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Varg - Das Ende Aller Lügen review


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Band: Varg
Album: Das Ende Aller Lügen
Style: Melodic black metal, Pagan folk metal
Release date: January 15, 2016
A review by: D.T. Metal

01. Der Große Diktator
02. Das Ende Aller Lügen
03. Revolution
04. Streyfzug
05. Achtung
06. Dunkelheit
07. Totentanz [feat. Anna Murphy]
08. Einherjer
09. Wintersturm
10. Ascheregen

Varg - love 'em or hate 'em ?(you know who you are)! So, if you see yourself in the latter category, you might want to stop reading right about now, since I actually like the album.

Three plus years have passed and the 'Wolfsrudel' is at it again. While versatility was never an issue with Varg, on 2012's Guten Tag they went overboard and paid way too much homage to some of their peers; In Extremo or Die Apokalyptischen Reiter anyone? Now, did they continue this trend on Das Ende Aller Lügen? Well, yes and no, but one thing is for sure, their new effort is the most musical diverse one in their discography ?. and thankfully less(ish) Callejon sounding.

Starting with a rather strong political themed title track, one would think that's the direction Varg took on this album, but they really didn't. After choosing Charlie Chaplin's speech from "The Great Dictator" as an intro ([url=]click here to watch this great speech in English[/url]) some already have their panties in a bunch because of the lyrical content of "Das Ende Aller Lügen". I for one, see the song more as a call to 'arms' about the corrupt governments and all their lies, but hey, that's my interpretation.

And while "Revolution" and "Streyfzug" somewhat follow this lyrical concept, the music is way more upbeat. Nothing wrong with that in my book and to be honest, the overall musical variances in each song on the new album was something I missed on their last one.

Production wise, Das Ende Aller Lügen has to be the best Varg produced yet. Crisp guitars on all channels, deep bass and drums and the vocals are mixed just right. And speaking of vocals - I am very pleased with Freki's performance on their new effort. Be it the clean or the harsh, guttural vocals; each song showcases his growth as a singer.

The amount of 'ear-candy' on the album was the most surprising to me. Be it the oriental hint at the beginning of "Achtung" before the guitars invite you to pump your fists and headbang immediately; seriously - this song will be part of their live set, no doubt. Or the black metal tune "Dunkelheit" in which the drumming is nothing short of perfect; the same goes for "Wintersturm" by the way. Not only are the drums right on par, but the gents also prove that they are no slouches in the riffing department.

To be honest it's hard not to do a song-by-song review since each and every track has something special. Eluveitie Anna Murphy's ever so beautiful voice brings a whimsical touch to the rather dark "Totentanz", while the last fight of the "Einherjer" is a (musical) small step toward "Schildfront"; epic and with an oh so memorable chorus.

As I said at the beginning, versatility was never a foreign concept to Varg. It looks like the band found their groove and/or purpose again after the, let's call it experimental, last album. Das Ende Aller Lügen feels more aggressive in the song structure with an overall dark vibe. And while they also brought back the pagan, or rather yet folksy feel to their music, the term "Neue Deutsche Härte" might not be too far off neither.

People who made up their minds about Varg will probably not even give this album a chance. (not getting into the reasons here - Google is your friend) But for those of you who are on the fence or new to the band, do give this one a spin or two; you won't regret it.

Written on 30.12.2015 by Former boss lady. Now just a professional concertgoer... dangerously armed with a camera!


Comments: 4   Visited by: 251 users
30.12.2015 - 20:33
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Wunderbar review, but one of rare such type bands in what I can not get into... somehow I cant , but I like metal in German, sounds awesome
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
01.01.2016 - 19:05
With a lowercase c
Written by Bad English on 30.12.2015 at 20:33
...but I like metal in German, sounds awesome

Speak for yourself, man
Annoying lyrics aside, this is one of the bands we should keep an eye on with their glorification of teutonic and folkish (as in "racial") themes. They might turn into an extreme metal Frei.Wild, or tone back down. This album is no indication to either direction.
It's a very fair review though. I would have read quite a bit differently, had I done it. Thumbs up for maintaining objectivity
21.01.2016 - 01:32
Written by corrupt on 01.01.2016 at 19:05

Annoying lyrics aside, this is one of the bands we should keep an eye on with their glorification of teutonic and folkish (as in "racial") themes.

They've been there and back already. The closest they've been to the right wing was in 2009. Having their contract with Nuclear Blast dissolved after just a few days (pics of their singer wearing an Absurd shirt were leaked shortly before that) probably showed them that catering to political correctness makes them more money in the long run. No idea where they stand politically by now. But they definitely won't be able to cater to the right side ever again.

Strictly musically speaking: the new stuff is definitely better than the dime-a-dozen pagan metal they used to play.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu... This is the truth! This is my belief! ...At least for now.
- The Mystery of Life, Vol. 841 Ch. 26
13.02.2016 - 12:04
Rating: 4
Rot Teufel
I usually like them, saw them live once in 2011 and the red and black corpse paint works on a pagan band (but not now). It was a nice band to listen during "dead time" where no good albums comes out and the first album ("Wolfszeit") let me hope well. Nothing special, but was a honest album, noting original but sounds like they own, nothing more, nothing less.

The cover should be enough as seal of bulls**t allarm, but this review change mine idea and think about "Ok, let give a chance to this album. Maybe is quite good". I was wrong...
After two songs i had to resing to the hard truth: by changing compositional road, themes to relate to and obvious parallel sound, the band is today overwhelmingly fall into a cauldron made of platitudes and obvious solutions that impress me very negatively.
Four years of absence let me hope for something a bit better, meanwhile with high chagrin they play a high pressure pot of "i-don't-know-what" with an utterly dozen riff solution with zero personality and just speed, speed and speed over and over that made my ears whistle and not their pot... Only "Atchung" and "Totentanz" try to emerge from the helpless mass of this album with some different solutions (but with some album patterns), but it's not enough for a so flat and monotonous album...

I pass over and i can forget about them...
Destroy all dreams, illusion damned in fire... A hellish need for power, it's my dark desire...

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