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Bal-Sagoth: Favourite Album

Posts: 47   Visited by: 69 users

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Posted by Baz Anderson, 18.05.2006 - 00:47
Now this really is a hard question for me to answer.
I was going to create this poll last time, but was going to wait for 'The Chthonic Chronicles' to be released before making it - but someone else made it first.
Now 'The Chthonic Chronicles' is out - it is included in here.

Before, I would have probably answered saying 'Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule' or 'Battle Magic' were my favorite - I think of of these are really fantastic albums.
But now 'The Chthonic Chronicles' is out and it is another really amazing album.

The first two albums are more black metal oriented, and the three after them are perhaps a bit more symphonic, but 'The Chthonic Chronicles' goes back to black metal how it was before.
Each album is different in its own way - 'Battle Magic' has excellent compositions, possibly better then the other albums - but 'The Chthonic Chronicles' has more aggression and power then the others and 'A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria' and 'Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule' sound darker then the others.

It is so hard to pick one favorite album - so this is why I am making this poll, I think it will be interesting to see how other people vote and what reasons they give as well.

Forcing myself to pick one though, I am going to have to choose 'Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule' with 'The Chthonic Chronicles' a very close second place and 'Battle Magic' in third.

There is a chance there will be no more Bal-Sagoth albums as Byron is now content he has completed his hexology - it is just a good job that all six albums are fantastic!

So let me know what you all think! Thanks!


Which album do you prefer?

Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled...
Battle Magic
The Power Cosmic
The Chthonic Chronicles
Atlantis Ascendant
A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria

Total votes: 57
23.05.2007 - 20:23
Account deleted
Power Cosmic is my favorite album definetly. Their most complete and majestic work. I like Battle Magic and Starfire Burning too. How could you not love Bal-Sagoth? They are pure magic.
21.06.2007 - 19:27
Lord Angsaar
Well blac battlemagic or atalntis
Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled...
22.06.2007 - 06:54
Account deleted
The Power Cosmic gets my vote. That album is like every subgenre of metal wrapped into one. It is fucking amazing. I get horny just listening to it. I talked to one of the members of the band and he told me how that was the album he was most proud of and I don;t blamehim. That album is the shit.
02.07.2007 - 03:52
Atlantis Ascendant and the power cosmic are my favorites
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


15.09.2007 - 17:59
Lord Angsaar
Star fire burning upon the iced vailed thron of ultima thule is the best album!!
16.09.2007 - 18:48
Raziel X
I vote for Battle Magic! Most of people vote for Starfire..., since almost all of those songs on the album are their all-time classics. But I like Battle Magic a bit more. Why? Because of some songs, such as Dark Liege of Chaos... (here the band shows their trademark gallop-rhythm, which suits the lyrics, because a cavalry attack is mentioned here) and the best Bal-Sagoth song ever IMO Blood slakes the sand at the circus maximus. Also like Power Cosmic, which is sometimes incredibly fast and it´s the reason why I miss Dave Macintosh behind the drums. Let´s hope that more blackish Chthonic Chronicles wasn´t their last album. World needs such unique bands. Many fans say about their band that it is unique, but there is no band like Bal-Sagoth. Even symphonic black metal bands such as Emperor should hail the art of them. I have listened to all Emperor albums e.g., and none of them tops even the weakest release of Bal-Sagoth!
11.10.2007 - 02:26
Account deleted
men the power cosmic is the best one
just hear Callisto Rising and thats song will hipnotize you, is excellent
05.05.2008 - 05:09
Doit Like Bernie
I thought this thread might help me decide which of al their albums to get, but now I am more split than ever on what is best
05.05.2008 - 08:01
Account deleted
I once owned the "Starfire burning upon the ice-veiled throne of the ultima thule" (a friend has it now for years), this is one of the few Black Metal bands I really enjoy, this band is so unique, those lyrics are amazing and with nice epic content. Bal-Sagoth really has some serious good music

PD: I just remembered making a campaign for age of empires based on the lyrics from this album
09.12.2009 - 14:18
Heaven Knight
For me it is Battle Magic...the first that drew my attention to this squad
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

11.12.2009 - 06:04
My is "A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria"
14.12.2009 - 22:32
Bal-Sagoth is my favorite band of all time, and I consider all their albums masterpieces.

"Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule" gets my vote. From the intro to the last song, theres is a musical progression throughout the album that suits the lyrical content perfectly.

This is the album that made me a Bal-Sagoth fan more than 10 years ago. Although I love all the albums, I feel more drawn to it than the rest.
"The Sly One"
15.12.2009 - 03:00
Written by Brogkul on 14.12.2009 at 22:32

Bal-Sagoth is my favorite band of all time, and I consider all their albums masterpieces.

"Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule" gets my vote. From the intro to the last song, theres is a musical progression throughout the album that suits the lyrical content perfectly.

This is the album that made me a Bal-Sagoth fan more than 10 years ago. Although I love all the albums, I feel more drawn to it than the rest.

A belated welcome to Metal Storm, sir - you seem to have fine taste!

Starfire Burning.. is truly an exceptional album. Although Battle Magic is, as I posted on this thread a couple of years ago, my ultimate favourite, I also adore Starfire Burning.. and it would be a close second, and still one of my all-time favourite albums. It has a slightly darker edge than some of their later material, but also shows the band's brilliant sense of melody.
15.12.2009 - 18:20
Written by Richard on 15.12.2009 at 03:00

Written by Brogkul on 14.12.2009 at 22:32

Bal-Sagoth is my favorite band of all time, and I consider all their albums masterpieces.

"Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule" gets my vote. From the intro to the last song, theres is a musical progression throughout the album that suits the lyrical content perfectly.

This is the album that made me a Bal-Sagoth fan more than 10 years ago. Although I love all the albums, I feel more drawn to it than the rest.

A belated welcome to Metal Storm, sir - you seem to have fine taste!

Starfire Burning.. is truly an exceptional album. Although Battle Magic is, as I posted on this thread a couple of years ago, my ultimate favourite, I also adore Starfire Burning.. and it would be a close second, and still one of my all-time favourite albums. It has a slightly darker edge than some of their later material, but also shows the band's brilliant sense of melody.

Thanks! Metal Storm is the best.

Battle Magic would definitely be my second favorite, it has awesome songs like "Thwarted by the Dark (Blade of the Vampyre Hunter)", "Blood Slakes the Sand at the Circus Maximus", "Return to the Praesidium of Ys" my personal favorite.

But I enjoy Starfire more as a whole, it also has some of the best lyrics I´ve seen. I read a lot of fantasy, and Byron can certainly write good quality stories and epic dialogs. Just look at what The King says to his warriors before fighting The Scourge:

"My warriors, a legacy shall this day be wrought by our blades, decreed by the gods, Blessed by the blood of vanquished foes. Our destiny beckons..."
"The Sly One"
15.12.2009 - 18:47
Written by Brogkul on 15.12.2009 at 18:20

Thanks! Metal Storm is the best.

Battle Magic would definitely be my second favorite, it has awesome songs like "Thwarted by the Dark (Blade of the Vampyre Hunter)", "Blood Slakes the Sand at the Circus Maximus", "Return to the Praesidium of Ys" my personal favorite.

But I enjoy Starfire more as a whole, it also has some of the best lyrics I´ve seen. I read a lot of fantasy, and Byron can certainly write good quality stories and epic dialogs. Just look at what The King says to his warriors before fighting The Scourge:

"My warriors, a legacy shall this day be wrought by our blades, decreed by the gods, Blessed by the blood of vanquished foes. Our destiny beckons..."

Absolutely.. and I could 'hear' that moment in my head when I just read it!

Personally, I tend to read more old horror and ghost stories than fantasy, but Bal-Sagoth's lyrical inspiration does seem to come from the great early 1900's era of literature - references to Robert E. Howard (the bandname, for one!) and Lovecraft. (I've read Robert E. Howard's short horror stories and the Solomon Kane stories, but I haven't read the Conan stuff actually).
17.12.2009 - 00:26
Baz Anderson
Good to see someone else in the Bal-Sagoth clan. I wonder what they're doing at the moment. It'd be good to get an interview or something to see what's going on on their side.
19.05.2013 - 09:25
Bal-Sagoth has been my favorite band since I first heard them with the "Battle Magic" album, but I will have to say that for me it is second only to the "Starfire" album. Blodu Ok Jarna!