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WtF is "Feeling" anyway?

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Posted by Unknown user, 14.07.2006 - 20:22
We all know what technique is: the ability to play more or less challenging musical material. Your fingers must be well trained, regarding independence, strenght, stamina and mobility (stretching). You have to be able to move fast and coordinated, with maximum accuracy. No shred of a doubt on this topic.


How about you begin to ask yourself questions about a rather misty subject - that of "feeling". I mean, what in the name of Uncle Sam's undershorts is this mysterious ...[gulp]... "Feeling" anyway? What are the parameters of feeling? What defines it? How can you tell if a musician has... well... "feeling"? How can you improve your feeling and expressivity? Heck, as a matter of fact, is feeling that important?...

Now, I have a pretty clear picture in my mind about how feeling looks, sounds and, well... "feels" and about how important it is for a self-respecting musician, but I'm pretty curious what you guys think. WarriorOfMetal, I'm especially curious what YOU think, since last time we chatted, you were in... Berklee? Hope I remember that correctly, 'cause I'm too darn lazy to look up anything, this time of the year.

And now, amaze me!
29.01.2007 - 18:10
i found a perfect description of 'emotion' in guitar:

and something that lacks emotion would be this:

the longer you strech the notes, the more 'emotion' you have. simple

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
14.02.2007 - 18:35
Too many fail.
Written by Soliloquy on 29.01.2007 at 18:10

the longer you strech the notes, the more 'emotion' you have. simple

wish it was that simple...
Here is my actual theory beyond the huge, hilarious jokes I have: If you're so pro-life and you're so pro-child, then adopt one that's already here, that's very unwanted and very alone and needs someone to take care of it.
- Bill Hicks
12.03.2007 - 22:06
Metal Scientist
Written by Soliloquy on 29.01.2007 at 18:10

the longer you strech the notes, the more 'emotion' you have. simple

Hahaha... Good one
"You're all the same, the lot of you, with your long hair and faggot clothes. Drugs, sex, every sort of filth. And you hate the police, don't you? You make it easy."
10.11.2008 - 23:17
I believe, that the feeling which is expressed in guitar playing is comparable to the emotion, how a story is told.
For example the more emotion there are in a story the better the story...
For me guitar playing is quite similar to telling stories, because , lets stick with soli, the more you play guitar with "emotions" the more it takes you away...just like in stories, you are able to imagen pictures or landscapes.....
i believe if you accomplish that....that you can escape with your music to some place.....wherever that would be....then i think that shows of "playing-wth-feel"

Good and famous example.....: Pink Floydv
16.11.2008 - 01:08
Written by Too many fail. on 14.02.2007 at 18:35

Written by Soliloquy on 29.01.2007 at 18:10

the longer you strech the notes, the more 'emotion' you have. simple

wish it was that simple...

Yep, what about music like that from Dark Tranquillity or Insomnium?
17.11.2008 - 00:42
I've often asked the question: why do people cry "No feeling!" whenever they hear anything fast? Last time I checked, exuberance was a feeling.

Whenever a musician is interested in self-expression you know it's gonna suck--Robert Fripp
24.11.2008 - 22:22
Check out steve vai, you'll know what feeling is after that.
Blat Blat
03.12.2008 - 23:00
Lord TJ
Heres an arguement I had with a drummer from a nearby town on myspace, he is with a classic rock band.

I posted a bulletin on myspace asking if anyone knew of a good drummer that could play blast beats, with a video in it. He replied, read from the bottom up.


lol How does it make me ignorant? Im not bashing any music while supporting my own preferences. Its not a "you say that then you are too" game.

Ive never even heard of Goat Whore, and of coarse more people would know whats on the radio. And I know most people dont listen to Death metal, because its not mainstream.

Youll learn someday that every music style has a reason that people like it, because every style has a feeling. You think fast playing and heavy shit sucks, well I know theres metal heads out there that say slow shit sucks.

I dont exactly see why your trying to prove a point that is clearly your own opinion.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Baby it's cold outside
Date: Dec 3, 2008 3:26 PM

HUh well by saying that my opinion was ignorant makes you as well ignorant. If i walked Into my school right now and took a tally of how many people knows The smashing pumpkins to Goat whore. IM shure most would say Smashing pumpkins. Most people dont listen to Death metal.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Lord TJ
Date: Dec 2, 2008 11:02 PM

If I could of ever heard a more ignorant remark id shit bricks!

What was it, 9th? 10th grade that kids would claim their music tastes superior?

Seriously man, theres a reason this shits popular and band members are well known, music is all about feel. You should damn well know that, hell your a musician for Christ sake!

You really killed my buzz man.

Death and Black metal has proved to be the most skillful genres with instruments including drums, but you dont see me going around putting down every other style of music saying how its not energetic, brutal, evil, etc.

I never would of expected such an ignorant selfish comment from you man.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Baby it's cold outside
Date: Dec 2, 2008 5:06 PM

OK im tired of people like you tring to say that really fast drum work is good. Its not at all.... you cant feel anything from it. You want a real drummer check out buddy rich. No one is as fast as him with that much style. No matter what you say im right. as a drummer i know from experience i have talked to people. I can drum that fast but no one wants to here that its crap. If i was jealous or was amazed by the guy i would say it. The only fast drummer i can respect like that is joey jordinson from slipknot. Because he has style. I can admit theres alot of guys that are better then me But common man....Get real.
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26.01.2009 - 15:08
Account deleted
I see a great guitar solo as having good "emotion" because without emotion a guitar solo would just be random notes that sounds like shit
emotion is pretty much the notes a guitarist choses in a solo and in what order they go ,tempo etc.
PS a guitar solo dosent have to be slow to have emotion
30.03.2009 - 16:28
Feeling is what makes the hairs on your body stand up when you play/here the song.
'I'd rather die than go to heaven' - Murderface
30.03.2009 - 18:01
Feeling is definitely relative but here's what I think. I personally feel that every single note carries some sort of a meaning and that contributes to the context the musician is trying to shape, so in essence every piece of music has some sort of feeling to it among other elements. I think that the notion of "lack of feeling" creeps in when one of those elements overwhelms the context of the sound. In my mind a perfect example of that is Rusty Cooley. Now that guy is endlessly talented but his "speed" or "talent", if u will, blurs whatever feeling his music carries. I guess what I am trying to say is that the musician has to start writing music with a "direct" feeling in mind. Writing something fast is gonna impress people but that is an indirect feeling and therefore it doesnt count. Of course I am not saying that "feeling" cannot be triggered by a fast track. Its just they way the musician intends the track to be.
20.08.2010 - 13:38
For me i think it depends what your playing or if its a cover or an original or stuff like that. I mean im not good enough to improv or create solos. but have you ever tried to play something and you couldn't play it by concentrating but if you try to play without thinking abut it like instinct and it comes out amazingly right. that's feeling for me. when you don't think about what your playing and just follow instinct.
Carve me up, slice me apart
Suck my guts and lick my heart
19.09.2010 - 06:07
Feeling is when I play something and I feel it. When the emotion is in sync with the playing, and what's being played - as to whether or not anyone else hears it...
19.09.2010 - 07:06
Angelic Storm
Written by Hossam.Shuk on 20.08.2010 at 13:38

For me i think it depends what your playing or if its a cover or an original or stuff like that. I mean im not good enough to improv or create solos. but have you ever tried to play something and you couldn't play it by concentrating but if you try to play without thinking abut it like instinct and it comes out amazingly right. that's feeling for me. when you don't think about what your playing and just follow instinct.

I think this is an incredibly hard question to answer, but I think that one word "instinct" pretty much sums it up for me. Playing from the heart is playing with feeling, and playing completely from the brain is more robotic and has less, or no feeling. This is why a technically better guitarist doesnt necessarily play with more feeling than a technically inadequate guitarist. As technical ability has zero to do with putting emotion into your playing.

My playing is far more instinctual than methodical. I always just let the music carry me when I play. I am far from being a great guitarist, but I always put all my heart and soul into my playing. I think its a difficult question to answer, because you can be methodical and play with feeling, and you can also be methodical and have no feeling. And the same goes for non-methodical players. Having technical ability or lacking it is totally unrelated to playing with feeling.
12.05.2011 - 19:01
"Feeling" is consisted in every musician or in everey man.So, questiong of what "feeling" consists of is purposeless for me.We should be happy for this,without that there wouldnt be Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden...well,you get the point
Will the ones who live after our end
Worship the goddamn cross again?
12.05.2011 - 19:21
Feeling is NOT consistant and it's something I don't care one bit about, I'm looking to enjoy music, not have a god damn pity party to it.
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
14.05.2011 - 08:48
Written by tobm on 10.11.2008 at 23:17

I believe, that the feeling which is expressed in guitar playing is comparable to the emotion, how a story is told.
For example the more emotion there are in a story the better the story...
For me guitar playing is quite similar to telling stories, because , lets stick with soli, the more you play guitar with "emotions" the more it takes you away...just like in stories, you are able to imagen pictures or landscapes.....
i believe if you accomplish that....that you can escape with your music to some place.....wherever that would be....then i think that shows of "playing-wth-feel"

Good and famous example.....: Pink Floydv

I agree. When we are playing, we are telling a story, because music (not that shitty BM) is made of phrases, and we have to know to talk (in this case "to play") properly to be understood. Technique is completely linked to the feeling but I have to say the "feeling" hardly can be present in mostly metal styles. Because the lack of dynamic on electric distorted guitars.

Written by Yasmine on 12.05.2011 at 19:21

Feeling is NOT consistant and it's something I don't care one bit about, I'm looking to enjoy music, not have a god damn pity party to it.

Is NOT? You know all the answers don't you? You need a good talk with my cello teacher.
14.05.2011 - 10:06
No it's not, and that'd be great as I teach too. You actually think that everyone feels the same way about every riffs, are you serious?
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
14.05.2011 - 12:07
Written by Yasmine on 14.05.2011 at 10:06

No it's not, and that'd be great as I teach too. You actually think that everyone feels the same way about every riffs, are you serious?

I totally agree with you.
Will the ones who live after our end
Worship the goddamn cross again?
14.05.2011 - 20:50
Written by Yasmine on 14.05.2011 at 10:06

No it's not, and that'd be great as I teach too. You actually think that everyone feels the same way about every riffs, are you serious?

I think I lost in translation hahaha I have a problem with how you use the word "consistent" and I do not how to put it.

If you had read what I posted before, you would realise that I don't think like that. Feeling exists and it is different for every person and every song, every riff and every phrase, but I think you and me are talking about different things, you are talking about what you feel when you play, and this topic is about that "feeling", about saying something when playing, to communicate trough music. I am talking about being conscious, not about jumping like an idiot and breaking my guitar on stage, however both things could be related... hahaha
14.05.2011 - 21:00
Written by Sombre on 14.05.2011 at 20:50

Written by Yasmine on 14.05.2011 at 10:06

No it's not, and that'd be great as I teach too. You actually think that everyone feels the same way about every riffs, are you serious?

I think I lost in translation hahaha I have a problem with how you use the word "consistent" and I do not how to put it.

If you had read what I posted before, you would realise that I don't think like that. Feeling exists and it is different for every person and every song, every riff and every phrase, but I think you and me are talking about different things, you are talking about what you feel when you play, and this topic is about that "feeling", about saying something when playing, to communicate trough music. I am talking about being conscious, not about jumping like an idiot and breaking my guitar on stage, however both things could be related... hahaha

It's okay, no problem lol

You said what I was trying to tell you though.
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
30.05.2011 - 23:29
Written by Too many fail. on 14.02.2007 at 18:35

Written by Soliloquy on 29.01.2007 at 18:10

the longer you strech the notes, the more 'emotion' you have. simple

wish it was that simple...

damn right...
30.05.2011 - 23:56
I'd say that "feeling" is what differs a good musician/song from a standard/flat/emotionless one. Even in extreme metal there has to be a kind of "feeling" to a song so for it to be liked by many people, to reach into them. I.e.: I've heard some songs from Naplam Death that are really shit (all screams, riffs and brutality just for the heck of it, no marked tempo, etc.), as opposite to other songs from them that have a beat to it, a short solo in the right place and the right notes, gutural voice where it fits the ambience, etc., that would be a kind of "feeling". A most extreme comparison would be when you hear a young boys metal band (most of them sound like that, like kids trying to sound cool playing in a band) vs. a big time metal concert, when you hear pros playing and putting on a great show... that's "feeling"... (not making reference to the PA gear (the audio), only musicianship).:thumbup: