Dark Moor
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Original post
Posted by Unknown user, 18.08.2006 - 13:18
Ag Fox Angel No More Elite |
10.09.2009 - 23:21
I consider myself fairly selective on Power metal these days too. guess I like really like those beethoven "hits", so I really enjoyed the medley in "Tarot" XD
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His Eminence Account deleted |
06.02.2010 - 05:53 His Eminence
Account deleted
I've really only listened to Gates of Oblivion, which was a terrific album. Any suggestions on the next one I should pick up?
Ag Fox Angel No More Elite |
08.02.2010 - 16:51 Written by [user id=34158] on 06.02.2010 at 05:53 The Hall Of The Olden Dreams. Personally, as much as I like Elisa, I prefer Tarot and Autumnal over the older classics of the band with Elisa
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His Eminence Account deleted |
09.02.2010 - 01:32 His Eminence
Account deleted Written by Ag Fox on 08.02.2010 at 16:51 Listening to a few songs off of The Hall of the Olden Dreams at the moment and so far it sounds great. To be honest, I almost forget it's a woman singing.
Ag Fox Angel No More Elite |
09.02.2010 - 17:28 Written by [user id=34158] on 09.02.2010 at 01:32 yeah... they shouldn't sound bad if you liked Gates Of Oblivion as they are along the same vein
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Met@1lurg |
09.02.2010 - 20:46
I listened to their interpretation of Swan Lake on radio. It was bad.
Valaskjalf Account deleted |
10.02.2010 - 02:39 Valaskjalf
Account deleted Written by [user id=34158] on 09.02.2010 at 01:32 Yeah The Hall of the Olden Dreams is by FAR the best Dark Moor album...well that and Gates of Obvlivion I kinda see as the same album because its so similar and from the same era-Dark Moor. The moment their female vocalist and guitarist left the band became a mere shadow of itself.
His Eminence Account deleted |
10.02.2010 - 03:02 His Eminence
Account deleted Written by [user id=1909] on 10.02.2010 at 02:39 I haven't really listened to anything much with their newer vocalist. I think I saw the video "Before the Duel" and that's it. From what I've seen, he's a good singer, but I prefer the original over him.
TehMetalMan |
11.02.2010 - 16:43
---- Signatures are so annoying and confusing! ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE IN CAPS!
Aeonian_Lich |
06.03.2010 - 01:52
I liked their most recent albums better. My favourite is Beyond the Sea and then Autumnal.
Susan Smeghead Elite |
18.08.2010 - 04:01
^ Those are my favourites as well... yet it's hard to find a Dark Moor album that is NOT good. Hall of Olden Dreams is a CLASSIC, yet I like the new direction the band has gone in since hiring Alfred Romero. You can't replace Elisa C. Martin, but you can hire Alfred Romero I've been on quite a Dark Moor binge this past spring and summer, especially with Autumnal.
---- "A life all mine Is what I choose At the end of my days" --The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
Wishmaster Account deleted |
18.08.2010 - 16:05 Wishmaster
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I like them a lot. My faves are The Gates of Oblivion, Tarot, and Autumnal.
In Bone Factory |
27.11.2010 - 18:35
The newest album "Ancestral Romance" is great as well
---- The End Is Nigh ...
Susan Smeghead Elite |
28.11.2010 - 08:17 Written by In Bone Factory on 27.11.2010 at 18:35 That's so good to hear! I just ordered my copy. How does it compare to the others?
---- "A life all mine Is what I choose At the end of my days" --The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
In Bone Factory |
28.11.2010 - 19:34 Written by Susan on 28.11.2010 at 08:17 its as good as their 2002 and 2009 albums
---- The End Is Nigh ...
Vikcen Metálico |
07.03.2011 - 02:11 Written by In Bone Factory on 28.11.2010 at 19:34 I think the same thing, but not as good as its 2002's album, although it is better than 2009's album. On the other hand, as Metal Storm doesn't let this kind of news, i post it here: The new interview with Enrik Garcia about the new album "Ancestral Romance" at the bulgarian webzine RockLiveBG can seen here: [URL=http://www.rocklivebg.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=526%3Ainterview-with-enrik-garcia-from-dark-moor&catid=3&Itemid=18]English version[/URL] / [URL=http://www.rocklivebg.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=525%3A-enrik-garcia-dark-moor&catid=3&Itemid=18]Bulgarian version[/URL]
Susan Smeghead Elite |
07.03.2011 - 04:38
I was a little disappointed in Ancestral Romance. I only gave it a few spins but it did NOTHING for me at the time. I keep meaning to go back and really try but haven't had the inclination. Hopefully if I listen again I'll have some sort of revelation that I didn't have originally...?
---- "A life all mine Is what I choose At the end of my days" --The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
Vikcen Metálico |
07.03.2011 - 06:00 Written by Susan on 07.03.2011 at 04:38 Try again please =), for another spin listen these songs first: Gadir (spanish city of Cádiz, the first city founded in Europe) and Mio Cid (about the legend of the spanish hero), at least i think that you will find it great songs in my opinion, might be a good start to begin to love this album =).
Ag Fox Angel No More Elite |
07.03.2011 - 23:58 Written by Susan on 07.03.2011 at 04:38 haha, I was greatly disappointed by it actually because I thought Autumnal and Tarot were great Symphonic Power albums and was hoping they would follow it up, but to me, they did not )= As you said, it feels like there's a lack of energy and the songs just sound bland
---- loves 小巫
Susan Smeghead Elite |
08.03.2011 - 02:29
Yeah, Autumnal and Tarot are magnificent, but so is Beyond The Sea, Hall of Olden Dreams, and EVERYTHING else they've done. That's why my not loving Ancestral Dreams was such a surprising let-down
---- "A life all mine Is what I choose At the end of my days" --The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
Vikcen Metálico |
08.03.2011 - 06:12
I've never been a big fan of them, the only albums that i like really are "The Gates Of Oblivion" (which is a masterpiece into the power metal) and "Ancestral Romance" (which was a real surprise for me). Well, Autumnal is a good album too. In my opinion, the problem always have been the new singer, but he has improved since the album "Autumnal".
Aeonian_Lich |
20.03.2011 - 22:41
I'm disappointed with the last album. It is not as soulful as Beyond The Sea, nor it is as colourful as Autumnal. In fact I only love these 2 albums of them.
Susan Smeghead Elite |
29.06.2013 - 21:24
OK I'm reviving this thread since we have a new album out (and time to digest the last one)! In the Ars Musica album thread we started discussing which is the best Dark Moor album with each vocalist. I predict everyone will have a different opinion since this band consistently releases such great albums. What's your favorite with Elisa and with Alfredo?
---- "A life all mine Is what I choose At the end of my days" --The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
feather_light |
30.06.2013 - 17:06
With Elisa, it has to be Gates of Oblivion. Their previous one had better songs overall but Gates has two of my favorite Dark Moor songs (A New World, Night of the Age). With Alfred, it's probably Beyond the Sea. Great songs, severely overlooked album.
Susan Smeghead Elite |
30.06.2013 - 18:57
Yes, Beyond The Sea is criminally underrated. I view Beyond The Sea, Autumnal, and Tarot as kind of a triumvirate of great albums. Still, Tarot is my least favorite of the 3 mostly because The Chariot is SUCH A BAD SONG! Hahaha I love the rest of the album but I can only listen to the mp3s because I have deleted that song Without it, Tarot may be my favorite. Oh, shit, who can pick?! Listening to Beyond The Sea now. On any given day, any of the 3 could be a favorite, really.
---- "A life all mine Is what I choose At the end of my days" --The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
Stabby Account deleted |
01.07.2013 - 21:42 Stabby
Account deleted
I pretty much agree with both of you, The Gates Of Oblivion is insane, The Hall of Olden Dreams is great too and I barely remember their self-titled. Apparently I didn't like it very much but I'll have to listen to it again some time. Then they released those 3 albums and solidified themselves for me. The last two albums have kind of been icing on the cake, they're not what define the band for me but they're an interesting addition, becoming less dependent upon the standard power metal sound. Gotta love the passion The Chariot is cheesy is all hell, though I liked it when I first heard it years ago. But I just went back and listened to it and I kind of agree, heh.