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Metal just a phase?

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Posted by Unknown user, 02.11.2006 - 05:18
Some people just don't understand. You know, they can tell me about my "punk ass bitch gothic t shirts", they can tell me everything I listen to sounds the same, they can say just about anything in the book and I'll gladly set them straight if they allow me the time to explain to them. But nothing pisses me off more than when people tell me that it's just a phase or that I listen to metal music because I'm angry. I live in a part of the city where I'm the only metal head I really know so maybe this is new to you guys but I get this erroneous comment all the time. So just to get the conversation stirring, which people just go through a metal phase and which people (like myself) plan on devoting their whole lives to metal?
31.12.2007 - 10:12
@Harbinger: Haha yes i know. people shouldnt even worry about what my music tastes are, just as long as im a nice person with a good personallity then it shouldnt really matter. Its just harder because i am a girl trying to make friends with other girls and where i come from (and its prob everywhere too) alot of girls are bitchy and picky. Boys are a little more accepting than girls coz alot of them will put up with metal. according to girls where i come from, Metal is boys music lol.
31.12.2007 - 15:37
Metal is just music, that many people simply don't accpet for whatever reason they have.
<Philosophy>Insert Intelligent Sounding yet meaningless Philosophical Quote Here</Philosophy>
31.12.2007 - 16:42
I'm relatively young so i can't say that Metal won't be just a phase for me but i have seen mid aged people or even older people how listen to metal(rock,hard rock.....).Metal is powerfull music that, when you listen to it long an frequent enough, influences you greatly so soon it becomes a lifestyle.
01.01.2008 - 12:36
Account deleted
Now this is a thing that you cannot find an answer before it has happened.
No matter how experimental or 'true' metal or how much 'teen' metal you listen, no matter how much chains and black clothes you wear, no matter how many concerts, festivals and gigs you visit, no matter how hard you believe and dedicate your life for metal ,you can't predict, how long it is going to last. There is a good chance that it is just a phase as well as you're gonna be a long-haired headbanger for the rest of your life.

I myself think that I am going to be metalhead till the grave ( and beyond, if possible ) but using my dad as an exampler, it all changes or you might lost it for a decade or two before finding it again in the middle of middle-age crisis.

These words of mine are pretty incomfortable but surely I can say with full certainty : Listening to metal is NOT because you're angry ( although it can ease the state of hatred in the healthy way ) !
04.01.2008 - 04:58
I agree that metal is just a phase for some people, but not for others. There's some people who I know won't be into metal very long and others who will probably listen to it all their life. I know that metal isn't a phase for me, because none of my phases lasted this long. If metal was just another one of my phases, it would be dying out now or already over, but it's doing the opposite. I listen to metal simply because I like it; not to fit an image, "find myself", or because of teen angst. If someone says it's just a phase, I don't let it bother me. They can think what they want.

Written by Oracle on 31.12.2007 at 10:12

@Harbinger: Haha yes i know. people shouldnt even worry about what my music tastes are, just as long as im a nice person with a good personallity then it shouldnt really matter. Its just harder because i am a girl trying to make friends with other girls and where i come from (and its prob everywhere too) alot of girls are bitchy and picky. Boys are a little more accepting than girls coz alot of them will put up with metal. according to girls where i come from, Metal is boys music lol.

And that's why you don't tell them that you're into metal until they already know you as a nice person and respect you.
04.01.2008 - 10:39
Account deleted
Written by Oracle on 31.12.2007 at 07:28

I hate it when people call me a goth just coz i lsiten to metal. Its just really stupid. it really pisses me off. Sometimes people are turned off me because of my music tastes so i never really had many friends at school coz they just thought i was weird. also some teacher called me a 'dark horse' once and they wanted to listen to what i saw listening to while my school was on an excursion and they said they couldnt hear any music and it was just a bunch of noise and they ask me why do i like that 'rubbish' and so on. Its just really retarded the way people have to comment like that, i mean it is their opinion on the music genre but they dont have to say things like "why dont you listen to some proper music?" when metal is proper music to start off with, which is why i like it so much.

EDIT: i dont know if that made sense but anyway

yea u do make a lot sense. music should be listened to for enjoyment not for its properness factor or anything like that. actually in my old school there was this kid phil who listened to black metal and everyone called him goth phil. but you know i kinda like the fact that most people around me are not into my music. listening to music that most dont separates u from the crowd and makes u unique in a way. this is good, because it adds something to your chracter and makes u not just another girl.
04.01.2008 - 10:44
Account deleted
Written by Oracle on 31.12.2007 at 10:12

@Harbinger: Haha yes i know. people shouldnt even worry about what my music tastes are, just as long as im a nice person with a good personallity then it shouldnt really matter. Its just harder because i am a girl trying to make friends with other girls and where i come from (and its prob everywhere too) alot of girls are bitchy and picky. Boys are a little more accepting than girls coz alot of them will put up with metal. according to girls where i come from, Metal is boys music lol.

if they are so judgemental, then they are not worth it. the world is huge, u'll come across good people, just explore
04.01.2008 - 11:08
It ain't no phase.

04.01.2008 - 14:49
Written by [user id=4927] on 04.01.2008 at 10:44

Written by Oracle on 31.12.2007 at 10:12

@Harbinger: Haha yes i know. people shouldnt even worry about what my music tastes are, just as long as im a nice person with a good personallity then it shouldnt really matter. Its just harder because i am a girl trying to make friends with other girls and where i come from (and its prob everywhere too) alot of girls are bitchy and picky. Boys are a little more accepting than girls coz alot of them will put up with metal. according to girls where i come from, Metal is boys music lol.

if they are so judgemental, then they are not worth it. the world is huge, u'll come across good people, just explore

exactly. i only have one friend that enjoys metal (prog/power), but the rest listen to other kinds of music. if they're that concerned over what you listen to, they probably aren't worth your time in the first place.
05.01.2008 - 08:29
Yeah, people have no right to judge me because of the music i like. actaully if you say me on the streets or wherever you wouldnt even know that i listen to metal. I dont think i have friends that listen to metal, Only Matt but he's my bf and that kind of doesnt count lol. Yeah i know they are not worth the trouble if they are gonna be stuck up like that. It just shows that im the better person anyway when they are judgemental.
06.01.2008 - 02:29
Account deleted
Written by Oracle on 05.01.2008 at 08:29

Yeah, people have no right to judge me because of the music i like. actaully if you say me on the streets or wherever you wouldnt even know that i listen to metal. I dont think i have friends that listen to metal, Only Matt but he's my bf and that kind of doesnt count lol. Yeah i know they are not worth the trouble if they are gonna be stuck up like that. It just shows that im the better person anyway when they are judgemental.

07.01.2008 - 11:47
Account deleted
sex is a phase, but metal isnt
07.01.2008 - 15:41
Account deleted
Essentially, the worst thing that may happen with metal is that as you grow older, you won't listen to it as much anymore. Simply because of lack of time. I've had multiple phases in my life... when I was in school and before I even knew metal existed, I was in my soccer phase, and I pretty much played soccer every day and couldn't imagine doing anything more enjoyable. Eventually I stopped playing as much and now I haven't played for at least a year. Never grew out of the phase though, I still love soccer as much as I did before, I just don't have the time for it.

I found that in school a lot of people judged me for the music I listen to. In university, I haven't had any problems like that with people making fun of me for listening to metal or dissing metal as a genre for that matter. Honestly, I couldn't give a shit... I feel a lot better of having such a wide taste and appreciation of music. It allows me to appreciate and understand a lot of different things in life a lot more because of it, which I don't think a majority of people can do.
07.01.2008 - 15:47
Erotic Stains
I just remembered something, I always say that I know I'll never get tired of Metal... but once in my life I loved video games. It was a great hobby and something I thought I'd never get tired of. But I did and don't play anymore today. But why did I get tired of it? Because I replaced it with Metal (I had listened to Metal several years before that, but one day you become a true Metalhead and that was what happened) and hadn't time for games. So I'm not worried that I'll stop loving Metal.
07.01.2008 - 15:50
Account deleted
Written by Oracle on 31.12.2007 at 07:28

I hate it when people call me a goth just coz i lsiten to metal. Its just really stupid. it really pisses me off. Sometimes people are turned off me because of my music tastes so i never really had many friends at school coz they just thought i was weird. also some teacher called me a 'dark horse' once and they wanted to listen to what i saw listening to while my school was on an excursion and they said they couldnt hear any music and it was just a bunch of noise and they ask me why do i like that 'rubbish' and so on. Its just really retarded the way people have to comment like that, i mean it is their opinion on the music genre but they dont have to say things like "why dont you listen to some proper music?" when metal is proper music to start off with, which is why i like it so much.

EDIT: i dont know if that made sense but anyway

I had a similar thing happen to me. During music class we were asked to bring in a CD of the music we listen to, so we could play it to the class. So I brought in Gamma Ray... and everyone laughed at me because they thought it was really weird and they couldn't hear or understand anything. There must be something metalheads hear that non-metalheads can't. I know that when I started getting into metal it took me ages to get into some bands. I think when you're not used to it, you just don't understand it. Until I was about 13 I hadn't even heard metal and listened to whatever was on the radio, so it was a massive step to cross over. I had a hard understanding a lot of metal, especially when vocals were concerned.

So in my opinion... once you get hooked onto metal and understand it and why it's so great, there's no going back. I don't know if many people went through the same experience as me, but becoming a true metal fan was a very complex and difficult experience, one that, in my opinion, is not easy to achieve. So considering I'm a fan now and have found that "feeling", I don't see why I would ever want to pass this phase, or even if I can. Heavy metal honestly changed my life, it altered my entire perception of life and the world around me. So I don't think you can just refer to it as a simple phase.
07.01.2008 - 16:00
Erotic Stains
Sounds like it's very different from country to country. Here in Sweden Metal is very respected. Sure there's people who call it rubbish but there's more who are very interested in the genre. My project about Metal as a culture phenomenon in my Sociology class a year ago, was without doubt the project which interested my class mates the most. I showed them "Metal: A Headbanger's Journey" too and they liked it. Haha, of course... when I held my oral report for them they of course liked the Black Metal part the most, especially when I showed them my copy of Dawn of the Black Hearts. Since I got such a great response to Black Metal I also chose to write only about that in my degree project.
07.01.2008 - 16:24
My brother who really got me into metal is over 30 , bald , married with 2 kids , but is still a metalhead , under his uniform(his a profesional soldier by the way) he wears a Napalm Death T-shirt , he took his first kid to a Slayer show , people say that we are pretty alike , so I think I'm gonna be into metal till the rest of my life , just like him.
Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können.
David Hilbert
07.01.2008 - 16:38
Account deleted
haha nice

btw: those people who call them gothics for listening to metal.
it sucks: but are you sure you dont look depressed? nobody likes depressed people
and do you only talk to other "metalheads"?
if thats so I know why people dont respect you

but I dont judge. it could be that the rest of the people are retards.
07.01.2008 - 16:56
Account deleted
It's definitely different from country to country, especially when you compare pretty much any European country (in particular a place like Sweden) to Australia. It's gaining in popularity and respect even down here though. I think the people are different though... because we have a lot of immigrants here, me included, and it tends to be the immigrants that are the metal fans.
07.01.2008 - 18:18
Dead Scum
Account deleted
Well i agree with all of you.It´s not a phase it´s a life stile and i like it very much.When i heard slayers bloodrain i new that my life is gonna change for ever.Im originaly from Serbia and when i was younger and in school never had money to buy cassets at a time or any cd i was fuckin limited and pissed but never changed my taste in music.But when i came in Portugal ooooo man that was the best thing that could happend to me.Festivals,cd-s,another world.Metal is a great music for people who know how to listen it´s not for every one naturaly.O and that thing about goths that´s not true: depressed shits and things like that it´s just a stile people like.I support everybody in everyrhing it´s your own choice and long live metal of any kind.
07.01.2008 - 18:19
Account deleted
The only phase I have ever had with metal is maybe the genres of metal I get into. When I first started listening..I was mostly into power and melodic stuff. Now that Im older and have been listening for a number of years..I mostly listen to thrash and speed metal. I love finding new music and with metal there will always be something how could it get old? I think you might go with different phases within metal..but Im pretty sure I will always listen to it..I mean I have consistently since I was 12. Im pretty much the only metalhead I know in my city except for my sister and my ex boyfriend. A lot of people just tell me its a phase..especially my friends. At work the same stuff happens. The thing is that I never talk about metal with anyone that I know wouldnt want to hear about I dont know what all the persecution is about! Haha anyways..metal is soo global and thats something great about it. You can be the only metalhead you know..but you wont feel alone.
07.01.2008 - 20:07
Lord TJ
Written by [user id=24489] on 07.01.2008 at 18:19

The only phase I have ever had with metal is maybe the genres of metal I get into.

Same here, I started off liking only old school hair metal, then went into thrash, then quickly grew into black and death metal. Now even though I went through phases with other genres, I still love them.

I listen to Death and Necrophagist almost non stop! But Judas Priest still remains my favorite band!
Visit the "Black Metal Page" on facebook, my page delivers everything black metal - Memes - Music - Humor - Interviews - Discussion.
07.01.2008 - 20:24
People tell me that metal is just a phase quite often...They tell this to me in a you'll-grow-out-of-it kinda tone. That really makes me go nuts. What the fuck do they know...
Having a signature is an absolute must.
07.01.2008 - 20:25
Written by Smurfophagist on 07.01.2008 at 20:24

What the fuck do they know...

07.01.2008 - 20:41
Lord TJ
Written by b0000mst1ck on 07.01.2008 at 20:25

Written by Smurfophagist on 07.01.2008 at 20:24

What the fuck do they know...


Yes, we are supposed to be into "mainstream".
Visit the "Black Metal Page" on facebook, my page delivers everything black metal - Memes - Music - Humor - Interviews - Discussion.
07.01.2008 - 21:15
I think the act of posing as a metalhead is just a phase. In my own experience and opinion.
07.01.2008 - 22:24
Urban Monster
Written by Warman on 07.01.2008 at 15:47

I just remembered something, I always say that I know I'll never get tired of Metal... but once in my life I loved video games. It was a great hobby and something I thought I'd never get tired of. But I did and don't play anymore today. But why did I get tired of it? Because I replaced it with Metal (I had listened to Metal several years before that, but one day you become a true Metalhead and that was what happened) and hadn't time for games. So I'm not worried that I'll stop loving Metal.

I agree with you man, metal just takes over anything else, if you really like the music you listen to than nothing will be as important. Except you might want to be aware of keeping your job and making a sufficient amount of money , but im sure thats not a problem. I think video games are awesome, but when it comes to playing guitar or listenning to music, i really do know what my passion is and video games can't stand in front of it.
Any man can stand adversity, but to test his character give him power - A. Lincoln
08.01.2008 - 04:56
Account deleted
Written by Lord TJ on 07.01.2008 at 20:07

Written by [user id=24489] on 07.01.2008 at 18:19

The only phase I have ever had with metal is maybe the genres of metal I get into.

Same here, I started off liking only old school hair metal, then went into thrash, then quickly grew into black and death metal. Now even though I went through phases with other genres, I still love them.

I listen to Death and Necrophagist almost non stop! But Judas Priest still remains my favorite band!

Right on, dude! Ya when I first started..I was all about the Scandinavian melodica Im mostly into thrash
08.01.2008 - 06:13
Vinnie R.
Chido Chido
well, the people think metal is a phase or something like that because they don't fel it as a way of think! they think is just a fuckin' fashion or something like that!! Assholes!
08.01.2008 - 07:07
Account deleted
Written by Vinnie R. on 08.01.2008 at 06:13

well, the people think metal is a phase or something like that because they don't fel it as a way of think! they think is just a fuckin' fashion or something like that!! Assholes!
