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DragonForce - Inhuman Rampage review


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Band: DragonForce
Album: Inhuman Rampage
Style: Power metal
Release date: January 09, 2006
Guest review by: Doc G.

Disc I [CD]
01. Through The Fire And Flames
02. Revolution Deathsquad
03. Storming The Burning Fields
04. Operation Ground And Pound
05. Body Breakdown
06. Cry For Eternity
07. The Flame Of Youth
08. Trail Of Broken Hearts
09. Lost Souls In Endless Time [Japanese bonus]

Disc II [DVD]
01. My Spirit Will Go On [live]
02. Through The Fire And Flames [video]
03. Operation Ground and Pound [video]
04. Rockumentary: Behind The Scenes

Through over production, unbearably cheesy lyrical content and musical masturbation, one wonders how an album like this could bring a band such mainstream success so quickly.

The first track 'Through The Fire And The Flames' comes on and it's amazing: insane guitar work, top notch vocals, and some cheesy (yet fun to sing along to) lyrics. The next song has pretty much the same format but with a slightly less catchy tune....and then the entire album seems to follow this pattern. It eventually comes to a point where it's not even songs anymore, but just Herman and Sam showing how fast they can play, which doesn't really offer any listening pleasure to the listener (hence the term musical masturbation). So you can fit 30 000 notes in in 0.5 seconds - there is no point to it if your song structure sucks beyond that point.

Another problem I have is how contrived this album seems. Like these guys are obsessed with filling out the power metal cliche with really meaningless lyrics like these: "Fighting hard/fighting on for the steel/through the wastelands evermore" What the hell is that even supposed to mean? We get it, you are power metal, now write something different, perhaps some lyrics you haven't used for every other song in your discography.

OK, now that I've got that out of my system, I'll try and find something likable about this album. When Herman and Sam aren't wanking off, they do have some very interesting material offering great heroic licks. Too bad they don't exercise this skill as often as they should. And yes, the music is cliche but it can be fun if you are in the right mood - otherwise it's just tedious.

Maybe I was being a little harsh on this album, but after sitting through countless cliched power metal albums, when you stumble across yet another one that seems to be trying even harder to fill out that cliche, you start to get a little frustrated.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 10
Songwriting: 6
Originality: 8
Production: 9

Written by Doc G. | 16.11.2007

Guest review disclaimer:
This is a guest review, which means it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the MS Staff.

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Comments: 49   Visited by: 298 users
07.09.2010 - 17:44
Rating: 6
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by spiritofvengence on 07.09.2010 at 15:40

I thought you all liked cliche, at least when it came to metal

Cliche isn't the main complaint here.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
04.11.2010 - 22:44
Axe Argonian
This is a very accurate review. DragonForce is nothing more than an uninspired, commercialized attempt at milking off of the Power Metal genre. The sad news is that there are many other Power Metal bands that possess more originality and more talent that these guys will ever know, yet DF is the band that receives the mainstream attention and success.

DragonForce is an insult to metal and is one of the main reasons why the mainstream will never begin to comprehend what true metal is.
"Man does at all times only what he wills, and yet he does this necessarily. But this is because he already is what he wills." - Arthur Schopenhauer
05.11.2010 - 03:25
Rating: 9
Written by Axe Argonian on 04.11.2010 at 22:44

DragonForce is an insult to metal and is one of the main reasons why the mainstream will never begin to comprehend what true metal is.

Oh my god, i caaaaaaan't believe it, are you the god of metal ?? here is the supreme god of metal!!
05.11.2010 - 14:27
Heaven Knight
He could shake hands with Marcel
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

06.11.2010 - 01:33
Rating: 9
Written by Ellrohir on 05.11.2010 at 14:27

He could shake hands with Marcel

Yeah, well, i know, he is another great god, you know, exists various gods , he is one more .
06.11.2010 - 21:30
Lit. Metalhead
Account deleted
Perhaps if DragonForce became an instrumental band...
07.11.2010 - 07:13
Rating: 5
The Ancient One
Written by [user id=101272] on 06.11.2010 at 21:30

Perhaps if DragonForce became an instrumental band...


Dragonfarce part ways with vocalist.

and as i said then:

Written by BitterCOld on 09.03.2010 at 18:07

Good move, imo. the vocals just took too much potential guitar solo time away from songs.

get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
19.03.2011 - 00:17
Rating: 9
Sorry to almost all the above guys, but I think this album deserves 8.5/9... Insane power metal with insanely fast solos, insanely fast drums, and really high voices... I know it's tiring at one point, but as an album to listen a few times per week, I think it's really good... Who cares about the songs being insane soloing? This is just happy, epic power metal... Some people (like me) fucking loves itXD
And about the lyrics, I completely agree with what Kennoth said before... Cannibal Corpse writes about gore, blood, paraphilias, and rapes ALL THE FUCKING TIME and no one complains, Dark Funeral writes about satanism, spilling christian blood and sins ALL THE FUCKING TIME and no one complains, Rhapsody (I love this oneXD) writes the CHEESIEST lyrics ever and no one complains... What about this guys? They do the same, and everyone hates them...
I hope the new vocalist is better than ZP...
19.03.2011 - 01:41
Written by FrozenJoy on 19.03.2011 at 00:17

This is just happy, epic power metal...

cheesiness =/= epicness

There's absolutely nothing epic in Dragonforce, only cheese all over the place.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
19.03.2011 - 06:00
Rating: 9
Written by RavenKing on 19.03.2011 at 01:41

Written by FrozenJoy on 19.03.2011 at 00:17

This is just happy, epic power metal...

cheesiness =/= epicness

There's absolutely nothing epic in Dragonforce, only cheese all over the place.

Weird, I always thought epicness and cheesiness went together... But anyway, if it's cheesy, what's wrong with it? Cheesiness can make music fun... xD
19.03.2011 - 07:10
Written by FrozenJoy on 19.03.2011 at 06:00

Weird, I always thought epicness and cheesiness went together...

Thanks. Your comment confirms what I knew already: lots of people nowadays don't know the difference between epicness and cheesiness.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
19.03.2011 - 07:35
Rating: 9
Hey, I never said they are the same... I said they appear together a lot of times... (for example, Rhapsody of Fire)
Anyway, what's the problem with some people liking Dragonforce? It's about enjoying the music, man... Cheesy, dark, cruel, epic, raw, happy, violent, complex, simple, minimalistic, grandiose... Nothing more ... Personally, I don't enjoy Black Metal very much, but I don't go everywhere talking crap about it, cause some people likes it, and I don't see anything wrong...
19.03.2011 - 13:46
Account deleted
Written by FrozenJoy on 19.03.2011 at 07:35

Hey, I never said they are the same... I said they appear together a lot of times... (for example, Rhapsody of Fire)
Anyway, what's the problem with some people liking Dragonforce? It's about enjoying the music, man... Cheesy, dark, cruel, epic, raw, happy, violent, complex, simple, minimalistic, grandiose... Nothing more ... Personally, I don't enjoy Black Metal very much, but I don't go everywhere talking crap about it, cause some people likes it, and I don't see anything wrong...

-It's like looking at a mirror in time-

You think DragonForce have it hard? Lol, trust me, that is a delusion. Obviously there is nothing wrong with liking DragonForce...I love Dragonland and they are the cheesiest shit out there, who cares? And you're right again, it is about the music, and if someone doesn't think the music is good...why aren't they entitled to that opinion? I used to love DragonForce as much [probably more] as you do, I don't anymore for various reasons, [namely, everything after VotD has been recycled and their songwriting ability is just too meaningless and, as Doc said, contrived] and people's opinions on them used to bug me too, but believe me, it's A Minor [c wot i did thar?]

Oh and lastly, not liking BM isn't reason enough to go and 'talk crap about it', people here, who you deem to be 'talking crap about DragonForce' are people who actually have listened to their stuff quite a lot, others, who have listened to loads of Power Metal so can give an opinion on a band in the genre, regardless of whether they actually know 'more-than-a-DragonForce-fan'. Why would anyone who doesn't know anything about a genre trash talk it? That's called insanity.
20.03.2011 - 00:59
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=107773] on 19.03.2011 at 13:46

Oh and lastly, not liking BM isn't reason enough to go and 'talk crap about it', people here, who you deem to be 'talking crap about DragonForce' are people who actually have listened to their stuff quite a lot, others, who have listened to loads of Power Metal so can give an opinion on a band in the genre, regardless of whether they actually know 'more-than-a-DragonForce-fan'. Why would anyone who doesn't know anything about a genre trash talk it? That's called insanity.

Exactly. When I trash-talk Dragonforce (I don't capitalize the F because, unlike Slipknot and Korn fans, I don't feel the need to stylize a name to make my favorite bands look... cooler? Is it cooler? Or more kvlt? Whatever.) it's because I tried getting into power metal back in the day when I listened to a lot of melodic metalcore. I moved on to more extreme power bands like Norther and CoB and Skyfire (borderline melo-death, helped get me into that), but only because Dragonforce turned me off the idea of power metal altogether.

Eventually I returned to the genre to see what the '80s had in store. Turns out there's a big difference in quality there (Blind Guardian being the most memorable). Not like the difference in quality in regards to early '90s black metal and modern black metal, where one era is classic (with poor releases) and one is potentially classic (if looked back on in another 10 years, with poor releases). It was more like '80s power metal (with poor releases) being different than pop (...) with guitar solo abuse and Justin Bieber* wailing into a mic.

*Justin Bieber had, at this point in time, not yet risen to fame; I have since lost touch with my initial vocalist reference. My apologies.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
09.12.2011 - 19:46
Cuca Beludo
Account deleted
Dragonforce has cheesy lyrics?Almost any Power Metal song (I have Heard!! ) has cheesy lyrics!
27.06.2012 - 16:17
Rating: 8
The first metal album I owned, was all over it back in the day, fell out of love with it in a year, and the band in general, and now very occasionally listen to a song off it in shuffle. However, still inclined to give it a fairly high score, possibly just for the memories but also because I do find it more memorable than a lot of PM I've heard, including some of the more renowned names. Songs like Revolution Deathsquad, Cry For Eternity and Flame Of Youth (despite their dogshite names) still give a very small kick of excitement on the rare occasions I listen to them.

The one real complaint I have, not with the review, but with opinions on this album and DF in general, is why they seem to be the scapegoat for a trait common not just in metal, but lots of music, over the whole 'everything sounds the same' thing. I'm not defending their music as something you have to like, and yes their songs are by-and-large fairly similar (but only in so much as being super-fast, cheesy lyrics and drowning in solo-abuse), but if people could look past the lazy stereotype, songs are obviously different (at least on this album) if you actually listen to them, aside from the solos maybe. My main bugbear is over why they always get ripped for having similar-sounding songs when the same could be said of oh so many bands who could easily be accused of equal or lesser variation between songs, who get off scott-free. It just seems lazy. *Pointless rant over*
21.01.2013 - 04:00
I actually liked this album.......
24.07.2013 - 23:04
Rating: 4
endangered bird
I totaly agree. And I'll add that the drum part is quit wearying... I just cant understand how a band able to compose such a masterpiece as Through The Fire And Flammes could reveal so many defects... I hope they will improve that and become a real great power metal band (because by this time they're just going the wrong way)
26.12.2023 - 01:47
Rating: 9
I embrace the cheese and I love this album, super uptempo and catchy = great workout album. I get it won't be everyone's cup of tea, but it'll always have a place on my workout playlist(s)

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