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General metal forum

One guy to ruin it all... 55
Rolling Stone's Top 100 Metal Albums of All Time 93
How long are you listening to metal? 450
Most representative song from a band 3
Best Albums of the Decade 11
Best Metal Band Lineup with Dead Members 23
Comedy Metal 109
New Album Recommendations 2018 449
Heavy Metal Television 3
Stupid Metal Covers 58
How much money do you spend on CDs? 51
Bands that play very underground concerts 3
Your Parents' Reaction To Metal 92
My First List (Advice appreciated) 8
Great White Best Albums 9
What defines a good vocalist above all else to you? 71
Bands T-shirts 1001
14120912519 1
Your top 10 Motörhead songs 13
The 2010s for metal: New movements/genres? Or "stale"? Discussion. 6
Is there a name to call that in metal songs 2
Best Acoustic Songs/Albums by Metal Bands 16
Am I Going Deaf? 4
How many hours a day do you listen to music? 75
Metal Evolution Documentary/Series 53
Joke Bands 242
The most abused word in metal? 256
What is name of this song? 1
Metal and Classic Music 59
The weirdest band name. 291