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Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas review


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Band: Mayhem
Album: De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Style: Black metal
Release date: May 24, 1994
A review by: Herzebeth

01. Funeral Fog
02. Freezing Moon
03. Cursed In Eternity
04. Pagan Fears
05. Life Eternal
06. From The Dark Past
07. Buried By Time And Dust
08. De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

This is one of the most respected albums in Black Metal History, Why is that? Beats me actually, but I can assure you this album is uncommon and very original for the genre it stands for, the music is aggressive and very raw, the execution towards this album is not complex or actually talented, but it's multi-faceted and layered, I think this album deserves all the credit it has, now lets take a closer view...

This "new" vocalist is somehow better than Dead, the tone of Sven is more high-pitched oriented, the vocal work sounds like an actual beast out of hell screaming some impossible to understand lyrics. The album per-se is very good, some might say it's repetitive, but well most times straight Black Metal or Raw Black Metal sounds that way, when you hear a band like Mayhem or Darkthrone or whatever you must know that the band is not "new wave" oriented, Mayhem(even though this album has some melodic approaches) and such bands make pure shots of aggression and music that most times sounds like an improvisation (in a good way of course), so clearly if you are a fan of Dimmu Borgir, Susperia, Old Man's Child, etc... You will hate or simply won't bare bands like early Mayhem.

Every track in this album is over the average Black Metal sound, this time Mayhem added a lot of cold passages to the music and even some slow tempo riffs, this transition made this album almost perfect, the raw elements are still there but now the music sounds a little bit more layered, this new feature gives a chance for the audience to sit back and actually enjoy some tracks in the "not so aggressive" way; the fourth track for example, "Pagan Fears", starts with the usual rapid and violent music but then in the middle the music starts to change and finally we can even hear one incredible guitar solo.

The production is muddy as always, but it only gives the music a colder feeling, so I can't complain about the production, actually the way it is done gives the music a whole new environment, which is good by the way. Either way the instruments can be appreciated nicely and sometimes clearly.

I love this release, sadly I can't assure you will too, Black Metal nowadays has become a fusion of genres that have nothing to do with "original" black metal...I'll just say, if you are a fan of early Mayhem, Darkthrone, Von, Beherit, and early Black Metal in general you'll find in this album a Masterpiece, but if you worship Dark Funeral or Carpathian Forest you will find this album unbearable and noisy.

Written by Herzebeth | 29.07.2005

Guest review by
Whenever one thinks of the term "black metal," they almost instantly think of Mayhem and their magnum opus, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. Why is that?

published 09.06.2015 | Comments (6)


Comments: 46   Visited by: 471 users
17.02.2007 - 09:51
The Aryaputra
'but if you worship Dark Funeral or Carpathian Forest you will find this album unbearable and noisy.'
what makes you think so? I actually like those bands a lot, yet I like this album a lot (and even other raw BM stuffs)

a good review anyway.
that which shines without names and forms...
18.02.2007 - 16:00
Rating: 9
This album slays, yet this music is pretty simple, the way that the music is structured is just awesome. Timeless everytime.
22.06.2007 - 01:45
Empty Spaces
Unburied At Dusk
Good review... I love this album!!

"if you are a fan of Dimmu Borgir, Susperia, Old Man's Child, etc... You will hate or simply won't bare bands like early Mayhem."

That's not true for me... I listen to alot of raw black metal but I also like bands like Old Mans Child and Windir...
22.06.2007 - 03:31
Account deleted
This was the very first Mayhem album I listened to and I enjoy it a lot. I also plan on buying their new album "Ordo Ad Chao", as it has Attila Csihar on vocals, as I feel that he is, in my opinion, the best Mayhem vocalist.
08.07.2007 - 08:55
Though not one of my favourites black metal releases, it's still quite good, the title track and Freezing moon are my favourites on this one.
20.04.2008 - 06:29
Liver Failure
Masterpiece Alert!!!! as much as i loved Deathcrush, this album is legendary. the vocals are amazing, worse than Dead, but equally competent. Best song Funeral Fog, a killer opening for album.

member of the true crusade against old school heavy metal, early 80s thrash, NWOBHM, traditional doom, first and second wave black metal, old school death metal, US power metal, 70s prog rock and atmospheric doomsludgestoner. o/
23.06.2008 - 09:14
Rating: 9
This album is the best album of Black Metal in my opinion, and the first reason is Attila Csihar's talent on vocals. (while the reviewer mentioned Sven -Maniac- is vocalist), Attila performed Dead's songs even better than Dead, himself, when you listen to De Mysteriis Dom Sathanes you are in a opera show of Attila.
and then, Euronymous' great songs and Dead's great lyrics beside Hellhammer's legendary drums performance have made this album a legendary work of all time...

And I'm so unhappy that Varg did that shit to Euronymous and all Black metal. He will be unforgiven, and in Judgment Day, all Black metal fans must burn him in deep hell, because with Euronymous and Varg himself, Mayhem would be the greatest band ever, and also Black metal would be improved more than what it's today!
19.08.2008 - 17:48
Rating: 7
Red Nightmare
Written by Hamird on 23.06.2008 at 09:14

And I'm so unhappy that Varg did that shit to Euronymous and all Black metal. He will be unforgiven, and in Judgment Day, all Black metal fans must burn him in deep hell, because with Euronymous and Varg himself, Mayhem would be the greatest band ever, and also Black metal would be improved more than what it's today!

that's why I hate Varg...
IntoPlighT said: "Slipknot is 15 years old how the fuck is that Nu metal?"

19.08.2008 - 18:27
In many ways, this album is strange. It is very controlled sounding, at least to me. The vocals are impressive. There's something strange about all the envirnment of the songs and I don't mean the production, I mean the songs themselves. Well, I like it anyway.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
19.08.2008 - 22:19
Rating: 9
X-Ray Rod
Written by Hamird on 23.06.2008 at 09:14

And I'm so unhappy that Varg did that shit to Euronymous and all Black metal. He will be unforgiven, and in Judgment Day, all Black metal fans must burn him in deep hell, because with Euronymous and Varg himself, Mayhem would be the greatest band ever, and also Black metal would be improved more than what it's today!

Aaa C'mon!, Don't be too cheesy... I still don't get why some people are still mad about it. :

Both were crazy anyway
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

19.08.2008 - 22:54
Rating: 9
Written by X-Ray Rod on 19.08.2008 at 22:19

Written by Hamird on 23.06.2008 at 09:14

And I'm so unhappy that Varg did that shit to Euronymous and all Black metal. He will be unforgiven, and in Judgment Day, all Black metal fans must burn him in deep hell, because with Euronymous and Varg himself, Mayhem would be the greatest band ever, and also Black metal would be improved more than what it's today!

Aaa C'mon!, Don't be too cheesy... I still don't get why some people are still mad about it. :

Both were crazy anyway

Well, I'm not fan of non of em. I like Blasphemer more than Euronymous.. But this a fact with both of them beside each other, this genre would be more improved than what is now
20.08.2008 - 18:05
Rating: 9
Written by Hamird on 19.08.2008 at 22:54

...this genre would be more improved than what is now

Elaborate. I don't get the logic in your theory. There is no way of knowing such a thing, plus I think the genre is fine as it is, you just have to dig past all the shitty bands.
20.08.2008 - 19:55
Rating: 9
X-Ray Rod
Written by Hamird on 19.08.2008 at 22:54

Well, I'm not fan of non of em. I like Blasphemer more than Euronymous.. But this a fact with both of them beside each other, this genre would be more improved than what is now

Like Sunioj said... There's no prove to make such a statement. You can't be that sure. And besides.:
Varg killing Euronymous is probably the most know thing about Black Metal. Something that maked the genre more famous.

That day wasn't completely lost in the end.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

21.08.2008 - 00:33
Rating: 9
Maybe. Maybe because now we have no Euronymous and almost no Varg today.. Maybe they could improve or maybe not. Who knows?
21.08.2008 - 01:03
Rating: 9
Mr. Noise
The day that Varg killed Euronymous was a good day for Black Metal. Of course, nothing can be said for sure as we will never know what Euronymous was capable of, but I think that Euronymous' vision was pretty limited to "kult-black metal". Seriously, read his words on Dead's suicide on the Dawn Of The Black Hearts bootleg, his general attitude about everything non-Black metal...

Yes, Euronymous was important for Black metal, but for the evolution of the genre, he probably wouldn't have been very helpful. (And even if he would have been - Black metal has turned out just fine in my opinion.)
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
25.08.2008 - 22:58
I do not like the album for a few reasons. The production is a main one, it is simply too clean and pretty. What I like about old Mayhem is how dark, filthy and raw it all sounded. That is all gone on DMDS. The vocals are another reason, Atilla does a good job but after hearing the numerous bootlegs, EPs, rehersals with Dead, they pale in comparison. Essentially I have heard much of the same music done alot better on previous releases so DMDS doesn't really cut it.
Written by Konrad on 10.12.2009 at 22:41

Hey, if you put your mind to something, you can accomplish it...just don't give up.

05.03.2009 - 23:29
Rating: 9
Written by Lucas on 21.08.2008 at 01:03

The day that Varg killed Euronymous was a good day for Black Metal. Of course, nothing can be said for sure as we will never know what Euronymous was capable of, but I think that Euronymous' vision was pretty limited to "kult-black metal". Seriously, read his words on Dead's suicide on the Dawn Of The Black Hearts bootleg, his general attitude about everything non-Black metal...

Yes, Euronymous was important for Black metal, but for the evolution of the genre, he probably wouldn't have been very helpful. (And even if he would have been - Black metal has turned out just fine in my opinion.)

And, why, might I ask is evolution so important? Some music is MEANT to stay untouched. Meant to stay "kult" or kvlt, if I were to use a popular phrase. Meant not to be mingled with other genres. Mayhem tried to "evolve" BM with "Grand Declaration of War", and it turned up their worst album, and in my opinion, one of the worst in BM. Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth and such have also tried to evolve BM. Look how that ended up, CoF with Thornography and Dimmu with Death Cult Armagedon and other (of which CoF seems to have gotten the worse). It appears as Mayhem, Dimmu and Cradle actualy saw for themselves what crap they made when they tried to "evolve" and started going back to their roots right after that.
People like Euronymous are NEEDED, needed to make sure that all BM doesn't become commercional crap. There should always be a number of classic, "kult" BM bands. It may be more-or-less the same, but I love it just the way it is. What Mayhem was on DMDS.
05.03.2009 - 23:54
Rating: 9
Mr. Noise
Written by Slayer666 on 05.03.2009 at 23:29

And, why, might I ask is evolution so important? Some music is MEANT to stay untouched. Meant to stay "kult" or kvlt, if I were to use a popular phrase. Meant not to be mingled with other genres. Mayhem tried to "evolve" BM with "Grand Declaration of War", and it turned up their worst album, and in my opinion, one of the worst in BM.

There are still plenty (hundreds!) of Black metal bands that are still very true to the genre's roots and original principles, so there should be plenty for you to enjoy. And you may not like Grand Declaration Of War, but I do. And don't forget that Mayhem also experimented on Ordo Ad Chao, which is a masterpiece in the opinion of many.

Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth and such have also tried to evolve BM. Look how that ended up, CoF with Thornography and Dimmu with Death Cult Armagedon and other (of which CoF seems to have gotten the worse). It appears as Mayhem, Dimmu and Cradle actualy saw for themselves what crap they made when they tried to "evolve" and started going back to their roots right after that.

The evolution of Black metal goes further than just Dimmu Borgir and Cradle Of Filth. There are tons of bands out there that experimented with Black metal in one way or another. And a lot of these bands put out great releases, some of them even belong to my all time favourites.

People like Euronymous are NEEDED, needed to make sure that all BM doesn't become commercional crap. There should always be a number of classic, "kult" BM bands. It may be more-or-less the same, but I love it just the way it is. What Mayhem was on DMDS.

Black metal becoming commercial crap... I'm not going to respond to that.

There will probably always be a number of kult Black metal bands, with 'Euronymous-esq' band members, and there will always be people that enjoy these bands. Good for them. I may enjoy the occasional album in that style, but I prefer a music scene where there is room for worshipping the old ideas AND room for progression and evolution.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
06.03.2009 - 00:20
Rating: 9
Written by Lucas on 05.03.2009 at 23:54

There are still plenty (hundreds!) of Black metal bands that are still very true to the genre's roots and original principles, so there should be plenty for you to enjoy. And you may not like Grand Declaration Of War, but I do. And don't forget that Mayhem also experimented on Ordo Ad Chao, which is a masterpiece in the opinion of many.

I know there are, but you said people in bands like that should be killed (!). OK, that was a dumb joke on my part. You didn't say that they should be killed, but that they are... not needed. Without Euronymous, perhaps there wouldn't even be ANY bands like that. I'm quite curious at what he would have made out of Mayhem if he were alive now...
They indeed experimented with Ordo, but not in the way like with Grand Declaration. Ordo is somewhat closer in sound to their EP and Demo era. Reminds me a bit of Deathchrush, in fact.

The evolution of Black metal goes further than just Dimmu Borgir and Cradle Of Filth. There are tons of bands out there that experimented with Black metal in one way or another. And a lot of these bands put out great releases, some of them even belong to my all time favourites.

Of course it does, but they are just the first two examples that came to my mind when I was writting. The point is, attempts to evolve BM have much more often been faliures than not, at least as far as my own experience goes.


Black metal becoming commercial crap... I'm not going to respond to that.

Slow, but steady, I'm afraid.....

There will probably always be a number of kult Black metal bands, with 'Euronymous-esq' band members, and there will always be people that enjoy these bands. Good for them. I may enjoy the occasional album in that style, but I prefer a music scene where there is room for worshipping the old ideas AND room for progression and evolution.

Yes, there probably will be, thanks to Mr. Euronymous, of whom you don't seem to be too fond of.
Matter of taste (duh).
06.03.2009 - 00:52
Rating: 9
Mr. Noise
Written by Slayer666 on 06.03.2009 at 00:20


Without Euronymous, Mayhem would never have gone experimental (probably), so they never would have released albums like Grand Declaration Of War and Ordo Ad Chao, which would've been a huge shame in my opinion.

If you have negative experiences with experimental Black metal, you probably have heard the wrong bands. We could discuss it further if you like, I might be able to recommend you some good bands. If you want to discuss it, search for a good thread (pretty sure there's some thread on this subject) and I'll find your post there.

As for Black metal becoming commercial... well, just because there may be the occasional Dimmu Borgir video on MTV (are there any? I surely haven't seen any), there's no reason to believe it'll break through a world wide audience. It simply doesn't have the right aesthetics for that. And besides, even if a couple of bands will get mainstream appeal, they'll only be the 'flavour of the month'. The underground will survive.

And finally: am I not too fond of Euronymous? I don't know. I highly respect him as a musician, as I think there are but few albums that have been as important for Black metal as De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. Or Deathcrush for that matter. And I don't need to add to that that he turned many highly important bands to Black metal, which makes him one of the, if not the most important Black metaller ever. But I thoroughly disagree with his statements regarding Death metal, the mainstream etc.

But hey, let's not forget we were all young once (lol, sounds silly as I'm 17 myself). A lot of musicians that yelled "Norsk Arisk Black Metal" back in the day had the chance to grow up and mature, but Euronymous never got that chance. So perhaps my judgment is not completely fair.

All I'm saying about him is that he may have held the progression of the scene back. That's what I think would have happened. This is all speculation of course, and probably pretty silly, but I think he would have created some sort of Black Metal Elite that decided what is good and what is not. Because there is no such 'counsel', the scene is disorganized and a perfect place for hybrids, abominations and all sorts of awesome things.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
06.03.2009 - 17:15
Rating: 9
X-Ray Rod
Written by Lucas on 06.03.2009 at 00:52

Written by Slayer666 on 06.03.2009 at 00:20


but I think he would have created some sort of Black Metal Elite that decided what is good and what is not.

Damn... I have enough with the whole idea of "the circle of Doom". I'd probably lost interest in the black metal scene if there was a guy telling who is true and who's not.
Because trying to be the who can judge is one of the most stupid things I've seen in metal.

And I also don't understand how black metal "must" stay untouched.
The guy didn't check out bands like A forest of Starts I suppose... Some of the best black metal bands and albums have a little "touch" that Euronymous would proably think that it's untrue. :

I respect him as a musician... but his ideas of black metal are out of these years.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

15.03.2009 - 21:51
Rating: 9
The Shooter
Great album. I hoped to be with a noise ball but the sound of the album is very good. Without doubts, my favorite of black metal.
17.05.2009 - 21:23
Rating: 9
This one is maybe the best Black metal album ever created...
Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
03.07.2009 - 22:11
Rating: 9
You know, there is one thing I'm not quite clear with about this album. Whenever people are asked which track is the best on it, there are 2 possible answers: Freezing Moon or Funeral Fog. OK, those two are eal killers. But, what about the title track, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas? I don't get it, I mean that one is easely the best. The atmosphere is just evil, and so are the two types of vocals mixed together. The riff on it is quite possible the most eerie on we ever got the honor to hear in Black Metal. And at the begginig, when he says:
One of the moments in BM. So, my point is, Freezing Moon is often called the Black Metal Anthem. Why not De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas?
17.11.2009 - 02:48
Rating: 9
My favorite song off this album is actually "Life Eternal." "Freezing Moon" is second after that. Great stuff!
23.11.2010 - 14:40
Rating: 10
Have to say, I don't usually listen to this genre, but I can't stop thrashing my head! Very good album. Especially the fast riff in Freezing Moon! F****** awesome! i'm really starting to gain a liking to all these northern bands.
21.01.2011 - 15:50
Account deleted
Great album my favorite part in "Life Eternal" in the middle..
04.02.2011 - 03:55
Rating: 8
Great bm, especially pagan fears. But the vocalist is just so bad.
25.03.2011 - 18:45
Rating: 9
Written by Kuroboshi on 04.02.2011 at 03:55

Great bm, especially pagan fears. But the vocalist is just so bad.

this vocalist is one of the biggest and most important names of black metal...
Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
25.03.2011 - 19:31
Rating: 8
Written by Deadmeat on 25.03.2011 at 18:45

Written by Kuroboshi on 04.02.2011 at 03:55

Great bm, especially pagan fears. But the vocalist is just so bad.

this vocalist is one of the biggest and most important names of black metal...

But that doesn't make him good, does it? Well, at least to my ears it doesn't.

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