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Profundae Libidines - Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum review


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Band: Profundae Libidines
Album: Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum
Style: Black metal
Release date: June 01, 2011
A review by: Daniell

01. Domine, salvum fac pontificem nostrum leonem
02. Matt. 4 (La tentation de Jésus)
03. Matt. 5 (Le vrai bonheur)
04. Matt. 5 (La mission des douze)
05. Matt. 15 (Les choses qui rendent un homme impur)
06. Matt. 26 (L'arrestation de Jésus)
07. Matt. 26 (Pierre renie Jésus)
08. Matt. 27 (Jésus est condamné à mort)
09. Matt. 27 (Jésus est cloué sur la croix)
10. Matt. 27 (La mort de Jésus)
11. Matt. 28 (La résurrection de Jésus)
12. Hostias et preces

When I took a look at the cover of Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum I was sure it was a death metal album. Indistinct band logo, a disgusting picture - death or grindcore. Nice way to mislead potential listeners. Profundae Libidines is a black metal project of one Philoxera. He apparently played all string instruments, composed all that stuff, and invited lots of vocalists to handle the mic aspect.

So what do we have here? The intro and the outro sound like some French love songs from before World War II, sung by a lovelorn lady at night. Apart from those two pieces, you know what to expect. It's pretty generic black metal, usually midtempo, with fast blasting parts here and there, properly extreme vocal performances, and a healthy dose of frantic tremolo picking. The production is appropriately abrasive and muffled, but without overdoing it, so the music is still adequately clear. Too bad that all the songs are quite boring. I often caught myself checking how much time there was left till the next track. But the next track didn't get any better, so listening to this album enough times to do a review was quite an ordeal. Even the fact that almost every songs has a different vocalist doesn't help - most of them are trying to rip their throats out, and in a very annoying way too. What could be the album's saving grace is another nail in its coffin - vocals are fucking terrible.

Did I say a healthy dose of tremolo picking? If only that picking was just slightly memorable, or catchy, or ominous, or original. Nothing like that. It's insanely irritating most of the time. How long can you withstand the sound of a chainsaw? I had to listen to it for 50 minutes five times. Next time I see a chainsaw, I will murder whoever carries it, shouting "Profundae Libidines!". I think I'll keep repeating the band's name even in the courtroom. I just hope they won't sentence me to mandatory listening to Profundae Libidines...

Rating breakdown
Performance: 6
Songwriting: 5
Originality: 5
Production: 6

Written on 15.07.2011 by Writes overly honest and totally subjective reviews when fancy strikes him. Which is not often. Which is probably good, all things considered.


Comments: 12   Visited by: 105 users
15.07.2011 - 20:55
Just gave it a listen on youtube... Absolutely right, great review, this is shit!
Only the cover is quite cool...
15.07.2011 - 20:56
Rating: 5
No, it's disgusting. The cover is as bad as the music!
15.07.2011 - 21:33
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Looking at the band logo and the album cover art I wouldn't think of death or grindcore I would immediately assume it's black metal. And I agree with Windrider the cover art is cool. I would even say "extremely cool"
Btw also the band name screams black metal as does the album title
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

15.07.2011 - 21:42
Rating: 5
And with all that effort put into the visual side, the music is as bad as it gets
15.07.2011 - 21:51
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Daniell on 15.07.2011 at 21:42

And with all that effort put into the visual side, the music is as bad as it gets

I am not saying the music is good, just criticizing your first impression as written down in the first paragraph
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

15.07.2011 - 23:17
X-Ray Rod
Dude, the artwork is fucking sweet, not bad at all.
Also... I can clearly see by the songtitles that it must be a black metal album.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

15.07.2011 - 23:22
Rating: 5
Jesus in almost every title, looks like a Gorgoroth release to me
15.07.2011 - 23:47
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Daniell on 15.07.2011 at 23:22

Jesus in almost every title, looks like a Gorgoroth release to me

yes and that means it is..... black metal and NOT death metal hahahaha
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

16.07.2011 - 05:57
I'm not going to lie, I kind of enjoyed it...
My music blog - Updated regularly.
To live is to think - Cicero
16.07.2011 - 12:20
I just checked out Matthaeum 27 (Jésus est condamné à mort) on youtube. It took me a minute to even notice the drums had started. Not only is the recording terrible, the songwriting but above all the vocals are just garbage. Sounds like someone beating an old man with a fish. After setting him on fire. Its terrible. Oh and at some point the brass section kicks in and horns start blowing. Ridiculous.
16.07.2011 - 16:07
The intro and outro are recordings of the last italian castrato at the beginning of the XXth century. I chose them because of their raw and ugly aspects, which perfectly fits the profundae libidines concept. I thought the cover would make it quite obvious this is UG black metal.
Thanks for the review anyway
16.07.2011 - 16:09
Rating: 5
Oh, nice to know about the intro and outro. They're really cool

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