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Wolves Carry My Name - Amongst Ruins And Ashes review


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Band: Wolves Carry My Name
Album: Amongst Ruins And Ashes
Style: Sludge metal, Stoner metal
Release date: April 20, 2012
Guest review by: Boxcar Willy

01. Ruins
02. Lupus Milk
03. Nineteen Stitches
04. As We Worship Their Shadows
05. City Of Knives
06. Ashes

Sludge metal, my favourite genre. Bands take influences from all types of music in sludge. They can be atmospheric like Isis or deathlike a la Horn Of The Rhino. My favourite variation you ask? Well? that has to be stoner sludge.

Wolves Carry My Name comes straight out of Germany, playing a fuzzed out sludge hybrid. Taking influences from stoner, and even a little bit of post metal, this quintuple really show what they are capable of on this 5 song EP. The instrumentation is harsh and full of groove, the vocals are more vicious than a 3 legged badger.

But there's more to it than just BALLS TO THE WALL 100% FURY!!!!11!1! Follow the music closer and you'll see those little hints of all those musical genres, the post metal in the riffs, the groove in the bass. All of this slowly works its way out into a full-on explosion of musical genius. Every member showcases their respective talent, whether it be slappin' the bass, pounding the skins or some other dumb 90's term for playing guitar or singing.

The music itself rolls in as if it were a steam engine powered train. The burly high-school grade school dropouts shovel piles and piles of coal into the burns, track one begins. The engine turns over as the machine starts to wake. The train now starts to roar just as Konstantin starts belting out the lyrics. Tracks 2-4 are now blasting out my ear drums as the train speeds ahead. The final track hits as the train starts slowing down and entering the next yard. Slowing and slowing? into an outro of samples and ambience?

The trip is done; get the hell off the train.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 9
Songwriting: 9
Originality: 8
Production: 8

Written by Boxcar Willy | 26.07.2012

Guest review disclaimer:
This is a guest review, which means it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the MS Staff.


Comments: 7   Visited by: 57 users
26.07.2012 - 19:06
That's quite a review and you've definitely got my attention, Isis + Horn Of The Rhino must be a hell of a ride!
26.07.2012 - 19:29
Rating: 9
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by R'Vannith on 26.07.2012 at 19:06

That's quite a review and you've definitely got my attention, Isis + Horn Of The Rhino must be a hell of a ride!

Thanks! and I wasn't saying that WCMN sound like Isis + HOTR, I was just saying that sludge it's self can be atmospheric, or heavy and balls out.

That shouldn't deter you from listening, this is a great EP

free download, and I think they have some CD versions left, they're limited to 100, and they look like a vinyl, it's kickass!
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

26.07.2012 - 19:37
Written by Boxcar Willy on 26.07.2012 at 19:29

Thanks! and I wasn't saying that WCMN sound like Isis + HOTR, I was just saying that sludge it's self can be atmospheric, or heavy and balls out.

That shouldn't deter you from listening, this is a great EP

free download, and I think they have some CD versions left, they're limited to 100, and they look like a vinyl, it's kickass!

Ah ok, so this is a bit of both (atmospheric and heavy)? Regardless you make it sound like some fun mixed sludge.
26.07.2012 - 19:38
Rating: 9
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by R'Vannith on 26.07.2012 at 19:37

Ah ok, so this is a bit of both (atmospheric and heavy)? Regardless you make it sound like some fun mixed sludge.

The intro and Outro are pretty atmospheric, and the other tracks are great groove laiden stoner/sludge tracks.

It really is some fun sludge
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

27.07.2012 - 20:37
Au Pays Natal
Too much southern-esq rock heard in this for me. I am not a huge stoner fan anyways. I do not want to be reminded of CoC & Pantera when I here sludge and post.
I like Wizard's Beard a bit more than this.
18.08.2012 - 23:57
Account deleted
I already listened to the EP, but well done with the review, I enjoyed reading it.
01.10.2012 - 00:08
Lost To Apathy
Listening to this now, actually finding the vocals a little bit irritating for some reason. Perhaps their almost grind-esque aggression is at odds with the slightly more laid back riffage? Not sure. Anyway, quite enjoying the total package. Likely closer to a 7, 7.5 for me.
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