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Therion - Possible Final Live Performance For Christofer Johnsson At 70000 Tons Of Metal

Therion have shared some bad news recently. Mastermind Christofer Johnsson has two spinal disc herniations in his neck and his performance at the upcoming 70000 Tons Of Metal cruise could be his last in case he has to do a neck surgery. However, that is the worst case scenario as he is trying to treat it without going under the knife.

Christofer Johnsson wrote on Facebook: "Over 2 weeks ago I started to get huge pains in my arm, shoulder and back. It hurted worse if I lay down and got worse by each day. In the end I could not even sleep in bed anymore and had to sit up sleeping in the sofa every night. Medicare in Sweden don't work anymore. Equipment is great and the doctors are competent and do their best, but due to the massive population increase, the capacity and medical infrastructure has lacked behind each year and just seem to get worse and worse. After I got in contact with the emergency, it took me eight (8) days before I got to see a physiotherapist and he could not make a proper diagnosis without a MRI scan of the neck. It would have taken up to a month before I would get a MRI done and then it can take another month before I get the results.

"At this point I slept l worse and less each night and when I tried to play guitar, I would only play half a song before the pain made me stop + my motorics got so bad that I was even physically unable to play most songs. In order to not have to cancel 70.000 Tons of Metal and in order to faster get a diagnosis and get it cured, I (upon recommendation) decided to fly to Moscow and have it done there. They are at the same technical and competence level like in Sweden, but have capacity to treat patients immediately. So I got an appointment straight away, flew there and got a fantastic care with not only MRI, but also got to see a neurologist, physiotherapists and specialists. So I got a diagnosis the same day and it seems I have two spinal disc herniations in my neck, one really bad and one small that could get worse. In plain English this means that two of my discs in the neck are worn out (from headbanging and sitting too much in front of computer in the office and the studio) and have cracked so that fluid runs out from it. The fluid put pressure on the nerves in the spinal chord and create pain in shoulder/arm/back and distort mobility in the right arm.

"In order to stabilise the neck, I have to wear a support collar for 2 weeks (even on stage) and they gave me cortisone injections to block parts of the pain temporary. So now I can at least (after 2 weeks of sleeping sitting in the sofa) sleep in my bed and with some pain and efforts I can play a festival set of simplest possible songs. So at least we don't have to cancel. After the cruise I will go back to Russia to meet a world class neuro surgeon who will determine wither it's better to do surgery or to treat this without knives. The advantage with surgery is that if successful, I would recover much quicker. But surgery in the neck is always a risk and if worse come to worse, a failed surgery there could end up with me never being able to play on stage again. To treat without surgery will be very painful and normally take 4-5 months before fully recovered (if unlucky longer), but this is what I am hoping for and the specialists that gave me the diagnosis were quite sure it would be treatable that way. But we will know for sure what the deal is after I've met the neuro surgeon after the cruise.So what does all this mean? It means that I will be playing at 70.000 TOM with great difficulties and using a support collar. It also means that the Rock Opera will get some month or two delayed, as I can't sit in the studio at the computer (I will have to use a studio assistant) and not for as long sessions as usual. It also means that if I end up having to do surgery, there is always a small risk that the cruise will end up being my final stage performance (which is a good reason for choosing the best surgeon Russia has to offer as soon as possible before the odds get worse - rather than taking my chances being assigned one randomly in Sweden and maybe have to wait many months before they have time to do it).

"Finally I would like to give a special THANK YOU to the following: Russian Embassy of Stockholm and the IFS Visa Centre in Stockholm. You people did much more than obligated by your duties and thanx to your extra efforts, I could get visa done in time for the hastily booked trip. @Leyla Namazova-Baranova and all the amazing medical specialists and staff at the hospital in Moscow, who offered me the most professional medical care treatment I have every experienced. Thanx to you people I have a diagnose now (instead of in 2 months from now), I can sleep in my bed at night and I can now even play guitar enough that we don't have to cancel the cruise. Alexander Osipov and Jane Odintsova from Imperial Age who suggested me to fly to Moscow instead and who also arranged everything for me there. If it wasn't for you guys I would have canceled the cruise by now."

Band profile: Therion
Posted: 29.01.2017 by Dominus


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Comments: 10   Visited by: 198 users
29.01.2017 - 13:33
Awful news. Spinal chord injuries are such terrible thing, even when they're minor, it really messes up one's ability to live normally. Best of luck to Cristofer, really hope he recovers completely. I can't imagine not being able to play guitar at all, I'd be devastated and I'm not even a professional.
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29.01.2017 - 16:46
I don't even like Therion but I'm sad for him.
Their old stuff is better.
29.01.2017 - 17:13
Medical care in Sweden is great, if you are lucky enough to be one of the chosen ones to actually receive medical attention in time (if even at all, the hospital rejected me when I had pneumonia). And just like he says it is getting worse every day. Hope he can recover fully.
My "blackened synth metal" solo project:

Whenever I write something funny, weird, or pretentious... I learned English by playing Baldur's Gate, okay?
29.01.2017 - 20:17
I had no clue you were having to deal with this monumental pain. Fuck, I wish you the best brother! Now I feel bad for bad mouthing your hiatus haha. Best wishes to you and your band. I know for a fact that it cannot continue without its mastermind.
29.01.2017 - 21:26
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
He was right and not only medicine, other things don't work here as well
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
30.01.2017 - 02:45
Lone wanderer
Seems like Sweden doesn't bother to care for its native population any longer, immigrants are more important. Call me racist, but that is how it seems, and I've been hearing about the issue more and more lately.
30.01.2017 - 12:21
This is terribly sad. I guess Therion will cancel their appearance in Portugal as well if he doesn't get better.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
30.01.2017 - 15:58
Written by BloodTears on 30.01.2017 at 12:21

This is terribly sad. I guess Therion will cancel their appearance in Portugal as well if he doesn't get better.

I haven't even managed to make it to a single Therion show in the 10 years I have been a fan. It would suck big time if they have to shelve it now...
My "blackened synth metal" solo project:

Whenever I write something funny, weird, or pretentious... I learned English by playing Baldur's Gate, okay?
31.01.2017 - 12:27
Written by Netzach on 30.01.2017 at 15:58

Written by BloodTears on 30.01.2017 at 12:21

This is terribly sad. I guess Therion will cancel their appearance in Portugal as well if he doesn't get better.

I haven't even managed to make it to a single Therion show in the 10 years I have been a fan. It would suck big time if they have to shelve it now...

I've only seen them once and it was amazing. It's worth it, for sure. But this is definitely concerning.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
07.02.2017 - 13:32
Get well, Christofer!

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