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Kill The Thrill - Tellurique review

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Band: Kill The Thrill
Album: Tellurique
Style: Industrial metal
Release date: 2005

01. A Little Salt For A Better Feeling
02. Permanent Imbalance
03. An Indefinite Direction
04. Non Existence
05. Soave
06. Like Cement
07. Diaphragme
08. Head
09. Body
10. Mistaken Solutions
11. Us And Them [Godflesh cover]
12. The Finish

Although far too abrasive, dense and monotonous for most, this album will nevertheless be exactly that perfect, underrated masterpiece to the select few willing to invest the time to fully digest it. This is music that one has to give something to in order to receive incredible things in return. Its not immediately satisfying like most other run-of-the-mill stuff out there today. Therefore, let me make this completely clear - this music is not for everyone!

As a matter of fact, chances are you will hate this album during the first few listens. Kill The Thrill's harsh mixture of metal, industrial, noise, new wave and post-rock is not easy to stomach; however, if you like bands like Godflesh/Jesu, early Pitch Shifter, Swans, Neurosis and Isis, you will quickly realize just how amazing Tellurique is. The haunting, somber sadness of "Like Cement", the crushing agression of "Diaphragme", the screaming intensity of "Soave", the grind of "Us And Them" and the peace after the storm of the ambient "The Finish" are just some of the thrills that you will experience.

Melody is something that this band uses very economically. The new wave melodies of their previous album 203 Barriers are largely gone but in the end, this is not a bad thing, just something one has to get used to. Nicolas Dick's voice has always been one of the most distinctive things about Kill The Thrill and its used to phenomenal effect here also. He is sporadically joined by subdued female vocals. The guitars are amazing throughout, especially when they play leads and solos that are just as innovative as those of Justin Broaderick. The rhythm section is just as able and the band makes the most out of using a drum machine.

The only criticism I have for this album is that it is simply too overwhelming and perhaps too long. I think it could be trimmed down by one song. Naturally, this is not such a big deal as like I already said before, some dedication is a requirement for truly enjoying this album.

Tellurique is the best album that I heard so far this year and I know I will keep on returning to it for a very long time. It is an incredible shame that Kill The Thrill is such an unknown band as they really do deserve the same sort of recognition as Godflesh or Neurosis, especially as they have been around for almost as long as those bands.

Written on 12.06.2005 by With Metal Storm since 2002, jupitreas has been subjecting the masses to his reviews for quite a while now. He lives in Warsaw, Poland, where he does his best to avoid prosecution for being so cool.

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