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Yaotl Mictlan - Guerreros De La Tierra De Los Muertos review


6 users:
Band: Yaotl Mictlan
Album: Guerreros De La Tierra De Los Muertos
Style: Black metal, Folk metal
Release date: 2006
A review by: Herzebeth

01. Espejo Que Humea
02. El Gran Sacrificio De Quetzalcoalt
03. Aztlan
04. A batalla Vamos
05. Códices
06. Resistencia Itzae
07. Sexto Sol Aún naciendo
08. Sangre De Vida
09. Guerra Indigena
10. Fuego Rebelde
11. Anenécuilco: Semillas De Rebelion
12. Nuevo Sol De Teotihuacan
13. Caída Del Aguíla

It's always great when you toss an unknown CD in your player and end up receiving a blasting experience; this is the first time I ever hear the name Yaotl Mictlan, (a saddening fact because they are very good) when I saw the cover I thought "cool concept" but I was hesitant because the band call themselves "Aztec Black Death Metal", the genre turned-on my "wankery" alert but I still wanted to give these guys a chance.

The album starts with an intro wrapped in pre-Hispanic horns, flutes and that kind of instruments, it was a nice start actually?but things got better indeed. The music is amazingly solid; it's Melodic Black Metal played with a lot of strength and power, you won't hear prodigious music though, the riffs are overall conventional and basic, but the whole concept surrounding those structures create an amazing atmosphere throughout the entire album.

To be honest the lyrical content is what amazes me the most; they talk about pre-Hispanic legends and histories, things that most non-Mexican people won't understand (sadly). The way these guys wrote their lyrics made me want to search for traitors and slowly kill them with a bizarre Aztec weapon; it's great to have a band like Yaotl Mictlan writing about our (my) forefathers, maybe it's not the most original thing ever, but fuck! The only band I know who's talking about similar things it's Tenochtitlan and those bastards are from Russia?come on, that's suckier than a Skin-head writing about Jewish history.

I recommend Yaotl Mictlan to every Mexican out there, you must own this album believe me, it's really fulfilling in a weird way. Metal-heads of the world will find in "Guerreros?" an OK! release, nothing more and nothing less.

Best Tracks: "Sangre De Vida", "El Gran Sacrificio de Quetzalcoatl", "Nuevo Sol de Teotihuacan" (this one is truly amazing)

Rating breakdown
Performance: 7
Songwriting: 8
Originality: 9
Production: 7

Written by Herzebeth | 05.11.2006


Comments: 7   Visited by: 40 users
06.11.2006 - 00:26
Down Under Staff
Is it just because of the lyrics/themes that Mexicans will like this album more?
"Scream for me Melbourne!!!!"
- Bruce Dickinson

"I don't see any god up here"
- Yuri Gagarin (while in orbit, 1961)
06.11.2006 - 00:54
maybe man, it's a huge power-up for the album no matter how anybody sees it. the music is good and all, but the narrative is something's hard to explain, and I don't even know if this is good or bad for the band.
06.11.2006 - 02:02
06.11.2006 - 06:52
Vinnie R.
Chido Chido
I hear something from yaotl mictlan a while ago when a was working in my first banda called simply mictlan and the songs have the same theme!! Anyway, i just discovered these guys and i really like the early wrks (demos) and this one is areally good album, i like the second song, is good, black folk metal from Mexico, amazing!
04.12.2007 - 07:40
Account deleted
Actually I really like this one. Even if it weren't so Mexican-themed
I find "Nuevo Sol de Teotihuacan" truly amazing

Even if it is not something really innovative everything is well done and is where it should be. I love the work of the musicians, and they use mayan and aztec instruments for the love of Satan
30.05.2009 - 13:12
Liver Failure
Written by [user id=5959] on 04.12.2007 at 07:40

Actually I really like this one. Even if it weren't so Mexican-themed
I find "Nuevo Sol de Teotihuacan" truly amazing

Even if it is not something really innovative everything is well done and is where it should be. I love the work of the musicians, and they use mayan and aztec instruments for the love of Satan

Said everything my friend. Completly agree.

member of the true crusade against old school heavy metal, early 80s thrash, NWOBHM, traditional doom, first and second wave black metal, old school death metal, US power metal, 70s prog rock and atmospheric doomsludgestoner. o/
20.05.2011 - 18:33
This review is racist against skin-heads and jews

Then again, I'm Arabic, so why the hell do I care?

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