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Black Metal Battle

Posts: 53   Visited by: 178 users


The best band in this list is:

Nokturnal Mortum
Funeral Mist
Hell Militia

Total votes: 98
07.01.2007 - 19:16
Account deleted
I wanna know which band of these ones its the most loved.
It was really hard to me but I vote for Furze.
Furze its unique and awsome, in my opinion Trident Autocrat its one of the best black metal albuns ever.
07.01.2007 - 23:34
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Hmm interesting poll, but ok I wont postmuch about BM, because a lot of good and great bands are in world in genre, and so many unknown and amazing and never we cant hear all and discus, ist not posible and I love french, italian and german sceen and old scandic but from those hmm Absu or Nocturnal Mortum I chose Abus it BM Rush
Secend be Nocturnal Mortum

About Funeral Mist I never realy had liked band I know thay are popular and know Swedish band but its not for me

Same Is ay about Behexen, Tsjuder and 1349, not for me, thay cant make me feel atmosfere in them music

Furze - I know them, had read lyrics but hanwt hera so much them so cant say much

But Dødheimsgard and Hell Militia what is this crap not music IMO

So Absu I choose Absu
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
08.01.2007 - 00:21
Written by Bad English on 07.01.2007 at 23:34

But Dødheimsgard and Hell Militia what is this crap not music IMO

ever heard Dødheimsgard myfriend? they're quite good. but I agree about Hell Militia, it's a piece of shit. Exept Mütiilation Meyhnach never did anything good. it's a shame though. bands like this bring the french bm scene into a bad light.

never heard Furze before, so can't really say anything about them.
1349, Funeral Mist and Tsjuder are amongst the worst bands, well maybe 1349 is not that bad as the other two, but it's not even mediocre.

I enjoy Behexen from time to time, but only in small doses.

Absu is a great band, with epic albums and sofort, but I still vote for Nokturnal Mortum, as they're just better. Lunar Poetry and Goat Horns are just amazing releases.

quite unusual poll btw.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

08.01.2007 - 00:33
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Damnated on 08.01.2007 at 00:21

Written by Bad English on 07.01.2007 at 23:34

But Dødheimsgard and Hell Militia what is this crap not music IMO

ever heard Dødheimsgard myfriend? they're quite good. but I agree about Hell Militia, it's a piece of shit. Exept Mütiilation Meyhnach never did anything good. it's a shame though. bands like this bring the french bm scene into a bad light.

never heard Furze before, so can't really say anything about them.
1349, Funeral Mist and Tsjuder are amongst the worst bands, well maybe 1349 is not that bad as the other two, but it's not even mediocre.

I enjoy Behexen from time to time, but only in small doses.

Absu is a great band, with epic albums and sofort, but I still vote for Nokturnal Mortum, as they're just better. Lunar Poetry and Goat Horns are just amazing releases.

quite unusual poll btw.

I know thsoe band but i dont like so much satanism into them thats why ist crap and Ia gree wierd poll about 1349 well thay was good in early days, but IMO there more more bands kick them ewen Green Forst

Absu so epic, so good, if you dont know celtic hisitory you cat understand lyrics amazing band
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
08.01.2007 - 00:38
Written by Bad English on 08.01.2007 at 00:33

Written by Damnated on 08.01.2007 at 00:21

Written by Bad English on 07.01.2007 at 23:34

But Dødheimsgard and Hell Militia what is this crap not music IMO

ever heard Dødheimsgard myfriend? they're quite good. but I agree about Hell Militia, it's a piece of shit. Exept Mütiilation Meyhnach never did anything good. it's a shame though. bands like this bring the french bm scene into a bad light.

never heard Furze before, so can't really say anything about them.
1349, Funeral Mist and Tsjuder are amongst the worst bands, well maybe 1349 is not that bad as the other two, but it's not even mediocre.

I enjoy Behexen from time to time, but only in small doses.

Absu is a great band, with epic albums and sofort, but I still vote for Nokturnal Mortum, as they're just better. Lunar Poetry and Goat Horns are just amazing releases.

quite unusual poll btw.

I know thsoe band but i dont like so much satanism into them thats why ist crap and Ia gree wierd poll about 1349 well thay was good in early days, but IMO there more more bands kick them ewen Green Forst

Absu so epic, so good, if you dont know celtic hisitory you cat understand lyrics amazing band

yeah, new scandinavian bands are all about satanism and devil worship, and so little about the music.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

08.01.2007 - 00:39
Account deleted
Dødheimsgard its pretty good u should check it out.
I like unusual polls ^^, i was sick of polls like "best black metal band" and then the options were mayhem, cradle, dimmu, immortal, emperor, enslaved, darkthrone, and others, so i think a pool with these bands was a good idea
08.01.2007 - 00:43
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=581] on 08.01.2007 at 00:39

Dødheimsgard its pretty good u should check it out.
I like unusual polls ^^, i was sick of polls like "best black metal band" and then the options were mayhem, cradle, dimmu, immortal, emperor, enslaved, darkthrone, and others, so i think a pool with these bands was a good idea

I agree ist goid idea undergroud bands you knwo Portugal band Celtic Dance and mambers sid eprojects I love them

@Damnated - Scandic bands are closed for poetry but German/France are open for it, old gothic castels still isnpirated

I hawnt found any good Scandianian band after 2000 who wrote postry, old Enslaved, Immortal, Wyrd, Diabolical mascerade thay wa spostical and even old bands was satanic they didnt show it so much in lyrics
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
08.01.2007 - 01:11
Account deleted
yeah i know celtic dance, but from the scene here in portugal my preferences go to in thy flesh, lux ferre and corpus christii (and sideprojects), check them maybe u like it .
08.01.2007 - 15:17
Account deleted
yup chasing dragons its a pretty good track, but my favorite goes to evil oath from liberation album
09.01.2007 - 20:15
To Arms!
damn i dont know any of them lol anyway im not too much in black i like bands like Old mans child and Belphegor , what bands are like these? the closest of them will get my vote
Stay Metal !!!
09.01.2007 - 21:31
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Dreamwar_86 on 09.01.2007 at 20:15

damn i dont know any of them lol anyway im not too much in black i like bands like Old mans child and Belphegor , what bands are like these? the closest of them will get my vote

Better do it man Old man's Child, one of moust overated Norvegian BM band ever, only song 'Dead seed of wirgin soil'' are ok
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
09.01.2007 - 22:01
Account deleted
I will have to go with Nokturnal Mortum, wich is my alltime fav band after the allmighty Emperor. But my vote in this thread goes to NM.

I have heard all bands except Dödheimsgard and Behexen. And I really like 1349 and some others but other than that, NM wins by far.

With amazing releases such as Lunar Poetry, Goat Horns , To The Gates of Blasphemous fire and NeChrist its proves that this band is capable of incredibly qualitative music.

I was however slightly dissapointed with their Weltanschaaung release. And I am really curious to hear how their new releases will sound, since it looks like they are very involved with several RAC bands etc.. (bad direction imo..)
10.01.2007 - 00:26
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
a tie between 1349 and absu.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
10.01.2007 - 02:37
Empty Spaces
Unburied At Dusk
It took me a while to decide between 1349 and Nokturnal Mortum, but i finally went with 1349. I just love Beyond The Apocalypse... but I might change my mind later cause NM is awesome...
10.01.2007 - 08:15
Account deleted
Well 1349 would have to be one of my favorite black metal bands in general along with the likes of mayhem and emperor and immortal. so 1349 get my vote in your poll. Awesome band with insane drumming. Frost kicks ass.
10.01.2007 - 23:09
Account deleted
Yeah frost really kicks ass, the votes are like I expected but Furze only has my vote, i was expecting more people to vote them since I really like it ^^.
12.01.2007 - 00:54
The Bard
1349 sucks, they have nothing new, Frost is great drummer indeed but for God sake they are empty, I vote for Dødheimsgard
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
15.01.2007 - 20:59
The Bard
Well, you have your opinion like everyone else and I respect it, we are all different, and why Dødheimsgard have no votes and I voted for them
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
16.01.2007 - 22:39
Orm KrigGud
Looks like I'm the only one who voted for Dødheimsgard or something. I think the votes are not regestering or something. Well finally an interesting poll. Few words on Dødheimsgard for those who don't know them. Between 94-95 Fenriz did a bit of bass and stuff for them. Also the word Dødheimsgard is actually three words; Død meaning Death, heims meaning home and gard meaning castle. How they put it in English is beyond me...
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
22.02.2007 - 00:55
Account deleted
I choose 1349.I like at full speed songs.Frost as in one of the fastest drummers and most dedicated persons in the Norwegian Black Metal scene
22.02.2007 - 00:59
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=17463] on 22.02.2007 at 00:55

I choose 1349.I like at full speed songs.Frost as in one of the fastest drummers and most dedicated persons in the Norwegian Black Metal scene

speed songs well its destructiv songs but not speed
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
22.02.2007 - 01:02
Mr. Noise
Written by Himann on 16.01.2007 at 22:39

Looks like I'm the only one who voted for Dødheimsgard or something. I think the votes are not regestering or something. Well finally an interesting poll. Few words on Dødheimsgard for those who don't know them. Between 94-95 Fenriz did a bit of bass and stuff for them. Also the word Dødheimsgard is actually three words; Død meaning Death, heims meaning home and gard meaning castle. How they put it in English is beyond me...

Death Home Garden of course. Pfft, little Dimmu Borgir wannabees.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
22.02.2007 - 10:31
Orm KrigGud
Written by Lucas on 22.02.2007 at 01:02

Written by Himann on 16.01.2007 at 22:39

Looks like I'm the only one who voted for Dødheimsgard or something. I think the votes are not regestering or something. Well finally an interesting poll. Few words on Dødheimsgard for those who don't know them. Between 94-95 Fenriz did a bit of bass and stuff for them. Also the word Dødheimsgard is actually three words; Død meaning Death, heims meaning home and gard meaning castle. How they put it in English is beyond me...

Death Home Garden of course. Pfft, little Dimmu Borgir wannabees.

Yeah actually I heard a few more albums and kind of dislike them these days. There was just one good album which I heard by them + a few demo's. Oh well disappointing!
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
03.05.2007 - 13:11
Nocturnum Pestis
Account deleted
What only two votes for furze?, as you may have guessed I voted for Furze, I've only got into this band recently (buying the phenomenal "Necromanzee Cogent" which has become one of my favorite records).
Now imo I think that Furze is the best band on that list (not saying I don't like the others, just I like Furze MORE than the rest of them) all I can say is Woe J Reaper is an actually musical genius he has strange song structures and odd time signatures and the drumming is both shit and extraordinary it's like proper Psychedelic Black Metal, along with Dodheimsgard one of the most original BM bands in existence today.
17.05.2007 - 17:12
i've checked out furze since my last visit to this thread, and i have to say, it's really phenomenal. crazy experimental riffs, wierd vocals, and the whole music has a neat atmosphere. Furze is one of the most original bands of today, they need more atnetion. that being said, i did not like their latest album. it was a bit forced and it was too similar to the earlier stuff.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

05.06.2007 - 20:28
Hmm.. I guess I'm the only one who is voting for Tsjuder. They really were a great Norwegian 3-Man Black Metal band. The play really raw stuff. To bad they split up in 2006.
07.06.2007 - 01:00
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
I voted 1349 almost entirely for the drums, they have a really unique sound, and there super fast (like alot of BM) but like I said, a really cool sound to them, which is the first thing I noticed about them when I first heard them.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
09.09.2007 - 13:10
Account deleted
I voted 1349 also, their sound is quite great.
12.09.2007 - 19:41
Account deleted
I vote for Nokturnal Mortum, it is one of those few great bands of NSBM-genre, that's why it gets so much support from there.
13.09.2007 - 13:30
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=25757] on 12.09.2007 at 19:41

I vote for Nokturnal Mortum, it is one of those few great bands of NSBM-genre, that's why it gets so much support from there.

Vales, Graveland, are ame qaulity band's so try them and in Graveland isnt so much NS thinks in lyrics
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing