 - 11:24
I think the fact that it was around the time of the release date is irrelevant. Of course, I don't know what the truth is in this case, it's his word against hers and a few people who witnessed this behaviour in the band.

Nevertheless, I don't think a victim of abuse should worry about timing. "Sorry, I should wait until the album is released so that it will be comfortable for the person who abused me to get crap about it."
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
15.07.2015 - 07:25
X-Ray Rod
Written by deadone on 15.07.2015 at 01:54
Thanks for proving to me that you're a chauvinistic pig with typical "women are whores out for money" attitude. and "poor men are victims of evil Feminazis"

I love when people use anecdotal evidence as if it were a solid defence for their otherwise awful arguments.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

15.07.2015 - 10:12
Black Knight
Written by deadone on 15.07.2015 at 01:54

Thanks for proving to me that you're a chauvinistic pig with typical "women are whores out for money" attitude. and "poor men are victims of evil Feminazis"

Ever consider your buddies are raping pieces of shit that deserve to go to prison and get a taste of their own medicine?

As for your claims about Romania, I had a cursory glance at stats and data. Romania's not exactly a great story when it comes to implementation of domestic violence laws or even perceptions about sexual assault (according to European Commission surveys, 58% of Romanians think most women bring the violence on to themselves).

And you're the same kind of feminazi chauvinist that thinks in all endeavors, women are victims and men are perpetrators. My 'buddies' were proven innocent mainly because the whores had contradictions in their statements and because, when they saw that things are not going as they wanted to, took back what they said (but they never spent a day in jail for making false allegation nor did they pay any moral or material damages to the real victims, as is the case in the US with women that make false allegations). When you can't make a quick buck, then just retreat. Not all women function on these principles, but the feminist propaganda encourages them to do so. If it were in any other kind of feminist state like Sweden for example, my 'buddies' would've been completely guilty and had more chances of going to prison innocent as they were.

In the UK, last year some feminist NGO's complained that some 110 women were sent to jail because they made false rape allegations. Like I said, in Western societies men are disposable. It is ok to make false allegations and not face any consequence and it seems that you agree with this.

As for what drivel you spitted about Romania, I personally do not even care. 58% of Romanians may think what you said, but close to 100% do not even see any problem in a male being raped. In fact the 'rape' word added in the case of men is seen like something alien here. Such cases when they happen, they are not even taken serious. I remember a cab driver that was drugged by a whore and was raped and when he went to the police, those guys laughed in his face and asked him 'didn't you enjoy it?'. The thing is, even in Romania women do get help (as long as they seek it, if not, then who should do it in your stead?) in these situations more than men. They will always have some feminist organizations to council them (i.e. lecture them about how to also fuck a man's life for some cash even if the allegations are false), in child custodies in 9 out of 10 cases they win (and of course the man should pay for child growth), now a law even allows women to live in the appartment of the guy that supposedly abused her while he is under a restraining order (even though that appartment is on his name). Now that's some serious drivel.

One of the reasons why domestic violence in Romania is more widespread is simply because of high unemployment (men have no jobs so in places like in the rural areas they just drink the little they get from the state, get drunk in the process and release their frustrations on women), poverty and untreated mental problems and so on. Plus, a high degree of the justice system is focused on anti-corruption cases which leaves less space for rape cases. We cannot deal with all of them at once, and this issue causes the justice system to resolve rape cases faster, without a proper investigation, usually in the detriment of men. As for women brining it to themselves, sometimes it does happen. I remember a case when a woman who walked during the night, in scant attire, in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods of Bucharest and then she wondered why she got raped by some gypsy tugs. If I walked there with a bag full of money, didn't this scream 'theft' all the way? I mean, even the police have trouble making order there yet here you see a woman going like that, in the middle of the night, thinking that nothing will happen to her, and if something does, the police will solve it. Well... the police can't be everywhere to protect you, so the least you can do is to try to protect yourself first!
16.07.2015 - 10:37
Black Knight
Written by deadone on 16.07.2015 at 01:57

I suspect it has something with you guys being a few decades/centuries behind the times.

Indeed your own attitude displays arse backwards values typical of your arsebackwards region (whore women, evil gypsies).

How come you South Eastern European types always live up to the stereotypes?

If you have not lived in the gutter with them, then please, do not make assumptions. There is a gypsy problem in Romania, and all people that have been here will say so. If you do not believe me, book yourself a 2 week vacation in the Ferentari neighborhood in Bucharest. It will give you a taste of reality. I do not deny the fact that we are a couple of decades (not quite centuries) behind the Western world, after all, we poor felas did not have colonies to exploit in order to build our standard of life, but we do what we can with the resources we have and the rape cases in Romania are not a priority. Exactly because they are not a priority, the cases are solved in lackluster manner and usually men get all the blame, even if they are proven to be not guilty. As for 'whore women', I never said all of them are like that. But they do exist. And they are not 1%. Even more in Romania, where the education in family is very sexist. Parents (often mothers!) teach their daughters to find guys with money and marry them. And I am not joking around. This is a sort of 'cultural tradition' that has not disappeared as time passed. As for stereotypes... they are not. I call it reality. Our reality. Probably in your heavenly place you do not deal with the problems we have, but that doesn't mean the entire world is like your little paradise.

As for the case in question, when I saw what actually happens with a lot of rape accusations, I do have the right to raise an eyebrow when a woman makes such 'allegations' first handedly in public (thus the shame issue or fear issue is out of the question) not to the police and after a considerable period of time. So you have the guts to make it public, no shame that the public will be aware of your situation, and without fear that the perpetrator might do something to you without police protection, but you still avoid going to the police to solve the problem? And yet you demand royalties? Most false rape allegations follows a very similar scenario.

I am sorry that I cannot sympathize with every female that claims she has been raped, but nobody sympathizes with men when they claim that have been framed or even when they are cleared of charges.

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