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Burzum - New Album In Spring 2010, Album Title Changed

Original news, posted on 20.11.2009

Varg has posted the following news item on (excerpt):

"The coming album is called "Den Hvite Guden" (The White God) and is a musical and lyrical description of the the White God (alias Apollon, Baldr, Belenus, Belus, Bragi, Byelobog, Jarilo, et cetera) and the annual events of his life. I describe the stories of the myths like they could have been before they were myths, by presenting to You bits and pieces of the sorcery and religion of ancient Europe (more elaborately described in my unpublished book "Trolldom og Religion i Oldtidens Skandinavia" [Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia]). It is not intended for play the "low-brow metal" style, but instead I imagine a listener willing to sit down, ideally in solitude, and think for a minute, about the White God and our forebears, whether they were Picto-British, Finnish, Gallic, Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Scytho-Slavic, Daco-Thrakian or whatever, and about their magnificent, intelligent, positive, beautiful, healthy and strong culture."

For the full news item, click here.


Varg Vikernes has issued the following update:

"When I used the name "The White God" for my next album I had no idea it would stir up so much fear and irrational emotions. To me this is just a nickname of Baldur, whom the album is all about. No ambiguity intended. The truth is I announced the release of The White God at this early point to ease the pressure on the host. He was getting tired of having to tell individuals contacting him that he didn't know when the next album would be due, what its name was going to be or anything else. With the article this problem was solved.

With a title including the word "white" it apparently isn't possible to slip under the radar of the racist "Western" media. To take away their excuse to spread their anti-Varg/anti-Burzum hate-propaganda when (and before) the album is released I have decided to change the album title. These self-loathing fools have no interest in the music anyway, and because of that I don't want their attention - and I won't get it if I use a title that doesn't give them an excuse to attack me.

The new title of the album is, as you might have guessed from the title of this article, Belus, the so-called Indo-European name for Baldur/the White God. I could have used any European name for this deity, but I chose this one because it is the oldest known name and because it is pan-European.

Belus will be released on Byelobog Productions March-April next year, with eleven new tracks; nine metal tracks and an ambient intro and outro, and about 50+ minutes of music (the long outro not included). The lyrics are all in Norwegian, but French and Russian translations will be available on asap -- possibly even before the release of the album."

Band profile: Burzum
Posted: 03.12.2009 by Glabrezu

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21.11.2009 - 20:25
Written by [user id=291] on 20.11.2009 at 19:52

This is racist stuff... I just read the whole statement. Racists when they pretend to be sophisticated, like our fellow here, do not sound disgusting only, but also dumb. What is this Euro-centric crap about "the White God and our forebears, whether they were Picto-British, Finnish, Gallic, Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Scytho-Slavic, Daco-Thrakian or whatever"? Why this group particularly? I understand that a Norwegian guy like him may identify with the Vikings or the Germanic tribes in general, but why the Finns, Greeks, Romans, Gallic? What about Huns, Mongols, Arabs, Persians, Turks, who all invaded parts of Europe during different times (settled, raped women, had offspring, etc.) much like Europeans did with other parts of the world? I admire people who, without racism, identify with the ancient cultures of their own countries, but why would you identify with "white" culture only? Especially when you use words like "Negro" in a racist meaning in your statement. Fuck that shit!

It's a shame to see how 16 years or so of imprisonment didn't even succeed to make this douchebag evolve at least a tiny bit. Same retarded bullshit as usual. (I almost vomited while reading the first paragraph of the complete statement)

Sounds like the album won't be what some people expect but, in fact, leftover tracks from the early 90s. Personally, I'm sure it will be a piece of shit, even shittiest than the old Burzum albums.

I have only one regret when it comes to him. It's a pity Norway doesn't have the death penalty. They could have rid us of this wretched scumbag years ago and no one would talk of him nowadays.

And this pathetic homo-erotic cover makes me laugh in derision.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
21.11.2009 - 21:18
Account deleted
Written by Lord_Regnier on 21.11.2009 at 20:25

Written by [user id=291] on 20.11.2009 at 19:52

And this pathetic homo-erotic cover makes me laugh in derision.

hahahaha... ... me too!
22.11.2009 - 21:32
Written by [user id=291] on 20.11.2009 at 19:52

This is racist stuff... I just read the whole statement. Racists when they pretend to be sophisticated, like our fellow here, do not sound disgusting only, but also dumb. What is this Euro-centric crap about "the White God and our forebears, whether they were Picto-British, Finnish, Gallic, Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Scytho-Slavic, Daco-Thrakian or whatever"? Why this group particularly? I understand that a Norwegian guy like him may identify with the Vikings or the Germanic tribes in general, but why the Finns, Greeks, Romans, Gallic? What about Huns, Mongols, Arabs, Persians, Turks, who all invaded parts of Europe during different times (settled, raped women, had offspring, etc.) much like Europeans did with other parts of the world? I admire people who, without racism, identify with the ancient cultures of their own countries, but why would you identify with "white" culture only? Especially when you use words like "Negro" in a racist meaning in your statement. Fuck that shit!

If you feel it's racist why the hell do you bother to quote in here you fucking moron.He is praising ancient european gods.What the hell a muslim like you got to do with it, anyway? Why can't you stick eith your own shitty religion,a nd stop bragging about others!!
22.11.2009 - 23:04
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
No offense to anyone, but I just wish this asshole would die...he gives a bad name to Heathens...he's probably going to ultimately make the albums concept about his own personal interpretation of white supremecist concepts integrated into traditional norse religion. Once more sorry, but I hate Varg Vikernes.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
22.11.2009 - 23:42
Account deleted
Written by Maxx666 on 22.11.2009 at 21:32

Written by [user id=291] on 20.11.2009 at 19:52

This is racist stuff... I just read the whole statement. Racists when they pretend to be sophisticated, like our fellow here, do not sound disgusting only, but also dumb. What is this Euro-centric crap about "the White God and our forebears, whether they were Picto-British, Finnish, Gallic, Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, Scytho-Slavic, Daco-Thrakian or whatever"? Why this group particularly? I understand that a Norwegian guy like him may identify with the Vikings or the Germanic tribes in general, but why the Finns, Greeks, Romans, Gallic? What about Huns, Mongols, Arabs, Persians, Turks, who all invaded parts of Europe during different times (settled, raped women, had offspring, etc.) much like Europeans did with other parts of the world? I admire people who, without racism, identify with the ancient cultures of their own countries, but why would you identify with "white" culture only? Especially when you use words like "Negro" in a racist meaning in your statement. Fuck that shit!

If you feel it's racist why the hell do you bother to quote in here you fucking moron.He is praising ancient european gods.What the hell a muslim like you got to do with it, anyway? Why can't you stick eith your own shitty religion,a nd stop bragging about others!!

Fucker... this is not your own forum! I have been a member in this website for more than 6 years and I have the right to say my opinion wherever I like in this website! Obviously you are as much racist, and stupid, as Varg. By the way, why did you judge me as a Muslim? Is it because of my name? So if I were born with that name, does that mean I'm a Muslim forever? With such racist views like yours you must believe in that.
And also you are too much racist and Islamophobic to understand that there is nothing called "ancient European Gods". If you read my posting carefully and understood it and did a little bit of research to verify it (I doubt a sucker like you has the patience and intelligence to do so), you would realise that many of these gods had so much to do with other parts of the world more than it has to do with each other. But this asshole Varg want to put all these gods under one category because he is Nazi. And he is not ashamed of that, if you read the rest of his statement. So say your opinion here and let others say theirs. Otherwise, you better eat some dick!
23.11.2009 - 00:20
All this retarded asshole Vikernes will do is to twist all the concepts in a pathetic attempt to support his moronic racist ideas.
It will end up as an indigestible mix of fucked up ideas.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
23.11.2009 - 00:28
Heaven Knight
Hm...wishing someone's death is something to demur to in any case...even Varg's...

its like what Gandalf once told to Frodo: "Can you give life? Then dont wish death..."
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

23.11.2009 - 00:33
X-Ray Rod
Written by Ellrohir on 23.11.2009 at 00:28

Hm...wishing someone's death is something to demur to in any case...even Varg's...

its like what Gandalf once told to Frodo: "Can you give life? Then dont wish death..."

I agree with this... To wish death to Varg is just as pathetic as Varg himself.

I actually don't have a problem with Varg being in prison for life since I'm good with the albums he did. But I'm still curious so I shall check it out.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

23.11.2009 - 01:07
Heaven Knight
Written by Lord_Regnier on 23.11.2009 at 00:34

In my mind, that's all he deserves.

and in my mind NOONE can judge this about NOBODY...that makes it all...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

23.11.2009 - 02:47
I'd be interested to hear this album, though even if it turns out to be shit - I'm sure that the infinite amount of fanboys will praise it just for the "intellectual value". Just like would praise the new Funeral Mist.

Varg? Who's that? : D
23.11.2009 - 11:57
Account deleted
Written by Sunioj on 23.11.2009 at 02:47

I'd be interested to hear this album, though even if it turns out to be shit - I'm sure that the infinite amount of fanboys will praise it just for the "intellectual value". Just like would praise the new Funeral Mist.

Varg? Who's that? : D

Who's Varg?! Now this asshole's quotes are in dictionaries!
24.11.2009 - 00:54
Written by [user id=291] on 23.11.2009 at 11:57

Written by Sunioj on 23.11.2009 at 02:47

I'd be interested to hear this album, though even if it turns out to be shit - I'm sure that the infinite amount of fanboys will praise it just for the "intellectual value". Just like would praise the new Funeral Mist.

Varg? Who's that? : D

Who's Varg?! Now this asshole's quotes are in dictionaries!

You can pretty much find anything on
24.11.2009 - 17:50
Account deleted
Written by Sunioj on 24.11.2009 at 00:54

Written by [user id=291] on 23.11.2009 at 11:57

Written by Sunioj on 23.11.2009 at 02:47

I'd be interested to hear this album, though even if it turns out to be shit - I'm sure that the infinite amount of fanboys will praise it just for the "intellectual value". Just like would praise the new Funeral Mist.

Varg? Who's that? : D

Who's Varg?! Now this asshole's quotes are in dictionaries!

You can pretty much find anything on

To be honest, maybe this is the first time I check this dictionary. I don't know anything about it, apart from this entry. But if it is as you said, then fine.
27.11.2009 - 06:30
03.12.2009 - 16:48
It's gonna be the top-selling black metal album of 2010.not only for the music,for the stories about varg and the band.I'm sure even some burzum haters will buy the album
03.12.2009 - 16:54
Retired Staff
Bad product, good advertising. Controversy creates cash.

Varg 1 - Marketing secrets 0

The "don't want to give them an excuse to attack me" part was quite funny though. As if racism is a new excuse to attack him. As if people need überhaupt any more excuses to attack him. The man is practically a living excuse to attack.
Your favorite band sucks.
03.12.2009 - 17:34
Well that sucks, I thought he was done making music. Can it, Varg.
03.12.2009 - 18:28
The Ancient One
"When I used the name "The White God" for my next album I had no idea it would stir up so much fear and irrational emotions."

right, given your past proclivities and rantings, there was zero room that this could possibly have been taken as some racist double-entendre.

what a fucking moron.

agree with Thryce, it's marketing. the sacred Vargy is bowing before the altar of the Cash Cow.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
03.12.2009 - 19:25
Unasuming Madnes
Written by BitterCOld on 03.12.2009 at 18:28

"When I used the name "The White God" for my next album I had no idea it would stir up so much fear and irrational emotions."

right, given your past proclivities and rantings, there was zero room that this could possibly have been taken as some racist double-entendre.

what a fucking moron.

agree with Thryce, it's marketing. the sacred Vargy is bowing before the altar of the Cash Cow.

Actually to be honest I think Varg is VERY genuine over what he is saying. If you ever read any stuff on his website (which he might have taken down by now) you'll quickly realize the guy is pretty loopy. Surprisingly eloquent and "perspective", he is still pretty crazy.
03.12.2009 - 19:34
He had NO idea......
I think he did....but now it has brought attention of publicity and I think he's glad he managed to do that....
03.12.2009 - 19:48
The Ancient One
Written by Paradox0 on 03.12.2009 at 19:25

Actually to be honest I think Varg is VERY genuine over what he is saying. If you ever read any stuff on his website (which he might have taken down by now) you'll quickly realize the guy is pretty loopy. Surprisingly eloquent and "perspective", he is still pretty crazy.

i don't care how loopy the guy is, he is not the slightest bit "genuine" over this. a guy who wrote a manifesto espousing racist views doesn't name an album "The White God" by accident.

he's already got his nice fallback position to claim his "innocence", but the intention was undoubtedly there.

not at all surprised that some people think he is "genuine" in his confusion over the uproar this has caused, after all his constant re-engineering of history has brainwashed a bunch of nobs into believing that driving six hours across country and stabbing someone in their underwear twenty-odd times (mostly in the back) was done in self defense.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
03.12.2009 - 21:12
Got Mayhem?
I've read his article about the name and I actually do think that he had a good, non racist/media seeking reason for naming it what he did. In a way people have taken it out of context. And don't cry about his publicity...CNN couldn't give less of a shit what some Norwegian black metaller names his album. The only people that this 'controversy' has been 'publicised' to are the metalheads that have known this album has been comming for quite awhile now.
03.12.2009 - 21:23
Lol when he said "controversy" i thought it meant people beleived he had converted to Christianity - hence the title "The White God" (whit being pure, innocence, etc). Turns out it was just more stupidity to do with "racism". Yeah, Varg has some pretty primitive ideas about race, but when you're seeing racism eveytime a colour is spoken you know there's something wrong with you.

I thought it was a great title; simple, and somehow reminding me of Gandalf the White :p
03.12.2009 - 23:18
Unasuming Madnes
Written by BitterCOld on 03.12.2009 at 19:48

Written by Paradox0 on 03.12.2009 at 19:25

Actually to be honest I think Varg is VERY genuine over what he is saying. If you ever read any stuff on his website (which he might have taken down by now) you'll quickly realize the guy is pretty loopy. Surprisingly eloquent and "perspective", he is still pretty crazy.

i don't care how loopy the guy is, he is not the slightest bit "genuine" over this. a guy who wrote a manifesto espousing racist views doesn't name an album "The White God" by accident.

he's already got his nice fallback position to claim his "innocence", but the intention was undoubtedly there.

not at all surprised that some people think he is "genuine" in his confusion over the uproar this has caused, after all his constant re-engineering of history has brainwashed a bunch of nobs into believing that driving six hours across country and stabbing someone in their underwear twenty-odd times (mostly in the back) was done in self defense.

Oh no no no, your giving his sanity WAY to much credit. If anything he probabbly sees nothing wrong with calling it the White God, and as he stated, the west is racist againsy white I guess political correctness is racism.
I wonder just how many people are even reacting to this.
On a side question, does white god live in white heaven (boondocks reference)
04.12.2009 - 00:16
Varg is an idiot who thinks he's a genius.

Holy shit he's like George Bush.

04.12.2009 - 01:15
LeChron James
Hes a bitch for changing his title. granted it means the same thing, but just cuz people dont like the name doesnt mean he shoulda changed it. and i figured varg to be the LAST person to give a fuck what people think about his music.
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
04.12.2009 - 03:24
Written by METAL! on 04.12.2009 at 00:16

Varg is an idiot who thinks he's a genius.

Holy shit he's like George Bush.


Is it okay if you state your reasoning for thinking he is like George Bush?
04.12.2009 - 04:26
Written by Symmachus on 04.12.2009 at 03:24

Written by METAL! on 04.12.2009 at 00:16

Varg is an idiot who thinks he's a genius.

Holy shit he's like George Bush.


Is it okay if you state your reasoning for thinking he is like George Bush?

I think he means because Bush is an idiot of collossal proportions. That was a great comparison and made me laugh pretty loudly.

And Varg is not only an idiot but quite possibly the biggest hypocrite walking the face of this earth! Funny that he justifies himself in using the word 'white' in an album title, yet the word was to describe a certain person, or deity. Come on now, Count, people really aren't as stupid as you try to claim they are! :
04.12.2009 - 05:53
Wood Troll
I find it quite funny that anyone really cares about his views. Isnt this supposed to be about the MUSIC? Is this not a fucking MUSIC website??? Everyone keeps talking about, "thats racist." "no its not!" "HE's such an idiot!"

Get a grip people, and just listen to the album, then make your judgments.
"A witty saying proves nothing."
04.12.2009 - 07:18
Pro-hate, anti-hate. gah. you just cant give an album a decent name these days without some typical, self-centered american views.

a.) varg IS NOT a christian. he's quite clearly into norse mythology. there is more then one god in norse mythology, despite what you may have heard.

b.) varg can be a bit racist a lot of the time, but he isnt doing this for attention, like say...cannibal corpse? they write good music, but the lyrics are just meant to make you go huh? (cannibal corpse that is. burzum makes me go huh cause i dont understand it...)

c.) any musician who's been through the motions before, always has a back up plan on album names. most notable example: metallica's kill em all. we all know that trivia.

think and read before you start waving your picket signs and pointing fingers and saying this person is this way. all it does is underline your ignorance. like your a fan of burzum anyways...
I will not reason and compare, my business is to create.

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