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General metal forum

Bands T-shirts 1001
14120912519 1
Your top 10 Motörhead songs 13
The 2010s for metal: New movements/genres? Or "stale"? Discussion. 6
Is there a name to call that in metal songs 2
Best Acoustic Songs/Albums by Metal Bands 16
Am I Going Deaf? 4
How many hours a day do you listen to music? 75
Metal Evolution Documentary/Series 53
Joke Bands 242
The most abused word in metal? 256
What is name of this song? 1
Metal and Classic Music 59
The weirdest band name. 288
Pure Heavy Metal? 4
New Album Recommendations 2019 331
Marcel's Recommendations 28
Badges of metal bands 2
50 Years of Metal 33
Which 70's Metal Song Are You? 7
Metal Podcasts 12
Album Reviews 2
Which Bands, Albums or Songs you listen when you want to cry? 3
Is there any band that uses Indonesian time signatures? 1
Needing Info On "At War With Satan" album variants 3
Game : Identify the weather of yourbands 1
Best band name 168
Drinking Songs! 152
Gothenburg metal? 6
Club: technical/progressive music that ain't over the top wankery 16