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Symfonia - In Paradisum review


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Band: Symfonia
Album: In Paradisum
Style: Power metal
Release date: March 23, 2011
A review by: Doc G.

01. Fields Of Avalon
02. Come By The Hills
03. Santiago
04. Alayna
05. Forevermore
06. Pilgrim Road
07. In Paradisum
08. Rhapsody In Black
09. I Walk In Neon
10. Don't Let Me Go

Well, it looks like we get two Stratovarius releases this year. There really is no other way to describe this new Timo Tolkki project. Sure, calling it a "ripoff" would be far from the truth, as the main man from this band is the one who pretty much established Stratovarius' sound, so let's just go with "uninspired".

One would think after the widely publicized soap opera that went on regarding Tolkki's departure from Stratovarius, he would be hungry to reinvent himself, or at least try and challenge himself in a new direction of some kind. Hell, he's an accomplished musician, maybe even out-doing his old band at their own game could have been a possibility. Nope! Not only does this sound like a creation of someone who is seriously caught in a rut, but it lacks most of the redeeming qualities of his previous work - it's not nearly as catchy, doesn't have the same depth built around the keyboard-guitar dual harmonies, and lacks any real definite climax.

I honestly wish there was some way to describe this without constantly bringing up Stratovarius comparisons, but that's all this really sounds like; Stratovarius' weakest moments compiled into one album. The only remotely significant difference is the vocalist, who is another warm, super-melodic power metal sound we can hear from Mr.Kotipelto (even if they do have drastically different timbres.)

Fans of Timo Tolkki will probably be divided on this one, as In Paradisum undeniably has his thumb print on it. Some will enjoy hearing his signature style again, others will be disappointed in the lack of evolution. No real surprises here.

Written on 23.04.2011 by Former EIC. Now just a reviewer guy.

Guest review by
Nemo Atkins
I really hate to tear apart albums which helped shape my musical direction. I really do. This was my first power metal album and, when I was working on my dad's boat, it was one of the few albums I kept constantly replaying, just because of how much I enjoyed listening to it. If it wasn't for this album, my interest in metal would likely have not happened. But I feel I must be honest with myself and say that this album, with the benefit of over a year and a half worth of power metal listening, is really not that great.

published 25.01.2013 | Comments (1)


Comments: 34   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 359 users
23.04.2011 - 12:43
Account deleted
Never really liking Stratovarius and hearing this just fuels my distaste. I don't recall enjoying any particular track THAT much except Santiago and Alayna. Two tracks that just have Andre Matos written all over them. 5.9 is a tad harsh though, haha, it could be worse. Could be Stratovarius...
23.04.2011 - 13:35
Rating: 4
Funny that you focused on Tolkki, because the band does feature other power metal icons such as vocalist André Matos and drummer Uli Kusch and those names had me very interested in whatever that band would pull off... But yeah the result sounds 100% Tolkkiest and completely uninspired - or with the cheesiest Stratoviarus possible as the main inspiration.
I feel bad for the two guys I mentioned... I couldn't hear even one of the songs in full, had to stop before the end - although I tried all the tracks in search for the one song that would be less pitiful, in vain.
La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir
Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate

Txus, Mägo De Oz
23.04.2011 - 13:40
Rating: 4
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by wrathchild on 23.04.2011 at 13:35

Funny that you focused on Tolkki, because the band does feature other power metal icons such as vocalist André Matos and drummer Uli Kusch and those names had me very interested in whatever that band would pull off... But yeah the result sounds 100% Tolkkiest and completely uninspired - or with the cheesiest Stratoviarus possible as the main inspiration.
I feel bad for the two guys I mentioned... I couldn't hear even one of the songs in full, had to stop before the end - although I tried all the tracks in search for the one song that would be less pitiful, in vain.

Yeah, I noticed that too. I mean, the two other names were frequently mentioned along with this album, but the fact that I was unfamiliar with their names seemed totally irrelevant considering all I can hear is Tolkki.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
23.04.2011 - 13:47
God, I hate the album cover.
23.04.2011 - 14:38
Tolkki is washed up, it's obvious.

Stratovarius' latest album "Elysium" was actually a pretty damn good album for them, and it shows they can live on just fine without Tolkki.

Tolkki's still stuck doing the same crap he was doing to bring Stratovarius down; trying to stick to that power metal sound isn't going to get him anywhere.

I personally think he should give up. Two crappy Revolution Renaissance albums, and now this? No more, please.
23.04.2011 - 15:45
Written by iMorphball on 23.04.2011 at 14:38

I personally think he should give up. Two crappy Revolution Renaissance albums, and now this? No more, please.

Trouble is... Well, I guess you know how lots of Powermetal fans are. They will still buy an album only because it features x musician or is from y band, no matter how bad it is. If shitty Powermetal albums didn't sell so well despite the lack of quality, the overall level of the genre would be higher. People contribute to the poor quality by being too forgiving, generous, not critical enough, etc. They don't understand that by buying half-decent, average at best albums, that's all what you get in the long run. In fact, that's how melodic Speed Metal has been destroyed. If people had criticized the albums when Powermetal bands started to slow down and pussify their music and left those album on the shelves instead of buying them nevertheless, maybe Powermetal would be a much better genre nowadays.
Sad thing is Powermetal bands don't have to make an effort to sell because too many people buy any crap as long as it is cheesy.
You know, at some point, you harvest what you sow.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
23.04.2011 - 15:48
Rating: 6
Mountain King
K i K o
The weak link is Andre Matos. He sounds terrible and annoying...
23.04.2011 - 16:16
Strong group, weak album, that's all I can say. I really like all of these guy, Mirko, Andre, Uli and specially Timo but this is just too disappointed!
23.04.2011 - 17:17
I had seen this cover somewhere and i was wondering which band would release an album with a cover as cheesy and unispired as this I'd love to listen to Tolkki like in the good old days and Matos' voice is tempting, but i think you saved me time with the review
Dec. 30, 1334.

...And the whiskey and wine entered our veins when blood was too weak to carry on.
23.04.2011 - 19:21
Rating: 10
Well well, every opinion is very respectful, but it goes mine: I was impressed with this album, and for good! I know is not the most original thing, but saying that is composed by the weakest moments of Stratovarius is simply just hunger to bring down this effort without any mercy. In my likes this one is better than Elysium, because this one (In Paradisum) remembers me the best moments of Strato (Episode, Destiny, Infinite). Just listening Fields of Avalon, Santiago, Rhapsody In Black, In Paradisum (to mention someones) in worth for any NON-PREJUDICED music listener. And also this one has melodies more than enough for me to satisfy my musical needs. I know my opinion would be pissed, but please understand me when I write about my love to this kind of music. I don't care but the music sounds to me pleasuring, that's ENOUGH for me!
23.04.2011 - 19:47
Written by Mountain King on 23.04.2011 at 15:48

The weak link is Andre Matos. He sounds terrible and annoying...

Yeah,he sings just after tasting much hot pepper
23.04.2011 - 19:56
Rating: 5
This album would needs to be a little better to be just boring. Maybe one of the worst melodic metal albums of the year, if you see who is in charge. Tolkki is just uninspired, but Matos sounds worse than ever. Won't give a second chance...
23.04.2011 - 20:20
Account deleted
That must be one of the lamest band names ever.
23.04.2011 - 20:31
This is one of the best releases of the year so far. If anybody who likes Power Metal thinks that Stratovarius shoul back to their style (era between "Fourth dimension" and "Destiny"), Sonata Arctica to ("Ecliptica" and "Silence style) and Edguy should go back to the style of their records between "Vain glory opera" and "Theater of salvation", then this Cd is worthy to be checked, because is that, no more crappy experiments with a more hard-rock or prog sound, this is just Power Metal as it should always be, uptempo songs, doble-bass drums, catchy keyboard and guitar solos. This album remember me the glory days of Power Metal, that simple.
23.04.2011 - 21:54
Entire album is like "Elements"

Name of the band: Horrible

Members: Great members

Music: Power metal

It's like i've heard Eagleheart in many songs of this album xD
23.04.2011 - 22:34
Elodie Artour
Haha, thanks for the extremely entertaining review, Doc!

I knew all along (especially judging by the star line-up and cheesy cover) that this was going to be something mediocre/disappointing. I definitely don't think I'll waste my time with it.
Speak up dear 'cause I cannot hear you...
24.04.2011 - 00:30
Account deleted
Written by Kenneth1127 on 23.04.2011 at 20:31

This is one of the best releases of the year so far. If anybody who likes Power Metal thinks that Stratovarius shoul back to their style (era between "Fourth dimension" and "Destiny"), Sonata Arctica to ("Ecliptica" and "Silence style) and Edguy should go back to the style of their records between "Vain glory opera" and "Theater of salvation", then this Cd is worthy to be checked, because is that, no more crappy experiments with a more hard-rock or prog sound, this is just Power Metal as it should always be, uptempo songs, doble-bass drums, catchy keyboard and guitar solos. This album remember me the glory days of Power Metal, that simple.

Damn. The glory days must of been some dark days. Worse than the black death itself.
24.04.2011 - 02:46
Rating: 10
To Arms!
Elements Part 3? XD
Stay Metal !!!
25.04.2011 - 01:43
Troy Killjoy
Written by Irritable Ted on 24.04.2011 at 16:41

For the people who have written it off because of this review without hearing it, then give it a go. Don't go by this review, make your own mind up.

"Some will enjoy hearing [Tolkki's] signature style again, others will be disappointed in the lack of evolution. No real surprises here."

In all honesty I think people should take this review into consideration as a result of this sentence alone. It basically tells you exactly what you're going to be hearing.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
25.04.2011 - 03:59
Is Tollki still writing music?????????
25.04.2011 - 05:57
Number Juan
This album was a gigantic waste of time. The only thing anybody needs to know is that the first two songs are good but only because they are inferior versions of better songs: Fields of Avalon has virtually the same main riff of Glory of the World and Come By The Hills sounds like a knock-off of Hunting High and Low. All of the guys in the band are accomplished musicians who have made work I've enjoyed in the past but if they don't get their shit together and release something somewhat unique or at least fun and enjoyable, I won't bother with this band at all.
A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand. - Bertrand Russell
03.05.2011 - 13:09
Rating: 7
Sword_Chant's just very uninspired stuff. Infinite era recycled about ten times.
01.07.2011 - 00:45
Nemo Atkins
Considering I got this album after hearing "Rhapsody In Black" and liking it, I'll confess that I should have stuck with just that song, but it isn't that bad (although, considering it is also my first power metal album and having never heard Stratovarius, I would say that). It's a bit bland and calm compared to stuff like Ride the Lightning, Reign in Blood and Painkiller, but still perfectly listenable compared to the infamous train wreck known as St Anger. It's just ultimately forgetable and Andre sounds painful at points (the last minute and a half of "Come By The Hills" is noticeable for this). I'd give it 6.5 at best: it would be fantastic if you didn't know any of the names attached to the album, but you probably would get the album on the strength of the musicians involved and, as such, would have pretty high expectations which this might just meet, but is unlikely to exceed them.
25.08.2011 - 07:03
The Sasquatch
Written by RavenKing on 23.04.2011 at 15:45

Written by iMorphball on 23.04.2011 at 14:38

I personally think he should give up. Two crappy Revolution Renaissance albums, and now this? No more, please.

Trouble is... Well, I guess you know how lots of Powermetal fans are. They will still buy an album only because it features x musician or is from y band, no matter how bad it is. If shitty Powermetal albums didn't sell so well despite the lack of quality, the overall level of the genre would be higher. People contribute to the poor quality by being too forgiving, generous, not critical enough, etc. They don't understand that by buying half-decent, average at best albums, that's all what you get in the long run. In fact, that's how melodic Speed Metal has been destroyed. If people had criticized the albums when Powermetal bands started to slow down and pussify their music and left those album on the shelves instead of buying them nevertheless, maybe Powermetal would be a much better genre nowadays.
Sad thing is Powermetal bands don't have to make an effort to sell because too many people buy any crap as long as it is cheesy.
You know, at some point, you harvest what you sow.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Pretty much everyone who admires a musician will seek out and buy other albums that he participated in. Perhaps not because of quality, but mostly out of curiosity; this happens in every single type of media (I am going to see this movie because I like this actor/director/writter or I am going to read this book because I like this author). Further more, Power Metal albums sell well because it is one of the most accessible incarnations of Metal thus it generally has more fans.

Any style that has some sort of popularity will puke out crappy bands all the time, unfortunately some of them actually get big. Look at the massive amount of shitty Norwegian black metal bands, or the ridiculously oversaturated Metal Core/Scremo American scene, or perhaps the countless uninspired Melodic Death Metal bands that seem to be poping up like pimples on a fatty's ass. Power Metal is of course no different, there are countless shitty European Happy Go Lucky PM bands. There are of course a few gems among the shithole of uninspired albums, this particular one is not one of them.
14.11.2011 - 17:27
Rating: 10
To Arms!
I personally like this album more than the latest stratovarius releases
Stay Metal !!!
19.11.2011 - 06:08
Pathetic review....

One album with Andre Matos and Timo Tolkki always will be Awesome!!

Fuck the haters.... LONG LIVE SYMFONIA!!!
19.11.2011 - 06:11
Troy Killjoy
Written by sepulkisser on 19.11.2011 at 06:08
Pathetic review...

According to you anything that doesn't reflect your exact personal opinion is pathetic.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
19.11.2011 - 06:30
Written by Troy Killjoy on 19.11.2011 at 06:11

Written by sepulkisser on 19.11.2011 at 06:08
Pathetic review...

According to you anything that doesn't reflect your exact personal opinion is pathetic.

haha.... your comment is more pathetic than the review!!
thanks for made me laugh!!:lol::lol:
19.11.2011 - 06:34
Troy Killjoy
Written by sepulkisser on 19.11.2011 at 06:30
thanks for made me laugh!!:lol::lol:

"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
19.11.2011 - 06:41
Written by Troy Killjoy on 19.11.2011 at 06:34

Written by sepulkisser on 19.11.2011 at 06:30
thanks for made me laugh!!:lol::lol:

hahaha..... Good video KRUSTY!!!

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