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My Dying Bride - For Lies I Sire review


448 users:
Band: My Dying Bride
Album: For Lies I Sire
Style: Death doom metal, Gothic doom metal
Release date: March 20, 2009
A review by: jupitreas

01. My Body, A Funeral
02. Fall With Me
03. The Lies I Sire
04. Bring Me Victory
05. Echoes From A Hollow Soul
06. ShadowHaunt
07. Santuario Di Sangue
08. A Chapter In Loathing
09. Death Triumphant

Look, I just cut myself, this violin sounds like a razor blade slicing my arteries. Now let me read some Shakespeare to you. Pain. Suffering. My ex-girlfriend. Religion. Violins as razors again. Crimson red drops of blood meandering like the wine from the Holy Grail. Your ex-girlfriend. Pain. Violins. Shakespeare. Latin references, look how deep I am. Bleeding love. Now look, I'm angry for a moment!!! Speed. I'm angry!!! AAAAA... OK, now, I'm sad again. Depression. Shattered passion. Violins. Pain. Goodbye.

Come on, we all know this is precisely what My Dying Bride does on every single album including the more experimental ones. If this is your kind of thing, For Lies I Sire will be right up your alley, just like all the other albums by this band. It's not my kind of thing though. To me, pseudo-romantic, overwrought whining like this is quite annoying, frankly. Truly depressed people don't broadcast their pathetic stories in 10 albums, don't recite Shakespearean poetry and don't threaten to commit suicide. They just fucking do it. Preferably in an amusing way, such as by jumping from a building on an old lady. Or by running into a mall with dynamite up their ass. Life is just a cruel joke anyway, right? Well, laugh at this, society!

For Lies I Sire is the first My Dying Bride album to feature violins since Like Gods Of The Sun and as a consequence sounds quite similar to that record. In other words, it is slightly faster and more straight-forward than usual, has more crunchy riffs and steers clear of growled vocals. The exception to this is "A Chapter In Loathing", a weird song with blastbeats and strangely screeched vocals, ironically the only enjoyable piece here. The other tracks follow the band's trademark template as described above and they do it... averagely at best. So if you love this band, the album will be a decent one, or perhaps a slightly above average one for you.

The music on For Lies I Sire has some moments but that doesn't take away from the fact that still, after all these years, the best My Dying Bride songs are those that throw their formula out of the window. Which is what I will happily do now with this CD. Hopefully it will hit an old lady right on the head.

Written on 22.04.2009 by With Metal Storm since 2002, jupitreas has been subjecting the masses to his reviews for quite a while now. He lives in Warsaw, Poland, where he does his best to avoid prosecution for being so cool.

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Comments: 181   Visited by: 471 users
23.04.2009 - 17:23
Rating: 5
Written by Emperor IX on 23.04.2009 at 16:45

I give it an 8.5/10

If you give it 8.5/10 here, why did you rate it as 10/10 on the album page?
23.04.2009 - 17:49
Very funny review... it's a pretty boring album and Aaron's whinging is unbereable... musically is better that ALODK, more varied, althought the band keep repeating the same musical clichèes. More grunting next time, please. A little return to form for me.
23.04.2009 - 18:55
Rating: 10
Emperor IX
Written by gid on 23.04.2009 at 17:23

Written by Emperor IX on 23.04.2009 at 16:45

I give it an 8.5/10

If you give it 8.5/10 here, why did you rate it as 10/10 on the album page?

I was pissed off at the stupid review given. after some thought and critique it came down to an 8.5
23.04.2009 - 19:33
Rating: 7
Written by X-Ray Rod on 23.04.2009 at 16:39

Written by [user id=31891] on 23.04.2009 at 16:30

I borrowed them to jupiteras to take them before every review about an album or band which he hates! then he wouldnt do such mistakes again. thankz

I don't think so, Most of us men don't have any sort of period and therefore do not care of the review being or not being of our liking. Jupitreas is probably as most of us, the type of person that don't care for whining review and whining users.

But yeah, There are some exceptions, that's why I gave you pills for free

Leave him alone, he's still shocked by the review, and didnt understand till now that jupetrias meant he is bored with these MDB subjects in albums, and I was arguing with him all day long about that, and I blame myself for that....
23.04.2009 - 19:48
Account deleted
If everyone wants to talk about what he doesnt like such this review, we have to kiss metal storm's ass goodbye! everything has a way, we have a lot of reviews over here which criticized an album but you have to know what kind of Literature you have to choose for an important band.

take a look at this review which is really fair and no one had problem with it:
23.04.2009 - 21:49
Fat & Sassy!
This review made me laugh so hard.
23.04.2009 - 22:47
Rating: 6
The Ancient One
Wow. quite the firestorm we have here.

my points on this.

anyone discrediting Jup for his musical tastes is an idiot. he appreciates a broad range of music which makes his analysis better. he is capable of looking at an album from multiple perspectives rather than just rose-tinted glasses.

anyone tho thinks he doesn't like/get doom is a bigger idiot. Esoteric shows up on his favorite band list. if you've heard "Maniacal Vale", you realize it makes "Turn Loose the Swans" (MDB's best release) sound like R.E.M.'s "Shiny Happy People" by comparison. he gets the doom thing.

he has the right - and obligation - to state his true feelings on every album he reviews.

anyone who thinks reviews should only be done be people who love the band, the genre, and the album is perhaps the biggest flaming moron on this board. that's all we need. every album ever recorded scores a 9.5/10 on it's review. fantastic. that really helps the poor bastard looking for suggestions, doesn't it... might as well tell people to just walk to the metal section of the local store, put on a blindfold, and grab anything, because it's all equally good.

having heard some of MDB's past works, loving "Turn Loose the Swans", been "meh" about "%" and "Kings", Jups review is a great help to me in planning my spending - with plenty of other great Doom releases out or coming out this year (Isole, Candlemass, Ahab, etc.) i now know that this one probably isn't worth getting - or at least not worth bumping something else for.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
23.04.2009 - 23:25
Rating: 10
Emperor IX
Written by BitterCOld on 23.04.2009 at 22:47

Wow. quite the firestorm we have here.

anyone discrediting Jup for his musical tastes is an idiot. he appreciates a broad range of music which makes his analysis better. he is capable of looking at an album from multiple perspectives rather than just rose-tinted glasses.

anyone tho thinks he doesn't like/get doom is a bigger idiot. Esoteric shows up on his favorite band list. if you've heard "Maniacal Vale", you realize it makes "Turn Loose the Swans" (MDB's best release) sound like R.E.M.'s "Shiny Happy People" by comparison. he gets the doom thing.

he has the right - and obligation - to state his true feelings on every album he reviews.

Oooohhh just because he has "esoteric" in his favourite bands does that give him the right to put shit on a band? Does that give him the right to put shit on an entire genre? Wtf dude?

There is freedom of speech dont get me wrong, and i will defend anyones right to have that freedom even if i disagree on what they say, but once you put shit on something, let me be more specific here, once you mock, scorn and ridicule it, in this case MDB and Doom in general, you lose that freedom, you lose that right to say whatever you want. Its funny how everyone is comfortable bagging this and that from the comfort of sitting behind there keyboard...if I ever heard anyone say what jupi said about MDB i would knock that bitch out.

Theres a thing out there called "constructive critisism" it would have been much better appreciated for this review rather than what we got....if your gona mock any band, especially in metal you don't deserve to be here.

For all you doom experts outhere who think they know everything about the genre go and listen to a band called Urna, the album is called Sepulcrum, I believe they are not even listed here on metalstorm...I guarantee this album will put hair on your balls, if you have any.

23.04.2009 - 23:34
Rating: 6
The Ancient One
Written by Emperor IX on 23.04.2009 at 23:25

There is freedom of speech dont get me wrong, and i will defend anyones right to have that freedom even if i disagree on what they say, but once you put shit on something, let me be more specific here, once you mock, scorn and ridicule it, in this case MDB and Doom in general, you lose that freedom, you lose that right to say whatever you want. Its funny how everyone is comfortable bagging this and that from the comfort of sitting behind there keyboard...if I ever heard anyone say what jupi said about MDB i would knock that bitch out.

Theres a thing out there called "constructive critisism" it would have been much better appreciated for this review rather than what we got....if your gona mock any band, especially in metal you don't deserve to be here.

so basically you would fight for someone's freedom of speech, provided you approve of what they say. and if they, with this freedom, say something you disagree with, they should "lose that freedom, lost that right to say whatever you want." and you would then "knock that bitch out."


/em BitterCOld stands on the shore and waves to the Good Ship Hypocrisy.

i'm here. i'll mock any band i want if i feel they deserve mocking. hell, i'm not even above mocking bands i like.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
24.04.2009 - 00:55
Written by BitterCOld on 23.04.2009 at 22:47

Wow. quite the firestorm we have here.

my points on this.

anyone discrediting Jup for his musical tastes is an idiot. he appreciates a broad range of music which makes his analysis better. he is capable of looking at an album from multiple perspectives rather than just rose-tinted glasses.

anyone tho thinks he doesn't like/get doom is a bigger idiot. Esoteric shows up on his favorite band list. if you've heard "Maniacal Vale", you realize it makes "Turn Loose the Swans" (MDB's best release) sound like R.E.M.'s "Shiny Happy People" by comparison. he gets the doom thing.

he has the right - and obligation - to state his true feelings on every album he reviews.

anyone who thinks reviews should only be done be people who love the band, the genre, and the album is perhaps the biggest flaming moron on this board. that's all we need. every album ever recorded scores a 9.5/10 on it's review. fantastic. that really helps the poor bastard looking for suggestions, doesn't it... might as well tell people to just walk to the metal section of the local store, put on a blindfold, and grab anything, because it's all equally good.

having heard some of MDB's past works, loving "Turn Loose the Swans", been "meh" about "%" and "Kings", Jups review is a great help to me in planning my spending - with plenty of other great Doom releases out or coming out this year (Isole, Candlemass, Ahab, etc.) i now know that this one probably isn't worth getting - or at least not worth bumping something else for.

Allow me to do ye olde QFT right here. Brilliant post.

The point is, it doesn't matter how things are put. It doesn't have to be constructive (I generally wish it to be, but hell, if someone wants to rub it, what are you going to do? "Knock the bitch out?"). jupi gives his opinion in the review, in a harsh and unforgiving manner. Does that mean said review loses any points? No, it doesn't, because it's a fucking opinion, not a fact. That jupi doesn't like it doesn't mean you don't have to like it. You don't even have to like the fact he doesn't like it. But to try to take that away from him, or anybody, is plain fucking stupid.

Another two cents, maybe not as humbly this time. It's late and I'm tired, sorry.
24.04.2009 - 00:59
Rating: 10
Emperor IX
Written by BitterCOld on 23.04.2009 at 23:34

Written by Emperor IX on 23.04.2009 at 23:25

There is freedom of speech dont get me wrong, and i will defend anyones right to have that freedom even if i disagree on what they say, but once you put shit on something, let me be more specific here, once you mock, scorn and ridicule it, in this case MDB and Doom in general, you lose that freedom, you lose that right to say whatever you want. Its funny how everyone is comfortable bagging this and that from the comfort of sitting behind there keyboard...if I ever heard anyone say what jupi said about MDB i would knock that bitch out.

Theres a thing out there called "constructive critisism" it would have been much better appreciated for this review rather than what we got....if your gona mock any band, especially in metal you don't deserve to be here.

so basically you would fight for someone's freedom of speech, provided you approve of what they say. and if they, with this freedom, say something you disagree with, they should "lose that freedom, lost that right to say whatever you want." and you would then "knock that bitch out."


/em BitterCOld stands on the shore and waves to the Good Ship Hypocrisy.

i'm here. i'll mock any band i want if i feel they deserve mocking. hell, i'm not even above mocking bands i like.

There is a difference with disagreeing with something and mocking something. I believe I made myself quite clear on this.
24.04.2009 - 01:06
BitterCOld you have to be the smartest one here^^! i didnt like this album at all and i´ve had a hard time digesting any MDB album but does that make me a total doom hater?not at all i love doom and listen to doom metal 30% of my awake time(and i usualy sleep to krux-II). jupitreas stated his opinion and you are all able to disagree, but dont crucify the guy for not having the same point of view as youreself.

The review atleast brought up everthing i felt listening to the album and had some valid points concerning the bands music so cheers to jupi!
24.04.2009 - 01:10
Rating: 6
The Ancient One
Written by Emperor IX on 24.04.2009 at 00:59

There is a difference with disagreeing with something and mocking something. I believe I made myself quite clear on this.

so disagreeing falls under your "freedom of speech" proviso, whereas mocking does not?

who makes the determination as to what is "mocking" and what is not? i could be posing this to you as a serious question or i could be mocking your inability to process the simple fact that "speech is speech" and therefore both disagreement and mockery fall under "freedom of speech."

i just want to make sure you make this perfectly crystal clear for all of us here at metalstorm, staff and posters alike, lest we run afoul of you for some comment which you deem "mockery" which we just deem as speech and risk "getting knocked out" should we encounter you in real life.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
24.04.2009 - 01:19
Rating: 10
Emperor IX
Written by Reizenstein on 24.04.2009 at 00:55

Written by BitterCOld on 23.04.2009 at 22:47

Wow. quite the firestorm we have here.

The point is, it doesn't matter how things are put. It doesn't have to be constructive (I generally wish it to be, but hell, if someone wants to rub it, what are you going to do? "Knock the bitch out?"). jupi gives his opinion in the review, in a harsh and unforgiving manner. Does that mean said review loses any points? No, it doesn't, because it's a fucking opinion, not a fact. That jupi doesn't like it doesn't mean you don't have to like it. You don't even have to like the fact he doesn't like it. But to try to take that away from him, or anybody, is plain fucking stupid.

Another two cents, maybe not as humbly this time. It's late and I'm tired, sorry.

All I am trying to say is Jupi has a responsibility to give a fair and constructive review. You and I may have "opinions" but it is the official review from metalstorm and people will be influenced by it...his review is nothing but dis-information and shows a total lack of respect towards a band that has survived and achieved 10 the genre of metal which started it all.

24.04.2009 - 01:30
Rating: 5
Where does it say he has a responsibility to do anything? He can damn well write anything he likes. It's certainly not up to you or anyone else to tell him what he can and can't do.

And who cares if his review is disrespectful or not? Personally I thought it was funny, and I'm still heavily into doom metal. I don't take personal offence when someone's opinion differs from my own. Stop taking yourself and your taste in music so seriously.
24.04.2009 - 01:42
Rating: 10
Emperor IX
Written by BitterCOld on 24.04.2009 at 01:10

Written by Emperor IX on 24.04.2009 at 00:59

There is a difference with disagreeing with something and mocking something. I believe I made myself quite clear on this.

so disagreeing falls under your "freedom of speech" proviso, whereas mocking does not?

who makes the determination as to what is "mocking" and what is not? i could be posing this to you as a serious question or i could be mocking your inability to process the simple fact that "speech is speech" and therefore both disagreement and mockery fall under "freedom of speech."

i just want to make sure you make this perfectly crystal clear for all of us here at metalstorm, staff and posters alike, lest we run afoul of you for some comment which you deem "mockery" which we just deem as speech and risk "getting knocked out" should we encounter you in real life.

Speech is speech you are absolutely right about that, and yes mockery and disagreement all fall under freedom of speech, I will give you that also. Mate we are dealing with a review of an album here. Is it to much to ask for a descent review without any smart ass comments? I believe we are all entitled to that. Metalstorm has a good reputation and usually gives great reviews, if this is how its going to be i'm sure many users wont mind going elsewhere.
24.04.2009 - 01:46
Written by BitterCOld on 23.04.2009 at 22:47

Wow. quite the firestorm we have here.

my points on this.

anyone discrediting Jup for his musical tastes is an idiot. he appreciates a broad range of music which makes his analysis better. he is capable of looking at an album from multiple perspectives rather than just rose-tinted glasses.

anyone tho thinks he doesn't like/get doom is a bigger idiot. Esoteric shows up on his favorite band list. if you've heard "Maniacal Vale", you realize it makes "Turn Loose the Swans" (MDB's best release) sound like R.E.M.'s "Shiny Happy People" by comparison. he gets the doom thing.

he has the right - and obligation - to state his true feelings on every album he reviews.

anyone who thinks reviews should only be done be people who love the band, the genre, and the album is perhaps the biggest flaming moron on this board. that's all we need. every album ever recorded scores a 9.5/10 on it's review. fantastic. that really helps the poor bastard looking for suggestions, doesn't it... might as well tell people to just walk to the metal section of the local store, put on a blindfold, and grab anything, because it's all equally good.

having heard some of MDB's past works, loving "Turn Loose the Swans", been "meh" about "%" and "Kings", Jups review is a great help to me in planning my spending - with plenty of other great Doom releases out or coming out this year (Isole, Candlemass, Ahab, etc.) i now know that this one probably isn't worth getting - or at least not worth bumping something else for.

First off, I just want to say that making personal attacks and insults is never the way to get one's point across. Even if you make a valid point, if you end it by saying "you're an idiot," people are going to feel the need to defend themselves, which makes the argument only more heated.

Also, the Maniacal Vale is perhaps my favorite release of 2008, and I haven't even listened to this album yet, as I've said before, but I still have a problem with this review. Jupi may understand some types of doom very well, but gothic doom is not one of them. You say you loved Turn Loose the Swans; well, Jupi is essentially mocking that album in this review as well. I'm perfectly content with accepting the fact that this album is mediocre at best. Hell, if it sucks giant hairy donkey balls, I'd admit it, but I can't make any verdict on that, since I haven't heard it. I have no problem with bad reviews, but this review makes no valid points that a review should make. It doesn't criticize the album for it's faults, it criticizes and mocks the gothic doom genre in a way that is sure to inflame all of its fans, essentially calling them all emo cutters who simply bitch about their ex. I definitely don't think every album should be rated 9.5/10. I hate what Sirenia has turned into, and would give probably a 6 out of 10 for Nine Destinies and a Downfall, but if I were to write a review for it, I would be calling out the re-used melodies in various songs, the singer's voice which is too poppy for the music, the fact that the few guitar solos are essentially Morten just playing the chorus melody with a few added notes, etc. I wouldn't mock the band or it's fans, that's just in poor taste. That's what blogs and forums are for, and if this was written in one of those, I wouldn't have any problem with it.

Oh, and by the way, saying Esoteric makes MDB look like REM is metal elitism, and will only make things worse. I actually like REM, along with my black metal, funeral doom, etc., but most people won't like seeing doom metal compared with mainstream alt rock. And it kind of confuses me, since you claim to love TLtS...
24.04.2009 - 02:19
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
My God, the My Dying Bride fanboys are once again crying their eyes out about one of the MOST OBJECTIVE reviews around.

And NO Jups doesn't mock the entire doom scene he just mocks Aaron Whinethorpe and My Dying Bride (the bandname alone jusr begs for being mocked)
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

24.04.2009 - 02:26
Rating: 6
The Ancient One
Written by Sulvrot on 24.04.2009 at 01:46

First off, I just want to say that making personal attacks and insults is never the way to get one's point across. Even if you make a valid point, if you end it by saying "you're an idiot," people are going to feel the need to defend themselves, which makes the argument only more heated.

(words words words)

Oh, and by the way, saying Esoteric makes MDB look like REM is metal elitism, and will only make things worse. I actually like REM, along with my black metal, funeral doom, etc., but most people won't like seeing doom metal compared with mainstream alt rock. And it kind of confuses me, since you claim to love TLtS...

in regards to personal attacks, meh. i didn't direct them at anyone by name... and anyone that gets into such an uproar because they disagree with someone else's opinion of a subjective work of art is likely to get uppity about any slight perceived, imaginary or real. some people deserve the occasional shot.

in regards to Esoteric, golly that point sailed right over your head.

it's not a direct comparison of the music, but that the mood set forth in "MV" is so oppressive, bleak, and crushing that "TLtS" feels upbeat and happy in comparison, i.e. like the mood set forth in "Shiny Happy People."

saying that "MV" is far far bleaker does not make the statement that i love "TLtS" untrue.

and i don't particularly care what genres people like to see compared together.

part of humor is exaggeration - blowing one thing out of proportion - i.e. the fact that "MV" is such a downer that "TLtS" is like a pep rally in your stereo.

but i didn't realize that posting in this discussion was "serious business."
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
24.04.2009 - 02:38
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 24.04.2009 at 02:19

My God, the My Dying Bride fanboys are once again crying their eyes out about one of the MOST OBJECTIVE reviews around.

And NO Jups doesn't mock the entire doom scene he just mocks Aaron Whinethorpe and My Dying Bride (the bandname alone jusr begs for being mocked)

More attacks and insults, and you didn't address almost any of the points I brought up. And I never said he mocked the entire doom scene, I said the gothic doom scene. He mocks the lyricism, not just the vocal style. Actually, the first paragraph, the one in italics that is most mocking, doesn't say anything about the vocal style, just the music itself and the lyrics. And the lyrics, violins, etc. are common elements of gothic doom, an entire subgenre, not just MDB, so even if it was unintentional, he did mock more than just one band. I'm trying to have a rational argument, but all I get are flames from people who don't even read my entire posts and make next to no counter-arguments. And now some of those people are staff members, no less. If you can actually make a logical argument against me, I'll stop "crying my eyes out," but flames don't help anything; this is supposed to be a respectable metal site, not 4chan. The same goes to those who just flamed the review without any justification; you're just as bad. This is all most discouraging...
24.04.2009 - 02:42
Written by BitterCOld on 24.04.2009 at 02:26

Written by Sulvrot on 24.04.2009 at 01:46

First off, I just want to say that making personal attacks and insults is never the way to get one's point across. Even if you make a valid point, if you end it by saying "you're an idiot," people are going to feel the need to defend themselves, which makes the argument only more heated.

(words words words)

Oh, and by the way, saying Esoteric makes MDB look like REM is metal elitism, and will only make things worse. I actually like REM, along with my black metal, funeral doom, etc., but most people won't like seeing doom metal compared with mainstream alt rock. And it kind of confuses me, since you claim to love TLtS...

in regards to personal attacks, meh. i didn't direct them at anyone by name... and anyone that gets into such an uproar because they disagree with someone else's opinion of a subjective work of art is likely to get uppity about any slight perceived, imaginary or real. some people deserve the occasional shot.

in regards to Esoteric, golly that point sailed right over your head.

it's not a direct comparison of the music, but that the mood set forth in "MV" is so oppressive, bleak, and crushing that "TLtS" feels upbeat and happy in comparison, i.e. like the mood set forth in "Shiny Happy People."

saying that "MV" is far far bleaker does not make the statement that i love "TLtS" untrue.

and i don't particularly care what genres people like to see compared together.

part of humor is exaggeration - blowing one thing out of proportion - i.e. the fact that "MV" is such a downer that "TLtS" is like a pep rally in your stereo.

but i didn't realize that posting in this discussion was "serious business."

You make a fair point about the Esoteric comparison, so I yield there. And I'm not trying to make this more important than it needs to be, I'm just trying to point out my view on why the review was not well-composed. I don't want to see this site devolve, since I've used it for over a year now, and largely relied on its reviews and ratings.
24.04.2009 - 02:50
Rating: 10
Emperor IX
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 24.04.2009 at 02:19

My God, the My Dying Bride fanboys are once again crying their eyes out about one of the MOST OBJECTIVE reviews around.

And NO Jups doesn't mock the entire doom scene he just mocks Aaron Whinethorpe and My Dying Bride (the bandname alone jusr begs for being mocked)

Your mom has balls.

How do you like that objective, i can say/mock whatever and whoever the hell i want to, freedom of speech, humble opinion/ review?

Not nice is it? Loser.
24.04.2009 - 02:52
Rating: 6
The Ancient One
Written by Emperor IX on 24.04.2009 at 01:42

All I am trying to say is Jupi has a responsibility to give a fair and constructive review. You and I may have "opinions" but it is the official review from metalstorm and people will be influenced by it...his review is nothing but dis-information and shows a total lack of respect towards a band that has survived and achieved 10 the genre of metal which started it all.

Speech is speech you are absolutely right about that, and yes mockery and disagreement all fall under freedom of speech, I will give you that also. Mate we are dealing with a review of an album here. Is it to much to ask for a descent review without any smart ass comments? I believe we are all entitled to that. Metalstorm has a good reputation and usually gives great reviews, if this is how its going to be i'm sure many users wont mind going elsewhere.

to dissect.

Jup has a responsibility to give an honest review. that he did.

people "might be influenced by it" but people might also be influenced by how people rate albums on MS. when i first started posting here, i pissed away money on a Naglfar album because a bunch of people scored everything in their discography at 9 or higher. now i completely ignore the overall score and only take in to account what very seIect posters scored it. check out your own ratings... 97 of 151 albums are "Perfect" (including some artists whose complete discographies are apparently devoid of fault) and 132 of 151 as 9 (Brilliant) or higher. really? what about YOUR obligation to be able to critique bands?

as for going elsewhere to read reviews - in all honesty, i would suggest that everyone read multiple reviews of something from multiple sources before plunking down their cash on it. if someone is going to buy (or pass) on anything i review, i would hope they would at least have an understanding of my musical tastes and how theirs compared to mine.

as for reviews with smart ass comments - oh you readers are so fickle.

Herz was loved for his smart ass comments in reviews. i guarantee you if Jup was smartass in this review and said the album was brilliant, no one would have complained. (Jupitreas was smartass in his review of the new Samael... but since he thought that album was fantastic no one got upset about it. imagine that.) i guess we can only be smart ass in a positive way towards albums by artists people really really really like and can only be smart ass in a negative way on bands it is cool to rip on.

he doesn't like the album.

get over it.

rather than bitching endlessly about it, write your own review. (well, wait until it's 90 days post-release, per our guidelines found in the FAQ)
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
24.04.2009 - 02:55
Written by Emperor IX on 24.04.2009 at 02:50

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 24.04.2009 at 02:19

My God, the My Dying Bride fanboys are once again crying their eyes out about one of the MOST OBJECTIVE reviews around.

And NO Jups doesn't mock the entire doom scene he just mocks Aaron Whinethorpe and My Dying Bride (the bandname alone jusr begs for being mocked)

Your mom has balls.

How do you like that objective, i can say/mock whatever and whoever the hell i want to, freedom of speech, humble opinion/ review?

Not nice is it? Loser.

You're the example of the person on the other side of the argument that is just as bad. Stop. Flaming. You're exacerbating the problem.
24.04.2009 - 02:57
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Emperor IX on 24.04.2009 at 02:50

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 24.04.2009 at 02:19

My God, the My Dying Bride fanboys are once again crying their eyes out about one of the MOST OBJECTIVE reviews around.

And NO Jups doesn't mock the entire doom scene he just mocks Aaron Whinethorpe and My Dying Bride (the bandname alone jusr begs for being mocked)

Your mom has balls.

How do you like that objective, i can say/mock whatever and whoever the hell i want to, freedom of speech, humble opinion/ review?

Not nice is it? Loser.

My mom has more balls than you'll ever have.

And playing the mom card is the lamest thing around. Youth of today somehow see insulting one's mom has the worst insult around. Well... it isn't.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

24.04.2009 - 03:09
Written by BitterCOld on 24.04.2009 at 02:52

Written by Emperor IX on 24.04.2009 at 01:42

All I am trying to say is Jupi has a responsibility to give a fair and constructive review. You and I may have "opinions" but it is the official review from metalstorm and people will be influenced by it...his review is nothing but dis-information and shows a total lack of respect towards a band that has survived and achieved 10 the genre of metal which started it all.

Speech is speech you are absolutely right about that, and yes mockery and disagreement all fall under freedom of speech, I will give you that also. Mate we are dealing with a review of an album here. Is it to much to ask for a descent review without any smart ass comments? I believe we are all entitled to that. Metalstorm has a good reputation and usually gives great reviews, if this is how its going to be i'm sure many users wont mind going elsewhere.

to dissect.

Jup has a responsibility to give an honest review. that he did.

people "might be influenced by it" but people might also be influenced by how people rate albums on MS. when i first started posting here, i pissed away money on a Naglfar album because a bunch of people scored everything in their discography at 9 or higher. now i completely ignore the overall score and only take in to account what very seIect posters scored it. check out your own ratings... 97 of 151 albums are "Perfect" (including some artists whose complete discographies are apparently devoid of fault) and 132 of 151 as 9 (Brilliant) or higher. really? what about YOUR obligation to be able to critique bands?

as for going elsewhere to read reviews - in all honesty, i would suggest that everyone read multiple reviews of something from multiple sources before plunking down their cash on it. if someone is going to buy (or pass) on anything i review, i would hope they would at least have an understanding of my musical tastes and how theirs compared to mine.

as for reviews with smart ass comments - oh you readers are so fickle.

Herz was loved for his smart ass comments in reviews. i guarantee you if Jup was smartass in this review and said the album was brilliant, no one would have complained. (Jupitreas was smartass in his review of the new Samael... but since he thought that album was fantastic no one got upset about it. imagine that.) i guess we can only be smart ass in a positive way towards albums by artists people really really really like and can only be smart ass in a negative way on bands it is cool to rip on.

he doesn't like the album.

get over it.

rather than bitching endlessly about it, write your own review. (well, wait until it's 90 days post-release, per our guidelines found in the FAQ)

I want to start by thanking you for using logic rather than flames. The problem I have with the smart ass comments is not that they are smart ass, but the fact that they are insulting. The smart ass comments in the Samael review were as a joke, where there is no indication here that he means anything other than exactly what he said, or at least implied: that MDB fans, and by extension, gothic doom fans, are "into" cutting themselves, bitching endlessly about their ex-girlfriends, etc. That's insulting. And the reason I'm criticizing the review is because I don't see it as a proper review. I don't want insulting reviews to catch on, because then I think this site will have lost a large portion of its integrity. The fact that it was written by a staff member makes it more problematic in my eyes. Do you at least see where I'm coming from? I'm not trying to just be a bitch.
24.04.2009 - 03:19
Rating: 6
The Ancient One
Written by Sulvrot on 24.04.2009 at 03:09

I want to start by thanking you for using logic rather than flames. The problem I have with the smart ass comments is not that they are smart ass, but the fact that they are insulting. The smart ass comments in the Samael review were as a joke, where there is no indication here that he means anything other than exactly what he said, or at least implied: that MDB fans, and by extension, gothic doom fans, are "into" cutting themselves, bitching endlessly about their ex-girlfriends, etc. That's insulting. And the reason I'm criticizing the review is because I don't see it as a proper review. I don't want insulting reviews to catch on, because then I think this site will have lost a large portion of its integrity. The fact that it was written by a staff member makes it more problematic in my eyes. Do you at least see where I'm coming from? I'm not trying to just be a bitch.

i understand your concerns and you have responded in a civil manner rather than flying off the handle - that fact is appreciated.

the opening paragraph, in italics, as i interpret it is Jup "getting in the head" of the MDB songwriting process rather than bashing fans.

the review itself seems fairly proper enough thereafter. he makes it clear it's just pretty much a "SSDD" (same shit, different disc) album in that it follows their typical formula - a formula which he doesn't particularly care for.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
24.04.2009 - 06:33
Written by BitterCOld on 24.04.2009 at 03:19

Written by Sulvrot on 24.04.2009 at 03:09

I want to start by thanking you for using logic rather than flames. The problem I have with the smart ass comments is not that they are smart ass, but the fact that they are insulting. The smart ass comments in the Samael review were as a joke, where there is no indication here that he means anything other than exactly what he said, or at least implied: that MDB fans, and by extension, gothic doom fans, are "into" cutting themselves, bitching endlessly about their ex-girlfriends, etc. That's insulting. And the reason I'm criticizing the review is because I don't see it as a proper review. I don't want insulting reviews to catch on, because then I think this site will have lost a large portion of its integrity. The fact that it was written by a staff member makes it more problematic in my eyes. Do you at least see where I'm coming from? I'm not trying to just be a bitch.

i understand your concerns and you have responded in a civil manner rather than flying off the handle - that fact is appreciated.

the opening paragraph, in italics, as i interpret it is Jup "getting in the head" of the MDB songwriting process rather than bashing fans.

the review itself seems fairly proper enough thereafter. he makes it clear it's just pretty much a "SSDD" (same shit, different disc) album in that it follows their typical formula - a formula which he doesn't particularly care for.

Well, if that's the case, and I'm just misinterpreting it, then I won't have nearly as much of a problem with the review. I still think it could have been written a bit better, but I overreacted. I just interpreted it as a slap in the face not only to the band, but to people who enjoy them. I've gotten enough shit from ignorant mainstream people calling me and my music emo and mocking it, when that's not at all the case. Thus, when I read what I perceive as a similar insult coming from a metal community I tend to respect more often than not, a staff member of that community no less, I don't like it at all. However, if I was wrong in my assumption, which I hope is the case, then I apologize for contributing to an unjustified uproar.
24.04.2009 - 11:17
Rating: 7
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 24.04.2009 at 02:19

My God, the My Dying Bride fanboys are once again crying their eyes out about one of the MOST OBJECTIVE reviews around.

And NO Jups doesn't mock the entire doom scene he just mocks Aaron Whinethorpe and My Dying Bride (the bandname alone jusr begs for being mocked)

Thank You for Reading the post quite well and understanding whats in it, Unlike some people.....
24.04.2009 - 15:46
Account deleted
In the end, WE have the rights to Critisize a bad review and what Emperor IX tries to say is that " Free Speech For the Dumb", this review is a bad review and doesnt deserve to be in MS.

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