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Best Trivium album?

Posts: 50   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 84 users

Original post

Posted by Unknown user, 27.12.2006 - 17:18
Imo Ascendancy is the best album, 'cause it gave me so many good wibes, but I'm very disappointed with The Crusade. I didn't like their musik at all. It was actually dull to listen to The Crusade. Hopefully Trivium will find back to what they were in the future! Please tell me if you agree or disagree and why.


Which is the best Trivium album? And please, tell me your opinion.

The Crusade
Ember To Inferno

Total votes: 53
22.09.2008 - 18:27
Jonnz of Steel
I havn't heard Ember yet, but I prefare The Crusade to Ascendancy. The amount of hate this band has generated is riddiculous...
11.09.2009 - 02:37
I agree. Shogun is amazing. When I bought it, I was thinking "Oh no, this better not be anything like The Crusade". I was very happy with it.
I still listen to it all the time.
U.S.A. for Satan!
18.09.2009 - 16:33
Thrash Talker
Shogun is not even close to ''GOOD''

Ascendancy for life
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
19.09.2009 - 21:48
Angel Of Mercy
With Shogun, I think it took all the best of "The Crusade" and "Ascendency" and merged them together to create a really brilliant album.
Your time will come.
20.09.2009 - 04:58
Thrash Talker
Written by Angel Of Mercy on 19.09.2009 at 21:48

With Shogun, I think it took all the best of "The Crusade" and "Ascendency" and merged them together to create a really brilliant album.

Nah I dont find the album that amazing, and really it will never beat Ascendancy
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
30.09.2009 - 13:51
I really like Ember to Inferno, it was a very good album. Ascendancy is ok but it just feels a little too polished and over-produced. The charm of the early thrash bands was the 'raw' element to the sound.
30.09.2009 - 15:15
Thrash Talker
Written by ToMegaTherion on 30.09.2009 at 13:51

I really like Ember to Inferno, it was a very good album. Ascendancy is ok but it just feels a little too polished and over-produced. The charm of the early thrash bands was the 'raw' element to the sound.

I don't understand really... IMO Ember to Inferno was repetitive compared to Ascendancy
also it was some kind of magic solution, What I mean by that is that the song structure was
always the same...

Im not saying it was a bad album, not at all I enjoy Ember for songs like Requiem, Fugue, Ember To Inferno... ...

But IMO again, Ascendancy was better
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
02.10.2009 - 08:06
His Eminence
Account deleted
I actually liked Shogun better than Ascendancy. I didn't care much for the Crusade. And I've actually never listened to Ember to Inferno. Everyone's telling me it's really good though.
03.10.2009 - 04:40
Karasawa II
Ascendancy was def there best, the crusade is them trying to be like Metallica in EVERY way shape and form possible, which will never be possible by any band ever. Ember to inferno is allright above the crusade, and shogun is clearly second best they finally went back to there roots and what people really like them for in my opinion, one word ascendancy that is trivium.
03.10.2009 - 04:40
Karasawa II
Ascendancy was def there best, the crusade is them trying to be like Metallica in EVERY way shape and form possible, which will never be possible by any band ever. Ember to inferno is allright above the crusade, and shogun is clearly second best they finally went back to there roots and what people really like them for in my opinion, one word ascendancy that is trivium.
16.03.2010 - 22:30
Look, i love the ascendancy, but the crusade had a lot of good songs, ember sucked, only good one on that album was Falling To Gray, Matt Heafy even says so, he and Trivium said it wasnt all that great compared to the ascendancy due to the confusing vibe it had on them cause they werent into screamo like they are now, ya see. in my opinion, Shogun is THE best, cause it puts the ascendancy and the crusade in one, where its got thrashed riffs in it, matts screaming and vocals and every song on that album is amazing. But if i were to choose between ember to inferno, ascendancy, or the crusade, id choose the crusade, because i felt a lot of groove in it, good solos, although, i hated anthem, tread the floods, contamination and this world cant tear us apart, its what gave the urge to listen to ascendancy and then Shogun. Im a guitarist, i know what riffs and songs get me going and the ones that dont.:banger2:
21.03.2010 - 13:44
Written by MetalMark666 on 16.03.2010 at 22:30

Look, i love the ascendancy, but the crusade had a lot of good songs, ember sucked, only good one on that album was Falling To Gray, Matt Heafy even says so, he and Trivium said it wasnt all that great compared to the ascendancy due to the confusing vibe it had on them cause they werent into screamo like they are now, ya see. in my opinion, Shogun is THE best, cause it puts the ascendancy and the crusade in one, where its got thrashed riffs in it, matts screaming and vocals and every song on that album is amazing.
Im a guitarist, i know what riffs and songs get me going and the ones that dont.:banger2:

God, I can sign that with all my heart. Especially the last bit, about the riffs and songs. I love playing the Shogun songs myself, hell I even bought a seven string to be able to keep up with them lol
I understand that the creation if this thread dates back to "pre-Shogun" dates, but I think it's their finest. So far.
Of the above mentioned, I would chose Ascendancy, because I like the dynamics on them, but the Crusade was not bad either. The titletrack off of that album is simply amazing and gave you an idea what Shogun could be about.
- When I die, bury me in smoke.
- Defendress of the Faith.
10.07.2010 - 17:15
I don't like metalcore much, but Ascendancy is really good.
I love it.
As tyranny becomes normality;
We hang at the end of the rope.
11.07.2010 - 05:07
I would have to say that Shogun is their best effort to date. But Ascendancy is the best from the list. All in all trivium are a good band i can only hope thta their next album is as good or better than Shogun.
12.07.2010 - 03:30
Ascendancy is great, though Shogun is very nice too
*insert something deep and profound*
29.03.2011 - 08:58
Ascendancy is very good album.
02.04.2011 - 05:49
The Crusade is the only album I've heard all the way through. Nothing special. The other albums ruin it for me because of Matt Heafy's annoying ass metalcore scream, i can't take it.
02.04.2011 - 20:11
Account deleted
The Crusade is the only one I can tolerate, so naturally my vote goes there.
13.04.2011 - 19:32
Shogun is pretty cool, the band found their own sound, no more blatant metallica copying.
24.04.2011 - 02:10
Ascendancy a great album, the rest so-so
Open your eyes